1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,533 Ephesians 2 resonates profoundly with our Catholicity through the lens of the 2 00:00:07,533 --> 00:00:14,000 multi-ethnic Church. This passage holds the potential to not only inspire 3 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:21,033 conferences but also to feel the hopes and efforts for those who labor for 4 00:00:21,033 --> 00:00:27,866 congregations made up by diverse cultural backgrounds, for dreams to 5 00:00:27,866 --> 00:00:33,933 become reality, for efforts to be sustainable. It is essential that the 6 00:00:33,933 --> 00:00:39,433 growing fascination with the intercultural Church be grounded in 7 00:00:39,433 --> 00:00:47,266 sound doctrine and Paul gives it to us. Throughout the letter the Apostle 8 00:00:47,266 --> 00:00:55,066 champions the idea that in Christ God draws together all things and all people 9 00:00:55,066 --> 00:01:06,433 to one Lord, one baptism, one faith, in one church. But there's a problem. Jews and 10 00:01:06,433 --> 00:01:13,800 Gentiles find themselves in a state of hostility. There's a dividing wall of 11 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:23,033 hate between them. What's triggering this according to Paul? Ironically he seems to 12 00:01:23,033 --> 00:01:29,933 say what it is because God has to deal with it. It's the law of commandments and 13 00:01:29,933 --> 00:01:38,633 regulations. Now remember the Jews received this law as a gift intended to 14 00:01:38,633 --> 00:01:46,800 show godliness to the other nations. It was meant to be a blessing to all but 15 00:01:46,800 --> 00:01:56,466 they failed. The law became the catalyst for hostility. On one side the Jews came 16 00:01:56,466 --> 00:02:03,133 to despise the unclean Gentiles because they didn't have the law. On the other 17 00:02:03,133 --> 00:02:11,033 the Gentiles came to despise the Jews for despising them. As a result there was 18 00:02:11,300 --> 00:02:19,100 hate and what was supposed to be a good gift from God became the very foundation 19 00:02:19,100 --> 00:02:27,400 of discord. While circumcision and washing rituals may not be our struggles 20 00:02:27,400 --> 00:02:34,866 today we cannot help but wonder how much of this dynamic applies in other 21 00:02:34,866 --> 00:02:41,333 contexts. To what extent could we see this relationship between Jews and 22 00:02:41,333 --> 00:02:49,433 Gentiles as a template for a more universal situation? The situation in 23 00:02:49,433 --> 00:02:57,233 which God blesses us with good gifts, qualities, and there's something in us 24 00:02:57,233 --> 00:03:05,700 that take those good gifts, elevates them up to the ultimate value, then looks at 25 00:03:05,700 --> 00:03:11,600 everyone who doesn't have what we have and doesn't do what we do and causes us 26 00:03:11,600 --> 00:03:20,233 to look down on them, to name calling them, to despise them. When a good gift 27 00:03:20,233 --> 00:03:27,833 becomes the basis for hostility, when the way we define ourselves is by taking 28 00:03:27,833 --> 00:03:34,366 something good, something distinct about us, lifting it up, then judging everyone 29 00:03:34,366 --> 00:03:44,066 else, oh we are not like them, we're better. The prayer of the Pharisee, 30 00:03:44,066 --> 00:03:54,600 oh Lord thank you I am not like them. The layers in identity blessed are you Lord 31 00:03:54,600 --> 00:04:06,766 who has not made me a Gentile, a woman, or a slave, or you fill the blank, them. The 32 00:04:06,766 --> 00:04:14,066 good thing that becomes an idol, the good gift that draw boundaries and become a 33 00:04:14,066 --> 00:04:22,166 wall of hostility between people. We've all got examples of this in our lives. I 34 00:04:22,166 --> 00:04:30,966 know my share, the ones who I label as them, the ones who I would prefer to 35 00:04:30,966 --> 00:04:44,033 work, play, shop, eat, move, take their children to school, buy a house, go to church, somewhere else. 36 00:04:46,566 --> 00:04:53,833 The devout religious man who is shipwrecked on a desert island. You know the story? He was the only person on the island 37 00:04:53,833 --> 00:04:58,900 and he was there for a year and when they rescued him they found he had 38 00:04:58,900 --> 00:05:05,166 built two little churches on the island, two little shacks. Why did you build two 39 00:05:05,233 --> 00:05:14,500 churches? There's only one of you. He said of course you have to have one 40 00:05:14,500 --> 00:05:23,966 church to go to and one to stay away from. That's how you know who you are. The 41 00:05:23,966 --> 00:05:32,733 walls we build so we know who we are. The walls we build when we build our 42 00:05:32,733 --> 00:05:43,366 identity, idolizing something good and then looking down on others. God's 43 00:05:43,366 --> 00:05:50,400 solution to this division and hostility is found in the gospel. The good news 44 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:59,200 here in Ephesians 2 that Christ not only reconciled us with God but also with one 45 00:05:59,200 --> 00:06:08,666 another. And the gospel is beautifully expressed in this text. God brought about 46 00:06:08,666 --> 00:06:17,900 peace by abolishing in his flesh the law with commandments and regulations. His 47 00:06:17,900 --> 00:06:25,800 purpose was to create in himself one new man out of two. See this isn't about 48 00:06:25,800 --> 