Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Divinity (B.Div)


Historical Theology

First Advisor

Theodore Hoyer

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Genesis 37:28;


The economic developments which antedated and accompanied the Reformation are one phase of that movement's history. Their study is not a complete explanation. No Christian could consider such a view. Yet the economic activity of the Europe of that day did have its influence on the Reformation, while the Reformation, at the same time, left its mark on the future course of economic development. Though a minority would disagree, that interaction was inevitable and appears certain to our eyes. Nor did that come by chance. Though with less clarity than in former periods, yet it is apparent that the hand of God was actively controlling the course of the world also in preparation for the appearance of Martin Luther. Whether his Reformation was possible in another era or not, the beginnings of the capitalistic age provided certain advantages. By surveying the economic life which preceded and accompanied Luther's work we may better understand why the Reformation came when it did and what conditions obtained to further the work of the Reformers. For, as we shall see, economic conditions were in no small measure responsible for giving the Reformation a first foothold.

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