
Concordia Theological Monthly

Publication Date


Document Type



fundamental articles, non-fundamental articles, faith, doctrines, reformed, elector, pieper, unionism, walther, antichrist

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


Examining the basic principle of unionism, "In essentials (fundamentals), unity - in non-essentials (non-fundamentals), liberty," we need to call attention to some additional points. We have to point out, in the first place, that in urging the acceptance of their principle upon us the union-men occasionally misapply a sound principle of theology. It is good theology to distinguish between fundamental and non-fundamental doctrines, the fundamental articles being those which form the basis of faith, the nonfundamental articles those "which are indeed found in Scripture but are not the foundation or object of faith in so far as it obtains forgiveness of sins and makes men children of God" (Pieper), those parts "of the Christian doctrine which one may be ignorant of or omit and yet be saved" (Hollaz).


Practical Theology

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
