1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,833 Grace, mercy, and peace from God our 2 00:00:01,833 --> 00:00:03,600 heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus 3 00:00:03,600 --> 00:00:04,100 Christ. 4 00:00:04,933 --> 00:00:05,366 Amen. 5 00:00:06,166 --> 00:00:09,200 At that time shall arise Michael the 6 00:00:09,200 --> 00:00:10,433 great prince. 7 00:00:13,633 --> 00:00:16,000 But unless you know what happened before, 8 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:17,700 it's difficult to realize the 9 00:00:17,700 --> 00:00:18,566 significance 10 00:00:18,566 --> 00:00:21,566 of this incredible rescue mission. 11 00:00:23,566 --> 00:00:24,933 At that time. 12 00:00:24,933 --> 00:00:28,766 Now, before that time, God revealed to 13 00:00:28,766 --> 00:00:32,933 Daniel in various dreams and visions, the 14 00:00:32,933 --> 00:00:34,366 whole human 15 00:00:34,366 --> 00:00:37,166 history from the Assyrian Empire all the 16 00:00:37,166 --> 00:00:39,666 way to the coming of Christ and the 17 00:00:39,666 --> 00:00:40,766 establishment 18 00:00:40,766 --> 00:00:42,333 of his kingdom. 19 00:00:45,133 --> 00:00:45,966 He saw it all. 20 00:00:48,300 --> 00:00:50,566 Now in one sense, it appears to be a 21 00:00:50,566 --> 00:00:52,866 whole lot just like world history. 22 00:00:53,866 --> 00:00:54,933 All of human history. 23 00:00:55,366 --> 00:00:58,266 And it's the vain plotting of nations who 24 00:00:58,266 --> 00:01:00,900 rage against the Lord and against his 25 00:01:00,900 --> 00:01:01,733 anointed. 26 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:06,600 Babylon the great, giving way to the 27 00:01:06,600 --> 00:01:10,533 Persians, and then the Persians falling 28 00:01:10,533 --> 00:01:12,033 to Alexander 29 00:01:12,033 --> 00:01:14,966 the Great and the Hellenistic world and 30 00:01:14,966 --> 00:01:16,733 then come the Romans. 31 00:01:19,133 --> 00:01:22,066 Daniel saw before it happened the rise of 32 00:01:22,066 --> 00:01:24,566 Antiochus Epiphanes who walked into 33 00:01:24,566 --> 00:01:25,433 Jerusalem 34 00:01:25,433 --> 00:01:29,900 in the year 167 BC, took all the altars 35 00:01:29,900 --> 00:01:34,033 of gold and silver, all the gold and 36 00:01:34,033 --> 00:01:35,166 vessels 37 00:01:36,033 --> 00:01:38,833 and of silver from the temple, but not 38 00:01:38,833 --> 00:01:41,633 before setting up an altar to Zeus and 39 00:01:41,633 --> 00:01:42,666 sacrificing 40 00:01:42,666 --> 00:01:43,633 a pig. 41 00:01:46,966 --> 00:01:49,466 You can read all about it in Daniel 11 42 00:01:49,466 --> 00:01:51,433 and 1 Maccabees chapter one. 43 00:01:53,133 --> 00:01:56,066 It may be comforting to know that God is 44 00:01:56,066 --> 00:01:58,466 at work through all of this human 45 00:01:58,466 --> 00:01:59,266 history. 46 00:02:01,333 --> 00:02:04,966 Or maybe that is absolutely terrifying to 47 00:02:04,966 --> 00:02:06,233 think about. 48 00:02:09,466 --> 00:02:11,966 Everything that has happened and will 49 00:02:11,966 --> 00:02:14,533 happen in the present age is under the 50 00:02:14,533 --> 00:02:15,466 sway of the 51 00:02:15,466 --> 00:02:15,966 Almighty. 52 00:02:17,933 --> 00:02:20,266 Nothing happens outside of his control. 