1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,333 Our text for today you have heard grace mercy peace be to you. 2 00:00:11,766 --> 00:00:16,933 Well welcome back to the campus of Concordia Seminary after Christmas 3 00:00:16,933 --> 00:00:23,733 vacation and then Winterim. Today is the first year, first day of the spring term, 4 00:00:23,733 --> 00:00:30,866 a time of new beginnings for some and a time of renewal for all of us. When I was 5 00:00:30,866 --> 00:00:39,433 assigned this text, Mark chapter 1 verses 21 to 28, the gospel lesson for Epiphany 6 00:00:39,433 --> 00:00:45,733 4 in series B of the three-year lectionary cycle, I was immediately 7 00:00:45,733 --> 00:00:52,633 struck by how appropriate it is for this first day of the new term, 8 00:00:52,633 --> 00:00:59,000 for this is the story of the first day of preparation for discipleship for 9 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:07,066 Andrew and Peter and James and John. May we continue to learn in the days and 10 00:01:07,066 --> 00:01:14,566 weeks ahead just what they too began to learn, that Jesus is the Holy One of God 11 00:01:14,566 --> 00:01:23,133 who takes action to save his people. Just before our text, Mark talks about Jesus 12 00:01:23,133 --> 00:01:29,733 and the fishermen. As he walks along the coast of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus sees 13 00:01:29,733 --> 00:01:38,066 Simon, Peter, and Andrew and John, and James and John, all hearted worth doing 14 00:01:38,066 --> 00:01:45,166 what fishermen do, casting their nets out and drawing them in again and sitting in 15 00:01:45,166 --> 00:01:51,866 their boat mending their nets. Jesus calls them to follow him and immediately 16 00:01:51,866 --> 00:01:58,233 they left their boat and nets behind in the case of James and John leaving 17 00:01:58,233 --> 00:02:04,433 their father in the boat with a hired help to finish the task. And then they 18 00:02:04,433 --> 00:02:11,766 entered Capernaum. It was a small town, extensive archaeological work has been 19 00:02:11,766 --> 00:02:17,266 done there, and you can go to the synagogue that was probably built in the 20 00:02:17,266 --> 00:02:23,833 fifth or sixth century, built over the remnants of the first century 21 00:02:23,833 --> 00:02:31,566 synagogue. A short distance away is likely the site of Peter's house with 22 00:02:31,566 --> 00:02:37,033 evidence that it has been recognized as a very special place, 23 00:02:37,033 --> 00:02:44,066 with evidence that from a memorial room that was built there that was 24 00:02:44,066 --> 00:02:51,833 likely used as a house church already in the first century. Capernaum was and is a 25 00:02:51,833 --> 00:03:00,566 real place, likely the home of Peter and the center of Jesus' ministry in Galilee. 26 00:03:00,566 --> 00:03:06,633 Mark is a gospel writer that is always in a hurry and immediately is one of his 27 00:03:06,633 --> 00:03:13,766 favorite words used more than 40 times in the gospel. Mark does not say much 28 00:03:13,766 --> 00:03:21,566 about the scene, but he quickly turns to the issues involved. Jesus and his four 29 00:03:21,566 --> 00:03:27,433 disciples entered Capernaum and as soon as it was the Sabbath day Jesus entered 30 00:03:27,433 --> 00:03:35,933 the synagogue and his ministry began. The synagogue was the religious center of 31 00:03:35,933 --> 00:03:41,000 the community, the place where the five books of Moses and the prophets were 32 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:47,600 read and interpreted. There was a traditional way of doing this. Everyone 33 00:03:47,600 --> 00:03:52,866 recognized that the scripture, the Old Testament, revealed God and his will for 34 00:03:52,866 --> 00:03:58,666 our lives, but they also knew that the scriptures had been written a long time 35 00:03:58,666 --> 00:04:05,366 ago and needed to be interpreted in the light of the present situation. The 36 00:04:05,366 --> 00:04:11,800 scribes were the men who had the training and the experience to do this 37 00:04:11,800 --> 00:04:18,066 work. Over time the emphasis of the interpretation had turned to finding and 38 00:04:18,066 --> 00:04:25,266 interpreting how God wanted his people to conduct their lives. Some big issues 39 00:04:25,266 --> 00:04:30,533 like the question of is there a resurrection of the dead were filled 40 00:04:30,533 --> 00:04:37,133 with important implications, but a more common issue in the synagogue would have 41 00:04:37,133 --> 00:04:45,066 been a question like, is it really work if you pull your ox out of a pit on 42 00:04:45,066 --> 00:04:51,466 the Sabbath day? How