Content Posted in 2016
001- 1 Kings 1:1-6, Timothy Saleska
001- 1 Samuel 20_19-27, Timothy Saleska
001- 1 Samuel 8:10-22, Timothy Saleska
001- 2 Corinthians 10:3-8, Jeffrey Gibbs
001- 2 Samuel 1:1-10, Timothy Saleska
001- 2 Samuel 8:1-20, Timothy Saleska
001. Acts 2:42, James Brauer
001- Amos 1:1-8, Timothy Saleska
001a. Opening Service, Dale Meyer
001a. Opening Service, Dale Meyer
001c. Matthew 1:18-25, David Lewis
001- Galatians 3:25-29, Jeffrey Gibbs
001- Genesis 42, Timothy Saleska
001- Hebrews 13:18-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
001- Hebrews 7:24-26, Jeffrey Gibbs
001.July 2008 Writers Roundtable: The Church, James Voelz, William Schumacher, Jeffrey Kloha, and Charles Arand
001- Matthew 1:1-20, Jeffrey Gibbs
001- Micah 1:1-6, Timothy Saleska
001. Opening Service, Dale Meyer
001. Opening Service, Dale Meyer
001- The Two Kingdoms, Part 1 - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
002- 1 Kings 1:6-14, Timothy Saleska
002- 1 Samuel 20_28-42, Timothy Saleska
002- 1 Samuel 9:1-10, Timothy Saleska
002- 2 Corinthians 10:9-13, Jeffrey Gibbs
002- 2 Corinthians 1:1-7, Jeffrey Gibbs
002- 2 Samuel 1:10-21, Timothy Saleska
002- 2 Samuel 8:11-9:7, Timothy Saleska
002- Amos 1:9-15, Timothy Saleska
002.Aug 2008 Writers Roundtable: The Church Part 2, Dale Meyer, Paul Raabe, and Erik Herrmann
002- Galatians 3:25-29, Jeffrey Gibbs
002- Genesis 44:1-14, Timothy Saleska
002- Hebrews 7:27-8:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
002. Luke 14:25-35, Bruce Hartung
002. Luke 17_11-19 1, William Schumacher
002- Matthew 1:21-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
002. Matthew 18:1-20, Jeffrey Gibbs
002. Matthew 2:1-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
002- Micah 1:7-12, Timothy Saleska
002- The Two Kingdoms, Part 2 - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
003- 1 Kings 1:15-23, Timothy Saleska
003- 1 Samuel 21_1-10, Timothy Saleska
003- 1 Samuel 9:11-21, Timothy Saleska
003- 2 Corinthians 10:14-18, Jeffrey Gibbs
003- 2 Corinthians 1:6-9, Jeffrey Gibbs
003- 2 Samuel 1:22-2:4, Timothy Saleska
003- 2 Samuel 9:8-10:2, Timothy Saleska
003- Amos 2:1-9, Timothy Saleska
003b.Installation Service, Robert Bugbee
003.Dec 2008 Preachers Roundtable: Preaching Mark (Year B) Pt 1, David Schmitt, Jeffrey Kloha, and David Lewis
003- Galatians 4:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
003- Genesis 45:5-13, Timothy Saleska
003- Hebrews 8:13-9:5, Jeffrey Gibbs
003. John 12_20-33, Thomas Manteufel
003. Luke 15:1-10, Erik Herrmann
003. Luke 7:11-17, Joel Biermann
003. Matthew 2:13-23, Jeffrey Gibbs
003- Matthew 2:1-7, Jeffrey Gibbs
003- Micah 2:1-6, Timothy Saleska
003- The Two Kingdoms, Part 3 - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
004- 1 Kings 1:24-30, Timothy Saleska
004- 1 Samuel 21_11-15 _22_1-6, Timothy Saleska
004- 1 Samuel 9:22-27, 10:1-2, Timothy Saleska
004. 1 Timothy 1_12-17, Richard Warneck
004- 2 Corinthians 1:10-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
004- 2 Corinthians 11:1-4, Jeffrey Gibbs
004- 2 Samuel 10:3-14, Timothy Saleska
004- 2 Samuel 2:5-16, Thomas Egger
004a. Matthew 3:1-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
004- Amos 2:9-3 5, Timothy Saleska
004b. Matthew 3:1-12, James Voelz
004.Feb 2009 Preachers Roundtable: Preaching Mark (Year B) Pt 2, David Schmitt, Jeffrey Kloha, and David Lewis
004- Galatians 4:6-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
004- Genesis 45:14-28, Timothy Saleska
004- Hebrews 8:2-6, Jeffrey Gibbs
004. Luke 16:1-15, Victor Raj
004- Matthew 2:8-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
004- Micah 2:12-3:3, Timothy Saleska
004. Reflection on 9-11, David Maxwell
004- The Two Kingdoms - An interview with Steve Cohen, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Steve Cohen
005- 1 Samuel 10:3-11, Timothy Saleska
005- 1 Samuel 22_6-17, Timothy Saleska
005- 2 Corinthians 11:5-8, Jeffrey Gibbs
005- 2 Corinthians 1:17-22, Jeffrey Gibbs
005- 2 Samuel 10:15-11:3, Timothy Saleska
005- 2 Samuel 2:17-23, Timothy Saleska
005a. Matthew 4:1-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
005- Amos 36:3-13, Timothy Saleska
005b. Matthew 4:1-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
005. Ezekiel 34:11-24, Todd Jones
005.Feb 2010 Church Governance: Reconciling Conflict, Richard Marrs
005. First Commandment, Jonathan Stein
005- Galatians 4:12-17, Jeffrey Gibbs
005- Genesis 46:2-34, Timothy Saleska
005- Hebrews 8:7-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
005. John 14_1-11, Dale Meyer
005- Matthew 2:13-15, Jeffrey Gibbs
005- Micah 3:10-4:3, Timothy Saleska
005- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Steve Cohen, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Steve Cohen
006. 1 Corinthians 1:18-24, David Peter
006- 1 Samuel 10:12-27, Timothy Saleska
006- 1 Samuel 22_17-23_ 23_1-7, Timothy Saleska
006. 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Robert Bailey
006- 2 Corinthians 11:9-13, Jeffrey Gibbs
006- 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:4, Jeffrey Gibbs
006- 2 Samuel 11:4-15, Timothy Saleska
006- 2 Samuel 2:24-28, Timothy Saleska
006a. Matthew 4:12-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
006- Amos 4:12-58, Timothy Saleska
006b. Matthew 4:12-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
006c. Matthew 4:12-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
006. Colossians 1_15-23, William Utech
006- Galatians 4:17-22, Jeffrey Gibbs
006- Genesis 47:1-12, Timothy Saleska
006- Hebrews 9:11-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
006.March 2010 Book Blurbs: Martin Luther: A Life Reformed, Jeffrey Kloha
006- Matthew 2:16-23, Jeffrey Gibbs
006- Micah 4:4-10, Timothy Saleska
006- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Steve Cohen, Part 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Steve Cohen
007- 1 Samuel 11:1-11, Timothy Saleska
007- 1 Samuel 2:11-16, Timothy Saleska
007- 1 Samuel 23_8-18, Timothy Saleska
007- 2 Corinthians 11:14-21, Jeffrey Gibbs
007- 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
007- 2 Samuel 11:16-27, Timothy Saleska
007- 2 Samuel 2:29-3:5, Timothy Saleska
007- Amos 5:18-27, Timothy Saleska
007. Ezekiel 34_11-24, Robert Weise
007- Galatians 4:23-27, Jeffrey Gibbs
007- Hebrews 9:15-19, Jeffrey Gibbs
007. Isaiah 2:2-3, Paul Raabe
007. Matthew 18:21-35, Joel Okamoto
007- Matthew 3:1-6, Jeffrey Gibbs
007.May 2010 Book Blurbs: Who Do I Say that You Are?, Jeffrey Kloha and William Schumacher
007- Psalm 31:15-23, Timothy Saleska
007- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Rev. Michael Kumm, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Michael Kumm
008- 1 Samuel 11:12-25, 12:1-5, Timothy Saleska
008- 1 Samuel 2:17-23, Timothy Saleska
008- 1 Samuel 23_19-28, Timothy Saleska
008- 2 Corinthians 11:22-28, Jeffrey Gibbs
008- 2 Corinthians 2:12-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
008- 2 Samuel 12:1-9, Timothy Saleska
008- 2 Samuel 3:6-13, Timothy Saleska
008- Amos 6:1-9, Timothy Saleska
008. Amos 8:4-7, Gerhard Bode
008. Ephesians 4:1-6; Luke 14:1-11, Robert Rosin
008- Galatians 4:28-5:1, Jeffrey Gibbs
008- Hebrews 9:20-26, Jeffrey Gibbs
008.June 2010 Writers Roundtable: Towards a Theology of Scripture, Jeffrey Kloha and Joel Okamoto
008- Matthew 3:7-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
008. Matthew 5:13-20, Jeffrey Gibbs
008. Matthew 9_9-13 1, Wallace Becker
008- Psalm 31:24-32:6, Timothy Saleska
008- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Rev. Michael Kumm, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Michael Kumm
009- 1 Samuel 12:5-12, Thomas Egger
009- 1 Samuel 2:32-36, 3:1-6, Timothy Saleska
009- 1 Samuel 24_1-10, Timothy Saleska
009. 1 Timothy 2_1-9, Henry Rowold
009- 2 Corinthians 11:28-12:1, Jeffrey Gibbs
009- 2 Corinthians 2:17-3:3, Jeffrey Gibbs
009- 2 Samuel 12:9-17, Timothy Saleska
009- 2 Samuel 3:14-22, Timothy Saleska
009a. Matthew 5:21-37, Jeffrey Gibbs
009- Amos 6:11-7:9, Timothy Saleska
009b. Matthew 5:21-37, Jeffrey Gibbs
009- Galatians 5: 9 -14, Jeffrey Gibbs
009. Genesis 50:15-21, Robert Weise
009- Hebrews 9:27-10:3, Jeffrey Gibbs
009.July 2010 Leadership and Spirituality, Travis Scholl
009. Luke 16:19-31, Thomas Egger
009- Matthew 3:13-17; 4:1, Jeffrey Gibbs
009- Psalm 32:7-33:6, Timothy Saleska
009- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Rev. Michael Kumm, Part 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Michael Kumm
010- 1 Samuel 12:13-22, Timothy Saleska
010- 1 Samuel 24_11-13, Timothy Saleska
010- 1 Samuel 3:14-21, 4:1-2, Timothy Saleska
010- 2 Corinthians 12:1-6, Jeffrey Gibbs
010- 2 Corinthians 3:4-11, Joshua Hayes
010- 2 Samuel 12:18-26, Timothy Saleska
010- 2 Samuel 3:23-31, Timothy Saleska
010- Amos 7:10-17, Timothy Saleska
010- Galatians 5:15-21, Jeffrey Gibbs
010- Hebrews 9:6-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
010. Luke 6_1-15, Gary Schaper
010. Mark 8:27-30, Gregory Seltz
010- Matt. 4:2-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
010. Matthew 5:33-48, Jeffrey Gibbs
010- Psalm 33:7-18, Timothy Saleska
010. Second Commandment, Gerhard Bode
010.Sept 2010 Now Playing: Courageous, Travis Scholl
010- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Rev. Kevin Parviz, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Kevin Parviz
011- 1 Samuel 12:23-24; 13:1-9, Timothy Saleska
011- 1 Samuel 2:24-32, Timothy Saleska
011- 1 Samuel 24_19-8_3, Timothy Saleska
011- 2 Corinthians 12:7-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
011- 2 Corinthians 3:12-17, Jeffrey Gibbs
011- 2 Samuel 12:26-13:3, Timothy Saleska
011- 2 Samuel 3:32-39, Timothy Saleska
011. Amos 6:1-7, Benjamin Haupt
011. Amos 8_1-7, James Brauer
011- Amos 8:1-8, Timothy Saleska
011- Galatians 5:22-6:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
011- Hebrews 10:11-18, Jeffrey Gibbs
011- Matthew 4:12-19, Jeffrey Gibbs
011. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21, Jeffrey Gibbs
011.Oct 2010 Caring for God's Earth, William Schumacher, Charles Arand, Diane Meyer, Beth Hoeltke, and Gayle Zollman
011. Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30, David Adams
011- Psalm 33:19-34:7, Timothy Saleska
011- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Rev. Kevin Parviz, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Kevin Parviz
012- 1 Samuel 13:10-14, Timothy Saleska
012- 1 Samuel 25_8-18, Timothy Saleska
012- 1 Samuel 3:6-13a, Timothy Saleska
012- 2 Corinthians 12:11-15, Jeffrey Gibbs
012- 2 Corinthians 3:18-4:7, Wilbert Stelzer
012- 2 Samuel 13:4-10, Timothy Saleska
012- 2 Samuel 4:1-9, Timothy Saleska
012. 3rd Commandment, Jonathan Stein
012- Amos 9:1-6, Timothy Saleska
012- Galatians 6:3-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
012- Hebrews 10:19-22, Jeffrey Gibbs
012. Luke 17:1-10, Daniel Mattson
012- Matthew 4:20-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
012. Matthew 6:24-34, Jeffrey Gibbs
012.Nov 2010 Now Playing, Dale Ward
012- Psalm 34, Timothy Saleska
012. Romans 11:33-12:8, David Schmitt
01- 2 Samuel 18:16-25, Timothy Saleska
012- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Melanie Appelbaum, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Melanie Appelbaum
013- 1 Samuel 13:15-23, Timothy Saleska
013- 1 Samuel 25_19-28, Timothy Saleska
013- 1 Samuel 4:3-11, Timothy Saleska
013. 1 Timothy 3_1-16, Andrew Bartelt
013- 2 Corinthians 12:16-19, Jeffrey Gibbs
013- 2 Corinthians 4:8-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
013- 2 Samuel 13:10-17, Timothy Saleska
013- 2 Samuel 4:9-5:2, Timothy Saleska
013- Amos 9:5-15, Timothy Saleska
013.Dec 2010 Kobe Lutheran Seminary, William Schumacher
013. Ezekiel 43:1-7a, Andrew Bartelt
013- Galatians 6:11-18, Jeffrey Gibbs
013- Hebrews 10:23-28, Jeffrey Gibbs
013. Matthew 18:1-11, Joel Okamoto
013- Matthew 5:1-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
013. Matthew 9:35-10:8, Jeffrey Gibbs
013- Psalm 35:1-10, Timothy Saleska
013- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Melanie Applebaum, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Melanie Appelbaum
014- 1 Samuel 14:1-12, Timothy Saleska
014- 1 Samuel 25_30-38, Timothy Saleska
014- 1 Samuel 4:12-21, Timothy Saleska
014- 2 Corinthians 12:19-13:3, Jeffrey Gibbs
014- 2 Corinthians 4:15-5:1, Jeffrey Gibbs
014- 2 Samuel 13:18-22, Timothy Saleska
014- 2 Samuel 5:3-11, Timothy Saleska
014- Hebrews 10:29-31, Jeffrey Gibbs
014- Hebrews 1:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
014. Isaiah 55:6-9, Bruce Hartung
014.Jan 2011 Ancient Books CJ Currents, Jeffrey Kloha
014. Luke 16_19-31, Victor Raj
014. Matthew 10:5a, 21-33, Jeffrey Gibbs
014- Matthew 5:13-18, Jeffrey Gibbs
014- Obadiah 1:1-7, Timothy Saleska
014. Psalm 100, Carlos Winterle
014- Psalm 35:11-19, Timothy Saleska
014- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Jacob Scott, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Jacob Scott
015- 1 Samuel 14:13-19, Thomas Egger
015- 1 Samuel 25_39-26_6, Timothy Saleska
015- 1 Samuel 5:1-12, Timothy Saleska
015- 2 Corinthians 13:3-7, Jeffrey Gibbs
015- 2 Corinthians 5:2-8, Jeffrey Gibbs
015- 2 Samuel 13: 23-31, Timothy Saleska
015- 2 Samuel 5:11-26, Timothy Saleska
015.Feb 2011 Book Blurbs, Jeffrey Kloha and Jeffrey Gibbs
015- Hebrews 10:3-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
015- Hebrews 1:6-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
015. Luke 7:11-17, Harold Senkbeil
015. Matthew 10:34-42, David Lewis
015- Matthew 5:19-24, Jeffrey Gibbs
015- Obadiah 1:8-12, Timothy Saleska
015. Proverbs 25_6-14, David Adams
015- Psalm 35:19-28, Timothy Saleska
015- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Jacob Scott part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Jacob Scott
015. Third Commandment, Leo Sanchez
016- 1 Samuel 14:20-29, Timothy Saleska
016- 1 Samuel 26_7-18, Timothy Saleska
016- 1 Samuel 6:1-8, Timothy Saleska
016- 2 Corinthians 13:7-24, Jeffrey Gibbs
016- 2 Corinthians 5:6-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
016- 2 Samuel 13:31-39, Timothy Saleska
016- 2 Samuel 6:1-9, Timothy Saleska
016. 2 Timothy 1:1-14, Peter Nafzger
016. 4th Commandment, Ronald Feuerhahn
016a. Matthew 11:2-15, Jeffery Gibbs
016.Feb 2011 Preachers Roundtable: Preaching Matthew (Year A) Pt 1, David Schmitt and Jeffrey Gibbs
016- Hebrews 10:32-39, Jeffrey Gibbs
016- Hebrews 1:13-2:4, Jeffrey Gibbs
016. Matthew 21:23-27, David Lewis
016- Matthew 5:25-30, Jeffrey Gibbs
016- Psalm 36, Timothy Saleska
016- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Jacob Scott, Part 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Jacob Scott
017- 1 Samuel 14:30-36, Timothy Saleska
017- 1 Samuel 26_19-25, Thomas Egger
017- 1 Samuel 6:10-16, Timothy Saleska
017. 1 Timothy 1, Bruce Hartung
017- 2 Corinthians 5:12-15, Jeffrey Gibbs
017- 2 Samuel 14:1-8, Timothy Saleska
017- 2 Samuel 6:20-7:2, Timothy Saleska
017- Acts 1:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
017b. Matthew 11:12-19, Jeffrey Oschwald
017.Feb 2011 Preachers Roundtable: Preaching Matthew (Year A) Pt 2, David Schmitt and Rick Marrs
017- Hebrews 11:12-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
017- Hebrews 2:5-9, Jeffrey Gibbs
017. Luke 17:11-19, Joel Biermann
017- Matthew 5:31-37, Jeffrey Oschwald
017. Matthew 9:1-8, David Benson
017- Psalm 37:14–24, Timothy Saleska
017- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Gina Edwards, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Gina Edwards
018- 1 Samuel 14:37-45, Timothy Saleska
018- 1 Samuel 27_1-8, Anthony Voltattorni
018- 1 Samuel 6:17-7:3, Timothy Saleska
018- 2 Corinthians 5:16-19, Jeffrey Gibbs
018- 2 Samuel 14:8-14, Timothy Saleska
018- 2 Samuel 7:3-10, Timothy Saleska
018- Acts 1:7-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
018.April 2011 Book Blurbs: Counseling and Confession, Anthony Cook
018. Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32, Richard Warneck
018- Hebrews 11:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
