1 00:00:01,066 --> 00:00:04,066 Greetings in the name of the Father, the Son, 2 00:00:04,166 --> 00:00:05,466 and the Holy Spirit. 3 00:00:07,633 --> 00:00:08,333 Amen. 4 00:00:08,333 --> 00:00:09,966 Brothers and sisters in Christ, 5 00:00:10,166 --> 00:00:13,466 as we come together these few days 6 00:00:13,466 --> 00:00:17,866 to reflect on one holy Catholic Church, 7 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:22,966 I am reminded of a moment that was swept all over Africa 8 00:00:22,966 --> 00:00:26,900 in the early 1990s, 9 00:00:26,900 --> 00:00:31,433 which is the Church Grows Movement. 10 00:00:32,666 --> 00:00:37,033 And of course this movement originated here in the United States, 11 00:00:38,066 --> 00:00:41,566 which sought to envision and create a large, 12 00:00:42,466 --> 00:00:47,733 or large and expanding churches by implementing a strategy, 13 00:00:48,300 --> 00:00:52,700 which they called Homogenous Unit Principle. 14 00:00:53,700 --> 00:00:59,033 And this principle emphasized the idea that churches grow faster 15 00:00:59,700 --> 00:01:06,533 when everyone is comfortable and looks alike. 16 00:01:08,433 --> 00:01:12,633 Well, that idea was entertained in Africa 17 00:01:12,633 --> 00:01:16,666 and churches were built over ethnic lines. 18 00:01:17,833 --> 00:01:22,700 And I moved over to the United States about 14 years ago, 19 00:01:22,700 --> 00:01:26,566 and for my shock, there hasn't been, 20 00:01:26,800 --> 00:01:31,066 or the change hasn't been that different. 21 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:36,933 Immigrants from all over Africa and Asians 22 00:01:37,666 --> 00:01:41,566 building churches based on ethnic lines. 23 00:01:42,966 --> 00:01:45,433 And the congregations here as well, 24 00:01:45,433 --> 00:01:50,200 the local churches following the same line, 25 00:01:50,900 --> 00:01:56,700 Ethiopian churches, Nigerian churches, Korean churches we call them. 26 00:01:58,566 --> 00:02:03,333 While the intention behind following this principle 27 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:06,166 may have been to promote church growth, 28 00:02:06,333 --> 00:02:10,766 and it raises some important questions for us to consider, 29 00:02:11,533 --> 00:02:17,666 is the goal of the church to simply get big and expand rapidly? 30 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:27,933 And is uniformity and sameness truly what God desires for his church? 31 00:02:30,133 --> 00:02:32,666 As we reflect on the text for today, 32 00:02:32,666 --> 00:02:37,366 and perhaps there is a different path that God calls us to walk, 33 00:02:37,366 --> 00:02:45,766 one that is more challenging and yet ultimately more fulfilling. 34 00:02:46,933 --> 00:02:48,733 And in our text for today, 35 00:02:49,933 --> 00:02:56,333 we are given a beautiful vision of the diversity and unity of God's people. 36 00:02:57,166 --> 00:03:01,666 What it's like to worship God together, 37 00:03:01,666 --> 00:03:08,533 regardless of our differences as one and holy saints. 38 00:03:10,066 --> 00:03:13,266 And as we read in the book of Revelation, it says, 39 00:03:13,766 --> 00:03:17,100 after this I looked and behold, 40 00:03:18,033 --> 00:03:22,400 a great multitude that no one could number from every nation, 41 00:03:22,633 --> 00:03:25,966 from all tribes and people and languages, 42 00:03:25,966 --> 00:03:31,933 standing before the throne and before the lamp. 43 00:03:33,233 --> 00:03:38,866 What great example can we find for our confession, 44 00:03:39,966 --> 00:03:43,066 one holy Catholic church? 45 00:03:44,933 --> 00:03:48,033 What a powerful image this is, 46 00:03:48,633 --> 00:03:53,266 a multitude of people from every corner of the earth, 47 00:03:53,266 --> 00:03:57,266 representing diverse nations and tribes and languages, 48 00:03:58,433 --> 00:04:02,266 standing together before the throne of God. 49 00:04:03,666 --> 00:04:08,366 This is a picture of unity and diversity, 50 00:04:09,233 --> 00:04:12,933 a testament to the reconciliation that comes through Christ 51 00:04:12,933 --> 00:04:17,266 and his redemptive work on this earth. 52 00:04:19,033 --> 00:04:21,566 And as we can see in this text, 53 00:04:21,566 --> 00:04:30,333 God's vision for his church doesn't seem to be centered on rapid growth or homogeneity, 54 00:04:31,566 --> 00:04:38,066 but rather he's calling us to something deeper and richer, 55 00:04:39,033 --> 00:04:42,566 a community that embraces diversity and challenges comfort 56 00:04:42,833 --> 00:04:51,200 and fosters unity and unity amid differences. 