"Verbal Inspiration- a Stumbling-Block to the Jews and Foolishness to t" by Th. Engelder

Concordia Theological Monthly

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Document Type



historical, syria, moses, abraham, egypt, pentateuch, babylon

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


Dr. Pieper says: ''The objections to the verbal inspiration of Holy Scripture do not manifest great ingenuity or mental acumen, but the very opposite." When men set out to criticize God's Word, ''they lose their common sense and become utterly unreasonable and illogical." (What Is Christianity? P. 243.) On the other hand, Dr. Edwin Lewis speaks of ''the incredible fatuity on the part of the literalist, who insists on the 'absolute inerrancy' of Scripture" (A Philosophy of the Christian Revelation, p. 55), and Dr. G. A. Buttrick declares that ''the avowal of the literal infallibility of Scripture, held to its last logic, would risk a trip to the insane asylum." (See Conc. TheoL. Monthly, XII, p. 223.) Who ls right? It is the purpose of this and the following articles to show that those who uphold the thesis that Scripture is in conflict with history, other sciences, and even with itself are in conflict with sound reason. The Modernists and the moderns claim that, when once the mind is scientifically trained, it detects a host of errors in the Bible. It will not be hard to demonstrate that, the better a mind is scientifically and logical]y trained, the more it marvels at the fatuity displayed by the critics of the Blble.


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Luke 2:1-2; Acts 5:37; Daniel 5:29; Mark 6:17; 2 Kings 20:9;

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Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
