Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Practical Theology

First Advisor

David Schmitt


Fuhrmann, Samuel Reduss. “Mission in the Margins: An Emplaced Missional Ecclesiology for the Brazilian Church in Urban Environments.” Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2019. 217 pp.

As the church tries to engage in God’s mission in Brazilian metropolises, it needs to account for the reality of the favelas. Favela is a housing category that refers to an urban built environment where one encounters a rich social, cultural, and spatial diversity, and often the problems of violence and poverty, all of which configure a challenge to the church. How does the church understand this reality? How does urban missional ecclesiology account for and respond to the complexities of favelas?

This dissertation analyzes both this reality and the mission history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil to reveal the importance of advancing the urban missiology of the Lutheran church in order to account for this reality. In addition, the dissertation engages in revised correlational conversation with a theology of place, bringing together this theology and an integrated view of Martin Luther’s theology for the purpose of offering a model of congregational engagement in the city that accounts for the reality of the favelas.

The dissertation is structured according to the “four tasks of practical theology” proposed by Richard R. Osmer, carrying out each task by engaging in bibliographic research.

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