00:06:33,733 simply merging one group into the other it's about something entirely new. A new 49 00:06:33,733 --> 00:06:43,033 humanity, a new reality. Verse 17 underscores that both groups needed the 50 00:06:43,033 --> 00:06:51,900 gospel and that Christ's peace reached them both. How did Jesus accomplish this? 51 00:06:51,900 --> 00:06:59,833 Paul begins saying that Christ did this by preaching peace to both groups and 52 00:06:59,833 --> 00:07:07,466 pointing us to how Jesus repeatedly crossed boundaries to reach those on the 53 00:07:07,466 --> 00:07:16,466 other side. That's true. Jesus did that but Paul emphasizes something even more 54 00:07:16,466 --> 00:07:25,966 profound. The work of Jesus on the cross. In verse 16 it's mentioned that Jesus 55 00:07:25,966 --> 00:07:33,966 reconciled both groups to God through the cross where He put to death their 56 00:07:33,966 --> 00:07:43,333 hostility. On the cross God dealt with our hostility. We should be the ones 57 00:07:43,333 --> 00:07:51,133 facing destruction for all the harm we have caused in this world. Instead Jesus 58 00:07:51,133 --> 00:07:58,266 took that destruction upon Himself so that we could be forgiven. He observed 59 00:07:58,266 --> 00:08:06,466 the punishment we deserve offering us reconciliation instead of retaliation 60 00:08:06,466 --> 00:08:15,666 with God and with one another. That's why Paul highlights the blood of Christ. 61 00:08:17,066 --> 00:08:24,300 Without the blood of Christ we are stuck in the cycle of division and hostility 62 00:08:24,300 --> 00:08:31,866 in a toxic pattern of walking down the street silently judging others rolling 63 00:08:31,866 --> 00:08:39,433 our eyes and feeling superior. Without the blood of Christ we keep doing this 64 00:08:39,433 --> 00:08:47,266 because we need to. It's one of the ways we feel better about ourselves. Only the 65 00:08:47,266 --> 00:08:55,466 blood of Christ can free us from that. No amount of multi-ethnic potlucks, 66 00:08:55,466 --> 00:09:04,433 roundtables, and memorandums of understanding will do it. Being gentle 67 00:09:04,433 --> 00:09:11,900 and socially engaged are good things but they don't have the power to operate the 68 00:09:11,900 --> 00:09:22,300 miracle to make us truly one. Only the blood of Christ has. Why? Because the 69 00:09:22,566 --> 00:09:31,866 blood of Christ gives us the much better gift, the perfect gift, the layer in the 70 00:09:31,866 --> 00:09:40,066 identity that runs deeper than any other layer, the identity of being a child of 71 00:09:40,066 --> 00:09:49,533 God. Not the only one, not the favorite one. Fellow citizens, members of the 72 00:09:49,533 --> 00:09:58,566 family together calling everyone mi compa. The differences we have don't 73 00:09:58,566 --> 00:10:04,866 evaporate but they find their place and only the blood of Christ can do that 74 00:10:04,866 --> 00:10:14,433 because the blood of Christ covers all people, covers you and me and I tell you 75 00:10:14,433 --> 00:10:27,433 the secret. The blood of Christ covers even them. What do we do with that? As 76 00:10:27,433 --> 00:10:33,833 Walter Kasper noted, Jesus didn't primarily express his desire for unity 77 00:10:33,833 --> 00:10:39,466 in a sermon or a commandment to his disciples but in a prayer to His Father. 78 00:10:40,466 --> 00:10:47,200 The kind of Catholicity that a multi-ethnic church requires and can 79 00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:56,366 manifest is ultimately a gift from heaven, is God's grace at work. And while 80 00:10:56,366 --> 00:11:03,333 we acknowledge that, that our efforts alone cannot accomplish anything, God 81 00:11:03,333 --> 00:11:10,866 calls us to participate in His divine work. What is descriptive of the Una 82 00:11:10,866 --> 00:11:18,966 Santa is prescriptive to our synod and to our local churches, in an eschatological 83 00:11:18,966 --> 00:11:25,766 way at least. A work in progress and maybe the present tense in the verse 22 84 00:11:25,766 --> 00:11:34,633 help. You are being built. It's an ongoing project of the Spirit. Life in 85 00:11:34,633 --> 00:11:41,633 the multi-ethnic church is at the same time about being and we are and becoming. 86 00:11:42,966 --> 00:11:52,266 So take heart. Let's keep at it. Ups and downs. We are going to fail but in the 87 00:11:52,566 --> 00:12:02,733 end of the day, thank God, we can always fall back to grace. Is it easy? No, not 88 00:12:02,733 --> 00:12:09,166 even safe. Paul was in prison for championing this idea. Look at where his 89 00:12:09,166 --> 00:12:16,233 preaching on multi-ethnic church took him. But don't be discouraged. Not 90 00:12:16,233 --> 00:12:22,466 because it's cool but because it's the right thing to do. It's the right thing 91 00:12:22,466 --> 00:12:29,100 to be. We will not please everyone. We cannot please everyone but we can please 92 00:12:29,100 --> 00:12:39,566 God. And your voice is necessary. Your love is necessary. Through followers of 93 00:12:39,566 --> 00:12:47,000 Christ like ourselves, gathered in churches like ours, the gift, mission, and 94 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:55,400 hope of the Catholicity of the church moves forward. Not easy but these are 95 00:12:55,400 --> 00:13:00,666 the instructions. In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy 96 00:13:00,666 --> 00:13:01,900 Spirit. Amen.