1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,233 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 00:00:08,366 --> 00:00:08,633 Amen. 3 00:00:09,566 --> 00:00:15,466 It seems only right and fitting for me to let you all know that we are now one and a 4 00:00:15,466 --> 00:00:18,033 half days post Call Day. 5 00:00:20,733 --> 00:00:28,300 And also that we are now 21 days till graduation or the end of the semester. 6 00:00:29,266 --> 00:00:35,066 But you see, we've kind of been at this countdown game for a while now. 7 00:00:35,533 --> 00:00:38,900 I mean, it was just a year until Call Day. 8 00:00:39,533 --> 00:00:42,566 And then it was a hundred days until Call Day. 9 00:00:42,733 --> 00:00:47,266 And then three days, four hours, and 32 minutes until Call Day. 10 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:56,966 But why are we so obsessed with countdowns? 11 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:03,600 Why has it so seemed to consume us? 12 00:01:05,366 --> 00:01:11,333 I think for one thing it's because we're looking forward to what is coming next. 13 00:01:11,333 --> 00:01:17,733 Or maybe we're trying to get away from something that we wish was done. 14 00:01:18,366 --> 00:01:21,500 I mean, so maybe you've started a countdown till when you get to move. 15 00:01:21,700 --> 00:01:24,533 Or maybe you started a countdown till when you'll be installed. 16 00:01:24,533 --> 00:01:27,566 Or until the last time you'll have to write one of those papers. 17 00:01:27,566 --> 00:01:32,066 Or until the last time you'll have to read one of those papers. 18 00:01:33,666 --> 00:01:38,500 But we seem to be obsessed with countdowns. 19 00:01:40,033 --> 00:01:46,066 And you know, they can be good things because we're looking forward to something. 20 00:01:46,633 --> 00:01:51,766 But they can also be all-consuming things. 21 00:01:51,966 --> 00:01:55,666 Because I think if we're also honest with ourselves, 22 00:01:56,300 --> 00:02:04,100 one of the reasons we like countdowns is because then that's when real life begins. 23 00:02:04,833 --> 00:02:08,366 That's when real ministry will get to begin. 24 00:02:08,766 --> 00:02:15,966 And so we count it down, we cross it off with big red X's across our calendars. 25 00:02:17,900 --> 00:02:23,733 But I also have to wonder, what have we missed? 26 00:02:24,933 --> 00:02:31,333 What have I missed in the here and the now? 27 00:02:32,433 --> 00:02:37,666 Because I've been so focused on the future and what is coming next. 28 00:02:38,433 --> 00:02:44,266 What will I miss over the next couple of weeks, the next month or so, 29 00:02:44,266 --> 00:02:48,066 because I'm so consumed with what's coming next? 30 00:02:49,333 --> 00:02:51,133 Now look, don't get me wrong. 31 00:02:51,133 --> 00:02:58,233 I am really excited to get to go to California and serve God's people there. 32 00:02:59,566 --> 00:03:01,866 But this is what I also know. 33 00:03:02,966 --> 00:03:09,733 There's only 21 more days till graduation, until the end of the semester. 34 00:03:10,966 --> 00:03:15,000 21 more days of sitting in this room with these people. 35 00:03:15,866 --> 00:03:19,233 In fact, if you look around, there will never be another time 36 00:03:19,233 --> 00:03:25,400 where this group of people is together in the same place at the same time on this side of heaven. 37 00:03:29,766 --> 00:03:33,533 What are we missing today? 38 00:03:36,100 --> 00:03:42,666 Those things in the future, those visions that we have, they can be really good things 39 00:03:43,766 --> 00:03:47,900 until they become all-consuming things. 40 00:03:48,800 --> 00:03:57,000 Until they define who we are, and until they become a detriment, not only to ourselves, 41 00:03:57,633 --> 00:04:00,066 but to those around us. 42 00:04:02,233 --> 00:04:07,000 And so this morning, I don't want to miss the trees for the forest. 43 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:11,433 And yeah, I know that's backwards from the popular cliche, 44 00:04:12,300 --> 00:04:14,433 but I think that's where most of us are. 45 00:04:14,433 --> 00:04:21,133 We're so consumed by the forest, we're so consumed by our grandiose visions of what's coming next, 46 00:04:22,333 --> 00:04:28,400 that we've missed the trees that are right in front of us. 47 00:04:30,233 --> 00:04:37,000 The single leaf of one of those trees that's right in front of us. 48 00:04:38,933 --> 00:04:42,566 You see, J.R. Tolkien, the author of The Lord of the Rings, 49 00:04:43,400 --> 00:04:52,100 he wrote a short story at one point called Leaf by Niggle, and it kind of describes this conundrum. 50 00:04:53,133 --> 00:04:58,400 You see, Tolkien, he was in the middle of writing The Lord of the Rings when he got writer's block. 