
Concordia Theological Monthly

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Document Type



unionism, doctrine, lutherans, melanchthon, reformed, unionists, faith, justification, augsburg confession, christendom, leipzig

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


"Interim hat den Schalk hinter ihm!" When the attempt was made to reconcile Lutheranism and Catholicism by means of the Augsburg Interim, the Lutheran laymen rose in their might and declared: "Selig ist der Mann, Der Gott vertrauen kann Und willgt nicht ins Interim, Denn es hat den Schalk hinter ihm!" "Of the Interim beware, For a knave is hiding there." (Hurst, History of the Christian Church, II, p. 217.) When Melanchthon and others offered the Church a modified form of this union document in the Leipzig Interim, 1548, the Lutherans at once detected the same knave hiding there. And whenever and wherever unionism works on the Church, in whatever form or shape, there is knavery at work. - No discussion of unionism would be complete without a chapter on the dishonesty of it.


Practical Theology

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
