1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,366 In the name of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. 2 00:00:04,366 --> 00:00:06,366 Amen. 3 00:00:06,366 --> 00:00:09,733 Our Gospel text is John chapter 2. 4 00:00:09,733 --> 00:00:14,766 That was read by Pastor Wilson. 5 00:00:14,766 --> 00:00:19,966 This morning I need your help, a help from your imagination. 6 00:00:19,966 --> 00:00:27,133 I want you to imagine that you're walking this morning to chapel and this beautiful 7 00:00:27,133 --> 00:00:33,100 manicured path leading to chapel is taken over. 8 00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:40,600 Not only the path but also you imagine the plaza, crowds and many peoples. 9 00:00:40,600 --> 00:00:47,033 But not only people, also you're going to see a lot of animals out there. 10 00:00:47,033 --> 00:00:52,933 To the left you could see the stalls for the bulls. 11 00:00:52,933 --> 00:00:57,233 Next to it there is another stall for the sheep. 12 00:00:57,233 --> 00:01:01,600 To the left you see the scoops for the doves. 13 00:01:01,600 --> 00:01:06,833 And right in the entrance of the chapel you're going to see many, many tables. 14 00:01:06,833 --> 00:01:16,066 And you see people exchanging coins with you as you come in, making sure that you have 15 00:01:16,066 --> 00:01:17,633 the tax. 16 00:01:17,633 --> 00:01:23,933 And the right coins to pay the tax. 17 00:01:23,933 --> 00:01:26,733 Can you imagine this scene? 18 00:01:26,733 --> 00:01:33,600 People talking, people yelling at you, children running around, all the noise, the lowing 19 00:01:33,600 --> 00:01:37,400 of the cattle, the bleating of the sheep, the clinking of the coins. 20 00:01:37,400 --> 00:01:43,966 And you, you try to maneuver through all of that to come to inside of the chapel to worship 21 00:01:43,966 --> 00:01:47,566 the Lord. 22 00:01:47,566 --> 00:01:50,400 How would you describe this situation? 23 00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:51,966 Chaotic? 24 00:01:51,966 --> 00:01:54,166 For sure. 25 00:01:54,166 --> 00:01:55,733 Confusing? 26 00:01:55,733 --> 00:01:57,633 Madness. 27 00:01:57,633 --> 00:02:00,733 Worship madness, right? 28 00:02:00,733 --> 00:02:08,666 In addition to this, you start to ask and wonder how much this would affect our worship. 29 00:02:08,666 --> 00:02:15,166 Would it be a distraction for us to be worshiping the Lord this morning. 30 00:02:15,166 --> 00:02:20,466 This situation I ask you to imagine was the reality for Jesus when he was in the temple 31 00:02:20,466 --> 00:02:25,633 in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. 32 00:02:25,633 --> 00:02:33,266 All the animals, the vendors, screaming and yelling, making noise, was a serious distraction 33 00:02:33,266 --> 00:02:40,600 for Jesus, his disciples, and all the serious worshipers. 34 00:02:40,600 --> 00:02:47,933 The commotion, the noise, the greed, confusion was too much for Jesus. 35 00:02:47,933 --> 00:02:57,533 And he realized this stuff needs to get out of the way between people and God. 36 00:02:57,533 --> 00:03:00,233 It's a big distraction. 37 00:03:00,233 --> 00:03:06,100 So Jesus takes the matter in His own hands, making a whip of cords. 38 00:03:06,100 --> 00:03:11,533 He drove out of the temple, the cattle, the sheep, the doves, the money changers, and 39 00:03:11,533 --> 00:03:14,500 then He said, take these things away. 40 00:03:14,500 --> 00:03:19,666 Do not make my Father's house a house of trade. 41 00:03:19,666 --> 00:03:28,766 You see, for Jesus, His Father's house, the temple, was transformed in a marketplace. 42 00:03:28,766 --> 00:03:34,466 What meant to be a place of worship of God, a place where people would receive God's forgiveness 43 00:03:34,466 --> 00:03:43,566 and blessings became a place of business, and most likely dishonest business, fueled 44 00:03:43,566 --> 00:03:48,333 by greed, right in the courts of the Gentiles. 45 00:03:48,333 --> 00:03:59,866 Personally, we should be upset because that will be our place. 