018- Hebrews 2:10-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
018. Luke 17_1-10, Jeffrey Oschwald
018. Matthew 11:25-30, Jeffrey Kloha
018- Matthew 5:38-42, Jeffrey Oschwald
018- Psalm 37:25–40, Timothy Saleska
018- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Gina Edwards, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Gina Edwards
019. 1 Corinthians 1_1-9 1, Glenn Nielsen
019- 1 Samuel 14:46-2, 15:1-2, Timothy Saleska
019- 1 Samuel 27_9-28_4, Timothy Saleska
019- 1 Samuel 7:4-13, Timothy Saleska
019- 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
019- 2 Samuel 14:15-23, Timothy Saleska
019- 2 Samuel 7:11-21, Timothy Saleska
019- Acts 1:10-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
019a. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, Jeffrey Oschwald
019b. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, Jeffrey Gibbs
019- Hebrews 11:17-23, Jeffrey Gibbs
019- Hebrews 3:12-15, Jeffrey Gibbs
019- Matthew 5:43-48; 6:1a, Jeffrey Oschwald
019.May 2011: The Tapestry of Prayer, David Schmitt
019. Psalm 118, Timothy Saleska
019- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Gina Edwards, Part 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Gina Edwards
01a. Genetics: Day One Part 1, Robert Weise
01 - Arand Introduction, Klaus Detlev Schulz
01b. Genetics: Day One Part 2, Robert Weise
01. David Schmitt on his March 8, 2011 Sermon, David Schmitt and Glenn Neilsen
01 - Exodus Course Intro Movie, David Adams
01 - Fickenscher Introduction, Carl Fickenscher
01 - Gard Introduction, Daniel Gard
01. GPS Living - Session 1, Dale Meyer
01 - Introduction, David Maxwell and David Scaer
01 - Introduction, Arthur Just and James Brauer
01 - Introduction, Lawrence Rast and William Schumacher
01 - Introduction, David Adams
01 - Introduction, Arthur Just
01- Introduction, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
01 - Lessing Introduction, Reed Lessing
01 - MacKenzie Introduction, Cameron MacKenzie
01 - Okamoto Introduction, Joel Okamoto
01 - Oschwald Intro, Jeffrey Oschwald
01 - Robinson Introduction, Paul Robinson
01 - Sanchez Introduction?, Leopoldo Sánchez
01 - Scaer Intro, Peter Scaer
01 - Schmitt Introduction, David Schmitt
01 - Schulz Introduction, Charles Arand
01. The Ecumenical Creeds, Part One, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
01. “What does it mean to be a Lutheran Church in America?”, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
01 - What is the proper relationship between the church and the government?, Joel Biermann
01 - What makes John a great place to start reading the Bible?, Charles Gieschen
01. Who Are Theologians?, Kent Burreson
01 - Why do we need a catechism?, Robert Kolb
01 - Would a letter in the first century be similar to a letter today?, David Lewis
01 - Ziegler Introduction, Roland Ziegler
01 - Ziegler Introduction?, Roland Ziegler
020- 1 Samuel 15:3-15, Timothy Saleska
020- 1 Samuel 28_16-20, Thomas Egger
020- 1 Samuel 7:14-17, 8:1-9, Timothy Saleska
020- 2 Corinthians 6:3-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
020- 2 Samuel 14:24-33, Timothy Saleska
020- 2 Samuel 7:22-29, Timothy Saleska
020- Acts 1:15-18, Jeffrey Gibbs
020a. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, Jeffrey Oschwald
020b. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, Jeffrey Kloha
020. Habakkuk 1_1-4, 2_1-4, Quentin Wesselschmidt
020- Hebrews 11:24-27, Jeffrey Gibbs
020- Hebrews 3:16-4:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
020.June 2011 Writer's Roundtable: CJ Spring 2011, Travis Scholl, David Schmitt, and Reed Lessing
020- Matthew 6:1-4, Jeffrey Gibbs
020. Philippians 3:4-14, Quentin Wesselschmidt
020- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Dr. Fred Baue, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Fred Baue
021. 1 Corinthians 1_18-25, Dale Meyer
021- 1 Samuel 15:13-16, Thomas Egger
021- 1 Samuel 28_8-15, Timothy Saleska
021- 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, Jeffrey Gibbs
021- 2 Samuel 15:1-7, Will Stelzer
021- Acts 1:18-22, Jeffrey Gibbs
021a. Matthew 13:44-52, Bruce Schuchard
021.Aug 2011 Faculty Roundtable: C.F.W. Walther at 200, William Schumacher, Gerhard Bode, and Tom Egger
021b. Matthew 13:44-52, James Voelz
021- Hebrews 11:28-33, Jeffrey Gibbs
021- Hebrews 4:13-5:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
021. Matthew 21:33-46, William Schumacher
021- Matthew 6:5-8, Jeffrey Gibbs
02.1 Theology, Trinity, and Theologians, Leopoldo Sánchez
021- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Dr. Fred Baue, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Fred Baue
021- Zephaniah 1:1-7, Timothy Saleska
022- 1 Samuel 15:17-24, Thomas Egger
022- 1 Samuel 29_4-11, Timothy Saleska
022- 2 Corinthians 7:2-7, Jeffrey Gibbs
022- 2 Samuel 15:7-16, Timothy Saleska
022- Acts 1:24-2:1, Jeffrey Gibbs
022a. Matthew 14:13-21, Jeffrey Gibbs
022- Hebrews 11:35-40, Jeffrey Gibbs
022- Hebrews 4:2-8, Jeffrey Gibbs
022. Jeremiah 13_1-11, Reed Lessing
022. Matthew 22:1-14, William Utech
022- Matthew 6:9-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
022.November 2011 - Something Old, Something New: Revisions in the Roman Mass, Kent Burreson and Tony Cook
02- 2 Samuel 18:26-19:1, Timothy Saleska
022- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Fred Baue, Pt. 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Fred Baue
022- Zephaniah 1:8-15, Timothy Saleska
023- 1 Samuel 15:25-31, Thomas Egger
023- 1 Samuel 28_21-29_3, Timothy Saleska
023- 2 Corinthians 7:8-13a, Jeffrey Gibbs
023- 2 Samuel 15:17-21, Timothy Saleska
023- Acts 2:2-6, Jeffrey Gibbs
023- Hebrews 11:6-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
023- Hebrews 4:9-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
023. Isaiah 5:1-7, Kent Burreson
023. Luke 17_11-19 2, Bruce Schuchard
023.March 2012 Book Blurbs: Luther & the Stories of God, Erik Herrmann and Robert Kolb
023. Matthew 14:22-33, Victor Raj
023- Matthew 6:16-23, James Voelz
023- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Dr. Charles Ford, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Charles Ford
023- Zephaniah 1:15-2:3, Timothy Saleska
024- 1 Samuel 15:32-35; 16:1-5, Timothy Saleska
024- 1 Samuel 30_16-31, Timothy Saleska
024- 2 Corinthians 8:22-9:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
024- 2 Samuel 15:22-31, Timothy Saleska
024- Acts 2:3-13, Jeffrey Gibbs
024. Fifth Commandment, John Loum
024. Genesis 28_10-17, Paul Raabe
024- Hebrews 12:11-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
024- Hebrews 5:2-8, Jeffrey Gibbs
024.March 2012: Hispanic/Latino Theology & Missions: An Interview with Rev. Greg Klotz, Leopoldo M. Sánchez
024. Matthew 16:13-20, Bruce Schuchard
024- Matthew 6:22-26, Jeffrey Gibbs
024- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Dr. Charles Ford, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Charles Ford
024- Zephaniah 2:4-9, Thomas Egger
025- 1 Samuel 16:6-17, Timothy Saleska
025- 1 Samuel 30_1-15, Timothy Saleska
025- 2 Corinthians 9:13-10:2, Jeffrey Gibbs
025- 2 Samuel 15:31-16:2, Timothy Saleska
025- Acts 2:14-22, Jeffrey Gibbs
025a. Matthew 17:1-9, David Lewis
025.April 2012 Talking Theology with Oswald Bayer, Erik Herrmann and Robert Kolb
025b. Matthew 17:1-9, Jeffrey Gibbs
025- Hebrews 12:13-20, Jeffrey Gibbs
025- Hebrews 5:9-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
025. Luke 10_1-9, Kent Burreson
025- Matthew 6:27-33, Jeffrey Gibbs
025. Philippians 4:4-13, Victor Raj
025- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Dr. Charles Ford, Part 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Charles Ford
025- Zephaniah 2:12-3:6, Timothy Saleska
026- 1 Samuel 16:18-23; 17:1-9, Timothy Saleska
026- 1 Samuel 31_1-13, Timothy Saleska
026- 2 Corinthians 10:3-9, Jeffrey Gibbs
026. 2 Corinthians 2:11, Paul Raabe
026- 2 Samuel 16:4-13, Timothy Saleska
026- Hebrews 12:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
026- Hebrews 6_7-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
026. Matthew 20:1-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
026- Matthew 6:33-34; 7:1-4a, Jeffrey Gibbs
026.May 2012 Center for Hispanic Studies-Reflections with Doug Groll, Leopoldo M. Sánchez
026. Romans 1_16, Jonathan Loum
026- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Christian Tiews, Part 1, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Christian Tiews
026- Zephaniah 3:7-12, Timothy Saleska
027- 1 Samuel 17:10-19, Timothy Saleska
027- 2 Samuel 16:14-17:3, Timothy Saleska
027. 2 Timothy 3_14-4_5, Jonathan Stein
027. Ephesians 6:10-20, Henry Rowold
027- Hebrews 12:21-29, Jeffrey Gibbs
027- Hebrews 6:1-7, Jeffrey Gibbs
027.June 2012 Book Blurbs David Lumpp, William Schumacher
027- Matthew 7:6-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
027- Psalm 6_1-10, Timothy Saleska
027- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Christian Tiews, Part 2, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Christian Tiews
027- Zephaniah 3:13-20, Timothy Saleska
028- 1 Samuel 17:20-26, Timothy Saleska
028- 2 Samuel 17:3-11, Timothy Saleska
028. Acts 15_12-22a, David Schmitt
028. Ephesians 6:10-17, Bruce Schuchard
028- Habakkuk 1:5-11, Timothy Saleska
028- Hebrews 12:7-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
028- Hebrews 6:11-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
028. Matthew 21:23-27 (28-32), David Lewis
028- Matthew 7:13-20, Jeffrey Oschwald
028- Psalm 32_ 1-5, Timothy Saleska
028.The Radical Orthodoxy of John Milbank – Some Remarks on Methodology and Ecclesiology, Jeffrey Kloha
028- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Christian Tiews, Part 3, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Christian Tiews
029- 1 Samuel 17:27-33, Timothy Saleska
029- 2 Samuel 17:13-17, Timothy Saleska
029- Habakkuk 1:12-17, Thomas Egger
029- Hebrews 13:1-6, Jeffrey Gibbs
029- Hebrews 6:17-20, Jeffrey Gibbs
029. Isaiah 55_8-9, Charles Arand
029- Matthew 7:21-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
029.Preaching Luke in the Lectionary: Part 1: The Festival Half of the Year, David Schmitt, Jeffrey Kloha, and Jeffrey Oschwald
029- Psalm 32_6-11, Timothy Saleska
029. Sixth Commandment, Jonathan Stein
029- The Two Kingdoms - An Interview with Dr. Ron Rall, Uwe Siemon-Netto and Ron Rall
02a. Genetics: Day Two Part 1, Robert Weise
02a. “What is our Identity and Purpose?”: The Americanization of the LCMS, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
02b. Genetics: Day Two Part 2, Robert Weise
02b. “What is our Identity and Purpose?”: The Americanization of the LCMS Part 2, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
02c. “What is our Identity and Purpose?”: The Americanization of the LCMS Part 3, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
02 - Did Luther invent the idea of a catechism?, Robert Kolb
02d. “What is our Identity and Purpose?”: The Americanization of the LCMS Part 4, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
02. Glenn Nielsen on his March 15, 2011 Sermon, Glenn Nielsen and David Schmitt
02. GPS Living - Session 2, Dale Meyer
02 - How did the Lutheran church develop after the adoption of the Book of Concord?, Lawrence Rast
02 - How does one define the means of Grace?, Roland Ziegler
02 - How does one help others to understand the opening verses of John?, Charles Gieschen
02 - Introduction to the Torah and the Book of Exodus, David Adams
02 - Is it correct to say that Christianity grew out of Judaism?, Jeffrey Oschwald
02 - Is the doctrine of the two realms the same as the American ideal of separation of church and state?, Joel Biermann
02 - Is there a single key to understand about preaching?, Carl Fickenscher
02. The Ecumenical Creeds, Part Two, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
02- The Ten Commandments: Structure, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
02 - What are the goals of this course?, David Adams
02 - What is central to a biblical understanding of the theology of worship?, Arthur Just
02 - What is christology?, David Scaer
02 - What is the background of Paul?, Arthur Just
02 - What is the goal of this study of Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
02 - What is theology?, Joel Okamoto
02 - What led Luther to write the 95 Theses?, Paul Robinson
02. What Makes a Theologian?, Kent Burreson
02 - What was Paul's personality like?, Arthur Just
02 - Why place such emphasis on the Confessions?, Charles Arand
030- 1 Samuel 17:42-49, Timothy Saleska
030. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, Eloy Gonzalez
030- 2 Samuel 17:18-26, Timothy Saleska
030. Genesis 32_22-30, Henry Gerike
030- Habakkuk 2:1-6, Timothy Saleska
030- Hebrews 13:9-17, Jeffrey Gibbs
030- Hebrews 7:1-6, Jeffrey Gibbs
030- Matthew 7:26-8:3, Jeffrey Gibbs
030.Preaching Luke in the Lectionary: Part 2: The Festival Half of the Year, David Schmitt, Jeffrey Kloha, and Jeffrey Oschwald
030- Psalm 51_1-11, Timothy Saleska
031- 1 Samuel 17:50-58; 18:1, Timothy Saleska
031- 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
031- 2 Samuel 17:27-18:7, Timothy Saleska
031- Habakkuk 2:6-14, Timothy Saleska
031- Hebrews 7:7-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
031.January Book Blurbs, Jeffrey Kloha and Bruce Schuchard
031. Matthew 22:15-22, Jeffrey Kloha
031. Matthew 28_18-20, David Peter
031- Psalm 51_11-19, Timothy Saleska
032- 1 Samuel 18:2-9, Thomas Egger
032- 2 Samuel 18:8-15, Timothy Saleska
032. 2 Timothy 4_6-8, 16-18, Joel Biermann
032b. Matthew 22:34-46, Jeffrey Gibbs
032.February 2013 Book Blurbs, Jeffrey Kloha and David Maxwell
032- Galatians 1:1-7, Jeffrey Gibbs
032- Habakkuk 2:16-20, Timothy Saleska
032- Hebrews 7:12-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
032. Matthew 18:21-35, Jonathan Stein
032- Psalm 38_12-20, Timothy Saleska
03- 2 Samuel 19:2-10, Timothy Saleska
033- 1 Samuel 18:10-19, Timothy Saleska
033a. Matthew 23:1-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
033b. Matthew 23:1-12, Jeffrey Oschwald
033- Galatians 1:8-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
033- Habakkuk 3:1-7, Timothy Saleska
033- Hebrews 7:17-24, Jeffrey Gibbs
033. James 1:1-12, Robert Hoehner
033. Luke 18_9-17, Rev. Gonzalez
033.May 2013 Book Blurbs, Jeffrey Kloha and David Schmitt
033- Psalm 102_1-10, Timothy Saleska
034- 1 Samuel 18:20-30, Timothy Saleska
034.An Interview with Max Lucado, David Schmitt
034. Colossians 3:1-4, 12-17, Dale Meyer
034- Galatians 1:23-2:4, Jeffrey Oschwald
034- Habakkuk 3:14-19, Timothy Saleska
034. Matthew 24:36-44, Jeffrey Gibbs
034- Psalm 102_11-22, Timothy Saleska
034. Romans 3_27, Jeffrey Gibbs
035- 1 Samuel 19:1-8, Timothy Saleska
035.An Interview with James Bryan Smith, Travis Scholl
035- Galatians 2:4-2:8, Jeffrey Gibbs
035. Isaiah 41:8-16, Reed Lessing
035- Psalm 102_23-28_ 130_1-6, Timothy Saleska
035. Revelation 7_9-17, Gerhard Bode
036- 1 Samuel 19:9-18, Timothy Saleska
036. 7th & 8th Commandments, David Wollenburg
036.December 2013 BookBlurbs, Jeffrey Kloha and James Voelz
036- Galatians 2:9-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
036. John 15:12-21, Timothy Dost
036. Lord of the Harvest, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
036. Matthew 25:31-46, Jeffrey Kloha
036- Psalm 130_6-8_ 143_1-6, Timothy Saleska
037- 1 Samuel 19:19-24; 20:1-3, Timothy Saleska
037. 2 Thessalonians 1_1-12, William Carr
037- Galatians 2:17-21, Jeffrey Oschwald
037.March 2015 Bob Kolb, Robert Kolb
037. Matthew 26:17-30, Jeffrey Oschwald
037. Proverbs 8:11-22, William Carr
037- Psalm 143_7-12, Timothy Saleska
037. Transformations, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
038- 1 Samuel 20:4-10, Timothy Saleska
038- Galatians 3:1-5, Jeffrey Gibbs
038-Habakkuk 1_1-5, Timothy Saleska
038. Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, Henry Gerike
038. Luke 9_1-10, Richard Marrs
038. Matthew 27:11-54, Jeffrey Gibbs
038.Meet the Professors: Professor Mark Seifrid Part 1, Mark Seifrid and Jeffery Kloha
