These videos consist of a series of questions answered by Dr. Kolb and Dr. Rast over the purpose and use of the catechism and Lutheran Confessions.
51 - Is the Formula indeed centered around Christ, and why so?
Lawrence Rast
Dr. Rast explains how the Formula of Concord is Christ centered by explaining the three genus.
52 - Why do Lutherans confess the descent of Jesus into Hell?
Lawrence Rast
Dr. Rast explains why we use the phrase "he descended into hell" in the Apostle's Creed.
53 - What does the Forumla say regarding "adiaphora"?
Lawrence Rast
Dr. Rast explains how adiaphora can become an issue when it is forced form a non-Biblical authority.
54 - What does the Formula say about the doctrine of predestination?
Lawrence Rast
Dr. Rast explains the history behind and the theology of predestination and double predestination.
55 - Why should the Lutheran church continue to exist today?
Lawrence Rast
Dr. Rast explains that Lutheranism does not exist for itself but to provide clarity to the Gospel at large.