46 00:03:59,866 --> 00:04:05,633 But you have to understand what's happening here because things are happening in that 47 00:04:05,633 --> 00:04:13,033 moment because Jews, faithful Jews, had to travel to be present in the temple at least 48 00:04:13,033 --> 00:04:14,966 three times a year. 49 00:04:14,966 --> 00:04:20,033 The Feast of Tabernacles, the Pentecost, the Passover. 50 00:04:20,033 --> 00:04:26,400 Like many Jews like Jesus, they had to travel from all over the world in that time. 51 00:04:26,400 --> 00:04:35,733 And people came from different parts of Egypt, Rome, Jericho, and as they travel, as can 52 00:04:35,733 --> 00:04:41,466 you imagine, they couldn't bring their animals for sacrifice. 53 00:04:41,466 --> 00:04:51,133 On top of that, the animals need to be, make sure that they are clean, spotless to be sacrificed. 54 00:04:51,133 --> 00:04:55,333 Like a USDA inspection these days, I would say. 55 00:04:55,333 --> 00:05:01,233 So it's very complicated to bring, can you imagine a big ox for three days walking? 56 00:05:01,233 --> 00:05:03,600 Sheep, dove. 57 00:05:03,600 --> 00:05:10,133 So everything was available for you right at the entrance of the temple. 58 00:05:10,133 --> 00:05:15,133 On top of that, we also had the tax, the temple tax. 59 00:05:15,133 --> 00:05:18,466 And everybody came from different countries, they have different coins. 60 00:05:18,466 --> 00:05:20,966 So it was very easy to have someone helping you out. 61 00:05:20,966 --> 00:05:25,200 Oh, you want to pay the tax, you can trade off. 62 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:30,766 Of course, with a good margin of profit. 63 00:05:30,766 --> 00:05:37,733 You see things that started a little bit down the hill, start to come off to the gates of 64 00:05:37,733 --> 00:05:42,833 the temple and all of a sudden it's in the courts of the temple. 65 00:05:42,833 --> 00:05:48,833 This was usually to be convenient and easy for the worshipers. 66 00:05:48,833 --> 00:05:54,300 You see distractions, distractions, they start really small. 67 00:05:54,300 --> 00:05:57,700 Usually we don't pay attention to them too much. 68 00:05:57,700 --> 00:06:06,033 But then they start to pile up between us and between God. 69 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:09,166 Our lives are full of distractions. 70 00:06:09,166 --> 00:06:16,933 Some are imposed to us and some we seek them out. 71 00:06:16,933 --> 00:06:23,400 Probably some of you here are thinking about the end of this semester. 72 00:06:23,400 --> 00:06:28,633 I cannot deny, I'm thinking too and you know how many papers I have to grade? 73 00:06:28,633 --> 00:06:31,033 I'm thinking about that even when I'm preaching. 74 00:06:31,033 --> 00:06:33,033 You see that? 75 00:06:33,033 --> 00:06:39,933 Distractions, distractions, you see how that thing works. 76 00:06:39,933 --> 00:06:42,933 Final exams, things to do. 77 00:06:42,933 --> 00:06:46,500 I need to fix my car after chapel today. 78 00:06:46,500 --> 00:06:49,633 I need to pick up my kids after school. 79 00:06:49,633 --> 00:06:52,666 I need to do this, I need to do that. 80 00:06:52,666 --> 00:06:55,100 By the way, family are coming out of town this weekend. 81 00:06:55,100 --> 00:06:58,733 I think we're going to skip church this morning, Sunday morning because we're going to go to 82 00:06:58,733 --> 00:07:02,766 the zoo, it's so close by. 83 00:07:02,766 --> 00:07:06,700 You can add whatever you want. 84 00:07:06,700 --> 00:07:10,366 You have your own excuse like I have my own. 85 00:07:10,366 --> 00:07:16,366 Like I said, some are imposed to us, some are self-inflicted. 86 00:07:16,366 --> 00:07:20,133 You seek them out. 87 00:07:20,133 --> 00:07:24,666 What is the commotion, what is the noise, what is the confusion that you're going through 88 00:07:24,666 --> 00:07:27,933 your life right now? 89 00:07:27,933 --> 00:07:35,166 What has become a serious distraction between you and God? 90 00:07:35,166 --> 00:07:41,833 What may be in the way of your worship to God? 91 00:07:41,833 --> 00:07:52,466 What makes you and me sometimes honor God only with our lips instead of our hearts? 