"A Presentation Of Research On Decaloque Material by The Form-Critical " by Wendell Henkenmeier

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Divinity (B.Div)


Exegetical Theology

First Advisor

Arthur Vincent

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Deuteronomy 4:13; Deuteronomy 27:15ff; Deuteronomy 31:11; Deuteronomy 4:45-5:30; Deuteronomy 5:23 - 6:3; Exodus 19 - 20:21; Exodus 20:1 - 17; Exodus 20:18 - 21; Exodus 24:4; Exodus 31:18; Exodus 34:1, 4; Exodus 34:15; Exodus 34:17; Exodus 34:6; Genesis 1:20-28; Nehemiah 9:6ff.; Psalm 24:4; Psalm 81:9;


For most people, "Decalogue" means the Ten Commandments and no more thought is given to it. However, this is not such a precise term as might be expected and it needs to be clarified. As will be shown in Chapter V, it is not an easy task to enumerate "ten" units in the so-called Ten Commandments; nor is it impossible to isolate other "decalogues" in other sources than the ones in which the common Ten Commandments are found. Nevertheless, this paper will pivot around the so-called "classic” Decalogue material of Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. And furthermore, the term "Decalogue" will be used whether or not it can be validated that there are ten units.

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