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Creation Date



My mother's suffering during her fatal bout with lung cancer inspired this piece. I created it on the Feast of the Holy Cross - September 14, 2017 - at the oncology clinic in Plovdiv, where my mother underwent her last immunotherapy treatment. We suffered for three days and nights with shortness of breath, panic attacks and sleep deprivation. I could not sleep, so I decided to create something special and drew a Jerusalem cross. Then came the passage from Isaiah 53:5. Developing the design surrounding it took quite a while, but I see now that I was following Bulgarian folk patterns from metalwork woodcarving and embroidery. I completed the piece just before my mother fell asleep in the Lord on January 31, 2018. This piece has extreme value for me because it reminds me of Christ's sacrifice and the hope He provides us during the suffering we go through in our lives.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost



18" x 14", gold and metallic acrylics, swarovski crystals,