53 00:02:22,933 --> 00:02:25,400 This is not the sort of thing that any 54 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:27,966 human eye can really see or human reason 55 00:02:27,966 --> 00:02:29,066 can understand 56 00:02:29,066 --> 00:02:30,133 in any way. 57 00:02:30,133 --> 00:02:33,733 Nations rise and nations fall, world 58 00:02:33,733 --> 00:02:37,233 history presses forward, Assyrians, 59 00:02:37,233 --> 00:02:39,233 Persians, Greeks, 60 00:02:39,766 --> 00:02:44,366 Romans, the United States, China, North 61 00:02:44,366 --> 00:02:47,400 Korea, the list goes on. 62 00:02:48,166 --> 00:02:51,266 Each nation vying for power and each 63 00:02:51,266 --> 00:02:54,700 losing power in turn like dogs vying for 64 00:02:54,700 --> 00:02:55,533 a piece 65 00:02:55,533 --> 00:02:56,566 of meat. 66 00:02:58,666 --> 00:03:01,766 Is this not vanity, a ceaseless chasing 67 00:03:01,766 --> 00:03:03,133 after the wind? 68 00:03:05,233 --> 00:03:06,700 Well, of course it is. 69 00:03:08,233 --> 00:03:10,133 The Lord laughs at those who set 70 00:03:10,133 --> 00:03:12,300 themselves and take counsel together 71 00:03:12,300 --> 00:03:13,433 against the Lord 72 00:03:13,433 --> 00:03:16,466 and against his anointed saying, let us 73 00:03:16,466 --> 00:03:18,033 break their bonds. 74 00:03:21,300 --> 00:03:24,166 If I see it from that perspective, the 75 00:03:24,166 --> 00:03:27,133 rat race of human power for human power 76 00:03:27,133 --> 00:03:27,900 in this 77 00:03:27,900 --> 00:03:30,233 world is true vanity. 78 00:03:32,233 --> 00:03:35,200 And the righteous as the Psalms put it or 79 00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:37,966 God's people as Daniel puts it, always 80 00:03:37,966 --> 00:03:38,466 seem 81 00:03:38,466 --> 00:03:41,266 to suffer in the mix of that history. 82 00:03:43,433 --> 00:03:47,033 But at that time shall arise Michael, the 83 00:03:47,033 --> 00:03:50,100 great prince who has charge of your 84 00:03:50,100 --> 00:03:50,966 people. 85 00:03:55,033 --> 00:03:57,533 For Christians who are living at that 86 00:03:57,533 --> 00:04:00,200 time when our great Michael has in fact 87 00:04:00,200 --> 00:04:00,866 arisen, 88 00:04:00,866 --> 00:04:03,733 that is we who are living on this side of 89 00:04:03,733 --> 00:04:06,200 Christ's accomplished work and still 90 00:04:06,200 --> 00:04:06,900 waiting 91 00:04:06,900 --> 00:04:09,866 on his return for those who are living in 92 00:04:09,866 --> 00:04:11,966 these gray and latter days. 93 00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:16,000 Well, we're tempted to be extremely 94 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:18,933 apathetic about human history. 95 00:04:22,133 --> 00:04:24,533 The clear promise of history's end only 96 00:04:24,533 --> 00:04:25,866 compounds the issue. 97 00:04:26,533 --> 00:04:29,500 The end of all things is at hand we're 98 00:04:29,500 --> 00:04:30,066 told. 99 00:04:31,200 --> 00:04:33,633 Wherein the heavens being on fire shall 100 00:04:33,633 --> 00:04:36,166 be dissolved and the elements shall melt 101 00:04:36,166 --> 00:04:36,600 with 102 00:04:36,600 --> 00:04:37,700 fervent heat. 103 00:04:40,066 --> 00:04:41,366 You may be tempted to ask. 104 00:04:42,933 --> 00:04:45,900 If the end of all things is at hand, why 105 00:04:45,900 --> 00:04:47,866 care about things at all? 106 00:04:50,266 --> 00:04:53,066 If it's going to burn, why not run to the 107 00:04:53,066 --> 00:04:56,033 hills as our Lord told the inhabitants of 108 00:04:56,033 --> 00:04:56,633 Jerusalem? 109 00:04:56,633 --> 00:04:59,733 Why not join a monastery, seclude 110 00:04:59,733 --> 00:05:03,500 ourselves from this world under judgment 111 00:05:03,500 --> 00:05:04,900 and wait for 112 00:05:04,900 --> 00:05:07,000 the storm to end until Christ himself 113 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:08,233 returns in judgment? 