
Concordia Theological Monthly

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contrition, sins, repentance, sinner, forgiveness, salvation, confession, penance, penitent, atonement, rationalism

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


Confusion regarding the concept contrition can only confuse consciences. "Before the writings of Luther appeared, the doctrine of repentance was very much confused ... the people were able neither to comprehend the sum of the matter nor to see what things especially were required in repentance, where peace of conscience was to be sought for" (Ap XII 5). If the wrong place in the order of salvation is assigned to contrition, if it is not allowed to function in its proper sphere, if it is drawn into the doctrine of justification, or if it is made the chief factor in sanctification, the poor sinner cannot come to assurance concerning the forgiveness of sins, and in the realm of sanctification, nothing but works of the Law can result. This matter touches the heart of the Christian religion. It will, therefore, be profitable once again to subject the manifold aberrations in the doctrine of contrition to review.


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Matthew 3:1; Acts 16:29; Acts 2:37; Luke 18:13; Luke 15:18; Joel 2:12; Mark 1:15; Luke 24:47; Luke 5:31;

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Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
