Concordia Theological Monthly
Ministry and Future: Contradictions and Hope
Martin E. Marty
Martin Chemnitz' Views on Trent: The Genesis and the Genius of the Examen Concilii Tridentini
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Current Contributions to Christian Preaching
Richard R. Caemmerer
The Theologian's Craft
John Warwick Montgomery
The New Hermeneutic and Preaching
Richard R. Caemmerer
The Use of the Exodus in Interpreting History
Elaine Marie Prevallet
Preaching and the Recovery of the Church
Richard R. Caemmerer
Theological Observer
Ronald L. Johnstone
The Unity of the Church and Her Worship
Walter E. Buszin
Luther Against Erasmus
James I. Packer
Theological Observer
Salvation by Grace: The Heart of Job's Theology
Alfred von Rohr Sauer
The Church in Community Organization
Martin H. Scharlemann
Theological Observer
Henry R. Schriever
Brief Studies
Frederick W. Danker
The Place of the Family in the Church's Educational Ministry
Oscar E. Feucht
Christianity and Nichiren in Japan
Donald Neiswender
Logical Terminology in the Epistles to the Hebrews
Wilhelm C. Linss
Theological Discussion and the Responsibility of the Church
Richard L. Jeske
Theological Observer
Oliver R. Harms
Mark 1:45 and the Secrecy Motif
Frederick W. Danker
The "Jesus of History" and the "Christ of Faith": In Relation to Matthew's View of Time-Reactions to a New Approach
Jack Kingsbury
The Braunschweig Theses on the Teaching and Mission of the Church
Paul M. Bretscher (Translator)`
Creation and Salvation: A Study of Genesis 1 and 2
Walter Wegner
The Continuing Significance of Luther's Prefaces to the New Testament
Werner Georg Kuemmel
Reading Programs in Theology: An Overview of Pastoral Care
Harry G. Coiner and David S. Schuller
Theological Observer
Henry R. Schriever
The Eclipse of Lutheranism in 17th-Century Czechoslovakia
Marianka Sasha Fousek
Lutheran and Protestant Vestment Practices in the United States and Canada: A Survey
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Theological Observer
The Church in Tension - In Teaching the Truth
Richard Jungkuntz
The Christian and Social Responsibility
Robert J. Werberig
Index for Volume XXXVII
Homiletical Helps
Richard G. Massel
Mark J. Steege and Kieth Gerberding
Harold G. Hermetz
Robert J. Werberig
Lyle W. Halvorson and Hans A. Voss
Paul F. Wildgrube and Walter G. Boss
Paul G. Eifert and Kenneth Ballas
Roddy L. Braun
Kenneth Fisher
James Cassens, Thomas Strieter, and Roger Uitti
Book Reviews
Book Review. - Literatur
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review. - Literatur
Harry G. Coiner
Book Review. - Literatur
Carl S. Meyer
Book Review. - Literatur
Martin H. Scharlemann
Book Review. - Literatur
Richard Klann
Book Review Articles
Richard R. Caemmerer Sr.
Book Review. - Literatur
Harry G. Coiner
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review Articles
Herbert T. Mayer
Book Review. - Literatur
Walter R. Roehrs
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review Article
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Book Review. - Literatur
Carl S. Meyer