038. Promised Prophet, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
039- 1 Samuel 20:11-18, Timothy Saleska
039- Galatians 3:6-9, Jeffrey Gibbs
039. Matthew 18_21-35, Jonathan Stein
039. Matthew 28:1-10, Jeffrey Gibbs
039. Revelation 3:19-28, Thomas Egger
039. With Power and Authority, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
03a. Genetics: Day Three Part 1, Robert Weise
03 - Are the two realms the same thing as the two kingdoms?, Joel Biermann
03a. “Waking Up to Modernity?”: The Influence of German Theology Part 1, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
03b. Genetics: Day Three Part 2, Robert Weise
03b. “Waking Up to Modernity?”: The Influence of German Theology Part 2, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
03c. Genetics: Day Three Part 3, Robert Weise
03c. “Waking Up to Modernity?”: The Influence of German Theology Part 3, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
03. David Peter on his March 28, 2011 Sermon, David Peter and David Schmitt
03 - Do creeds and confessions make the Bible itself secondary?, Charles Arand
03d. “Waking Up to Modernity?”: The Influence of German Theology Part 4, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
03. GPS Living - Session 3, Dale Meyer
03 - How important is christology?, David Scaer
03 - How is Christ related to Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
03 - How is the Word of God a means of grace?, Roland Ziegler
03 - In the middle ages, what did catechism class look like?, Robert Kolb
03 - Is it helpful to look at Walther's Law and Gospel?, Carl Fickenscher
03. The Ecumenical Creeds, Part Three, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
03- The First Commandment, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
03. The God Who Acts to Save, pt. 1, Leopoldo Sánchez
03 - The Unity of the Torah, David Adams
03 - Were there Pharisees who believed Jesus?, Jeffrey Oschwald
03 - What does John mean when he talks about the Word becoming flesh?, Charles Gieschen
03 - What do Lutherans mean by the bodily presence of Jesus Christ?, Arthur Just
03 - What else should one know about how people communicated in the First Century?, David Lewis
03 - What was Luther's background?, Paul Robinson
03 - What was Paul's personality like?, Arthur Just
03 - What was the 30 Years War and what was its significance?, Lawrence Rast
03 - Who is a theologian?, Joel Okamoto
03 - Why is familiarity with the context of Exodus so important?, David Adams
040. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, James Voelz
040- Galatians 3:10-15, Jeffrey Oschwald
040. Isaiah 1_10-18, James Brauer
040. Listen to Him, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
040. Listen to Him, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
040. Luke 7:18-28 (29-35), Jeffrey Oschwald
040. Matthew 28:16-20, David Lewis
041. Colossians 1_13-20, Jeffrey Gibbs
041- Galatians 3:16-19, Jeffrey Gibbs
041. Genesis 33:1-10, Francis Rossow
041. Malachi 3:1-7b, Daniel Eggold
041. Sharing our Suffering, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
041. Sharing our Suffering, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
042. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
042. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
042- Galatians 3:20-24, Jeffrey Gibbs
042. Luke 29_27-43, Robert Weise
042. Matthew 9:18-26, Jeffrey Oschwald
04- 2 Samuel 19:11-21, Timothy Saleska
042. Zephaniah 3:14-20, Gerhard Bode
043. 1 Thessalonians 5_1-11, Wallace Becker
043. Micah 3:5-12, James Brauer
043. Micah 4:6-8, Adam Carnehl
043. Welcomed Home, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
043. Welcomed Home, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
044. Eighth Commandment, Arthur Bacon
044. Luke 1:46-56, Travis Scholl
044. Malachi 3_13-18, Richard Warneck
044. Our Cornerstone, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
044. Our Cornerstone, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
045. John 1_35-42a, James Voelz
045. Lord and King, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
045. Lord and King, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
045. Matthew 25:1-13; Apology VII & VIII, Tony Cook
045. Zephaniah 3:14-20, William Schumacher
046. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Richard Marrs
046. John 4_3-10, 16-19, Louis Brighton
046. Luke 2:22-40, Todd Jones
046. Still Empty, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
046. Still Empty, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
047. Believing is Seeing, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
047. Believing is Seeing, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
047. Exodus 32:1-12, Dale Meyer
047. Matthew 21_1-11, Henry Rowold
047. Micah 5:2-5a, Andrew Bartelt
048. 1 Kings 3:4-15, Ryan Roehrig
048. Amos 5:18-24, Erik Herrmann
048. Feed My Sheep, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
048. Romans 13_8-14, Jonathan Stein
049. Given by the Father, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
049. Isaiah 2_1-5, James Brauer
049. Matthew 2:1-12, Robert Rosin
049. Ninth and Tenth Commandments, Charles Arand
04a. Genetics: Day Four Part 1, Robert Weise
04a. “What of this ‘Divine Aeneid’?”: Scripture and History Part 1, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
04b. Genetics: Day Four Part 2, Robert Weise
04b. “What of this ‘Divine Aeneid’?”: Scripture and History Part 2, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
04- Commandments 2-4, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
04. Dale Meyer on his April 12, 2011 Sermon, Dale Meyer and David Schmitt
04 - Does Walther overstate his case when he asserts that all doctrine in Scripture is law and gospel?, Carl Fickenscher
04 - Do other Christian groups have catechisms?, Robert Kolb
04. GPS Living - Session 4, Dale Meyer
04 - How are the Sadducees different from the Pharisees?, Jeffrey Oschwald
04 - How does one explain John's language of glory and only-begotten to others?, Charles Gieschen
04 - How do we know about Jesus?, David Scaer
04 - How far were the journeys involved in Genesis and Exodus?, David Adams
04 - Is only the Gospel a means of grace?, Roland Ziegler
04 - Is the mixing of the two realms related to American Calvinism?, Joel Biermann
04 - Structure and Message in the Book of Exodus, David Adams
04. The Background of Luther's Catechisms, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
04. The God Who Acts to Save, pt. 2, Leopoldo Sánchez
04 - What are the gifts we receive from Christ's bodily presence?, Arthur Just
04 - What does it mean to be a good theologian?, Joel Okamoto
04 - What effect did Rationalism have on the Church?, Lawrence Rast
04 - What is the outline of the first 39 chapters of Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
04 - What makes a creed or a confession different from other theological writings?, Charles Arand
04 - What other persecutions occurred during the first century?, Arthur Just
04 - What were indulgences in the time of Luther?, Paul Robinson
04 - When did Paul write the epistle to the Romans?, David Lewis
050. 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, William Utech
050. In the Name of Jesus, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
050. Luke 3:15-22, Robert Kolb
050. Romans 15_4-13, David Adams
051. John 2:1-11, David Lewis
051. Mark 13:24-27, Timothy Saleska
051. Matthew 3_1-12, Paul Philp
051. The Helper Has Come, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
05.1 Theologians of the Cross vs. Theologians of Glory, Robert Kolb
052. Honoring Jesus, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
052. Isaiah 43:1-7, Scott Seidler
052. Luke 21_25-28, Erik Herrmann
052. Romans 13:11-14, William Schumacher
05- 2 Samuel 19:22-31, Timothy Saleska
053. A Humble Request, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
053. Isaiah 64:1-9, David Peter
053. John 2:1-11, Victor Belton
053. Psalm 72, Bruce Hartung
054. 1st Petition, Victor Raj
054. 2 Peter 3:8-14, Andrew Bartelt
054. Lord over Death, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
054. Luke 4:33-39, Brett Satkowiak
055. Forgiven Much, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
055. James 5_7-11, Glenn Nielsen
055. Luke 4:16-30, David Peter
055. Mark 8:1-8, Henry Rowold
056. Lord over All, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
056. Mark 8:27-35, Victor Belton
056. Matthew 11_2-15, Quentin Wesselschmidt
056. Micah 4-5, Paul Raabe
057. Isaiah 40:1-11, Joel Fritsche
057. Lord of the Harvest, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
057. Matthew 11_2-11, Jeffrey Oschwald
057. Matthew 16:13-18, William Utech
058. Isaiah 35, Andrew Bartelt
058. John 17:20-26, Andrew Audette
058. Pray to the Father, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
058. Second Article, Erik Herrmann
059. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Paul Philp
059. Ezekiel 47_1-12, Reed Lessing
059. Luke 4:31-44, Benjamin Griffin
059. Pray to the Father, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
05a. “A Very Different Understanding of What Lutheran Is”: 1969 Part 1, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
05a. Genetics: Day Five Part 1, Robert Weise
05b. “A Very Different Understanding of What Lutheran Is”: 1969 Part 2, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
05b. Genetics: Day Five Part 2, Robert Weise
05c. “A Very Different Understanding of What Lutheran Is”: 1969 Part 3, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
05- Commandments 5-10, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
05 - Did Luther simply take the catechism from the medieval church?, Robert Kolb
05 - Does each denomination understand the person of Jesus in the same way?, David Scaer
05. Francis Rossow on his April 26, 2011 Sermon, Francis Rossow and David Schmitt
05 - From where did the name Paul originate?, Arthur Just
05. GPS Living- Session 5, Dale Meyer
05 - How is a personal testimony different from a confession of faith?, Charles Arand
05 - Is the two realms doctrine the same as the law and gospel distinction or the two kinds of righteousness?, Joel Biermann
05. Luther's Catechisms on the Ten Commandments, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
05. Theology of the Cross, Joel Okamoto
05 - Two Questions, David Adams
05 - What does John mean when he says no one has seen God?, Charles Gieschen
05 - What is a theologian of the cross?, Joel Okamoto
05 - What is Pietism?, Lawrence Rast
05 - What is the biblical foundation of Christian worship?, Arthur Just
05 - What is the definition of a prophet?, Reed Lessing
05 - What was the area of present-day Iraq like during the time of Abraham?, David Adams
05 - What was the religious life like in the time of Jesus?, Jeffrey Oschwald
05 - What were Paul's main reasons for writing Romans?, David Lewis
05 - When did the idea of indulgences begin?, Paul Robinson
05 - When did the idea of verbal inspiration originate?, Roland Ziegler
05 - Why does Walther emphasize law and gospel so heavily?, Carl Fickenscher
060. Acts 9:1-22, Victor Belton
060. John 1:6-8, 19-28, John Loum
060. Matthew 2_1-12, Tony Cook
060. Provider, Anthony Cook and Jason Broge
061. 1 John 2_8-11, Dale Meyer
061a. Lessons and Carols for Advent and Christmas, Dale Meyer
061. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Henry Gerike
061. Matthew 20:1-16, Eric Ekong
062. Ephesians 4:1-8; Matthew 12:14-21, Shiu Ming Lau
062. Genesis 18_1-14a, Jonathan Stein
062. Luke 2:40-52, William Carr
06- 2 Samuel 19:32-41, Wil Stelzer
063. Acts 16:1-5, Adolfo Borges
063. Matthew 2:1-12, Thomas Egger
063. Thielicke Reading, Paul Raabe
064. Jeremiah 1:4-10, Christopher Troxel
064. Matthew 2:13-23, David Benson
064. Romans 6_1-11, Joel Fritsche
065. Isaiah 60:1-6, Kyle Castens
065. Luke 9:28-36, Mark Rockenbach
065. Matthew 3_13-17, Charles Arand
066b. Epiphany Celebration, Henry Gerike
066. Jeremiah 1:4-19, Benjamin Haupt
066. John 1_14, Martin Springer
066. Third Article, Jonathan Stein
067. John 1_29-42a, Timothy Dost
067. Luke 9:28-36, Leopoldo Sanchez
067. Romans 6:1-11, Jeffrey Oschwald
068. 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, Jon Haakana
068. Exodus 33_12-23, David Wollenburg
068. Mark 1:4-11, Leo Sanchez
069. 1 Timothy 6_11-16, James Brauer
069. Luke 4:1-13, Kou Seying
069. Matthew 3:13-17, Dale Meyer
06a. “False Doctrine…‘Cannot be Tolerated in the Church of God…’”: New Orleans, 1973 Part 1, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
06a. Genetics: Day Six Part 1, Robert Weise
06b. “False Doctrine…‘Cannot be Tolerated in the Church of God…’”: New Orleans, 1973 Part 2, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
06b. Genetics: Day Six Part 2, Robert Weise
06. Bruce Hartung on his May 17, 2011 Sermon, Bruce Hartung and David Schmitt
06c. “False Doctrine…‘Cannot be Tolerated in the Church of God…’”: New Orleans, 1973 Part 3, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
06c. Genetics: Day Six Part 3, Robert Weise
06d. “False Doctrine…‘Cannot be Tolerated in the Church of God…’”: New Orleans, 1973 Part 4, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
06. GPS Living- Session 6, Dale Meyer
06 - How did the Church in Europe develop in the centuries following the Reformation?, Lawrence Rast
06 - How does one differentiate between a gospel moment and a law moment?, Carl Fickenscher
06 - How does the contemporary publication of Luther's Catechism differ from Luther's original document?, Robert Kolb
06 - How would a first century Jew have thought of the Messiah and how do people think of the Messiah today?, Jeffrey Oschwald
06 - Is being a theologian of the cross merely about being truthful?, Joel Okamoto
06. Luther's Catechisms on the First Article of the Creed, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
06 - Session 02 - Brief Introductory Comments (Audio Only), David Adams
06- The Creed and its First Article, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
06. The Doctrine of Justification, David Maxwell
06 - What does Fundamentalism really mean?, Roland Ziegler
06 - What does John mean when he calls Jesus the Lamb of God?, Charles Gieschen
06 - What is scholastic theology?, Paul Robinson
06 - What is the background of the church in Rome?, David Lewis
06 - What is the Book of Concord?, Charles Arand
06 - What is the goal of the left-hand realm?, Joel Biermann
06 - What is the relationship between Christ and the Scriptures?, David Scaer
06 - What was Paul's encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus like?, Arthur Just
06 - What was the area of the Promised Land like in the time of Abraham?, David Adams
06 - What was the fundamental structure of Jewish worship?, Arthur Just
06 - Where did prophets like Isaiah receive their theological understanding?, Reed Lessing
070. Acts 9_1-22, William Carr
070. Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Nathan Scheck
070. Genesis 1:1-5, Richard Marrs
071. 1 Corinthians 1_10-18, David Andrus
071. Luke 13:31-35, Paul Sieveking
071. Matthew 28:19, James Brauer
072. 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10, Jeffrey Kloha
072. Galatians 3:23-4:7, David Wollenburg
072. Matthew 4_12-25, Jotham Johann Jhang
07- 2 Samuel 19:42-20:3, Timothy Saleska
073. John 1:43-51, Charles Arand
073. Luke 4:1-13, Shawn Kumm
073. Romans 1_8-17 1, Leopooldo Sanchez
074. Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Henry Rowold
074. Galatians 4:8-11, Tony Cook
074. Isaiah 9_1-4, Eloy Gonzalez
075. 1 Samuel 3:1-10ff, James Voelz
075. 3rd Petition, Richard Marrs
075. Luke 13:31-35, Timothy Dost
076. 2 Peter 1_16-21, Timothy Saleska
076. Baptism: Second Part, Robert Hoehner
076. Luke 13:22-30, Joel Okamoto
077. Luke 13:1-9, Glenn Nielsen
077. Matthew 17_1-13, Joel Okamoto
077. Titus 1:1-9, Joel Biermann
078. 2 Corinthians 5_20b-6_10, Joel Biermann
078. Isaiah 12:1-6, Timothy Saleska
078. Mark 1:14-20, Jonathan Stein
079. 1 Kings 5:1-15, Timothy Dost
079. 4th Petition, Bruce Hartung
