Marriage of God, Mission of God: A Missiological Paradigm based on the Church as the Bride of Christ Bearing Seed and Producing Fruit

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Practical Theology

First Advisor

Arthur Just


This research was conducted to discover if a universal missiological paradigm has been, or can be developed from the entire biblical canon, as it is embedded in creation, in which, all of life displays the natural instinct to reproduce by "seeding-seed, and fruit- producing-fruit." Genesis 1: 11 contains the mandate to all creation and is applied as the cultural mandate to mankind in Genesis 1:28 with the first Adam. Genesis 1:28 is restated and re-interpreted by Christ, the Last Adam in the New Creation Covenant to the Church in Matthew 28:16-20. Thus, the Church, as Christ's bride, in union and communion with Him, as "seed-bearer" of the Word and "fruit-producer to the world, becomes the New Eve and life-giver to all creation in a sacramental/liturgical existence. Thus, the paradigm, "Marriage-Seed, Mission, Fruit" (M-S-M-F) and the motivation for dynamic missiological response.

The research focused primarily on modem missiological material from Christianity (Evangelical, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Lutheran) as well as the body of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Research also included the ecumenical Creeds and Lutheran Confessions.


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