001. John 6:41-51, Jeffrey Kloha
002. 2 Chronicles 1:7-12, Richard Warneck
003. 1 Kings 11:1-13, Reed Lessing
004. Psalm 34:2-8, Larry Rockemann
005. Proverbs 9:1-6, David Adams
006. John 6:51-58, Bruce Schuchard
007. Mark 7:31-37, Robert Weise
008. 1-2 Commandments, Jeff Duncan
009. Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18, William Schumacher
010. 1 Peter:1 13-25, Glenn Nielsen
011. 1 John:4 7-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
012. Matthew:9 9-13, Kent Burreson
013. 4th Commandment, Bryan Salminen
014. Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8, Gary Schaper
015. Mark 7, James Voelz
016. Romans 8:13-15, Quetin Wesselschmidt
017. Ephesians 6:10-20, Robert Rosin
018. Revelation 12:7-12, Ronald Feuerhahn
019. Isaiah 35:4-7a, Paul Schrieber
020. Mark 7:31-37, Francis Rossow
021. Matthew 6:25-33, Victor Raj
022. James 1:17-27, Charles Henrickson
023. 6th Commandment, William Utech
024. Isaiah 50:4-10, Hannibal Frederich
025. Mark 8:27-35, Werner Klan
026. Luke 7:11-16, Kent Burreson
027. James 2:1-7, Norman Nagel
028. Luke 24:44-48, Louis Brighton
029. Jeremiah 11:18-20, Paul Robinson
030. Mark 9:30-37, Rev Werth
031. 2 Timothy 4:9-ff, James Hoppes
032. James 3:16, Arthur Graudin
033. Deuteronomy 8, Won Ji
034. Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29, David Peter
035. Lift up the Kingdom of God, Chris James
036. Deuteronomy 6:4-15, Andrew Bartelt
037. James 4:7-5 6, James Brauer
038. God does what He wants to do, Timothy Saleska
039. Genesis 2, Jerald Eichmann
040. Romans 3:19-28, Charles Arand
041. Matthew 5:16, John Oberdeck
042. Hebrews 2:9-18, Thomas Manteufel
043. Psalm 119:49-56, Glenn Thomas
044. Amos 5:6-7, 10-15, Joel Okamoto
045. Psalm 119:73-80, James Hong
046. Exodus 33:17-23, John Johnson
047. Psalm 119:73-80, Henry Rowold
048. Mark 13:32-37, Victor Raj
049. Isaiah 65:17-25, Robert Weise
050. John 1:35-42, Jeffrey Gibbs
051. 1 Kings 1:32-40, Kent Burreson
052. Luke 19:28-40, John Oberdeck
053. Luke 19:29-38, Bryan Salminen
054. Psalm 45, Robert Kolb
055. Malachi 3:1-7, Thomas Manteufel
056. isaiah 9:1-7, Reed Lessing
057. 2 Kings 5:1-6, James Brauer
058. Mark 1:9-11, Charles Arand
059. Romans 6:1-11, Jeffrey Kloha
060. Introduction to Lord's Prayer, Bryan Derbes
061. Luke 2:25-35, Louis Brighton
062. John 2:1-11, Maynard Dorrow
063. John 2:1-11, Glenn Nielsen
064. Psalm 128, William Schumacher
065. 1 Kings 17:8-16, William Utech
066. Luke 4:16-30, Jaim Gann
067. Matthew 20:1-16, Glenn Thomas
068. Galatians 1:11-24, Bruce Schuchard
069. 2nd and 3rd Petitions, James Brauer
070. 2 Kings 4:8-21, 32-37, Henry Rowold
071. Luke 4:38-43, Rev Perry
072. Luke 8:4-15, Jerald Eichmann
073. 1 Corinthians 12:1-12, Henry Gerike
074. Luke 2:22-35, Robert Rosin
075. Isaiah 6:1-13, Won Ji
076. Luke 5:1-11, Rev. Rostek
077. Matthew 8:5-17, James Hoppes
078. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Kent Burreson
079. Matthew 6:13, Arthur Graudin
080. 2 Kings 20:1-11, Joel Okamoto
081. John 4:46-54, Rev. Duncan
082. Exodus 15:1-13, David Peter
083. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, James Brauer
084. Psalm 86, Quetin Wesselschmidt
085. Genesis 3:1-21, David Adams
086. Galatians 6:1, John Oberdeck
087. Matthew 4:1-11, William Schumacher
088. Hebrews 4:14-5 9, James Brauer
089. Sacrament of the Altar, David Peter
090. Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Reed Lessing
091. Luke 13:31-35, Brad Zerkel
092. Philippians 3:17-4 1, Robert Weise
093. Ezekiel 33:7-20, Michael Redeker
094. Luke 22:54-62, Luke Biber
095. Luke 9:51-62, Jeffrey Kloha
096. 1 Corinthians 1: 1-13, Henry Gerike
097. Luke 22:54-62, Richard Warneck
098. Isaiah 12:1-3, Glenn Thomas
099. John 6:1-15, Paul Robinson