079. Isaiah 43:16-21, Bruce Hartung
07a. Genetics: Day Seven Part 1, Robert Weise
07b. Genetics: Day Seven Part 2, Robert Weise
07c. Genetics: Day Seven Part 3, Robert Weise
07. Charles Arand on his October 25, 2011 Sermon, Charles Arand and David Schmitt
07. GPS Living- Session 7, Dale Meyer
07 - How did the people of Israel pray?, Arthur Just
07 - How does the two realms distinction help balance proclamation and service in the church?, Joel Biermann
07. Introduction to The Two Kinds of Righteousness, Joel Biermann
07 - Is the Old Testament different from the New Testament in how it handles christology?, David Scaer
07 - Is theology merely somthing that is in a book?, Joel Okamoto
07. “It is Concordia Seminary, but in Exile”: The Walkout, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
07. Luther's Catechisms on the Second and Third Articles of the Creed, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
07 - Session 02b - Ex. 3.1, David Adams
07- The Second Article, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
07 - What does Jesus mean when talking to Nathaniel?, Charles Gieschen
07 - What is Hellenism?, Jeffrey Oschwald
07 - What is the historical background of Israel in Isaiah's time?, Reed Lessing
07 - What was the experience of the Eastern Orthodox Church during the modern period?, Lawrence Rast
07 - What was the land of Egypt like during ancient times?, David Adams
07 - Where does Paul fit into the history of the early church?, Arthur Just
07 - Which of Walther's theses are most important?, Carl Fickenscher
07 - Why did so many people believe what indulgence-sellers said?, Paul Robinson
07 - Why does the LCMS ask its pastors and other church professionals to subscribe to the Book of Concord unconditionally?, Charles Arand
07 - Why does the Lutheran church still use an "antiquated" catechism?, Robert Kolb
07 - Why do we talk of inerrancy?, Roland Ziegler
07 - Why would the church in Rome take Paul seriously even though he did not found that church?, David Lewis
080. Baptism: Third Part, David Maxwell
080. Luke 18:31-34, Merritt Demski
080. Romans 5_12-19, William Schumacher
081. Luke 19:37-40 & Luke 23:47-49, Kent Burreson
081. Luke 2:22-32, Gerhard Bode
081. Matthew 4_1-11 1, Robert Hoehner
082. Deuteronomy 32:36-39, Daniel Mattson
082. Mark 1:21-28, Robert Kolb
082. Matthew 4_1-11 2, Thomas Manteufel
08- 2 Samuel 20:4-14, Timothy Saleska
083. Genesis 3_1-21, James Brauer
083. John 12:1-11, Chris Jung
083. Matthew 8:23-27, Joel Okamoto
084. Isaiah 50:4-9a, Paul Raabe
084. Psalm 111, Glenn Nielsen
084. Psalm 91_9-13, David Lewis
085. Baptism: Fourth Part, Robert Weise
085. Ephesians 5_8-14, Quentin Wesselschmidt
085. John 19:1-30, Joel Okamoto
086. Isaiah 48:17-22, Reed Lessing
086. John 20:1-18, David Lewis
086. John 9_1-7, 13-17, 34-39, Chris Kennedy
087. John 21:18-19, Louis Brighton
087. John 6_1-15, Jeffrey Kloha
087. Luke 24:36-49, Robert Rosin
088b. Chanting of the Passion, Erik Herrmann and Joshua Reifsteck
088. Genesis 18:20-33, David Schmitt
088. Isaiah 42_14-21, James Brauer
088. Luke 12:4-12, Robert Kolb
089. 6th Petition, Jonathan Stein
089. Isaiah 40:21-31, David Adams
089. John 21:1-19, Leo Sanchez
08. After the “Funeral”: “Alive and well and living in Clayton”, Gerhard Bode and Erik Herrmann
08a. Genetics: Day Eight Part 1, Robert Weise
08b. Genetics: Day Eight Part 2, Robert Weise
08 - Did the making of creeds and confessions end with the Book of Concord?, Charles Arand
08. Distinguishing The Two Kinds of Righteousness, Joel Biermann
08. GPS Living- Session 8, Dale Meyer
08 - How did the belief in Purgatory arise?, Paul Robinson
08 - How does one reconcile the concept of Scripture alone and the many traditions of the Lutheran church?, Roland Ziegler
08 - Is environmental activism appropriate in light of God's restoration of creation?, Joel Biermann
08. Luther's Catechisms on the Lord's Prayer, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
08. Robert Rosin on his October 31, 2011 Sermon, Robert Rosin and David Schmitt
08 - Session 03 - Ex. 3.2-5, David Adams
08- The Third Article, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
08 - What are some characteristics of non-Jewish religion in the first century?, Jeffrey Oschwald
08 - What does Old Testament Christology have to do with typology and messianic prophecies?, David Scaer
08 - What is the Catholic doctrine of papal infallability?, Lawrence Rast
08 - What is the difference between dogma and doctrine and dogmatics?, Joel Okamoto
08 - What is the main theme of Romans and how does he develop it?, David Lewis
08 - What is the relationship between Paul and other prominent early church leaders?, Arthur Just
08 - What other theses of Walther's are important, Carl Fickenscher
08 - Where did the Hebrews cross the Red Sea?, David Adams
08 - Who was Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
08 - Why does John call Jesus' miracles signs?, Charles Gieschen
08 - Why does Luther begin the catechism with the Ten Commandments?, Robert Kolb
090. Acts 5:12-20, Victor Belton
090. Romans 8_1-11, Timothy Dost
090. What is Confession?, Bruce Hartung
091. 1 Corinthians 10:19-11:1, David Lewis
091. John 11_17-27, 38-53, Wallace Becker
091. John 21:1-14, Victor Belton
092. Genesis 22_1-14, Andrew Bartelt
092. John 10:22-30, Joel Elowsky
092. Mark 1:.40-45, Wallace Becker
09- 2 Samuel 21:8-12, Timothy Saleska
093. Ezekiel 37_1-14, James Voelz
093. John 20:24-31, Gary Scharrer
093. Matthew 17:1-9, Jonathan Stein
094. 7th Petition, Tony Cook
094. Acts 9:23-31, Dale Meyer
094. Mark 9:2-3, 7-8; Psalm 30:8; Mark 15:22, 25, Kent Burreson
095. Acts 20:17-35, Craig Muehler
095. Matthew Passion, Erik Herrmann
095. Psalm 32:1, Thomas Manteufel
096. Luke 24:13-35, Mark Rouland
096. Philippians 2_8, Richard Warneck
096. Romans 5:1-11, Jonathan Stein
097. John 16:12-22, Jeffrey Gibbs
097. Luke 24_37-43, Jeffrey Gibbs
097. Mark 8:27-38, William Carr
098. Colossians 3_1-7, Thomas Egger
098. Matthew 15:21-28, Dale Meyer
098. Psalm 23, Mark Rockenbach
099. Baptism 1-2, Charles Arand
099. Revelation 21:1-7, David Langewisch
099. The Office of the Keys, Jeffrey Oschwald
09a. Genetics: Day Nine Part 1, Robert Weise
09 - Are the rest of Walther's theses just as practical as those already discussed?, Carl Fickenscher
09b. Genetics: Day Nine Part 2, Robert Weise
09. Doug Groll on his November 8, 2011 Sermon, Doug Groll and David Schmitt
09. GPS Living- Session 9, Dale Meyer
09 - How can we say that Scripture is clear?, Roland Ziegler
09 - How did Luther come to be so critical of indulgences?, Paul Robinson
09 - How good is our knowledge of the history of the ancient world?, David Adams
09. Implications of The Two Kinds of Righteousness, Joel Biermann
09 - Is it ever appropriate for a pastor to enter into the left-hand realm of service?, Joel Biermann
09 - Is it not obvious that there is a personal God who is the Creator?, Robert Kolb
09. Luther's Catechisms on the Sacraments, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
09 - Session 05 - Ex. 3.6-14, David Adams
09- The Trinity and the Faith of the Creed, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
09 - What are ecumenical creeds?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
09 - What are some of Isaiah's major theological themes?, Reed Lessing
09 - What happened to the Catholics in the 20th century?, Lawrence Rast
09 - What is an example of the temple worship in the Gospel of Luke?, Arthur Just
09 - What is the Gospel message found in Romans?, David Lewis
09 - What is the significance of Jesus' turning water to wine?, Charles Gieschen
09 - What is unique about Christianity?, Jeffrey Oschwald
09 - What led to the Council of Jerusalem?, Arthur Just
09 - What problems in christology have persisted?, David Scaer
09 - Where does doctrine come from?, Joel Okamoto
100. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Bruce Hartung
100. 1 Peter 1_3-9, Thomas Manteufel
100. John 14:1-11, Scott Seidler
101. John 20_19-31 1, Martin Danner
101. John 2:13-22, Joel Biermann
101. John 5:1-9, Benjamin Haupt
102. 2 Timothy 4:5-18, Paul Albers
102. John 20_19-31 2, David Lewis
102. Matthew 6:13, John Loum
10- 2 Samuel 22:13-24, Timothy Saleska
103. 1 Samuel 7:4-16; Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23, Kent Burreson
103. John 17:20-26, Richard Marrs
103. Psalm 148, William Carr
104. Baptism 3-4, Erik Herrmann
104. John 3:31-36, Robert Weise
104. Psalm 69:14-16, Arthur Bacon
105. 1 Peter 1_17-25, Gary Schaper
105. John 3:14-21, Robert Rosin
105. John 6:1-13, Francis Rossow
106. John 5:1-9, Glenn Nielsen
106. John 6:1-15, Joel Okamoto
106. Luke 24_13-35, Tim Ahlman
107. Acts 1:1-11, David Peter
107. John 10_11-16, Jonathan Stein
107. Psalm 107, Glenn Nielsen
108. Acts 2_14a, 36-41, Leo Sanchez
108. John 14:23-31, Andrew Bartelt
108. What is the Sacrament of the Altar?, Timothy Dost
109. Hebrews 5:1-10, Kevin Mann
109. Lord's Supper 1-2, Henry Rowold
109. Revelation 22:1-20, Paul Sieveking
10a. Genetics: Day Ten Part 1, Robert Weise
10b. Genetics: Day Ten Part 2, Robert Weise
10 - Did the humanists of Luther's day follow him?, Paul Robinson
10 - Do all denominations accept the creeds?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
10 - Does quoting Luther or other Christian writers contradict the concept of deriving doctrine from Scripture alone?, Joel Okamoto
10 - Does thesis 20 speak directly to some of the difficulties in our churches today?, Carl Fickenscher
10. GPS Living- Session 10, Dale Meyer
10 - How did the Protestant churches develop over the late 19th and early 20th centuries?, Lawrence Rast
10 - How should an LCMS pastor address participation in community prayer?, Joel Biermann
10 - How useful is Luther's definition of God today?, Robert Kolb
10- Introduction to the Lord's Prayer, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
10. John Schmidtke on his January 26, 2012 Sermon, John Schmidtke and David Schmitt
10. Luther's Catechisms on Daily Mediation and the Table of Christian Callings, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
10 suggestions for prayer, Karl Barth
10 - Textual Criticism Part I - Transmission of the Text (Episode 1), David Adams
10th Annual Lecture in Hispanic-Latino Theology and Missions, Daisy Machado
10. Theology is for Proclamation, Kent Burreson
10 - What happened in Israel between the return from exile and the birth of Christ?, Jeffrey Oschwald
10 - What is an example of synagogue worship in the Gospel of Luke?, Arthur Just
10 - What is the nature of Paul's call?, David Lewis
10 - What is the role of Isaiah 2?, Reed Lessing
10 - What was the significance of the Council of Jerusalem?, Arthur Just
10 - When did Abraham leave Ur?, David Adams
10 - Which way of referring to Jesus is better?, David Scaer
10 - Why does John place the cleansing of the temple where he does in his Gospel?, Charles Gieschen
10 - Why do we need to be baptized?, Roland Ziegler
110. 1 Peter 2_18-25, Gerhard Bode
110. Genesis 22:1-14, Andrew Bartelt
110. John 14:15-31, Anthony Cook
111. Isaiah 44:1-4, Lee Hopf
111. John 10_1-10, Richard Marrs
111. Mark 10:35-45, Leo Sanchez
112. 1 Peter 2_9, Martin Springer
112. Genesis 11:1-9, David Adams
112. The Passion of Christ according to St. Mark, Erik Herrmann
113. Acts 2_42-47, Paul Raabe
113. Luke 23:48, Jonathan Stein
113. Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31, Erik Herrmann
114. Lord's Supper 3-4, Joel Okamoto
114. Luke 7:1-10, Joel Biermann
114. Mark 16:1-8, Robert Kolb
115. Acts 14_8-18, Francis Rossow
115. Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 2:9, James Voelz
115. John 21:1-14, David Schmitt
116a. Alumni Reunion Service, Stephen Carter and Kent Burreson
116b. Psalmfest, Jeffrey Oschwald
116. Isaiah 25:6-9, Paul Devantier
116. John 16_5-15, Dale Meyer
116. The First Article, Charles Arand
117. 2 Timothy 4_5-18, David Adams
117. Exodus 15:1-6, 11-13, 17-18, David Adams
117. Luke 7:36-50, Benjamin Haupt
118. 1 John 1:1-2:2, Matthew Peeples
118. 1 Peter 3_13-22, Robert Kolb
118. Hebrews 4:12, Stephen Carter
119. John 14_15-21, Joel Biermann
119. John 20:19-31, Bruce Hartung
119. Luke 8:26-39, Paul Sieveking
11 - Are there records of the Hebrews in Egyptian documents?, David Adams
11. David Lewis on his February 2, 2012 Sermon, David Lewis and David Schmitt
11 - Did creeds originate in the context of worship?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
11. GPS Living- Session 11, Dale Meyer
11 - How does one respond to challenges to infant baptism?, Roland Ziegler
11 - How is the sermon preached in Nazareth instructive for our liturgical life today?, Arthur Just
11 - How should an LCMS pastor participate in community events when pastors in other denominations are involved?, Joel Biermann
11. Introduction to the Augsburg Confession and the Apology, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
11 - Textual Criticism Part I - Transmission of the Text (Episode 2), David Adams
11- The "Thy" Petitions, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
11. The Two Realms - Part 1, Joel Biermann
11 - What did the apostles say about Jesus?, David Scaer
11 - What impact did Roman rule have on the earliest Christians?, Jeffrey Oschwald
11 - What is meant by Paul in Romans 1 by the righteousness of God?, David Lewis
11 - What is the eccumenical movement?, Lawrence Rast
11 - What is the next major point in Isaiah's writings?, Reed Lessing
11 - What is Walther getting at in thesis 23?, Carl Fickenscher
11 - What was the relationship between Erasmus and Luther?, Paul Robinson
11 - When should a vicar or a pastor wear a clerical collar?, Charles Gieschen
11 - Who is Luke, and what was his relationship with Paul?, Arthur Just
11 - Why is it important to learn the Ten Commandments of the law?, Robert Kolb
11 - Why is there a need for dogmatic theology?, Joel Okamoto
120. Ezekiel 37:1-14, David Lewis
120. John 16_23-33, Bruce Hartung
120. Luke 8:26-39, Kou Seying
121. Acts 1_1-11, Jeffrey Oschwald
121. Colossians2:6-15, Mitchel Schuessler
12.1 Distinguishing The Two Realms, Leopoldo Sánchez
121. Genesis 2:15; Revelation 21:1-4, Charles Arand
122. Exodus 15_1-21, Reed Lessing
122. Luke 9:51-62, Joel Okamoto
122. Who Receives the Sacrament Worthily?, Wallace Becker
123. 1 John 3:1-7, Travis Scholl
123. Isaiah 65:1-9, John Perling
123. John 17_1-11, Glenn Nielsen
124. 1 Peter 4_7-11, David Schmitt
124. Luke 24:36-49, John Hellwege
124. Luke 9:51-62, Richard Marrs
125. Acts 1_12-26, Victor Raj
125. John 10:11-16, David Peter
125. Luke 10:1-20, Timothy Saleska
126. Acts 3:11-21, Thomas Manteufel
126. Galatians 6_1-10, 14-18, Jeffrey Gibbs
126. Psalm 100, Robert Hoehner
127. 1 Timothy 6:6-10, William Utech
127. Isaiah 57_15-21, Timothy Saleska
127. Romans 15_2-7, Glenn Nielsen
128. 1 John 3:16-24, Matt Canaday
128. Exodus 3_1-12, William Utech
128. Luke 10_25-37, David Peter
129. John 10:11-18, Erik Herrmann
129. John 14_23-31, Dale Meyer
129. Luke 10_25-47, Paul Sieveking
12. GPS Living- Session 12, Dale Meyer
12 - How did verses 16 and 17 of Romans 1 affect Luther?, David Lewis
12 - How does Jesus connect being born again to Baptism in John?, Charles Gieschen
12 - How do the Ten Commandments show us our need for God?, Robert Kolb
12 - Is it correct to say that the gospel must win out?, Carl Fickenscher
12 - Is the law of the left-hand kingdom the same as natural law?, Joel Biermann
12 - Is theology merely abstract and full of jargon?, Joel Okamoto
12. Kent Burreson on his April 4, 2012 Sermon, Kent Burreson and David Schmitt
12 - Textual Criticism Part II - Evaluating Variants (Episode 1), David Adams
12. The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on God and Human Sin, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
12- The Our Petitions, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
12. The Two Realms - Part 2, Joel Biermann
12 - What are some of the questions surrounding authorship of the books of the New Testament?, Peter Scaer