51 00:04:58,966 --> 00:05:03,966 He couldn't move forward with his grand masterpiece, it had just come to a halt. 52 00:05:05,566 --> 00:05:08,833 And one day in the midst of this writer's block, 53 00:05:09,733 --> 00:05:12,966 Tolkien was inspired to write Leaf by Niggle. 54 00:05:13,966 --> 00:05:19,133 And as the story opens, we meet the character Niggle, who is an artist. 55 00:05:20,066 --> 00:05:21,433 Well, he's actually a painter. 56 00:05:22,366 --> 00:05:27,800 And Niggle has this grand vision of this painting that he would like to do. 57 00:05:28,666 --> 00:05:34,333 And it's of this majestic tree against a beautiful mountain backdrop. 58 00:05:34,900 --> 00:05:38,166 And he wants to paint it on this grand canvas. 59 00:05:40,200 --> 00:05:41,800 But there's a problem. 60 00:05:43,500 --> 00:05:46,733 You see, Niggle's kind of a slow worker. 61 00:05:47,600 --> 00:05:53,533 And he's also often distracted by the townspeople and by his neighbor, 62 00:05:53,533 --> 00:06:00,000 who are constantly asking him for help, and just needy over and over again. 63 00:06:00,133 --> 00:06:05,333 And it seems to Niggle that every time he finally gets to work on his masterpiece, 64 00:06:05,966 --> 00:06:15,633 somebody comes knocking and needing something, and he's getting more and more frustrated with them. 65 00:06:17,033 --> 00:06:22,733 And then one day, death comes for Niggle. 66 00:06:23,966 --> 00:06:25,900 But he doesn't want to go. 67 00:06:26,166 --> 00:06:28,700 He hasn't finished his masterpiece yet. 68 00:06:28,966 --> 00:06:31,933 In fact, he's only painted one leaf. 69 00:06:34,233 --> 00:06:38,400 I mean, yeah, there's paint kind of on the rest of the canvas. 70 00:06:39,400 --> 00:06:43,833 But he's really only finished one leaf. 71 00:06:45,066 --> 00:06:50,266 And I kind of have to wonder this morning that that's where we find the disciples 72 00:06:50,266 --> 00:06:53,533 just before our passage for this morning. 73 00:06:55,333 --> 00:06:58,600 You see, Jesus has died. 74 00:06:59,333 --> 00:07:01,866 His ministry just seemed to be getting going. 75 00:07:02,066 --> 00:07:08,433 He seemed to have only gotten one leaf painted before he was taken away from them. 76 00:07:10,666 --> 00:07:17,833 And it seemed like that because they were so consumed with their vision of what God was going 77 00:07:17,833 --> 00:07:29,500 to do, of how God was going to use them, that they had missed the Jesus who was right in front of them. 78 00:07:32,233 --> 00:07:39,566 In fact, the scriptures will say that Jesus came and tabernacled among us. 79 00:07:39,933 --> 00:07:45,933 He literally pitched his tent with us so that he could be in the moment with us. 80 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:52,466 And I don't know if you've ever been tent camping before, especially with 12 guys. 81 00:07:53,533 --> 00:07:58,333 But let's just say after a little while, you begin to smell like each other, 82 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:02,700 because it's an intimate experience. 83 00:08:03,966 --> 00:08:09,300 And these guys, they had been traveling with Jesus for three years. 84 00:08:10,133 --> 00:08:14,066 And yet when Jesus sees them in our text, he chides them, 85 00:08:14,966 --> 00:08:19,133 because they had been so consumed with their vision of the future, 86 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:23,533 so consumed with who would get to sit on his right and on his left, 87 00:08:24,266 --> 00:08:27,266 that they had completely missed Him. 88 00:08:31,133 --> 00:08:36,433 But then, Jesus does something really interesting. 89 00:08:38,133 --> 00:08:43,100 He commissions them and sends them out. 90 00:08:44,766 --> 00:08:47,666 He does this in this passage and in other passages. 91 00:08:47,866 --> 00:08:51,533 He commissions them and sends them out. 92 00:08:52,733 --> 00:08:58,400 And we can't miss this, because in the commissioning of the disciples, 93 00:08:58,933 --> 00:09:02,633 he is redefining who they are. 94 00:09:02,933 --> 00:09:11,233 He's giving them a new identity and bringing them back into the here and the now by sending them out. 95 00:09:11,233 --> 00:09:19,133 You see, because you don't send somebody out with your message unless they belong to you. 96 00:09:22,566 --> 00:09:26,966 And the message he sends them out with is one of baptism, 97 00:09:28,600 --> 00:09:31,533 is one of calling people back to Him. 98 00:09:33,066 --> 00:09:36,433 And so they go forth and do so. 99 00:09:38,700 --> 00:09:42,166 And the remembrance of their baptisms as well, 100 00:09:43,033 --> 00:09:50,133 it has to draw them back to him and back to the moment and the people who are right in front of them. 101 00:09:51,533 --> 00:09:54,933 Because you can't stand in the waters of baptism. 