Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Divinity (B.Div)


Historical Theology

First Advisor

Theodore Hoyer


The period which this thesis discusses is one of the most important periods in English History. The years 1300 to 1550 show to the world why the Church of England is no longer a member of the Roman Church, This thesis endeavors to show how the teachings and works of John Wycliffe in the 14th century help lay the foundation and groundwork for the real beginning of the Reformation in England in the 16th century, and how the Lutheran element from the continent fits into the scheme of events during the early years of the English Reformation. Again we have to be very careful not to overestimate the influences which John Wycliffe and Martin Luther play in deciding the course of the English Reformation. It is vain to speculate what might have happened or what could have happened it these two men had lived at the same time. However, one thing is possible. English Protestantism finds its roots in the pioneer labours of John Wycliffe, and Martin Luther not only gives the stimulus and inspiration but also influences the English leaders of the 16th century.

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