12 - What are the significance and functions of the creeds in the life of the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
12 - What exactly do we mean when we speak of the table fellowship of Jesus?, Arthur Just
12 - What is an apostle and what is ther significance for christology?, David Scaer
12 - What is the background of Paul's various letters?, Arthur Just
12 - What is the right practice for baptism?, Roland Ziegler
12 - What theme does Isaiah begin to explore in chapter 6?, Reed Lessing
12 - What was Melanchthon's background?, Paul Robinson
12 - When and how did the church begin to spread substantially outside Europe?, William Schumacher
12 - When did the Exodus take place?, David Adams
130. Acts 1:15-20, Francis Rossow
130. Acts 2_1-21, William Schumacher
130. Luke 10_38-42, Paul Raabe
131. Leviticus 19_9-18, Timothy Dost
131. Psalm 23:1-6, Jonathan Stein
131. Romans 1_8-17, Robert Hoehner
132. Isaiah 44:1-5, Reed Lessing
132. Luke 10:38-42, David Schmitt
132. Matthew 6_24-34, William Diekelman
133. 1 John 4:1-11, Kent Burreson
133. Luke 11:1-13, Todd Jones
133. Luther on Romans 3_21-28, James Brauer
134. John 15:1-8, Henry Gerike
134. Luke 11:1-13, Jeffrey Kloha
134. Matthew 7_15-29, James Brauer
135. John 16:5-15, Kent Pierce
135. Luke 12:13-21, David Lewis
135. Luke 14_15-24, Robert Weise
136. Acts 8:26-40, Henry Rowold
136. John 14_6, John Loum
136. Romans 13:8-14, Glenn Nielsen
137. Colossians 3:1-11, Tom Egger
137. Lord's Prayer: Third Petition, Jeffrey Kloha
137. Matthew 9_9-13, Victor Raj
138. 1 John 5:1-4, Timothy Saleska
138. Bolhmann Funeral Sermon, Gerald Kieschnick
138. Hosea 5_15-6_6, Jonathan Stein
139. Colossians 4:2-6, Daniel Mattson
139. John 15:9-17, Tony Cook
139. Psalm 50_7-10, Quentin Wesselschmidt
13. Dan Mattson on his September 25, 2012 Sermon, Dan Mattson and David Schmitt
13. GPS Living- Session 13, Dale Meyer
13 - How can baptism still be meaningful if one does not consciously remember it?, Roland Ziegler
13 - How can the language of the creeds vary when translated into English?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
13 - How does theology relate to the witness of the church?, Joel Okamoto
13 - How important were the Hebrews in the ancient world?, David Adams
13 - How should verse 17 be understood in light of different translations?, David Lewis
13 - How were early Roman Catholic missions organized?, William Schumacher
13. Law and Gospel, pt. 1 - The Law, David Maxwell
13 - Textual Criticism Part II - Evaluating Variatns (Episode 2), David Adams
13. The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on Human Righteousness, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
13- The Nature of Baptism, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
13 - Was Luther alone in his criticism of the Pope?, Paul Robinson
13 - What are some issues surrounding verse 14 of Isaiah 7?, Reed Lessing
13 - What do the Ten Commandments teach us about ourselves and the way we live?, Robert Kolb
13 - What do we know about Paul after the end of Acts?, Arthur Just
13 - What is an example of house worship in Luke's Gospel?, Arthur Just
13 - What role do the creeds play in christology?, David Scaer
13 - What value is there in teaching people about natural law?, Joel Biermann
13 - What were Walther's closing words for his students?, Carl Fickenscher
13 - Who decided which books to include in the New Testament?, Peter Scaer
13 - Why does Jesus use the language of being lifted up to speak of his death?, Charles Gieschen
140. 1 Timothy 2:1-6, Robert Hoehner
140. Jeremiah 20_7-13, Timothy Saleska
140. Luke 12:22-34, Mark Rockenbach
141. Acts 1:1-11, Kent Burreson
141. Ecclesiastes 1:2-11, Michael Redeker
141. Matthew 9_35-10_8, Jeffrey Oschwald
142. John 3:1-17, Jeffrey Kloha
142. Luke 12:22-40, John Perling
142. Philippians 1_6, Mark Schreiber
143. Jeremiah 32_16-25, Reed Lessing
143. Romans 11:33-36, Jonathan Stein
144. A Reading from the Epistle of St. Barnabas, Kent Burreson
144. Matthew 10_5a, 21-33, David Wollenburg
145. Lord's Prayer: Fifth Petition, Robert Weise
145. Luke 5_1-11, Jonathan Stein
146. 2 Corinthians 5:3-8, Joel Biermann
146. Psalm 56_9b-11, David Peter
147. Luke 16:19-31, Jeffrey Oschwald
147. Romans 7_1-13, Paul Philp
148. Ezekiel 17:22-24, Richard Marrs
148. Matthew 10_34-42, Wallace Becker
149. Psalm 1, Glenn Nielsen
149. Romans 6_3-11, Jonathan Stein
14 - Are we able to earn rewards by keeping the law?, Joel Biermann
14. David Adams on his October 29, 2012 Sermon, David Adams and David Schmitt
14. GPS Living- Session 14, Dale Meyer
14 - How can John be used to communicate that Jesus came to save all people?, Charles Gieschen
14 - How does one come up with so many different sermons?, Carl Fickenscher
14 - How does the section of Romans 1 following verses 16 and 17 relate to those verses?, David Lewis
14 - How should pastors approach debates over the validity of the Bible?, Peter Scaer
14 - In what ways is the introduction to the letter to the Galatians different from Paul's other letters?, Arthur Just
14 - Is confirmation a supplement to baptism?, Roland Ziegler
14. Law and Gospel, Robert Kolb
14 - Supplementary Lecture - The Date of the Exodus, David Adams
14. The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on Justification by Faith, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
14- The Baptismal Life, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
14 - Were the people of the Old Testament nomadic as often depicted?, David Adams
14 - What did the Passover Seder look like at the time of Jesus?, Arthur Just
14 - What is most important to remember about God's deeds in conjunction with the Creed?, Robert Kolb
14 - What is the next critical idea in Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
14 - What is the relationship between the Gospel as the Word of God and the Bible as the Word of God?, Joel Okamoto
14 - What is the significance of the differences between the creeds with respect to Jesus?, David Scaer
14 - What is the value of confessing the eccumenical creeds over contemporary creeds?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
14 - Who were the great figures in early Catholic missions?, William Schumacher
14 - Why did the 95 Theses cause such a stir?, Paul Robinson
150. 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, David Peter
150. Romans 13_1-7, Robert Hoehner
151. Ezekiel 37, David Schmitt
151. Mark 4:35-41, Paul Robinson
152. Judges 6:16, Reed Lessing
152. Romans 6_19-23, Joel Okamoto
153. Acts 15:1-12, Henry Rowold
153. Psalm 91, Jonathan Stein
154. Mark 5:21-43, Joel Biermann
154. Romans 8_12-17, Bruce Hartung
155. Luke 15:1-10, Erik Herrmann
155. Matthew 13_1-9, 18-23, William Utech
156. Jeremiah 23_16-29, James Brauer
156. Lamentations 3:22-33, Henry Gerike
157. 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Timothy Dost
157. Isaiah 53_10-13, Henry Rowold
158. Mark 6:1-13, Paul Raabe
158. Psalm 103_15-19, Timothy Dost
159. Ephesians 1:3-14, Jonathan Stein
159. Luke 16_1-15, Jonathan Stein
15- Confession and Absolution, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
15 - Did Christians have easy access to the Bible in the first century?, Peter Scaer
15. Gerhard Bode on his October 31, 2012 Sermon, Gerhard Bode and David Schmitt
15. GPS Living- Session 15, Dale Meyer
15 - How does Paul's view of the Law in Romans 2 relate to his view in Romans 7?, David Lewis
15 - Is there a direct connection between early mission work and the expansion of European colonial power?, William Schumacher
15 - Supplementary Lecture - The Route of the Exodus and the Location of Mt. Sinai, David Adams
15. The Augsburg Confession: the Apology on the Sacraments & the Public Ministry, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
15 things which surprised me in parish ministry, Stewart Schulz
15. Trinity and the Word, Forms of the Word, Leopoldo Sánchez
15 - Was Jesus ever critical of the liturgical life of Israel?, Arthur Just
15 - What does Jesus mean when he tells the Samaritan woman that worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth?, Charles Gieschen
15 - What is a baptism of the Spirit?, Roland Ziegler
15 - What is the relation of christology to the doctrine of the Trinity?, David Scaer
15 - What is the role of chapter 11 thematically?, Reed Lessing
15 - What language did Abraham and Moses speak, and what is its relation to Biblical and modern Hebrew?, David Adams
15 - What prompted Paul's letter to the Galatians?, Arthur Just
15 - What system should be used to work with the text in preparation for a sermon?, Carl Fickenscher
15 - What were the theological issues which helped to form the creeds?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
15 - Why are there so many religions?, Roland Ziegler
15 - Why was Luther not excommunicated until 1521?, Paul Robinson
15 - Will God motivate me to serve my neighbor?, Joel Biermann
160. Luke 19_41-43, David Maxwell
160. Mark 6:14-29, Joel Okamoto
161. Amos 7:7-15, David Schmitt
161. Deuteronomy 7_6-9, James Brauer
162. Amos 7:10-17, Reed Lessing
162. Psalm 105_1-6, 37-45, Jonathan Stein
163. Isaiah 42_1-9, Jonathan Stein
163. Mark 6:30-44, James Voelz
164. John 20:1-2,10-18, Kent Burreson
164. Mark 8_27-35, David Schmitt
165. 1 Corinthians 1_1-9 2, John Loum
165. Jeremiah 23:1-6, Paul Raabe
166. Genesis 9:8-17, Thomas Manteufel
167. Numbers 11:4-6, 10-15, David Peter
168. Genesis 2:7-17, Charles Arand
169. Psalm 136:1-9, Timothy Dost
16 - Does Paul state that he is not ashamed of the Gospel in Galatians as he does in Romans?, Arthur Just
16. GPS Living- Session 16, Dale Meyer
16 - How can John be used to show a right picture of Jesus' relationship with the Father and with us?, Charles Gieschen
16 - How did churches of the Reformation become a part of worldwide mission efforts?, William schumacher
16 - How should one refer to the Lord's Supper?, Roland Ziegler
16. Leo Sanchez on his January 30, 2013 Sermon, Leo Sanchez and David Schmitt
16. The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on New Obedience or Good Works, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
16- The Nature of the Lord's Supper, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
16. Uses of Scripture, Enthusiasm, Leopoldo Sánchez
16 - Were there other issues which Luther had with the Catholic church not in the 95 Theses?, Paul Robinson
16 - What did Christians borrow from Jesus' participation in the liturgical life of Israel?, Arthur Just
16 - What does the two realms have to say regarding war?, Joel Biermann
16 - What do we mean when we confess verbal inspiration of the Bible?, Peter Scaer
16 - What effect does the Eastern Orthodox omission of the filioque have on their christology?, David Scaer
16 - What issues are at stake in Paul's discussion of Jews and Gentiles?, David Lewis
16 - What is the significance of Isaiah 12?, Reed Lessing
16 - What is the specific Christian concept of God?, Roland Ziegler
16 - What sort of written language would Moses have used, if any?, David Adams
16 - What theological dilemma was addressed with the phrase being of one substance?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
16 - When should one think about the biblical context of a text in sermon preparation?, Carl Fickenscher
16 - Why does Luther describe human beings as without any merit?, Robert Kolb
170. Ephesians 4:1-16, Jonathan Stein
171. John 6:22-40, David Lewis
172. Matthew 7:15-23, Kent Burreson
173. Exodus 16:2-15, Jonathan Stein
17a - How does one respond to the idea that the religion of Israel was largely borrowed from their neighbors?, David Adams
17b - How does the Biblical view of time differ from that of the ancient near east?, David Adams
17 - How are the oracles against the nations practical today?, Reed Lessing
17 - How does God's revelation to Paul relate to his understanding of his apostleship?, Arthur Just
17 - How does isagogics affect preaching?, Carl Fickenscher
17 - How do the creeds help us to understand God and how to talk about him?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
17 - How is the righteousness of God related to law and gospel?, Paul Robinson
17 - If natural law is the basis for the left-hand realm, then are some systems of ethics better than others?, Joel Biermann
17. Interpreting Scripture in a Systematics Context, Timothy Saleska
17 - Is there more than one way that God makes himself known?, Roland Ziegler
17- Living Life in the Supper's Nourishment, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
17. Robert Kolb on his February 14, 2013 Sermon, Robert Kolb and David Schmitt
17. The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on the Church, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
17 - Was there a connection between Pietism and missions?, William Schumacher
17 - What connotations does the word justification have and how does Paul use it in his discussion in Romans?, David Lewis
17 - What is the Lutheran doctrine surrounding the virgin birth and its implications for christology?, David Scaer
17 - What makes a Gospel a Gospel?, Peter Scaer
17 - What name is being referred to with all the talk in John of believing in his name?, Charles Gieschen
17 - Why does Luther seem to emphasize Christ's deity over his humanity?, Robert Kolb
17 - Why do Lutherans stress the real presence?, Roland Ziegler
18 - Does a focus on ethics make us self-centered?, Joel Biermann
18 - Does the confession of the Trinity in the creeds reflect the Gospel message?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
18. Héctor Hoppe on his March 12, 2013 Sermon, Héctor Hoppe and David Schmitt
18 - How does one account for the practice of closed communion?, Roland Ziegler
18 - How does one find the background of a text?, Carl Fickenscher
18 - How does Paul's statements in Romans 3 fit into his larger proposition?, David Lewis
18 - Is Mary the Mother of God?, David Scaer
18. Special Issue: Immigration, Vocation, and the Two Realms, Leopoldo Sánchez
18. The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on Human Rites and Ceremonies, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
18- The Chart of Christian Callings, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
18 - What are mission societies?, William Schumacher
18 - What comes next in Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
18 - What did Luther's rediscovery of the gospel lead him to challenge?, Paul Robinson
18 - What does the Gospel of John say about when eternal life begins?, Charles Gieschen
18 - What do we mean when we say that Jesus is the Son of God?, Roland Ziegler
18 - What happened in Paul's first visit to Jerusalem after his conversion?, Arthur Just
18 - What is meant by the phrase inaugurated eschatology?, Arthur Just
18 - What is the Synoptic Problem?, Peter Scaer
18 - Why can people not agree on how to read and interpret the Bible?, David Adams
18 - Why is the word LORD capitalized when written in the catechism?, Robert Kolb
19 - At what moment did Jesus become God?, David Scaer
19- Command within Calling, Vocation through Virtue, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
19 - How does marriage fit into the two realms?, Joel Biermann
19 - How does one break down the actual text for preaching?, Carl Fickenscher
19 - How does Paul make the case that we are declared righteous on account of faith in Romans 4?, David Lewis
19 - How is the Lutheran understanding of the Supper different from the Roman Catholic understanding?, Roland Ziegler
19 - How were early mission societies related to churches?, William Schumacher
19 - Is redemption a good word for what Christ does for mankind?, Robert Kolb
19. Reed Lessing on his April 23, 2013 Sermon, Reed Lessing and David Schmitt
19. Special Issue: A Spirituality for the Lutheran School (presented at Lutheran High School South, St. Louis, MO.), Leopoldo Sánchez
19. The Augsburg Confession-the Apology on the Human Will & the Cause of Evil, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
19 - To what or to whom does Chapter 14?, Reed Lessing