114 00:05:12,066 --> 00:05:17,033 Beloved, it's because God reigns still in 115 00:05:17,033 --> 00:05:18,633 this world. 116 00:05:20,633 --> 00:05:23,433 He reigns surely in His church and God 117 00:05:23,433 --> 00:05:26,400 help us, He reigns in our hearts, but He 118 00:05:26,400 --> 00:05:27,433 also reigns 119 00:05:27,433 --> 00:05:28,533 in this world. 120 00:05:30,933 --> 00:05:32,866 The earth is the Lord's and the fullness 121 00:05:32,866 --> 00:05:33,366 thereof. 122 00:05:35,066 --> 00:05:36,900 The Lord said to me, you are my son 123 00:05:36,900 --> 00:05:39,066 today, I have begotten you, ask of me and 124 00:05:39,066 --> 00:05:39,533 I will 125 00:05:39,533 --> 00:05:42,066 make the nations your heritage and the 126 00:05:42,066 --> 00:05:44,433 ends of the earth your possession. 127 00:05:47,233 --> 00:05:51,333 We do not understand how God uses wars 128 00:05:51,333 --> 00:05:54,766 and plagues and unjust rulers to 129 00:05:54,766 --> 00:05:56,600 accomplish his 130 00:05:56,600 --> 00:06:00,800 will in the world, but He does it with us 131 00:06:00,800 --> 00:06:04,200 in the middle of that whole human 132 00:06:04,200 --> 00:06:05,333 history. 133 00:06:09,600 --> 00:06:12,033 If you could only see the headlines in 134 00:06:12,033 --> 00:06:14,500 world news that it was actually Christ 135 00:06:14,500 --> 00:06:15,466 and his holy 136 00:06:15,466 --> 00:06:17,933 angels who are contending with the 137 00:06:17,933 --> 00:06:19,533 spirits of this age. 138 00:06:21,533 --> 00:06:24,600 As we read in Daniel, a world history of 139 00:06:24,600 --> 00:06:27,666 the news, we must be led to confess, oh, 140 00:06:27,666 --> 00:06:28,666 the depths 141 00:06:28,666 --> 00:06:30,400 and the riches and the wisdom and 142 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:32,400 knowledge of God, how unsearchable are 143 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:33,233 His judgments 144 00:06:33,233 --> 00:06:36,366 and how inscrutable His ways. 145 00:06:41,166 --> 00:06:42,500 But then we should believe. 146 00:06:44,066 --> 00:06:46,266 By faith, we ought to see with Daniel 147 00:06:46,266 --> 00:06:48,533 that all the earthly events with kings 148 00:06:48,533 --> 00:06:49,300 and armies 149 00:06:49,300 --> 00:06:51,400 waging war for just a slice of this 150 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:53,833 earth, that underneath it all and behind 151 00:06:53,833 --> 00:06:54,433 it all, 152 00:06:54,433 --> 00:06:57,466 God is working and moving all things for 153 00:06:57,466 --> 00:06:59,933 the good of those who love Him. 154 00:07:04,666 --> 00:07:06,733 We should see that with all the learning 155 00:07:06,733 --> 00:07:08,866 of the Assyrians and the Persians and the 156 00:07:08,866 --> 00:07:09,333 Greeks 157 00:07:09,333 --> 00:07:12,200 and the Romans, all of that was for our 158 00:07:12,200 --> 00:07:12,700 sake. 159 00:07:15,466 --> 00:07:19,633 The whole cosmos has been spinning around 160 00:07:19,633 --> 00:07:23,733 its hidden but single center in the land 161 00:07:23,733 --> 00:07:24,966 of Judah. 162 00:07:26,933 --> 00:07:29,433 No wonder the Crusaders of the Middle 163 00:07:29,433 --> 00:07:31,066 Ages misunderstood it. 164 00:07:32,266 --> 00:07:35,066 The gravitational center of world history 165 00:07:35,066 --> 00:07:37,733 was Jerusalem because that is where God 166 00:07:37,733 --> 00:07:38,466 promised 167 00:07:38,466 --> 00:07:42,366 to be, there in the worship of Israel and 168 00:07:42,366 --> 00:07:44,366 in the holy places. 