Concordia Theological Monthly
Publication Date
Document Type
Homiletical Help
amos, israel, david, government, judgment, kingdom, preach, tabernacle
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
The words of Amos, and this text in particular, may not attract the Gospel preacher as a basis for his pulpit message. The Law and the curses of the Law are all that this text seems to contain. Why preach from Sinai when our message comes from Calvary?
Biblical Studies
Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)
Amos 8:11-12; Amos 2:6; Amos 9:6; Amos 5:8; Amos 3:8; Amos 7:2, 5; Jeremiah 9:23-24; Exodus 3:1-6; Psalm 121:1 ff; Psalm 122:1 ff;
Submission Cost
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Recommended Citation
Roehrs, Walter R.
"Sermon Study on Amos 8:11-12 for Sexagesima,"
Concordia Theological Monthly: Vol. 21, Article 81.
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