do you wash your hands in a God-pleasing way? Can you have 43 00:04:51,466 --> 00:04:56,366 dinner with a corrupt government official and other such 44 00:04:56,366 --> 00:05:04,033 people without polluting yourself? The questions Jesus asked, the questions 45 00:05:04,033 --> 00:05:10,333 Jesus was asked throughout the gospel were not trivial matters for those who 46 00:05:10,333 --> 00:05:19,766 asked, but they attempted to draw out Jesus' opinions and 47 00:05:19,766 --> 00:05:26,866 invite him to take sides on the important theological issues of the day. 48 00:05:26,866 --> 00:05:33,566 We do not know what Jesus talked about on that day, but I would not be 49 00:05:33,566 --> 00:05:40,466 surprised if his words were like the conduct in a similar situation when 50 00:05:40,466 --> 00:05:48,866 he spoke in Nazareth. There he read from Isaiah, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. 51 00:05:48,866 --> 00:05:55,200 He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to 52 00:05:55,200 --> 00:06:00,966 the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of 53 00:06:00,966 --> 00:06:09,466 the Lord's favor. And then he announced, today this scripture has been fulfilled 54 00:06:09,466 --> 00:06:17,400 in your hearing. That was a huge leap in the traditional understanding of the 55 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:25,600 text. The Old Testament is not a book of laws about how to live that we can 56 00:06:25,600 --> 00:06:32,033 debate endlessly. The central message of the Old Testament is that God takes 57 00:06:32,033 --> 00:06:38,866 action to save his people, even those who seem to be poor and helpless and 58 00:06:38,866 --> 00:06:46,266 oppressed and totally without resources to rescue themselves. And he takes that 59 00:06:46,266 --> 00:06:54,733 action now. The real power of exegesis is that it enables us to meet the living 60 00:06:54,733 --> 00:07:00,766 God who takes action for us ultimately through the death and resurrection of 61 00:07:00,766 --> 00:07:09,600 his Son. Our exegetical task as Lutheran pastors is to explain the scriptures in 62 00:07:09,600 --> 00:07:16,866 ways that deal with the doubts and fears of our people and at the same time 63 00:07:16,866 --> 00:07:27,666 enable them to grow in their trust in Jesus his Son, our God's Son. The 64 00:07:27,666 --> 00:07:34,466 congregation in the synagogue was impressed and rejoiced to hear not the 65 00:07:34,466 --> 00:07:39,733 moralism that they were accustomed to hear and take part in the discussion in 66 00:07:39,733 --> 00:07:45,266 which they were accustomed to take part in the synagogue, but here was the good 67 00:07:45,266 --> 00:07:52,633 news that God is taking action to save his people now through the person of 68 00:07:52,633 --> 00:08:01,333 Jesus and our four fishermen were learning how to become fishers of men. 69 00:08:01,333 --> 00:08:08,066 It immediately says Mark again, right then and there there was a man 70 00:08:08,066 --> 00:08:15,033 controlled by an unclean spirit. Jesus' teaching may have been convincing 71 00:08:15,033 --> 00:08:20,766 and authoritative, but let's get down to the reality of the situation. The unclean 72 00:08:20,766 --> 00:08:26,466 spirit says the equivalent of what is this to you? What business is it of yours? 73 00:08:26,466 --> 00:08:32,933 Leave me alone. And then he gives his understanding of the situation. You're 74 00:08:32,933 --> 00:08:41,000 Jesus of Nazareth and have you come to destroy us? And the unclean spirit cannot 75 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:48,666 help himself but must confess I know who you are, the Holy One of God and the 76 00:08:48,666 --> 00:08:56,866 exalted title and an identification that said that the only one who 77 00:08:56,866 --> 00:09:05,633 could really do something about unclean spirits was the Son of God. Jesus quickly 78 00:09:05,633 --> 00:09:12,566 brings the conversation to an end. Shut up and come out. The spirit severely 79 00:09:12,566 --> 00:09:21,633 convulses the man, gives a mighty roar and comes out. Mark does not tell us 80 00:09:21,633 --> 00:09:27,166 anything about the condition of the man after this happened and 81 00:09:27,166 --> 00:09:34,133 and his next actions. Instead he turns his attention to the effect of 82 00:09:34,133 --> 00:09:40,633 these events and they were all amazed so that they questioned among themselves 83 00:09:40,633 --> 00:09:47,866 saying what is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even unclean 84 00:09:47,866 --> 00:09:54,733 spirits and they obey him. At once his fame spread everywhere