57 00:04:51,666 --> 00:04:58,266 And the beauty of the church lies in its ability to bring together 58 00:04:58,266 --> 00:05:01,633 people from all walks of life, 59 00:05:02,566 --> 00:05:09,366 all backgrounds and cultures united in their love for the risen Lord. 60 00:05:14,533 --> 00:05:22,333 Yes, this is what we see in our text for today. 61 00:05:23,633 --> 00:05:29,833 And yet, this vision, challenged the notion of homogeneity, 62 00:05:30,633 --> 00:05:37,366 encourages us to embrace the richness of diversity within the body of Christ. 63 00:05:38,866 --> 00:05:42,766 God's kingdom, which we were talking about last night, 64 00:05:42,766 --> 00:05:49,066 is not limited to one particular group or ethnicity and culture, 65 00:05:49,066 --> 00:05:56,666 but encompasses people of all walks of life and all backgrounds and languages. 66 00:05:57,233 --> 00:06:02,366 And in Christ, we are all reconciled to God and to one another, 67 00:06:02,733 --> 00:06:09,100 united in our shared faith and love for our Savior. 68 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:15,366 Yet, as we read this passage in the book of Revelation, 69 00:06:16,166 --> 00:06:27,533 it's not just about Catholicity or being one and worshipping together regardless of our diversity, 70 00:06:27,533 --> 00:06:37,900 but it's also about our response and the response of those saints before the throne of the Lord. 71 00:06:39,566 --> 00:06:47,433 Well, for a moment, let us envision this incredible scene described in the book of Revelation. 72 00:06:48,433 --> 00:07:00,033 A great multitude dressed in pure white robes, singing and shouting praises to God, 73 00:07:00,866 --> 00:07:09,033 who sits on the throne and to the Lamp, shouting praises to God. 74 00:07:10,666 --> 00:07:14,400 As I was reflecting on these stakes with my children, 75 00:07:15,600 --> 00:07:20,966 my daughter suggested something which I thought was funny. 76 00:07:21,766 --> 00:07:28,266 And she said, those saints didn't seem to be Lutherans because it says shouting praises to God, 77 00:07:28,266 --> 00:07:30,066 and we Lutherans do not shout. 78 00:07:32,200 --> 00:07:41,800 Well, I had to disagree and tell her sometimes we also shout and scream for joy. 79 00:07:42,533 --> 00:07:44,366 Probably depends on the day. 80 00:07:46,100 --> 00:07:48,866 But what a magnificent sight. 81 00:07:49,600 --> 00:07:56,066 This is the joy of salvation, the joy of being saved from sin and death, 82 00:07:57,066 --> 00:08:02,666 and the joy of an eternity in the presence of our Lord in heaven. 83 00:08:04,900 --> 00:08:12,566 And remember now the world that John lived in was filled with suffering and turmoil. 84 00:08:13,400 --> 00:08:20,033 Persecution and suffering were a daily reality for many Christians during his time. 85 00:08:21,033 --> 00:08:24,966 And yet, in the midst of all this chaos and despair, 86 00:08:26,133 --> 00:08:32,533 John saw a vision of a great multitude standing before the throne of God, 87 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:38,600 closed in white robes and praising the Lord with one voice. 88 00:08:39,666 --> 00:08:44,233 And this multitude had come through a great suffering, 89 00:08:44,433 --> 00:08:48,266 and now they are gathered in the presence of their Creator, 90 00:08:48,266 --> 00:08:54,366 experiencing peace and joy beyond measure, 91 00:08:55,200 --> 00:09:00,600 and therefore they shout and praise the Lord with joy. 92 00:09:02,266 --> 00:09:05,333 And what is John telling us here? 93 00:09:06,966 --> 00:09:15,166 Well, in addition to their diversity, being from different cultures and ethnicities and languages, 94 00:09:15,166 --> 00:09:18,933 those people share one thing in common, 95 00:09:20,033 --> 00:09:26,366 which is sharing the suffering of Christ together as one people. 96 00:09:27,833 --> 00:09:36,266 John here is telling us that just like a mother feels great joy after painful childbirth, 97 00:09:36,266 --> 00:09:47,066 our joy in salvation will be intensified by the contrast with the pain and sorrow that we leave behind in this world, 98 00:09:47,066 --> 00:09:52,366 and in the fact that we all as saints are sharing this suffering together, 99 00:09:53,566 --> 00:10:01,033 supporting each other, uplifting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. 100 00:10:02,366 --> 00:10:06,900 And think of the Christians in John's time, 101 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:12,433 who faced persecution and martyrdom for their belief in Christ. 