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In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
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Praying for God's will, losing life, gaining everything.
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It's stark, isn't it?
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Bearing the mark of the ashen cross on your your body.
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Dust of the earth mixed with a lot of water.
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That's what you are.
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We hold on to life as a thin veil.
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When God draws back the veil, we see behind it the lifeless dust that
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is our mortal life.
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Death lurks right under the skin all the time.
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Polycarp, whom we commemorate this day, knew that. The leading figure
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in the Church in Asia Minor in the fourth century, carrying forth the
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heritage of St.
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John the apostle Polycarp, in his 80s, returns from Rome to Smyrna in
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the midsecond century, where he is martyred by being burned at the
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When the pro consul calls him to curse Christ for the final time and
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proclaims that he will burn Polycarp. Polycarp responds why do you
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do what you will.
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Polycarp knew what the will of God was.
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The wages of sin is death.
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Death is God's will.
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Now that's stark.
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And that's where the struggle begins for us.
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We treasure life.
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It's embedded in this country's Declaration of Independence.
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We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created
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equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights,
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that among these are life.
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And the struggle deepens because apparently God treasures life too.
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He created all living things, after all.
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And in our reading today, Jesus says for my Father's will is that
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everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him
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shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.
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So we struggle to know God's will. Transforming the words supposedly
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attributed to the American patriot Patrick Henry give me life or give
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me death.
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And we know the struggle from experience, all those little deaths we
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die daily.
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The times when children or parents or spouse or friends or community
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fail us, the deteriorations of the body, the dying we inflict when we
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fail others.
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And then there are those more severe that decimate life, those
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breeding threats against our theological expression even within the
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The threats of the planet falling to hell in a handbasket. Threats
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that an unstable worldly peace might be destroyed by war at any time.
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A young girl travels to St.
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Louis from Tennessee for volleyball tournaments, and suddenly the
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recklessness of another human being costs her both her legs.
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Death not only lurks under the skin, it's right around the corner.
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And we beg of God, what is your will?
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Death or life?
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And the proper preface for Lent, which we heard yesterday.
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We pray that with cleansed hearts we might be prepared joyfully to
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celebrate the Paschal Easter feast in sincerity and truth.
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We can't celebrate the Paschal feast in sincerity and truth
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apart from knowing what God's will for us is regarding death and life.
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And to know that we have to discern how God's will is done.
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Luther says God's will is done when God breaks and hinders every evil
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plan and purpose of the devil, the world and our sinful nature, which
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do not want us to howl God's name or let his kingdom come, our sin,
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sinful nature.
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There is the ultimate enemy to God's will.
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As we will sing in Luther's Lord's Prayer him momentarily curb flesh
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and blood and every ill that sets itself against your will.
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The flesh and blood set against God's will is yours.
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We want life and we seek to guarantee for our ourselves that we can
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hold on to it life at all cost.
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There is no place in my life for death and certainly not death that
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God might bring.
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I will not have it.
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Yet we pray, let us celebrate the Paschal feast in sincerity and
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And it is in the Paschal feast that we find how God curbs our flesh
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and blood.
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Jesus treasured nothing more than the will of his Father.
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For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of
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him who sent me.
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When some Greeks asked the disciples, we wish to see Jesus.
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Jesus makes very clear what the will of the Father is.
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The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified.
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truly, I say to you.
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Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains
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But if it dies, it bears much fruit.
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Whoever loves his life loses it.
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And whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal
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This will of his Father is more than life itself.
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He will lose his life in the hate filled death of a cross.
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In that kernel of wheat falling into the ground, into the dust is the
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seed, the fruit of new life the life of God in human flesh.
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This is the will of the one who sent Jesus.
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And it is His will that Jesus should lose nothing of all that the
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Father has given Him but will raise it up on the last day.
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All that the Father has given Him he will raise up along with all
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those the Father has given Him all of the creation raised up in Him
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and for Him.
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All of it, including you.
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As the sainted Dr.
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Nagel used to say, it's the whole lot and more.
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This is the Father's good and gracious will.
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Now don't be fooled.
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The struggle will persist.
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It's unrelenting.
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What is it, God?
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Death or life?
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But that's exactly why you pray this petition thy will be done on
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earth as it is in heaven.
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We pray it so that God's will, a paschal death to life, may be done
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among us also and that we may celebrate it joyfully in sincerity and
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That's what St. Polycarp did.
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As they tied him to the pire, he prayed lord Almighty God, I bless you
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for judging me worthy of this day and this hour, that in the company
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of martyrs I may share the cup of Christ.
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Let me be received among the martyrs in Your presence today as a rich
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and pleasing sacrifice.
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What is it, God?
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Unless the kernel of wheat falls into the ground. In these gray and
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latter days, we pray that the Spirit will keep us in faith and trust
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that God's will is done.
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His kingdom comes.
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His name is holy among us until we die.
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This is the will will of the One who came down from heaven, losing
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life, gaining everything.
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So we pray Your will be done.
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In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
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