
Concordia Theological Monthly

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seckendorf, spener, christian church, francke, pietism, pietists, halle, leibniz, lutheran, atheists, danckelmann, erfurt, france

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


The Thirty Years' War, which had caused the Holy Roman Empire to disintegrate into several hundred little despotic states, virtually destroying the sentiment of national unity and creating a state of chaos in its social and economic life, was equally desolating in its effects upon religion. By way of contrast with this deplorable condition of the empire, France had its day of military and social glory. No wonder that for decades to come German men and women, disgusted with conditions in their homeland, were fascinated by the splendor of their illustrious neighbor across the Rhine. Under such circumstances it was only natural that religion, too, would be exposed to influences emanating from France. ''Enlightenment" was the favorite watchword of that period.


History of Christianity

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