102 00:10:13,433 --> 00:10:22,166 And think of the Christians today in places where being followers of Christ is a dangerous and deadly choice. 103 00:10:23,300 --> 00:10:30,666 And I have visited some Christians living in Asia and in the Middle East, 104 00:10:30,666 --> 00:10:34,400 where they are the minority and are being persecuted. 105 00:10:35,666 --> 00:10:44,200 And as I read this text and passage for today, it is all Christians that I remember. 106 00:10:45,766 --> 00:10:50,900 And yet, as John tells us here, in the midst of all this pain and suffering, 107 00:10:51,700 --> 00:10:57,266 we have hope and promises of salvation. 108 00:10:58,266 --> 00:11:08,600 Our joy in salvation will be all more precious because of the hardship that we have endured all together. 109 00:11:09,566 --> 00:11:16,100 The source of our hope is in the word of John, where he says, 110 00:11:16,566 --> 00:11:21,966 Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, Who are these clothes in white robes? 111 00:11:22,766 --> 00:11:26,666 And from where have they come? 112 00:11:27,400 --> 00:11:35,266 And I said to him, Sir, you know, and he said to me, 113 00:11:36,266 --> 00:11:46,033 Those are the ones coming out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 114 00:11:47,400 --> 00:11:53,766 And yes, indeed, this is where our hope comes from, the blood of the Lamb, 115 00:11:54,900 --> 00:11:59,033 Jesus Christ, who shed his blood for us all. 116 00:12:00,200 --> 00:12:11,366 It is through his suffering that we are all able to be cleansed of our sins and made pure in the eyes of the Lord. 117 00:12:13,033 --> 00:12:17,900 This cleansing is not something that we can achieve on our own, 118 00:12:18,500 --> 00:12:28,133 but it is through the powerful blood of Jesus that we are washed clean and made white as snow. 119 00:12:29,033 --> 00:12:38,766 And if there is one thing that unites us all, regardless of our differences, it is the blood of the Lord. 120 00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:46,966 And this cleansing flood of grace was applied to us in our baptism, 121 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:53,066 where God claimed us as his children and washed away our sins. 122 00:12:54,133 --> 00:13:09,900 And it is through our trust in Christ as our Savior that we are clothed in his righteousness and made ready to stand before the throne of God. 123 00:13:11,533 --> 00:13:20,233 Therefore, brothers and sisters in Christ, as we face the challenges and trials of this world, 124 00:13:20,233 --> 00:13:28,600 let us hold fast, be together, regardless of our differences, 125 00:13:29,400 --> 00:13:37,200 knowing that we do have hope and assurance in the blood of Jesus, the risen Lord. 126 00:13:38,000 --> 00:13:46,400 And let us remember that we are washed clean by His blood and are made white as snow in His sight. 127 00:13:47,400 --> 00:13:58,500 And as we reflect this week on being one holy Catholic Church and on John's vision, 128 00:13:59,066 --> 00:14:06,366 let us also remember that when we are not alone in our sufferings and struggles, 129 00:14:07,366 --> 00:14:14,000 and the great multitude that is so was not individuals who were spared from hardship, 130 00:14:14,833 --> 00:14:27,500 but were ethnicities and people of different cultures in our world who faced their trials together as people and Christians of the same community. 131 00:14:28,500 --> 00:14:42,000 And they are endured and now they stand, they stood before the throne of God as a testament to His fulfillment, to His faithfulness and grace. 132 00:14:43,533 --> 00:14:47,266 And these saints are all of us today. 133 00:14:48,233 --> 00:15:05,400 And God is calling us to unite as one and holy saints with hope that we have assurance in the risen Lord. 134 00:15:06,600 --> 00:15:14,566 Therefore, let us take heart, my friends, and trust in the promises that God is with us, Emmanuel, in our darkest moments. 135 00:15:15,566 --> 00:15:32,866 Just as the great multitude came through their trials victoriously, so too can we overcome our trials and find peace in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. 136 00:15:33,766 --> 00:15:45,800 And may this vision of hope inspire us to persevere in times of trouble, to remember our unity in Christ, 137 00:15:47,366 --> 00:15:53,966 and to look forward to the day when we too will stand before the throne of God, 138 00:15:53,966 --> 00:16:03,166 closed in white robes and singing praises for all eternity. Amen.