19 - What happened after Luther's excommunication in 1521?, Paul Robinson
19 - What is historical criticism and where did it come from?, David Adams
19 - What is the significance of Jesus' I am sayings?, Charles Gieschen
19 - What were the reasons for Paul's second trip to Jerusalem?, Arthur Just
19 - Why do Christians say that the Holy Spirit is a person?, Roland Ziegler
19 - Why is Matthew the first book in the New Testament?, Peter Scaer
19 - Why is the Holy Spirit not given as many words in the Nicean creed?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
1.a Welcome to German Days at the Sem II, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
1.b New Religions and German Politics, especially in the Nazi era, Karla Poewe and Uwe Siemon-Netto
1.c Ancestral Neo-Paganism: From Feuerbach via the Nazis to contemporary Germany, Irving Hexham and Uwe Siemon-Netto
1.d U.S. Paralells: Neo-paganism, Occultism, and Satanism in American Public Life, Larry Nichols and Uwe Siemon-Netto
1.e Session One Q & A, Uwe Siemon-Netto, Larry Nichols, and Karla Poewe
1st Annual Lecture: The Journey of the Immigrant: A Theology of Migration, Daniel Groody and Leopoldo Sanchez
20 - Does marriage still have connections to the right-hand realm?, Joel Biermann
20 - Do liberals today still believe in the documentary hypothesis?, David Adams
20 - How does one figure out the answers to the questions raised by a text?, Carl Fickenscher
20 - How do the current Lutheran and Reformed views on the Supper relate?, Roland Ziegler
20. Jon Diefenthaler on his April 29, 2013 Sermon, Jon Diefenthaler and David Schmitt
20- Living the Catechetized Life, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
20. The Smalcald Articles Parts One & Two, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
20. The Word of God, Robert Kolb
20 - What are some concrete examples of early mission societies?, William Schumacher
20 - What are the early rites of Christians?, Arthur Just
20 - What can you tell about the Gospels from the way each begins?, Peter Scaer
20 - What does John mean when he calls Jesus the Word of God?, David Scaer
20 - What do we mean when we say that there is only one God even though there are three persons in the Trinity?, Roland Ziegler
20 - What happened at Antioch which influenced the meeting at Jerusalem?, Arthur Just
20 - What is the significance of Isaiah 23?, Reed Lessing
20 - What is the significance of Paul's use of the word reconcilliation in Romans 5?, David Lewis
20 - When Jesus says just "I am," what is being communicated there?, Charles Gieschen
20 - Why does Luther not seem to mention justification by faith in the catechism?, Robert Kolb
20 - Why was Luther's translation of the Bible so important?, Paul Robinson
20 - Why was there a conflict over the filioque?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
21 - Did the German princes continue to support Luther after he was declared an outlaw?, Paul Robinson
21 - Do we need a pastor to absolve us?, Roland Ziegler
21 - How can one respond to the accusation that it is not fair that Adam's sin should affect all people?, David Lewis
21 - How can the teaching of the Athanasian Creed about the Trinity be understood?, Roland Ziegler
21 - How does an understanding of the types of literature in the Bible affect interpretation?, David Adams
21 - How is the next section connected to the previous one?, Reed Lessing
21 - How should one interact with a text even if they cannot read it in its original language?, Carl Fickenscher
21. Luke Schnaken on his October 8, 2013 Sermon, Luke Schnake and David Schmitt
21. The Smalcald Articles on Sin, the Law, and Repentance, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
21 - Was there any commonality to the various mission societies?, William Schumacher
21 - What does Paul mean in Ephesians 5 when he speaks of a woman being subordinate?, Joel Biermann
21 - What does the communion of saints mean?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
21 - What is the end result of Christ's action for us and what does it mean to belong to Christ?, Robert Kolb
21 - What is the significance of Jesus saying that he is the bread of life?, Charles Gieschen
21 - What is the structure of the liturgy of the Word?, Arthur Just
21 - Which sections of the Bible show that Jesus is God?, David Scaer
21 - Why is John the Baptist so important?, Peter Scaer
22. Henry Rowald on his December 17, 2013 Sermon, Henry Rowold and David Schmitt
22 - How can one talk concretely about the Trinity?, Roland Ziegler
22 - How does one address current attitudes toward divorce among the church?, Joel Biermann
22 - How do we defend a conservative method of reading the Bible?, David Adams
22 - How were princes able to become Lutheran even though Emperor Charles V was against Luther?, Paul Robinson
22. The Smalcald Articles: Proposals for Reform, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
22 - What contemporary application can be found in Isaiah 30 and 31?, Reed Lessing
22 - What did Jesus mean when he said in Matthew that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel?, Peter Scaer
22 - What does the word eschatology mean?, Roland Ziegler
22 - What do the I am statements of Jesus mean?, David Scaer
22 - What happened at Antioch to cause Paul to be so upset with Peter?, Arthur Just
22 - What is an overview of Romans 6 through 8?, David Lewis
22 - What is the relationship between John 6 and the Lord's Supper?, Charles Gieschen
22 - What is the structure and message of the Athanasian Creed?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
22 - What is the structure of the liturgy of the Sacrament?, Arthur Just
22 - When should one consult Luther and other Lutheran theologians on a text?, Carl Fickenscher
22 - Who gets to go to heaven?, Robert Kolb
22 - Who were the great figures in early Protestant missions?, William Schumacher
23 - Are there different ways in which different passages speak of Jesus as God?, David Scaer
23 - How are the rites of entrance, preparation, and distribution times of movement?, Arthur Just
23 - How can Mosaic authorship be defended?, David Adams
23 - How does the resurrection of Christ structure eschatology?, Roland Ziegler
23. Scott Sommerfeld on his February 5, 2015 Sermon, Scott Sommerfeld and David Schmitt
23. The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
23 - What does it mean that we are buried with Christ and rasied with him?, David Lewis
23 - What does Jesus mean when he speaks of divorce in Matthew 19?, Joel Biermann
23 - What does Luther mean when he says that it is the Holy Spirit, not us, who does sanctification?, Robert Kolb
23 - What handles can help one to remember Isaiah's prophetic themes?, Reed Lessing
23 - What is the final step in exegetical preparation of a text for preaching?, Carl Fickenscher
23 - What is the relationship between water, the spirit, and baptism in John?, Charles Gieschen
23 - What kinds of churches were established outside of Europe?, William Schumacher
23 - What makes each person of the Trinity different from each other?, Roland Ziegler
23 - What was the relationship between the German princes and Luther?, Paul Robinson
23 - What was the role of the disciples in the Gospels?, Peter Scaer
23 - Why is the Athanasian Creed used so infrequently today?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
24 - How did mission efforts affect the worldwide view of the Christian church?, William Schumacher
24 - How does chapter 35 function in Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
24 - How does one explain the account of the woman caught in adultery and its place in the text of John?, Charles Gieschen
24 - Is it appropriate to teach about marriage in church?, Joel Biermann
24. The Formula of Concord on the Human Will, Original Sin, and Election, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
24 - Were all three persons of the Trinity involved in the activities usually assigned to one of them?, Roland Ziegler
24 - What developments shaped the historical context of the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
24 - What does death mean for the Christian?, Roland Ziegler
24 - What does Paul mean by the hearing of faith and works of the law?, Arthur Just
24 - What do various terms describing Christ mean?, David Scaer
24 - What is meant by urban liturgy?, Arthur Just
24 - What is the difference in interpretations of Romans 7?, David Lewis
24 - What problems arose in Wittenberg while Luther was in hiding?, Paul Robinson
24 - What role did miracles play in the ministry of Jesus?, Peter Scaer
24 - What then is my role in sanctification?, Robert Kolb
24 - When should exegetical preparation be done for a sermon?, Carl Fickenscher
24 - Why study Exodus in addition to Genesis?, David Adams
25 - Did Luther and Melancthon always agree?, Robert Kolb
25 - How did people in the Old Testament know God?, Roland Ziegler
25 - How do chapters 36 through 39 fit into the historical and literary context of Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
25 - How does John address the matter of sin as an inherited condition?, Charles Gieschen
25 - How does one address organization and development of a sermon?, David Schmitt
25 - How does Paul use Scripture in his response to the Galatians?, Arthur Just
25 - Is a Lutheran school in the right or left-hand realm?, Joel Biermann
25 - Is the effect of Christ's intervention limited to being forensic in character?, David Lewis
25 - Is there a reciprocation of attributes between the two natures?, David Scaer
25 - Is there a time in between physical death and the resurrection?, Roland Ziegler
25. The Formula of Concord on the Justification of the Sinner by Faith, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
25 - Were there any efforts for cooperation between Protestant missions?, William Schumacher
25 - What are the ordinaries and why are they a part of the historic liturgy?, Arthur Just
25 - What did Luther do when he returned to Wittenberg?, Paul Robinson
25 - What is the significance of the baptism of Jesus?, Peter Scaer
25 - What kinds of things should one look for as one reads through Exodus?, David Adams
25 - What was the relation of Luther to the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
26 - Does a disregard for the third use of the law play into these issues?, Joel Biermann
26 - How concerned should one be about a sermon's structure?, David Schmitt
26 - How does Luke differ from Matthew and why?, Peter Scaer
26 - How does the Holy Spirit's role in our lives help us to understand our present relationship to sin and the law?, David Lewis
26 - How does the LCMS fit into the big picture of world missions?, William Schumacher
26 - How should one address the beliefs of Judaism and Islam regarding the God of Abraham?, Roland Ziegler
26. The Formula of Concord on the Law and Good Works, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
26 - What are the biblical precedents of the ordinaries, and what is their theological significance?, Arthur Just
26 - What did Luther do provide for preaching and instruction in the catechism?, Paul Robinson
26 - What does it mean that Jesus is cursed on the cross?, Arthur Just
26 - What does John 9 say about spiritual sight?, Charles Gieschen
26 - What does Paul mean when he says that Jesus is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption?, David Scaer
26 - What do we believe and teach about the end times?, Roland Ziegler
26 - What is an example of a Christmas sermon based on Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
26 - What is so important about Exodus 3?, David Adams
26 - Why are there two different texts for the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
26 - Why does Luther talk so much about the Church in the Third Article?, Robert Kolb
27 - Can the law function as motivation for the Christian?, Joel Biermann
27 - How can it be that Jesus was tempted?, Peter Scaer
27 - How can the literary structure of the call of Moses be summarized?, David Adams
27 - How familiar were the Galatians with the Scriptures which Paul quotes?, Arthur Just
27 - How is Paul using the word law in verse 21 of chapter 7?, David Lewis
27 - In the LCMS how are missions connected to the church?, William Schumacher
27 - Is goal-malady-means the proper way to structure a sermon?, David Schmitt
27. The Formula of Concord on the Lord's Supper, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
27 - To whom does one pray when one prays through Jesus?, Roland Ziegler
27 - What do we mean by the active and passive obedience of Christ?, David Scaer
27 - What is an example of a Lenten sermon based on Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
27 - What passages in John speak of Jesus as the only way of salvation?, Charles Gieschen
27 - Why did other forms of Protestantism develop alongside and after Luther?, Cameron MacKenzie
27 - Why do Lutherans not believe in the millennium?, Roland Ziegler
27 - Why is the Augsburg Confession divided into two parts?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
27 - Why pray?, Robert Kolb
27 - Why was Sunday selected as the day for Christian worship?, Arthur Just
28 - Does recognizing the distinction between the realms apply to giving?, Joel Biermann
28 - Does the immaculate conception have anything to do with the sinlessness of Jesus?, David Scaer
28 - Does the sense of eschatology still exist today in our understanding of time?, Arthur Just
28 - How does one start putting ideas into a sermon structure?, David Schmitt
28 - How does the Augsburg Confession compare to the eccumenical creeds?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
28 - How do mission fields develop into independent churches?, William Schumacher
28 - If God is so great, does language about God fall short?, Roland Ziegler
28. The Formula of Concord on the Person of Christ, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
28 - What does Paul mean when he speaks of creation itself waiting in expectation?, David Lewis
28 - What is an example of an Easter sermon based on Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
28 - What is the main theological point of the call of Moses?, David Adams
28 - What is the point of Paul's argument where he references Abraham and the giving of the Law?, Arthur Just
28 - Who was Zwingli and what was his influence?, Cameron MacKenzie
28 - Why did Jesus only choose men to be his apostles?, Peter Scaer
28 - Why did Luther include the Lord's Prayer in the Catechism?, Robert Kolb
28 - Why does Jesus call himself the good shepherd?, Charles Gieschen
28 - Will we be judged by works at the eschaton?, Roland Ziegler
29 - Did Zwingli and Luther interact?, Cameron MacKenzie
29 - How can one understand the significance of Jesus' death in terms of shepherd and sheep?, Charles Gieschen
29 - How does the two realms affect evangelism?, Joel Biermann
29 - How do Paul's references to the law in Galatians compare to those in Romans?, Arthur Just
29 - How is the concept of the eighth day related to baptism?, Arthur Just
29 - In what sense does the call of Moses look back to Genesis?, David Adams
29 - Is the doctrine of Hell cruel?, Roland Ziegler
29. The Formula of Concord on the Practices of the Church, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
29 - Was it possible for Jesus to sin?, David Scaer
29 - What does Paul mean when he says that all things work together for the good of those who love him?, David Lewis
29 - What does the Lord's Prayer model for us?, Robert Kolb
29 - What do sermon structures look like in actual sermons?, David Schmitt
29 - What is meant to say that a church is independent?, William Schumacher
29 - What is the significance of God being a mystery or hidden?, Roland Ziegler
29 - What was the purpose and significance of the Augsburg Confession to Lutherans in the 16th century?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
29 - What was the significance of Jesus associating with sinners?, Peter Scaer