169 00:07:44,666 --> 00:07:47,433 All the world history finally revolved 170 00:07:47,433 --> 00:07:50,300 around her and around her sanctuary and 171 00:07:50,300 --> 00:07:51,366 to the kavod 172 00:07:51,366 --> 00:07:54,100 Yahweh behind the veil in the holy of 173 00:07:54,100 --> 00:07:54,766 holies. 174 00:07:56,033 --> 00:07:58,900 That is until the temple made without 175 00:07:58,900 --> 00:08:02,000 hands, the seed of the woman who Himself 176 00:08:02,000 --> 00:08:03,100 is the holy 177 00:08:03,100 --> 00:08:04,300 of holies appeared. 178 00:08:06,433 --> 00:08:09,266 At that time shall arise Michael, the 179 00:08:09,266 --> 00:08:11,933 great prince who has charge of your 180 00:08:11,933 --> 00:08:12,666 people. 181 00:08:14,566 --> 00:08:17,033 Daniel moves us from God's mysterious 182 00:08:17,033 --> 00:08:19,666 work in world history where the nations 183 00:08:19,666 --> 00:08:20,466 rage into 184 00:08:20,466 --> 00:08:23,666 his spiritual realm, which we learn was 185 00:08:23,666 --> 00:08:26,833 the real battle all along through human 186 00:08:26,833 --> 00:08:27,733 history. 187 00:08:30,100 --> 00:08:32,000 For we do not fight against flesh and 188 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:34,066 blood but against the rulers, against the 189 00:08:34,066 --> 00:08:34,833 authorities, 190 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:37,266 against the cosmic powers over this 191 00:08:37,266 --> 00:08:39,833 present darkness, against the spiritual 192 00:08:39,833 --> 00:08:40,600 forces of 193 00:08:40,600 --> 00:08:42,866 evil in the heavenly places. 194 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:46,166 At that time shall arise Michael. 195 00:08:48,766 --> 00:08:51,700 This is about the reign of Christ and his 196 00:08:51,700 --> 00:08:53,133 spiritual kingdom. 197 00:08:54,133 --> 00:08:56,733 Michael, the great prince is Christ 198 00:08:56,733 --> 00:08:59,633 himself to whom the Father entrusts His 199 00:08:59,633 --> 00:09:00,766 little ones. 200 00:09:03,266 --> 00:09:06,100 And even if he's not Christ, which some 201 00:09:06,100 --> 00:09:09,066 of you may hold, he's doing God's work. 202 00:09:09,566 --> 00:09:12,533 He's doing Christ's office just as the 203 00:09:12,533 --> 00:09:15,933 wise in our text are doing Christ's work. 204 00:09:17,633 --> 00:09:20,566 So call him what you will, wonderful, 205 00:09:20,566 --> 00:09:23,233 counselor, mighty God, Michael. 206 00:09:25,033 --> 00:09:28,133 Jesus Christ is the book of life. 207 00:09:30,400 --> 00:09:32,433 He is the book of life and all those 208 00:09:32,433 --> 00:09:34,600 whose names are written in the palm of 209 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:35,400 His pierced 210 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:38,200 hand will be delivered from this present 211 00:09:38,200 --> 00:09:40,666 age and live forever in His eternal 212 00:09:40,666 --> 00:09:41,433 kingdom. 213 00:09:43,766 --> 00:09:48,266 This is why He's come, to deliver us. 214 00:09:51,433 --> 00:09:53,566 Daniel says, there shall come a time of 215 00:09:53,566 --> 00:09:55,533 trouble such as never has been since 216 00:09:55,533 --> 00:09:56,700 there was a nation 217 00:09:56,700 --> 00:09:57,666 till that time. 218 00:09:58,233 --> 00:10:00,766 But at that time, your people shall be 219 00:10:00,766 --> 00:10:01,566 delivered. 