102 00:09:55,500 --> 00:10:01,533 You can't dip your hand into the waters of baptism without being in the here and the now 103 00:10:01,533 --> 00:10:09,066 and remembering it yourself of who Jesus called you in that moment. 104 00:10:10,066 --> 00:10:13,333 Which is what he also does for us this morning. 105 00:10:13,733 --> 00:10:22,400 He calls us back to Himself in His word and through our baptism and He commissions us and sends us out. 106 00:10:27,100 --> 00:10:31,333 He sends us out to do the same thing. 107 00:10:33,433 --> 00:10:44,666 To be reminded of our baptisms, commissioned by Him, that our identity is not in how many leaves 108 00:10:44,666 --> 00:10:46,033 you get painted. 109 00:10:48,400 --> 00:10:51,633 It's not in who you will be in a couple of weeks. 110 00:10:53,366 --> 00:10:59,266 It's in who He is here and now for us. 111 00:11:00,733 --> 00:11:05,300 It was in His work and not our own. 112 00:11:06,966 --> 00:11:18,300 And so in doing so, we now get to, in light of our baptisms and in light of Romans 8:15 to 16, 113 00:11:19,033 --> 00:11:22,233 be reminded of God's word over us. 114 00:11:23,266 --> 00:11:32,400 You are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased. 115 00:11:34,566 --> 00:11:40,833 If we can grasp this, it changes everything. 116 00:11:43,666 --> 00:11:51,300 If we understand that we are commissioned by Him to be His own, we are then set completely 117 00:11:51,300 --> 00:11:56,633 free today knowing that He's taken care of tomorrow. 118 00:11:57,966 --> 00:12:04,266 And so we don't have to worry about how many leaves we get painted before we're called home. 119 00:12:05,266 --> 00:12:16,600 In fact, we can rejoice instead in having painted maybe just one leaf and loved others in the 120 00:12:16,600 --> 00:12:17,633 process. 121 00:12:20,600 --> 00:12:29,333 And we realize it's not our job to paint the whole canvas. 122 00:12:30,900 --> 00:12:34,733 In fact, it's something we've been called to do together. 123 00:12:36,200 --> 00:12:44,233 And it's something that won't be fully realized until Christ's coming, when we will get to see 124 00:12:44,233 --> 00:12:48,466 His full vision in its completeness. 125 00:12:51,433 --> 00:12:54,366 Which brings us back to Niggle. 126 00:12:56,700 --> 00:12:58,666 Death had come for him. 127 00:12:59,533 --> 00:13:05,533 And in this fantasy story, death takes Niggle by train into the afterlife. 128 00:13:06,766 --> 00:13:12,466 And then Niggle sees something out in the distance that catches his attention. 129 00:13:13,266 --> 00:13:17,666 And he has to go see what it is, and so he jumps off the train and goes running. 130 00:13:18,866 --> 00:13:23,366 And standing before him is a grand tree. 131 00:13:26,533 --> 00:13:32,566 But he realizes it's not just any tree, it's his tree. 132 00:13:34,066 --> 00:13:38,400 And it's more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. 133 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:43,433 In fact, it's more beautiful than he could have ever painted in a thousand lifetimes. 134 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:52,266 And so he takes a deep breath and he says, it's a gift. 135 00:13:53,733 --> 00:13:58,266 The tree is a gift. 136 00:14:00,466 --> 00:14:08,233 You see, your visions and hopes for tomorrow, they may very well be from God. 137 00:14:09,200 --> 00:14:22,966 But you are also invited to be present here and today, knowing that God has painted the mountains. 138 00:14:24,500 --> 00:14:28,833 Knowing that God has taken care of it all. 139 00:14:30,933 --> 00:14:33,933 And that tomorrow has enough worry of its own. 140 00:14:36,266 --> 00:14:43,900 So today, you're invited to go out and play catch with your son in the yard. 141 00:14:45,166 --> 00:14:50,533 You're invited to connect with an old friend you haven't talked to in a while. 142 00:14:51,133 --> 00:14:57,033 You're invited to go see Mrs. Schmidt in the hospital for the fourth time in two weeks. 143 00:14:58,333 --> 00:15:01,800 You're invited to stay up until past one o'clock 144 00:15:01,800 --> 00:15:08,166 on the night that you're supposed to preach in chapel to talk with good friends. 145 00:15:10,366 --> 00:15:15,233 You're invited maybe to read that book for class that you've been putting off. 146 00:15:18,166 --> 00:15:25,200 Because that's what it means today to paint your leaf. 147 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:31,900 Knowing that God's got tomorrow taken care of. 148 00:15:34,433 --> 00:15:43,566 So don't worry about that. For today, paint your leaf. 149 00:15:45,300 --> 00:15:49,633 And when you get the opportunity to show it to your Heavenly Father, 150 00:15:49,633 --> 00:16:08,033 hear Him say to you, you are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased. Amen.