Start Date
15-10-1986 9:30 AM
End Date
15-10-1986 10:30 AM
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight's Room, Pius XII Library.
Includes background of St. Ignatius' life and work. Shows how he was opposed to gnostic documents which rejected the incarnation of Christ. Attacks incorrect gnostic terminology.
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Submission Cost
Gnosticism, Ignatius of Antioch and eastern Christian incarnational theology
Recorded October 15, 1986 at the Symposium on Gnosticism, St. Louis University, Knight's Room, Pius XII Library.
Includes background of St. Ignatius' life and work. Shows how he was opposed to gnostic documents which rejected the incarnation of Christ. Attacks incorrect gnostic terminology.