29 - Why is chapter 39 a good place to shift gears in Isaiah?, Reed Lessing
2.a Greeting from Consul-general Wolfgang Drautz, Wolfgang Drautz and Uwe Siemon-Netto
2.b Faith and Politics in Germany - A Glass Half Full, Christian Meissner and Uwe Siemon-Netto
2.c How to Replenish the Glass, Matthew Harrison and Uwe Siemon-Netto
2.d Session Two Q & A, Uwe Siemon-Netto, Christian Meissner, and Matthew Harrison
2nd Annual Lecture: Being In The Middle: Justice Across Borders, Hjamil Martinez-Vazquez, Leopoldo Sanchez, Steve Moffitt, and Melissa Salomon
30 - Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?, David Scaer
30 - How did Christianity come to America?, William Schumacher
30 - How does the account of Lazarus aid in seeing Jesus as the resurrection and the life?, Charles Gieschen
30 - How do verses 31 through 39 of chapter 8 fit with Paul's larger discussion in Romans?, David Lewis
30 - How should logic be used in structuring a sermon?, David Schmitt
30 - Is there a good way to think of an interface between the two realms?, Joel Biermann
30 - Just who is the Messenger of the LORD?, David Adams
30th Anniversary of the Concordia Seminary Walkout, Andrew Bartelt, James Voelz, Robert Kolb, and David Wollenburg
30. The Formula of Concord on the False Ways of Practicing the Christian Faith, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
30 - What does God teach us about Heaven?, Roland Ziegler
30 - What does our language about God actually mean?, Roland Ziegler
30 - What is meant by calling the Gospels passion narratives with long introductions?, Peter Scaer
30 - What is meant by the phrase the Book of Comfort?, Daniel Gard
30 - What is the relationship between the law and the promise?, Arthur Just
30 - What is the structure of the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
30 - When did the church year become fully developed and why?, Arthur Just
30 - Why are there different opinions on how many Sacraments there are?, Robert Kolb
30 - Why was there so much acrimony in Marburg?, Cameron MacKenzie
31 - Do Lutheran congregations make much use of the practice of excommunication?, Joel Biermann
31 - How did the Augsburg Confession come to be written?, Cameron MacKenzie
31 - How important are the rejections in the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
31 - Is it possible to give emphasis to the Holy Spirit and still remain Christ-centered?, Leopoldo Sánchez
31 - Is there any relationship between the rhythms of nature and the theological foundations for the church year?, Arthur Just
31. The Lutheran Confessions - Discussion Starters, Charles Arand and Robert Kolb
31 - What are the problems when one speaks in different ways about God?, Roland Ziegler
31 - What is the purpose of Mark?, Peter Scaer
31 - What is the value of a verse-by-verse sermon structure?, David Schmitt
31 - What kind of Christianity was transplanted to America?, William Schumacher
31 - What role does the revelation of God's name play in the call of Moses?, David Adams
31 - What sort of overview can you give for Romans 9 through 11?, David Lewis
31 - Why does God present his Word in sacramental forms?, Robert Kolb
31 - Why does Jesus spend so much time teaching about his death before it occurs?, Charles Gieschen
31 - Why is Jesus called Lord?, David Scaer
31 - Why is the word comfort repeated at the beginning of Isaiah 40?, Daniel Gard
32 - Did Abraham and the patriarchs know the LORD's name?, David Adams
32 - Does Romans 9 teach double predestination?, David Lewis
32 - Does Son of Man have any particular significance?, David Scaer
32 - Is Justification the key to the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
32 - Is there a central passage for the letter to the Galatians?, Arthur Just
32 - Is there a difference between analogy and metaphor?, Roland Ziegler
32 - What happned to Zwingli and his reformation after Marburg?, Cameron MacKenzie
32 - What is a minor ban?, Joel Biermann
32 - What is the reason for Luther's emphasis on Baptism?, Robert Kolb
32 - What is the relation to the Godhood of the Holy Spirit and his work of sanctification?, Leopoldo Sánchez
32 - What is the value of using the story of a text as the sermon structure?, David Schmitt
32 - What was different about American churches compared to European churches?, William Schumacher
32 - Which Mary was it who annointed Jesus and why did she do this?, David Lewis
32 - Who does each Gospel talk about different aspects of the resurrection?, Peter Scaer
32 - Why did the Babylonian exile occur?, Daniel Gard
33 - How can one effectively teach what the confessions say about the human condition?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
33 - How does the practice of closed communion fit into church discipline?, Joel Biermann
33 - How is it that Jesus talks of his crucifixion and death as his glory?, David Lewis
33 - How is one to think of the state of humiliation of Christ?, David Scaer
33 - Is the Holy Spirit immaterial?, Leopoldo Sánchez
33 - Is the repetition of "I am the LORD" significant in chapter 6?, David Adams
33 - Was colonial America seen by Europe as a mission field?, William Schumacher
33 - What does Jesus mean when he says blessed are the peacemakers?, Peter Scaer
33 - What does Paul mean when he says Christ is the end of the Law in Romans 10?, David Lewis
33 - What happens to the structures of the liturgy during the medieval period of history?, Arthur Just
33 - What is the source of Paul's renewed distress over the Galatians in chapter 4?, Arthur Just
33 - What kind of language is used when God is called Father?, Roland Ziegler
33 - What were the circumstances of the exile?, Daniel Gard
33 - Who succeeded Zwingli as the leader of the Reformed?, Cameron MacKenzie
33 - Why did Luther include a section on Confession and Absolution?, Robert Kolb
33 - Why should one use various sermon structures?, David Schmitt
34 - How are we delivered from the sinful human condition?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
34 - How did Calvin come to live in Geneva?, Cameron MacKenzie
34 - How does one know how long to spend on each point of a sermon?, David Schmitt
34 - How does one respond to negative reactions to church discipline?, Joel Biermann
34 - How is Jesus with us always if he ascended into heaven?, Peter Scaer
34 - Is there a social or relational character to the work of the Spirit?, Leopoldo Sánchez
34 - To what kinds of words does the term analogical language apply?, Roland Ziegler
34 - Were the American colonists interested in bringing the Gospel to Native Americans?, William Schumacher
34 - What does it mean when the LORD says to Moses that he has made him like God to Pharoah?, David Adams
34 - What does Paul mean when he says that all Israel will be saved?, David Lewis
34 - What does referring to Israel as God's servant say about the nation's relationship to their God?, Daniel Gard
34 - What is the purpose of the voice from heaven in chapter 12?, David Lewis
34 - What is the significance in a separation between the clergy and the laity during the medieval time in history?, Arthur Just
34 - What is the value of private and public confession?, Robert Kolb
34 - Where does the descent into Hell fit into the life of Christ?, David Scaer
34 - Why does Paul rehearse the occasion when he first preached the Gospel to the Galatians?, Arthur Just
35 - Did Calvin meet with hostility in the other cities in which he lived?, Cameron MacKenzie
35 - Did God die when Jesus died?, David Scaer
35 - How are AC IV-VI connected?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
35 - How does one deal with accusations of anti-semitism in John?, David Lewis
35 - How does one develop underdeveloped points in a sermon?, David Schmitt
35 - How does one respond to other views about who Jesus is?, Peter Scaer
35 - How does one work with the whole congregation in the midst of administering church discipline?, Joel Biermann
35 - What are the attributes of God?, Roland Ziegler
35 - What does the Nicene Creed teach us about the Holy Spirit?, Leopoldo Sánchez
35 - What is an overview of Romans 12 through 15?, David Lewis
35 - What is the significance of the phrase do not fear to Israel and to us?, Daniel Gard
35 - When did Lutherans come to America?, Lawrence Rast
35 - Why did Luther consider the Lord's Supper so important?, Robert Kolb
35 - Why does God harden Pharoah's heart?, David Adams
35 - Why does Paul use an allegory about Abraham and his two wives?, Arthur Just
35 - Why do pastors today even need to allegorize the liturgy for the people?, Arthur Just
36 - How can one apply these principles in concrete situations?, Joel Biermann
36 - How can one speak of the Spirit distinctly from the other two persons of the Trinity?, Leopoldo Sánchez
36 - How does faith shape our understanding of the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
36 - How does John's attitude toward belief and unbelief have to say for ministry in pluralistic America today?, David Lewis
36 - How do we explain the times when Jesus calls out to God?, David Scaer
36 - How important is the correlation between plagues and Egyptian gods?, David Adams
36 - What are Servant Songs?, Daniel Gard
36 - What are some of the other pastoral implications of the changes that take place in the liturgy?, Arthur Just
36 - What does it mean that God is simple?, Roland Ziegler
36 - What does Paul mean when he talks about freedom?, Arthur Just
36 - What does the Lord's Supper do for us?, Robert Kolb
36 - What do the times when Jesus prayed teach us about our prayers?, Peter Scaer
36 - What is Paul saying about the Christian's attitude towards government in Romans 13?, David Lewis
36 - What is the difference between different methods to develop points in a sermon?, David Schmitt
36 - What was the Great Awakening?, Lawrence Rast
36 - Why did Calvin return to Geneva the second time?, Cameron MacKenzie
37 - How can one help hearers to remember the point of a story rather than just the story itself?, David Schmitt
37 - How does one account for the differences between John and the Synoptics?, Jeffrey Oschwald
37 - How do we understand the resurrection of Christ?, David Scaer
37 - Is the Lord's Supper is the last substantive thing Luther covers in his catechism?, Robert Kolb
37 - Was America originally founded as a Christian nation?, Lawrence Rast
37 - What did Calvin teach?, Cameron MacKenzie
37 - What do we mean when we say that God is omnipresent?, Roland Ziegler
37 - What is meant by liturgy of the hours or the daily office?, Arthur Just
37 - What is meant by the assertion that a text is a "composite text"?, David Adams
37 - What is the place of the Holy Spirit in the life and mission of Christ?, Leopoldo Sánchez
37 - What role does Paul's statement regarding circumcision play in this letter?, Arthur Just
37 - Where does the word church come from and what does it mean?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
37 - Why does Paul mention that love is the fulfillment of the Law?, David Lewis
37 - Why do the Sacraments play such a prominent role in the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
37 - Why is there no mention of the institution of the Lord's Supper at Jesus' Passover meal in John?, David Lewis
38 - Can the resurrection of Jesus be proven?, David Scaer
38 - How can the third verse of Isaiah 42 help to shape a pastor's ministry?, Daniel Gard
38 - How did Israelites in the Old Testament conduct the Passover celebration?, David Adams
38 - How did the various groups like Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses get their start in America?, Lawrence Rast
38 - How does Scripture speak of the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
38 - How is Christ distinct from other people with the Holy Spirit?, Leopoldo Sánchez
38 - How is the Table of Christian Duties useful?, Robert Kolb
38 - How should confession and absolution be taught and emphasized in the church today?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
38 - In what ways can Romans 14 be applied to a contemporary congregation?, David Lewis
38 - Is there a point to prayer if God is omnicient?, Roland Ziegler
38 - What does the future of the Galatian congregation look like from Paul's perspective?, Arthur Just
38 - What is the significance of Jesus washing his disciples' feet?, David Lewis
38 - What other areas became Reformed rather than Lutheran?, Cameron MacKenzie
38 - What techniques can be used to help the hearers to remember the point of a sermon?, David Schmitt
38 - What was the development of the prayer life of the church like and what are the central components of that life?, Arthur Just
38 - Who was the beloved disciple?, Jeffrey Oschwald
39 - How did Scotland become a Reformed country?, Cameron MacKenzie
39 - How does Isaiah's hope for the future speak also to the modern people of God?, Daniel Gard
39 - How do I find the neighbor in genuine need?, Robert Kolb
39 - How should some Biblical descriptions of God be understood since God is omnicient?, Roland Ziegler
39 - What did Pharoah mean when he asked Moses to bless him too?, David Adams
39 - What does Paul mean in his admonitions about the flesh?, Arthur Just
39 - What impact did democritization have on Lutheranism?, Lawrence Rast
39 - What is the history and status of the filioque in the church?, Leopoldo Sánchez
39 - What is the importance of continuity with the generations that came before us as we gather for worship today?, Arthur Just
39 - What is the place of a manuscript in sermon preparation?, David Schmitt
39 - What is the significance of the word ecclesial?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
39 - What should we know about the close of Romans?, David Lewis
39 - What significance does the exchange between Peter and Jesus regarding foot washing have?, David Lewis
39 - What were some of the earliest problems Christians had understanding the resurrection?, David Scaer
39 - Why does John omit the institution of the Lord's Supper?, Jeffrey Oschwald
39 - Why must a pastor be regularly called?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
3.a Faith & Politics in Today's Germany & Europe - A Glass Half Empty, Hans Apel and Uwe Siemon-Netto
3.b Is God's Name in the Constitution Any Use?, Barry Anderson and Uwe Siemon-Netto
3.c Session Three Q & A, Uwe Siemon-Netto, Hans Apel, and Barry Anderson
3rd Annual Lecture: Towards a Latino Lutheranism: Its Challenges and Points of Departure, pt.1, Giácomo Cassese, Leopoldo Sanchez, and William Schumacher
3rd Annual Lecture: Towards a Latino Lutheranism: Its Challenges and Points of Departure, pt.2, Giácomo Cassese, Leopoldo Sanchez, and William Schumacher
3rd Annual Lecture: Towards a Latino Lutheranism: Its Challenges and Points of Departure, pt.3, Giácomo Cassese, Leopoldo Sanchez, and William Schumacher
3 Systems of psychology., Martin Haendschke
40 - Are the prayers of people ever able to actually change the mind of God?, Roland Ziegler
40 - How does the Spirit coming to us in our baptism relate to the Spirit coming to Jesus at his baptism?, Leopoldo Sánchez
40 - How is one to understand the exclusive claims of Israel's God?, Daniel Gard
40 - How should the church relate to society according to the Augsburg Confession?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
40 - How was it that parts of the Holy Roman Empire became Reformed?, Cameron MacKenzie
40 - Is everything you talk about in the Chart?, Robert Kolb
40 - Is it a good idea to borrow preaching techniques from other preachers?, David Schmitt
40 - Is John accurately described as a more spiritual gospel?, Jeffrey Oschwald
40 - Was there a second Great Awakening?, Lawrence Rast
40 - What do the various contemporary terms used to refer to church bodies mean?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
40 - What is Paul saying about the world in which we live in his catalog of vices and virtues?, Arthur Just
40 - What is said today about Paul by those who are not Lutherans?, David Lewis
