
Concordia Theological Monthly

Publication Date


Document Type



luther, luther's works, reformer, writings, career, church

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


Under this subtitle four volumes of the new American edition of Luther's Works will be issued; the first one, Vol. :31, has just come from the press. (The earlier volumes [1-30], four of which have appeared to date, will contain Luther's expositions of various Biblical books.) These four volumes (31-34) will contain what are usually called Luther's Reformation writings: "All the significant and representative writings of Luther which are concerned with his career as a reformer" (31, x f.). The purpose is to show in his own words why and how he became the Reformer, what he did for the reform of the church, and why. This aim, however, pertains only to the formal writings of Luther, i.e., to writings that were meant for publication - a fact that should be noted at once, to avoid misunderstanding. Much that Luther wrote (or spoke, while others wrote it for him) will follow later under different headings ( Letters, Table Talk, etc.).


History of Christianity

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Psalm 116:10;

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
