This workshop is designed to help believers practice expressing their faith in a safe environment, with other Christians, who are just as reluctant to put into spoken words what I believe in my heart, what guides my daily living and gives me joy in the morning and peace in the evening. Through the use of case studies that can become texts for role-playing, we can begin to think ourselves into the world of those whom the Lord sends near enough for us to touch with our conversation. Such case-study discussions among Christians, and especially taking the roles and acting out the person of either the witness or the one outside the faith, can loosen up our witnessing muscles and get them in shape.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor Introduction- Session 01
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb introduces the nine part Christian Witness workshop.
Included in this session is a link to download the Study Guide.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 02
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses identity in Christ which comes from Luther's explanation of the First Commandment.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 03
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses what is religion and what is its purpose and problems.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 04
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses trust in God's word and promise and translating that into the world view of your neighbor.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 05
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses how culture is changed by the Gospel and how the Gospel changes the whole person.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 06
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses the importance in the phrase "we should fear, love and trust in God".
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 07
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses the burden of guilt that opens up opportunities in peoples lives to be a Christian witness.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 08
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses how Jesus being the Son of God and the Son of Man can help with your witness to your neighbor.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 09
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb discusses the washing and cleansing that Baptism brings to us as children of God.
Bringing Christ to the Neighbor- Session 10
Robert Kolb
Dr. Kolb uses a couple of role plays to help with further discussion and preparation of witnessing to your neighbor.