
Concordia Theological Monthly

Publication Date


Document Type



bible study, adults, christian, congregations, education, missions

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


There is little point in belaboring the question whether the Church needs to further the study of the Bible. It has needed such study in every age, and the present is no exception. Whether the Church of today should emphasize such a study in a Synod-wide effort, giving it precedence over other important endeavors, is another question and may be open to debate. Right now when we are interested in opening missions in new outposts, when we are getting our congregations conscious of their own opportunities with an “Each One Reach One" emphasis, when the present problems of finances and stewardship for the most part still remain unsolved, when the radio is opening “effectual" doors in foreign fields, one may well ask why we should place great emphasis on a Bible study program. After all, our Christians still have the Sunday sermon. They have a growing educational program for their children. Our literature is reaching more homes today than ever before. Isn't all this sufficiently adequate for our present needs? Just how badly are we in need of a program of adult education centered in an intensive study of the Bible?


Practical Theology

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
