Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Divinity (B.Div)


Historical Theology

First Advisor

Philip Schroeder


After twenty-five years of negotiations between the Methodist, Congregational, and Presbyterian Churches of Canada, the organic union of these three bodies into The United Church of Canada was consummated on June 10, 1925. This thesis shall deal primarily with the twenty-five years preceding the union. Of necessity we shall have to look briefly at the present-day characteristics of The United Church of Canada if we wish to arrive at any conclusions regarding the success or failure of the venture. Furthermore, since this is to be primarily an historical presentation, there are large areas regarding these twenty-five years before union which shall be touched on only in passing as they relate to the historical aspects of the union. Some of these areas worthy of further study are the doctrine of The United Church of Canada, the sociological and political factors leading to the union, the role of the Local Union Churches of western Canada in bringing about the final union and the reasons put forward by the continuing Presbyterian Church for not entering the union.

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