40 - What is the significance of the virgin birth and the resurrection for the Christian faith?, David Scaer
40 - What view of liturgy should one come away with from this course?, Arthur Just and James Brauer
40 - Who is the disciple whom Jesus loved in John?, David Lewis
40 - Why do Christians not celebrate the Passover today?, David Adams
41 - Are there any new things we could be adding to our liturgies today?, Arthur Just
41 - Did England also become Reformed?, Cameron MacKenzie
41 - How does one reconcile the love of God and the justice of God?, Roland Ziegler
41 - How important are the passages including the word ecclesia for our idea of the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
41 - How would one summarize the Catechism?, Robert Kolb
41 - Is sermon delivery important?, Carl Fickenscher
41 - What does God mean when he says "Return to me" in verse 21 of chapter 44?, Daniel Gard
41 - What does John the Baptist mean when he says that Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit?, Leopoldo Sánchez
41 - What does life in Christ look like?, Arthur Just
41 - What is the significance of the song of Moses?, David Adams
41 - What is unique about the American religious story?, Lawrence Rast
41 - What useful things can be learned from AC XXII-XXVIII?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
41 - Why do the Gospels differ in their resurrection accounts?, David Scaer
41 - Why do translations vary so much when translating paraclete in John?, Jeffrey Oschwald
42 - How can one come to understand history as God sees it?, Daniel Gard
42 - How can one talk about the true God to non-Christians?, Roland Ziegler
42 - How does one account for God killing Pharoah and his army?, David Adams
42 - How is the work of the Holy Spirit described in John?, Jeffrey Oschwald
42 - To what extent is the Augsburg Confession authoritative for Lutheran identity today?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
42 - To whom are the keys given?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
42 - What affected the success of the reformation in England?, Cameron MacKenzie
42 - What are some of the key themes in John 14 to 16?, David Lewis
42 - What happened to the Lutheran church between the death of Luther and the writing of the Formula of Concord?, Lawrence Rast
42 - What is fundamentalism?, William Schumacher
42 - What is the significance of Paul's mention of catechetical teachers in chapter 6?, Arthur Just
42 - What is the Spirit's role in the Eucharist?, Leopoldo Sánchez
42 - What makes for good sermon delivery?, Carl Fickenscher
43 - Did Henry also change the doctrine of the church in England?, Cameron MacKenzie
43 - Does the Spirit work only through the Word of God?, Leopoldo Sánchez
43 - Do we overstep the bounds of theology when we assert that God created the universe?, Joel Okamoto
43 - How did American Christianity shape the Lutheran Church in the United States?, William Schumacher
43 - How did the Emperor and papal representatives respond to the Augsburg Confession when it was presented?, Charles Arand
43 - What can be learned from Isaiah 49?, Daniel Gard
43 - What can one do for sermon presentation if they are not by nature very expressive?, Carl Fickenscher
43 - What does it mean to be reverent to Christ's presence?, Arthur Just
43 - What does this section of John teach about the Trinity?, David Lewis
43 - What do the creeds teach us about ecclesiology?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
43 - What is meant by the threefold office of Christ?, David Scaer
43 - What is the background of the Formula and its authors?, Lawrence Rast
43 - What is the significance when the risen Jesus breathes on his disciples in John 20?, Jeffrey Oschwald
43 - Why are future events described as past in the song of Moses?, David Adams
43 - Why does Paul return to the theme of circumcision at the end of the letter?, Arthur Just
44 - Did Henry ever have a son?, Cameron MacKenzie
44 - Does God really not need us?, Joel Okamoto
44 - Do the items confessed in the Third Article relate to the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
44 - How can verse 5 of chapter 49 bring clarity to the popular evangelical understanding of man and of God?, Daniel Gard
44 - Is the warrior image of the LORD present in the second part of the song of Moses?, David Adams
44 - Should a pastor memorize his sermon entirely?, Carl Fickenscher
44 - What does Paul mean when he says that he will only boast in Christ crucified?, Arthur Just
44 - What does the Bible and others teach about original sin?, Lawrence Rast
44 - What do the letters of John tell us about first century Christian congregations?, Jeffrey Oschwald
44 - What is American Lutheranism?, William Schumacher
44 - What is the relationship between the person of Jesus and many Old Testament personae?, David Scaer
44 - What is the usefulness of the Apology for those living in a country which separates church and state?, Charles Arand
44 - What is the work of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John?, David Lewis
44 - Who are the enthusiasts?, Leopoldo Sánchez
45 - How could one use verses 1 through 4 of John 14 in a funeral setting?, David Lewis
45 - Is the chief lesson of the letters of John that Christians should love one another?, Jeffrey Oschwald
45 - Is there a discernable pattern in the Book of Comfort?, Daniel Gard
45 - Is there a theological framework which can help make sense of the Apology?, Charles Arand
45 - What are some of the dangers of the alternative worship services seen in many Lutheran churches today?, Arthur Just
45 - What are the ways in which the Spirit speaks to us through the Word?, Leopoldo Sánchez
45 - What does Paul mean when he says that what matters is a new creation?, Arthur Just
45 - What does the word atonement mean?, David Scaer
45 - What does verse 17 mean when it speaks of God's abode?, David Adams
45 - What is meant by calling the church a vending machine?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
45 - What is the relationship between the human will and original sin?, Lawrence Rast
45 - When did the forefathers of the LCMS arrive and what were they like?, Lawrence Rast
45 - Which sermon delivery system is best?, Carl Fickenscher
45 - Who took over after Edward died?, Cameron MacKenzie
45 - Why did God create us?, Joel Okamoto
46 - Are the Ten Commandments the literary climax of Exodus?, David Adams
46 - How does one be oneself in the pulpit?, Carl Fickenscher
46 - How do we know that the suffering servant of Isaiah 52 and 53 is the Messiah?, Daniel Gard
46 - In what sense is the Christian life a matter of being conformed to Christ through the work of the Spirit?, Leopoldo Sánchez
46 - Is the message of John focused on a certain group?, Jeffrey Oschwald
46 - Is there no salvation outside the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
46 - What are the differences between righteousness of faith and righteousness of works?, Charles Arand
46 - What are the three ways of looking at atonement?, David Scaer
46 - What are the treasures of our heritage of Lutheran worship?, Arthur Just
46 - What can Christians say about how God created the world?, Joel Okamoto
46 - What does Jesus mean when he says that the person who believes in him will do greater works than he did?, David Lewis
46 - What does the Formula have to say about the righteousness of faith?, Lawrence Rast
46 - What do the marks of Jesus refer to?, Arthur Just
46 - What religious changes did Elizabeth make when she became queen?, Cameron MacKenzie
46 - What was Lutheranism like on the American frontier?, Lawrence Rast
47 - Do we distinguish between the atonement and the crucifixion?, David Scaer
47 - How can one match the words crafted in the manuscript while preaching without it?, Carl Fickenscher
47 - How does Melanchthon's specialized language fit into a medieval theological framework?, Charles Arand
47 - How does one address matters relating to the struggle of the Christian life?, Leopoldo Sánchez
47 - Were there really only two main types of Protestants in the 16th century?, Cameron MacKenzie
47 - What are the important differences between Creation and Evolution?, Joel Okamoto
47 - What difference does it make whether Mary was perpetually a virgin or not?, Peter Scaer
47 - What do the Lutheran Confessions say about the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
47 - What is an example of how Lutheran ministry was conducted on the frontier?, Lawrence Rast
47 - What is the relationship between faith and works?, Lawrence Rast
47 - What is the significance of verses 3 to 7 of Isaiah 53?, Daniel Gard
47 - Where does obedience to Jesus' commands fit into the Christian life?, David Lewis
47 - Why are the rules beyond the Ten Commandments included in Exodus?, David Adams
47 - Why did the Reformation make faith such a key element of Christian worship?, James Brauer
48 - Does language about the One Holy Christian Church make us eccumenical?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
48 - How can the suffering servant image help people in their lenten journey?, Daniel Gard
48 - How does the Holy Spirit work in the life of the believer?, Leopoldo Sánchez
48 - How does the Two Kinds of Righteousness help to diagnose the fundamental flaw in the theology of Melanchthon's opponents?, Charles Arand
48 - How is faith related to the worship that God seeks?, James Brauer
48 - Is Israel's status as God's people dependent on keeping the covenant?, David Adams
48 - Is there a relationship between christology and the Lord's Supper?, David Scaer
48 - What does one make of the claims of James concerning the place of works in salvation?, Peter Scaer
48 - What does the Formula say regarding the distinction of Law and Gospel?, Lawrence Rast
48 - What else should be looked for in sermon delivery?, Carl Fickenscher
48 - What impact did Wynecken have on the churches back in Europe?, Lawrence Rast
48 - What is the significance of Jesus's statement about the vine and the branches?, David Lewis
48 - Where do angels fit into the creation?, Joel Okamoto
48 - Who were the Anabaptists?, Cameron MacKenzie
49 - How can one constructively communicate Jesus' saying that the world will hate his disciples?, David Lewis
49 - How can the term annointing be used properly in the context of the Christian life?, Leopoldo Sánchez
49 - How denominations fit into the One Church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
49 - How does Isaiah 53 relate to the movie the Passion of the Christ?, Daniel Gard
49 - How does the Apology maintain the balance between the Two Kinds of Righteousness?, Charles Arand
49 - Is it right to consider Acts just a continuation of Luke?, Jeffrey Oschwald
49 - Is Jesus present in the Lord's Supper in the same way he was present before he was crucified?, David Scaer
49 - Were all Anabaptists revolutionaries?, Cameron MacKenzie
49 - What is meant by tone and inflection?, Carl Fickenscher
49 - What is the role of the Law in the life of the baptized?, Lawrence Rast
49 - What sets humanity apart from other creatures?, Joel Okamoto
49 - Where is Perry County and why is it important for Lutherans?, Lawrence Rast
49 - Why are the Ten Commandments numbered differently?, David Adams
49 - Why were the means of grace and ministry so important to the worship which God seeks?, James Brauer
4.a Glimmers of Hope for Faith in Germany's Public Life?, Michael Rutz and Uwe Siemon-Netto
4.b Young Christians in Germany - Fading Embers?, Mark Ruff and Uwe Siemon-Netto
4.c Session Four Q & A, Uwe Siemon-Netto, Michael Rutz, and Mark Ruff
4.d Wrap Up, James Voelz and Uwe Siemon-Netto
4th Annual Lecture: Leadership in Paul and His Communities: Theology and Practice, Efrain Agosto, Leopoldo Sanchez, and William Schumacher
50 - How does one acheive good pacing in sermon delivery?, Carl Fickenscher
50 - How does one understand the LCMS in light of the One Church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
50 - How is it that Roman Catholicism is still the largest Christian denomination today?, Cameron MacKenzie
50 - What does the catechism highlight about creation?, Joel Okamoto
50 - What do other churches teach regarding the Lord's Supper?, Lawrence Rast
50 - What do the Lutheran Confessions reject as tools of the Holy Spirit?, James Brauer
50 - What guidance does Melanchthon give for persuing a righteousness of works without giving up the righteousness of faith?, Charles Arand
50 - What happened to Martin Stephan?, Lawrence Rast
50 - What is sanctification in its broad and narrow sense?, Leopoldo Sánchez
50 - What is the difference in the body of Jesus before and after his resurrection?, David Scaer
50 - What is the significance of Jesus' High Priestly Prayer?, David Lewis
50 - What is the significance of verses 1 to 3 of Isaiah 55?, Daniel Gard
50 - What role do the Ten Commandments play in the life of a Christian today?, David Adams
50 - Why was the apostle Paul a good choice for Luke to trace the spread of the Gospel in Acts?, Jeffrey Oschwald
51 - Do sinners and hypocrites exist in the church as well?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
51 - Do the missionary journeys of Paul serve as a model for missionary efforts today?, Jeffrey Oschwald
51 - How did the Saxons recover from the loss of Martin Stephan?, Lawrence Rast
51 - How does a proper understanding of the relationship between faith and works help a proper understanding of Christ?, Leopoldo Sánchez
51 - Is God still involved in the world today?, Joel Okamoto
51 - Is the Formula indeed centered around Christ, and why so?, Lawrence Rast
51 - Is there benefit to preaching outside of the pulpit?, Carl Fickenscher
51 - Is there grace to be found in verses 6 to 9 of Isaiah 55?, Daniel Gard
51 - What does verse 11 of John 17 mean in the context of John's Gospel?, David Lewis
51 - What is the best definition of worship that we find in the Lutheran Confessions?, James Brauer
51 - What is the significance of the miracles of Jesus?, David Scaer
51 - When did the Popes begin to act with more integrity?, Cameron MacKenzie
51 - Why did Moses not immediately obey God at the beginning of chapter 24?, David Adams
51 - Why does Melanchthon see the inability to keep the First Commandment as the key to understanding original sin?, Charles Arand
52 - Do the Reformed think of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the same way that Lutherans do?, David Scaer
52 - How does John's account of Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion compare to the other Gospels?, David Lewis
52 - How should LCMS congregations deal with their local congregations of different denominations?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
52 - Is God also involved in evil actions?, Joel Okamoto
52 - Is it appropriate to use verses 10 and 11 of Isaiah 55 in a discussion of the church's mission?, Daniel Gard
52 - What does it mean that Moses and the Elders "saw" God?, David Adams
52 - What does the conclusion of Acts say about the date and purpose of the book?, Jeffrey Oschwald
52 - What happened to lead to the organization of the LCMS?, Lawrence Rast
52 - What is a good work?, Leopoldo Sánchez
52 - What is the line of argument in Apology IV?, Charles Arand
52 - What principles for Christian worship can be drawn from the Confessions?, James Brauer
52 - What role does language use play in sermon delivery?, Carl Fickenscher
52 - What was the importance of Paul III calling a church council?, Cameron MacKenzie
52 - Why do Lutherans confess the descent of Jesus into Hell?, Lawrence Rast
53 - How does the Spirit make the believer holy?, Leopoldo Sánchez
53 - If Christians are forgiven, then why do they still suffer the common calamaties of life?, Charles Arand
53 - Is Jesus referring to the Two Kingdoms doctrine when he tells Pilate his kingdom is not of this world?, David Lewis
53 - Is the meal the Elders eat before God a type of the Lord's Supper?, David Adams
53 - Is there any connection between the Confessions' view of worship and Luther's coat of arms?, James Brauer