These videos consist of a series of questions answered by Dr. Gieschen and Dr. Lewis covering the book of John.
51 - What does verse 11 of John 17 mean in the context of John's Gospel?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis discusses the ecumenical movement.
52 - How does John's account of Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion compare to the other Gospels?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains the similarities and the differences between John Gospel of Jesus last week and the other gospels.
53 - Is Jesus referring to the Two Kingdoms doctrine when he tells Pilate his kingdom is not of this world?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains how Jesus was talking of a different kingdom then was Pilate.
54 - What does Jesus mean when he says on the cross "it is finished"?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains the importance of Jesus' last words from the cross.
55 - Why does John mention water and blood coming from Jesus' pierced side?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis discusses the piecing of Jesus's side and the flow of blood and water.
56 - In light of John's resurrection theme of seeing and believing, how should one talk about faith in the resurrection?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains the seeing is believing of John chapter 20.
57 - What does it mean when Jesus breathes on his disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit, and how does this relate to Penteco
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains the giving of the Spirit in John and then in Acts 2 on Pentecost.
58 - What does Jesus mean when he talks about forgiving and binding sins in John 20?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains the Office of the Keys.
59 - Why is there yet another chapter in John after the close of chapter 20?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains why there is a chapter 21 in John.
60 - What is the purpose of the miraculous catch of fish in John 21?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis explains the symbolism in the miracle of fish in John 21.
61 - Why does the Gospel of John end as it does, and what is the significance of the ending?
David Lewis
Dr. Lewis discusses the recommissioning of Peter.