220 00:10:04,033 --> 00:10:06,433 In one sense, you have not resisted in 221 00:10:06,433 --> 00:10:08,600 this spiritual war to the point of 222 00:10:08,600 --> 00:10:09,733 shedding blood, 223 00:10:09,733 --> 00:10:11,733 but He has. 224 00:10:13,566 --> 00:10:15,966 Christ was delivered over for our 225 00:10:15,966 --> 00:10:18,633 trespasses to deliver us from the sin 226 00:10:18,633 --> 00:10:20,066 that enslaved our 227 00:10:20,066 --> 00:10:20,666 souls. 228 00:10:22,033 --> 00:10:26,133 The great prince of Israel was delivered 229 00:10:26,133 --> 00:10:30,233 up for all to deliver even us who had no 230 00:10:30,233 --> 00:10:31,033 share 231 00:10:31,033 --> 00:10:34,000 in the promises of Israel, to deliver 232 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:37,100 even us from the power of the prince of 233 00:10:37,100 --> 00:10:37,966 this age 234 00:10:37,966 --> 00:10:40,066 who was at work in the sons of 235 00:10:40,066 --> 00:10:41,100 disobedience. 236 00:10:43,133 --> 00:10:45,433 Among whom we all once lived in the 237 00:10:45,433 --> 00:10:47,933 passions of our flesh, right St. Paul, 238 00:10:47,933 --> 00:10:48,866 and were by 239 00:10:48,866 --> 00:10:51,800 nature children of wrath like the rest of 240 00:10:51,800 --> 00:10:52,566 humanity. 241 00:10:55,266 --> 00:10:58,433 If you haven't seen it yet, see it now. 242 00:10:59,266 --> 00:11:01,566 The end of the world is at hand and 243 00:11:01,566 --> 00:11:04,133 everything in it will be exposed by his 244 00:11:04,133 --> 00:11:04,933 judgment. 245 00:11:05,966 --> 00:11:08,133 Those who are His who sleep in the dust 246 00:11:08,133 --> 00:11:10,333 of the earth shall awake to everlasting 247 00:11:10,333 --> 00:11:10,766 life. 248 00:11:11,166 --> 00:11:13,733 Those who are not His to shame and 249 00:11:13,733 --> 00:11:15,466 everlasting contempt. 250 00:11:17,166 --> 00:11:19,666 But the judgment is already here. 251 00:11:20,533 --> 00:11:23,133 And so many people don't even know it. 252 00:11:23,133 --> 00:11:25,500 They're just waltzing through human 253 00:11:25,500 --> 00:11:28,333 history as if it's all fate driving it. 254 00:11:32,366 --> 00:11:35,033 They live their lives in this world as if 255 00:11:35,033 --> 00:11:37,800 this world were the only world as if this 256 00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:41,066 realm this temporal realm were the only 257 00:11:41,066 --> 00:11:44,166 realm but Michael has a risen for you 258 00:11:44,166 --> 00:11:45,266 first here 259 00:11:45,266 --> 00:11:46,133 and now. 260 00:11:47,100 --> 00:11:49,900 So you'd shine like heavenly bodies in 261 00:11:49,900 --> 00:11:51,233 this dark world. 262 00:11:52,700 --> 00:11:54,966 He's preparing each of you in this place 263 00:11:54,966 --> 00:11:55,600 to shine. 264 00:11:56,600 --> 00:11:57,966 What a nice way to describe our 265 00:11:57,966 --> 00:11:58,533 curriculum. 266 00:12:00,600 --> 00:12:02,266 He is preparing you to shine. 267 00:12:04,100 --> 00:12:06,966 In weakness perhaps but shine all the 268 00:12:06,966 --> 00:12:09,433 same as he told His disciples. 269 00:12:09,666 --> 00:12:12,200 So He says to every minister of the 270 00:12:12,200 --> 00:12:15,066 gospel you shall be my witnesses of what 271 00:12:15,066 --> 00:12:15,933 you shall 272 00:12:15,933 --> 00:12:17,933 be my witnesses concerning the 273 00:12:17,933 --> 00:12:19,733 deliverance of my people. 