throughout all 85 00:09:54,733 --> 00:10:02,533 the surrounding region of Galilee. Authoritative teaching is important 86 00:10:02,533 --> 00:10:10,433 especially when it is accompanied by faithful demonstration of God at work to 87 00:10:10,433 --> 00:10:19,966 save his people. Probably few of us will be asked to drive out demons which 88 00:10:19,966 --> 00:10:26,033 doesn't mean that they're not there but it is quite clear that we live in a 89 00:10:26,033 --> 00:10:32,766 crazy world that with the advent of AI artificial intelligence will likely 90 00:10:32,766 --> 00:10:40,233 become crazier yet and it is entirely likely that we will meet situations that 91 00:10:40,233 --> 00:10:49,033 we do not understand and cannot control but our God is in control and we receive 92 00:10:49,033 --> 00:10:57,833 power and forgiveness and healing and blessing for Jesus sake. I had been at 93 00:10:57,833 --> 00:11:03,166 the seminary in Nigeria for only a couple of weeks when I was asked to 94 00:11:03,166 --> 00:11:10,566 accompany the seminary students on an evangelistic trip a long way away. A 95 00:11:10,566 --> 00:11:17,266 congregation had invited them to come and be with them for the weekend. The 96 00:11:17,266 --> 00:11:23,266 students had a program to talk about evangelism in the congregation and then 97 00:11:23,266 --> 00:11:29,266 they would spread out and talk to people in the village about God and his son 98 00:11:29,266 --> 00:11:35,833 Jesus Christ. While we were down there I noticed that one of the students was 99 00:11:35,833 --> 00:11:43,966 limping badly and I asked him what the problem was. He explained that a friend 100 00:11:43,966 --> 00:11:49,600 had been giving him a ride on a bicycle and he had accidentally put his foot in 101 00:11:49,600 --> 00:11:58,466 the spokes and his foot had gotten badly twisted. I said that sounds really 102 00:11:58,466 --> 00:12:05,800 bad. When we get back to Obed-Edom I'll help you to find a doctor. Oh thank you 103 00:12:05,800 --> 00:12:16,000 very much. When we got or sometime later I saw him tell his story to one of the 104 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:21,766 village women who was taking care of us. At the end of the story she did not 105 00:12:21,766 --> 00:12:28,800 simply make empathetic comments. She told him to sit down and take off his shoe 106 00:12:28,800 --> 00:12:35,266 and with a little palm oil she massaged his foot. And you know from that moment 107 00:12:35,266 --> 00:12:43,366 on he was on the road to recovery. Who do you think served him best? Whose message 108 00:12:43,366 --> 00:12:50,200 was most authentic? It is a beautiful example of how culture shapes behavior. 109 00:12:50,200 --> 00:12:54,533 In my world when you are facing a medical challenge that you don't 110 00:12:54,533 --> 00:13:01,033 understand you seek the best medical help available. In her world even though 111 00:13:01,033 --> 00:13:08,733 he's a stranger, he's a brother in Christ and you get personally involved you are 112 00:13:08,733 --> 00:13:16,600 not afraid to get your hands dirty. There is no substitute for a pastoral heart. 113 00:13:16,600 --> 00:13:22,966 Clear teaching and preaching of God's love and forgiveness becomes authentic 114 00:13:22,966 --> 00:13:28,666 when it is lived out with the willingness to meet people wherever they 115 00:13:28,666 --> 00:13:34,033 are in life's journey, to love them for their strengths and in spite of their 116 00:13:34,033 --> 00:13:41,466 weaknesses and in every situation to keep hope alive. On their first day of 117 00:13:41,466 --> 00:13:47,666 class what did these four fishermen Andrew and Peter and James and John 118 00:13:47,666 --> 00:13:56,166 learn? First of all it was clear that radical change was ahead for the message 119 00:13:56,166 --> 00:14:02,766 of the scriptures was about God's act to save his people and that he has sent his 120 00:14:02,766 --> 00:14:11,066 son the Holy One of God to set his people free. His son speaks and acts 121 00:14:11,066 --> 00:14:17,866 with authority and he uses that authority to defeat the power of Satan 122 00:14:17,866 --> 00:14:26,133 and to set God's people free. Plenty to think about at the end of the day. May 123 00:14:26,133 --> 00:14:34,266 God use this term to help us grow in our faith in Jesus and empower us to share 124 00:14:34,266 --> 00:14:41,400 that faith. In Jesus name, Amen. The peace of God which passes all 125 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:47,733 understanding keep your hearts and minds in faith in Christ Jesus to life 126 00:14:47,733 --> 00:14:56,166 everlasting, Amen.