
Concordia Theological Monthly

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Document Type



old testament theology, systematic, historical, catholic, koehler, pope, anthropology, encyclical, hoofdlijnen

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


The sole contribution of the Netherlands to modern Old Testament theology is the Hoofdlijnen der Theologie van het Oude Testament of Th. C. Vriezen, professor of Old Testament at the University of Groningen. Opposing both the "mummifying process" of absolutizing the Old Testament as God's Word and the opposite fault of making it only man's word, Vriezen calls for a "theological Biblical criticism," and wishes in his book to bridge the gap between scientific Old Testament study and its use for practical, religious purposes. As is indicated by the title, Hoofdlijnen, he restricts his discussions to matters of major importance and omits what he considers items of purely historical interest. His presentation is systematic, resembling that of Sellin or Koehler. Eissfeldt characterizes the book as a useful manual of Old Testament ideas and as abreast of the very latest modern research. A new, enlarged edition appeared in 1955, and translations into German and French are planned.


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