92 00:07:52,466 --> 00:08:01,266 You know, Lent reminds us that Jesus is coming to remove all distractions, distractions from 93 00:08:01,266 --> 00:08:04,133 our lives. 94 00:08:04,133 --> 00:08:12,100 Jesus came to clean the temple, open the way for us to have a free access to God and worship 95 00:08:12,100 --> 00:08:13,100 Him. 96 00:08:13,100 --> 00:08:19,533 And this is the theological claim that John is making not only in our Gospel reading today 97 00:08:19,533 --> 00:08:25,866 but in his entire Gospel when he says in chapter 1 verse 17, for the law was given through 98 00:08:25,866 --> 00:08:34,066 Moses but grace and truth come through Jesus Christ. 99 00:08:34,066 --> 00:08:41,466 As Jesus starts to drive away from the temple, the animals for sacrifice, the money changers, 100 00:08:41,466 --> 00:08:48,133 is making a clear statement that He is bigger than Moses. 101 00:08:48,133 --> 00:08:53,300 Pastor Wilson preached yesterday about the Ten Commandments. 102 00:08:53,300 --> 00:08:57,766 You think it's a coincidence to have the Ten Commandments read in the same Sunday that 103 00:08:57,766 --> 00:09:02,800 Jesus is cleaning the temple? 104 00:09:02,800 --> 00:09:05,233 It's not. 105 00:09:05,233 --> 00:09:12,033 There's somebody here bigger than the Ten Commandments, bigger than Moses himself. 106 00:09:12,033 --> 00:09:19,633 You don't need sacrifice anymore because Jesus himself is the ultimate sacrifice. 107 00:09:19,633 --> 00:09:24,633 Like John the Baptist, pointing to him said, look, this is the Lamb of God who takes away 108 00:09:24,633 --> 00:09:28,633 the sin of the world. 109 00:09:28,633 --> 00:09:34,300 But you see the Jews, the leaders in the temple, they didn't get it. 110 00:09:34,300 --> 00:09:38,966 They are really upset with Jesus because He was taking away not only their business, their 111 00:09:38,966 --> 00:09:39,966 profit. 112 00:09:39,966 --> 00:09:46,233 And they asked Jesus, can you give us a sign why you're doing those things? 113 00:09:46,233 --> 00:09:48,700 And Jesus says, yes. 114 00:09:48,700 --> 00:09:54,866 Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. 115 00:09:54,866 --> 00:09:59,866 The religious leaders, they have no clue. 116 00:09:59,866 --> 00:10:05,033 They think that Jesus is talking about this temple that took 46 years to be built. 117 00:10:05,033 --> 00:10:08,166 And by the way, that time wasn't finished yet. 118 00:10:08,166 --> 00:10:12,100 It was finished in 64 AD. 119 00:10:12,100 --> 00:10:17,466 They think about the temple, the stones, the mortar, everything. 120 00:10:17,466 --> 00:10:24,766 You see when Jesus speaks, He speaks as someone that is coming from above. 121 00:10:24,766 --> 00:10:31,533 And the people are trying to understand Jesus from below. 122 00:10:31,533 --> 00:10:34,666 Jesus is talking about spiritual things. 123 00:10:34,666 --> 00:10:41,433 And men are thinking about business, matter, stones. 124 00:10:41,433 --> 00:10:45,700 And this is why John is very helpful in our reading, in our text today because he moves 125 00:10:45,700 --> 00:10:52,233 on and he says, but Jesus, He was speaking about the temple of His body. 126 00:10:52,233 --> 00:10:56,633 And therefore He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said 127 00:10:56,633 --> 00:10:57,633 this. 128 00:10:57,633 --> 00:11:04,866 And they believe the Scriptures and the word that Jesus had spoken. 129 00:11:04,866 --> 00:11:13,133 To be able to clear the way and give us free access to God in heaven, Jesus must suffer, 130 00:11:13,133 --> 00:11:15,733 He must die. 131 00:11:15,733 --> 00:11:18,333 This is what Lent is all about. 132 00:11:18,333 --> 00:11:20,266 Slow down. 133 00:11:20,266 --> 00:11:24,733 Stop watching the distractions around you. 134 00:11:24,733 --> 00:11:27,466 Watch Jesus. 