
Concordia Theological Monthly

Publication Date


Document Type



church doctrine, roman, institution, pope, israel, theology, catholic, augsburg confessions, apology

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


The current revival of interest in the doctrine of the Church has far-reaching significance for many areas of theological study. Without an adequate appreciation of the nature of the Church much of Christian doctrine cannot attain full articulation. For example, there has always been a close connection between the doctrine of the Church and the doctrine of the means of grace, as Article V of the Augsburg Confession shows. The study of the Old Testament as the record of God's dealings with His people, of the New Testament as the account of God's establishment of His new people, of liturgy as the way the Church worships- these and other fields of ideological investigation need to find rooting in the doctrine of the Church and its implications.


History of Christianity

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Colossians 2:16 ff;

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
