Concordia Theological Monthly
Publication Date
Document Type
ceremonial, facing the people, service, church, rubrics, eucharist, lutheran worship, ecumenical, augsburg confession, liturgical, luther
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
The practice of ceremonial worship is closely related to the heart of the Christian faith. The Scriptures teach and the church confesses that Christ redeemed the whole man. Our bodies, too, share in the redemption accomplished by the Son of God, who Himself took flesh and blood of His virgin mother. Christ chose earthly, tangible elements -water, bread, and wine - to impart to men the salvation He accomplished.
Practical Theology
Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)
Romans 8:21; 1 Corinthians 14:36;
Submission Cost
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Recommended Citation
McClean, Charles
"The Service Conducted Facing the People,"
Concordia Theological Monthly: Vol. 42, Article 72.
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