135 00:11:27,466 --> 00:11:29,533 What Jesus does. 136 00:11:29,533 --> 00:11:33,233 By the way, this is the emphasis of Lent. 137 00:11:33,233 --> 00:11:40,100 I love the church calendar because I love the distinction between Epiphany and Lent. 138 00:11:40,100 --> 00:11:43,700 Because Epiphany tells us who Jesus is. 139 00:11:43,700 --> 00:11:45,933 He's the beloved Son of God. 140 00:11:45,933 --> 00:11:52,700 But Lent, Lent tells us what Jesus does. 141 00:11:52,700 --> 00:11:57,766 He's the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. 142 00:11:57,766 --> 00:11:59,266 Are you looking to the temple? 143 00:11:59,266 --> 00:12:02,166 Instead, look at me. 144 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:06,033 I'm God's tabernacle among you. 145 00:12:06,033 --> 00:12:10,966 I'm God in flesh dwelling among you. 146 00:12:10,966 --> 00:12:15,900 By the way, I'm not only the temple, I am the way, the truth, and the life. 147 00:12:15,900 --> 00:12:20,633 No one is going to come to the Father except through me, not this temple. 148 00:12:20,633 --> 00:12:25,333 Do you get it? 149 00:12:25,333 --> 00:12:31,066 I'm inviting you to look beyond the temple's walls. 150 00:12:31,066 --> 00:12:34,333 You want to come to the presence of God? 151 00:12:34,333 --> 00:12:41,133 In this case, you don't need the temple tax, you don't need the animals, you don't even 152 00:12:41,133 --> 00:12:44,933 need the temple in itself. 153 00:12:44,933 --> 00:12:48,300 And by the way, the blood of the animals will not help you, it doesn't matter how clean 154 00:12:48,300 --> 00:12:51,233 they are. 155 00:12:51,233 --> 00:12:55,733 But through my suffering, through my death on the cross, through my shedding my blood 156 00:12:55,733 --> 00:13:03,233 on the cross, you will be reconciled to my Father in heaven and your sins will be forgiven, 157 00:13:03,233 --> 00:13:07,000 forgiven indeed. 158 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:15,866 You know my friends, Lent reminds us that God is interacting with us in a new way, without 159 00:13:15,866 --> 00:13:21,766 distractions, but only through Jesus. 160 00:13:21,766 --> 00:13:28,466 When Jesus gets on the scene, when the Word becomes flesh, we don't need anything else 161 00:13:28,466 --> 00:13:33,700 but only Him, we need only Jesus. 162 00:13:33,700 --> 00:13:39,566 Jesus now is at the center of our worship. 163 00:13:39,566 --> 00:13:44,466 He is the true temple, the temple that is going to be destroyed and the third day is 164 00:13:44,466 --> 00:13:46,833 going to rise again. 165 00:13:46,833 --> 00:13:54,266 And through this temple, God talks to us and God brings us reconciliation. 166 00:13:54,266 --> 00:13:57,033 Why is God present now? 167 00:13:57,033 --> 00:14:02,466 Look to Jesus, no distractions. 168 00:14:02,466 --> 00:14:06,766 Look to the Baptist's front and the entrance, you touch it. 169 00:14:06,766 --> 00:14:10,333 By the way, you are touched by it, by the water. 170 00:14:10,333 --> 00:14:16,500 That gave you a name that said you are a child of God. 171 00:14:16,500 --> 00:14:17,500 Where is God now? 172 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:23,500 Oh, look to the altar, bread and wine, the true body and the true blood of our Lord and 173 00:14:23,500 --> 00:14:26,966 Savior Jesus Christ. 174 00:14:26,966 --> 00:14:30,366 Where is God now? 175 00:14:30,366 --> 00:14:32,366 Watch better. 176 00:14:32,366 --> 00:14:39,100 Listen, He talks to you in His Word. 177 00:14:39,100 --> 00:14:41,066 This is Lent. 178 00:14:41,066 --> 00:14:42,766 This is Lent, my friends. 179 00:14:42,766 --> 00:14:50,233 You slow down and you don't pay attention to the distractions, but pay attention only 180 00:14:50,233 --> 00:14:54,700 to Jesus because He is the one that really matters. 181 00:14:54,700 --> 00:14:55,700 Amen. 182 00:14:55,700 --> 00:15:01,500 And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds 183 00:15:01,500 --> 00:15:02,500 in Christ Jesus. 184 00:15:02,500 --> 00:15:31,500 Amen.