274 00:12:21,566 --> 00:12:24,866 And now it's not world history orbiting 275 00:12:24,866 --> 00:12:26,466 around Jerusalem. 276 00:12:26,466 --> 00:12:29,500 It's Jerusalem as the epicenter better 277 00:12:29,500 --> 00:12:32,600 the supernova from which light radiates 278 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:33,466 out into 279 00:12:33,466 --> 00:12:36,933 the entire universe from an empty tomb. 280 00:12:42,633 --> 00:12:45,366 I was shocked at my ordination when I 281 00:12:45,366 --> 00:12:47,766 heard these words from Matthew 5 282 00:12:47,766 --> 00:12:49,466 regarding the office 283 00:12:49,466 --> 00:12:50,666 of the Holy Ministry. 284 00:12:52,433 --> 00:12:55,266 You are the light of the world. 285 00:12:56,833 --> 00:12:58,066 Now I get it. 286 00:12:59,333 --> 00:13:02,200 Now I get it from Daniel chapter 12. 287 00:13:03,333 --> 00:13:05,933 Of course every Christian shines with a 288 00:13:05,933 --> 00:13:08,566 reflection of his radiance, but you will 289 00:13:08,566 --> 00:13:09,566 be given the 290 00:13:09,566 --> 00:13:12,100 light of the gospel to turn many to 291 00:13:12,100 --> 00:13:13,266 righteousness. 292 00:13:15,433 --> 00:13:17,533 To turn them from sin to the living 293 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:18,066 Christ. 294 00:13:18,900 --> 00:13:21,700 Just as the ministers of the gospel have 295 00:13:21,700 --> 00:13:24,366 done to you and shined in on your dark 296 00:13:24,366 --> 00:13:24,933 life. 297 00:13:27,633 --> 00:13:30,400 It is His ministry and mission to gather 298 00:13:30,400 --> 00:13:33,100 us in therefore we must go out where he 299 00:13:33,100 --> 00:13:33,666 sends 300 00:13:33,666 --> 00:13:35,266 and He goes with us. 301 00:13:35,500 --> 00:13:37,733 I will be with you always to the end of 302 00:13:37,733 --> 00:13:38,333 the age. 303 00:13:38,566 --> 00:13:41,366 He promises every pastor who faithfully 304 00:13:41,366 --> 00:13:43,033 serves in his church. 305 00:13:46,633 --> 00:13:49,766 But it was not we but He. 306 00:13:50,800 --> 00:13:53,000 Saint Paul writes He came and preached 307 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:55,400 peace to you who were far off in peace to 308 00:13:55,400 --> 00:13:55,866 those 309 00:13:55,866 --> 00:13:58,733 who were near to gather as many as would 310 00:13:58,733 --> 00:14:01,066 come before the books are open. 311 00:14:03,866 --> 00:14:06,466 At that time shall arise Michael. 312 00:14:07,433 --> 00:14:10,233 And those who are wise shall shine like 313 00:14:10,233 --> 00:14:12,900 the radiance of the expanse above and 314 00:14:12,900 --> 00:14:13,766 those who 315 00:14:13,766 --> 00:14:15,866 turn many to righteousness like the stars 316 00:14:15,866 --> 00:14:16,733 of the heavens. 317 00:14:17,833 --> 00:14:18,433 So beloved. 318 00:14:19,633 --> 00:14:21,866 Human history looks ugly. 319 00:14:23,166 --> 00:14:25,566 But enter into the Great Tribulation. 320 00:14:27,733 --> 00:14:30,933 Enter world history with the Apostles and 321 00:14:30,933 --> 00:14:33,933 the prophets and all the faith faithful 322 00:14:33,933 --> 00:14:34,633 pastor 323 00:14:34,633 --> 00:14:37,233 that have gone before us with the light 324 00:14:37,233 --> 00:14:38,633 of the Holy Gospel. 325 00:14:39,800 --> 00:14:40,833 So that He. 326 00:14:42,300 --> 00:14:45,800 Our great Michael may shine even on them. 327 00:14:46,800 --> 00:14:48,066 Until He comes again. 328 00:14:49,300 --> 00:14:50,366 In the name of Jesus. 329 00:14:52,066 --> 00:14:52,233 Amen.