
Grapho : Concordia Seminary Student Journal

Document Type



guilt, shame, sin, preaching, honor, innocence, bondage, grace

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


Preaching is the means by which the Holy Spirit speaks to God’s people through the preacher who stands in the stead of Jesus, the Lord of the Church. Through a sermon that is faithful to God’s revealed will and written Word, the Spirit convicts the world concerning sin and proclaims the gospel of forgiveness, life, and salvation which is found in Christ alone. The basic task placed before us in preaching is not only to be faithful to scripture, but also to make a coherent and compelling presentation of the gospel. Most of those reading this will be familiar with the basic Law/Gospel dynamic of preaching and the move we typically make in applying it: you have broken the law and are therefore guilty, but Jesus took your place in bearing the punishment for your transgression, so you are forgiven and declared innocent before God. But is this the only faithful, coherent, and compelling way to apply law and gospel in preaching? Or is there more going on in the lives of hearers that could be addressed by the gospel? Is this account as coherent and compelling as it could be to those who experience more than just feelings of guilt and innocence in their lives? What does the gospel have to say to our other experiences, such as fear and shame?


Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
