Concordia Theological Monthly
Publication Date
Document Type
luther's death, grave, 400th anniversary, catholic, christian church
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Since 1883 Lutherans, and generally all Protestants, have observed the 400th anniversary of the chief events in the life of the great Reformer: Luther's birth; the posting of the Ninety-five Theses; the Diet of Worms; the publication of Luther's two Catechisms; the Diet of Augsburg; the preparation of the Smalcald Articles. This year we reach the end; the 18th of February marks the 400th return of the day of Luther's death. Judging by past experience, notice of this anniversary will be taken in most church periodicals. Not all of it will be friendly; old legends will be warmed up, old suspicions and insinuations repeated. It is well that we recall to memory what is known of Luther's last days.
History of Christianity
Submission Cost
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Recommended Citation
Hoyer, Theo.
"How Dr. Martin Luther Died,"
Concordia Theological Monthly: Vol. 17, Article 8.
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