Concordia Theological Monthly
Able Ministers in the New Year
Lorenz Wunderlich
Representative Universalism and the Conquest of Canaan
A. J. Mattill Jr.
God's Tabernacles Among Men: A Study of the Transfiguration
Walter R. Roehrs
The Social Worker and the Pastor as a Team
Ruth Wiederaenders
Theological Observer
Matthias Flacius Illyricus. A Biographical Sketch.
Henry W. Reimann
The Pastor's Role in Social Action
Norman Temme
Brief Studies
Oliver H. Harms
Theological Observer
Ministry and life in the Seven Churches
Arthur C. Repp
A Study of Ecclesiastes
A. F. Rainey
Brief Studies
Donald Veitengruber, Karl Wyneken, and Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Theological Observer
Historical Interpretation and Luther's Role in the Peasant Revolt
Heinz F. Mackensen
Motivation in Paul's Epistles
M. H. Grumm
The Lutheran Council in the United States of America
Martin H. Franzmann and Alfred O. Fuerbringer
Theological Observer
The Body of Christ
Richard R. Caemmerer
The Pastor As Administrator of the Christian Fellowship
Harry G. Coiner
Brief Studies
George A. Lindbeck
Theological Observer
From Advent to Shrove Tuesday
Walter E. Buszin
Brief Studies
Frederick W. Danker and Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Theological Observer
Jesus Christ: Conservative and Liberal
Erwin L. Lueker
The Process of Americanization Excerpts from Moving Frontiers
Carl S. Meyer (editor)
Theological Observer
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Church, Ministry and Mission Fields
Maynard Dorow
Brief Studies
Carl S. Meyer
Theological Observer
Old Testament Theology as Heilsgcschichte
Arlis John Ehlene
An Approach to the Exegesis of John 10:34-36
Richard Jungkuntz
Problems of Messianic Interpretation
Alfred von Rohr Roehrs
Deuteronomy 18 - God's Chosen People
Norman C. Habel
Covenant and Justification in the Old Testament
Walter R. Roehrs
The Old Testament in the Pulpit
Herbert T. Mayer
The Congregation: Place of God's Presence
Martin H. Scharlemann
Law and Gospel in Christian Education
Harry G. Coiner
Brief Studies
Carl S. Meyer
Theological Observer
The Mission of Concordia Seminary
Alfred O. Fuerbringer
Its Graduates Speak; the Seminary Listens
Ronald L. Johnstone
Gifts from the Lord of the Church
Leonhard C. Wuerffel
The School for Graduate Studies
Carl S. Meyer
The Fieldwork Program at Concordia Seminary
Kenneth H. Breimeier
The Student Association-An Evaluation
John Gienapp
Additional Aids for Ministerial Training
Laura Scott
Homiletical Helps
Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series
Edward H. Birner
H. C. Duwe
Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series
John H. Elliott
Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series
William A. Buege
Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series
George W. Bornemann
Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series
Eugene F. Gruell
Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series
William F. Bruening
Homiletics: Outlines on the New Pulpit Program Series
George W. Bornemann
Homiletics: Outlines on the New Pulpit Program Series
George W. Bornemann
Book Reviews
Book Review. - Literatur
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Book Review. - Literatur
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review. - Literatur
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review. - Literatur
David S. Schuller
Book Review. - Literatur
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Book Review. - Literatur
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review. - Literatur
Arthur Carl Piepkorn