Content Posted in 2025
02-35 The Baptism of Our Lord, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
02-36 Second Sunday after Epiphany, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
02-37 Third Sunday after Epiphany, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
02-38 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
02-39 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
02-40 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
02-41 Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, Peter Nafzger, David Schmitt, and Jessica Bordeleau
05-04 Under the Fig Tree: Serving Students and the Campus Community with Mike Broberg, Tom Schlund, Kati Gaschler, and Michael Broberg
05-05 The Vocatio experience with first year students Alex Uttley and Michael Conroy, Tom Schlund, Kati Gaschler, Alex Uttley, and Michael Conroy
05-06 Under the Fig Tree: Saying "Yes" to ministry with Dr. Jason Lane, Tom Schlund, Kati Gaschler, and Jason Lane
072. Luke 2:40-52, Dan Gilbert
073. Matthew 2:1-12, Ryan Tinetti
074. Ephesians 3:1-12, Jason Lane
075. John 5:19-29, Joel Elowsky
075. Luke 4:31-44, Vilson Scholz
076. 1 Peter 3:18-22, Vilson Scholz
076. Luke 6:17-26, David Lewis
076. Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10, Philip Penhallegon
077. Isaiah 42:1-9, James Fickenscher
077. Luke 9:28-36, Vilson Scholz
077. Psalm 138, Adam Hensley
078. Genesis 45:3-15, Kevin Golden
078. Isaiah 43:1–7, Adam Filipek
079. Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Philip Penhallegon
079. Romans 6:1-11, Jon Furgeson
080. Amos 7:7-15, Robert Sundquist
081. Genesis 17:15-21, Kevin Golden
082. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Richard Marrs
083. John 2:1-11, David Peter
084. Exodus 33:12-23, Joel Heckmann
085. 1 Timothy 6:11-16, Mart Thompson
086. Genesis 1:1-2:4a, Vilson Scholz
087. Jeremiah 1:4-19, Richard Rudowske
088. Luke 4:16-30, Lee Hagen
089. Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10, Timothy Dost
090.First Commandment, Jason Lane
091. Luke 12:13-34, Jon Vieker
092. Genesis 2:7-17, Joel Biermann
093. 1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13, Richard Marrs
094. Jeremiah 1:4-19, Jacob Corzine
095. Second Commandment, Bruce Keseman
096. Genesis 2:18-25, Daniel Brummet
097. Isaiah 6:1-13, Benjamin Oesch
098. Luke 5:1-11, Craig Reiter
099. Acts 18:18-28, Benjamin Wescoatt `
100. Third Commandment, Benjamin Ball
101. Genesis 3:1-21, Robert Choate `
A Companion Guide for the Discipleship to Missional Community (D2MC) Program, Jedidiah T. Maschke
A Mighty Long Journey: The Pursuit of Gospel Unity in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) over the last 50 years, Thurman Williams
Closing, Ely Prieto
Concordia Seminary Magazine Fall/Winter 2024, Vicki Biggs
Creating a Cultural Liturgy of Intentional Prayer: Leading Grace Lutheran Church into Greater Understanding and Engagement with the Surrounding Community, Keith Aschenbeck
Deuteronomy 26:01-11, Philip Penhallegon
Episode 32-The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Luke, Jessica Bordeleau, Leopoldo Sánchez, and Jeffrey Oschwald
Episode 33-Literature and Theology: “‘My Ántonia’ and ‘Babette’s Feast’”- Dr. Kent Burreson and Dr. Ryan Tinetti, Jessica Bordeleau, Kent Burreson, and Ryan Tinetti
Genesis 45:03-15, Kevin Golden
Luke 04:31-44, Vilson Scholz
Luke 06:17-26, David Lewis
Luke 09:28-36, Vilson Scholz
Nehemiah 08:01-03, 05-06, 08-10, Philip Penhallegon
Preparing Spiritually Resilient Warriors in the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, Vic Morris
Psalm 138, Adam Hensley
Psalm 139:1-12 (13-16) (v.17, Kevin Golden
Recognition of Specific Ministry Pastor students for calls and program completion and recognition of Online Deaconess Program Completion and Calls January 17, 2025., Robert Sundquist, Mart Thompson, and Glenn Nielsen
Recognition of Specific Ministry Pastor students for calls and program completion and recognition of Online Deaconess Program Completion and Calls January 17, 2025., Jacob Corzine and Glenn Nielsen
Roundtable Discussion, Vue Lee, Germán Novelli Jr., and Samuel Deressa
Solum Verbum: What Word Alone Can Do in the Gospel According to John Part 1, Bruce Schuchard
Solum Verbum: What Word Alone Can Do in the Gospel According to John Part 2, Bruce Schuchard
The Apocalyptic Character of the Ethnic Identity Argument In Galatians, Benjamin J. Nickodemus
Wednesday Chapel Sermon for the MultiEthnic Symposium, Laerte Voss