1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,066 Amen. 2 00:00:01,066 --> 00:00:03,333 Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied to you 3 00:00:03,333 --> 00:00:06,133 in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. 4 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:07,133 Amen. 5 00:00:08,433 --> 00:00:10,500 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 6 00:00:10,700 --> 00:00:12,233 those who are receiving calls 7 00:00:12,233 --> 00:00:14,070 and will receive a call as 8 00:00:14,112 --> 00:00:16,566 pastor or serving as deaconesses, 9 00:00:17,133 --> 00:00:19,533 what a delightful day today is 10 00:00:21,433 --> 00:00:25,033 as we hear once again that wonderful truth in God's word 11 00:00:25,700 --> 00:00:26,933 about God's righteousness, 12 00:00:26,933 --> 00:00:30,233 about his righteousness in Christ. 13 00:00:31,233 --> 00:00:35,566 St. Paul directs us towards, not us, not towards man, 14 00:00:35,566 --> 00:00:37,933 but is directing us towards God, 15 00:00:38,433 --> 00:00:41,933 his righteousness, his grace, and Romans after all 16 00:00:41,933 --> 00:00:45,033 is all about God from start to finish. 17 00:00:45,666 --> 00:00:48,233 And such is why Luther directed the church 18 00:00:48,233 --> 00:00:49,833 away from the works of man 19 00:00:50,533 --> 00:00:52,366 and toward the work of what God has done, 20 00:00:52,433 --> 00:00:54,833 that that would be bright and clear, 21 00:00:55,533 --> 00:00:59,633 what Jesus has done, his work on the cross for us, 22 00:01:00,366 --> 00:01:01,433 for our salvation. 23 00:01:02,333 --> 00:01:05,733 It is the power of God, what Christ has done, 24 00:01:05,900 --> 00:01:08,666 the power of God for our salvation, 25 00:01:08,733 --> 00:01:11,433 first for the Jew and for the Gentile. 26 00:01:11,733 --> 00:01:14,466 His work is the source of the Christian's life 27 00:01:14,466 --> 00:01:15,266 and salvation. 28 00:01:15,500 --> 00:01:17,500 Christ is the source of your hope, 29 00:01:18,766 --> 00:01:20,266 your hope of eternal life. 30 00:01:20,700 --> 00:01:23,400 It's the hope that you get to tell others. 31 00:01:24,133 --> 00:01:26,233 It's the hope that drives all that we do, 32 00:01:26,333 --> 00:01:29,133 whether in showing mercy or teaching God's word 33 00:01:29,633 --> 00:01:30,866 as spreading the gospel. 34 00:01:33,533 --> 00:01:36,466 When my son asked me last night what I was preaching on 35 00:01:36,466 --> 00:01:37,733 or where I was preaching, 36 00:01:37,833 --> 00:01:40,066 I said I was preaching here at St. Louis Seminary. 37 00:01:40,233 --> 00:01:43,200 And he asked, what are you preaching? 38 00:01:43,300 --> 00:01:44,666 I said, I'm gonna preach about Jesus. 39 00:01:45,066 --> 00:01:47,766 He says, no, dad, what are you preaching about? 40 00:01:48,500 --> 00:01:49,333 I said, Romans. 41 00:01:49,366 --> 00:01:51,733 He goes, oh, Romans 3:23. 42 00:01:52,400 --> 00:01:55,033 Well, he is in confirmation after all. 43 00:01:55,233 --> 00:01:57,833 So that is a very big, and his pastor is here. 44 00:01:58,366 --> 00:02:01,166 That is a very big verse that is certainly being highlighted 45 00:02:01,166 --> 00:02:02,366 right now. 46 00:02:03,166 --> 00:02:05,200 But this is more than Romans 3:23. 47 00:02:05,466 --> 00:02:07,700 Although God's wrath is very clear, 48 00:02:07,833 --> 00:02:09,933 it has been revealed against all humanity 49 00:02:09,933 --> 00:02:12,178 who suppress the truth, whether 50 00:02:12,220 --> 00:02:13,933 it's a Jew or a Gentile. 51 00:02:15,400 --> 00:02:16,566 God's word is clear. 52 00:02:17,366 --> 00:02:19,000 We all are sinners. 53 00:02:20,033 --> 00:02:22,066 Now God chose the Jewish people, 54 00:02:22,266 --> 00:02:24,066 not because they were great or large 55 00:02:24,066 --> 00:02:28,866 or the most large people, or he chose them by grace. 56 00:02:29,433 --> 00:02:30,933 Not because they were a mighty people, 57 00:02:31,233 --> 00:02:33,466 but he chose them by His grace. 58 00:02:34,866 --> 00:02:36,433 The Old Testament though abounds, 59 00:02:36,966 --> 00:02:39,866 abounds with a litany though of this chosen people 60 00:02:39,866 --> 00:02:43,566 time and time again, showing their faithfulness, 61 00:02:44,033 --> 00:02:46,300 setting aside that chosenness. 62 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:48,433 From the garden to the wilderness, 63 00:02:49,133 --> 00:02:51,533 rejection and rebellion abound. 64 00:02:52,866 --> 00:02:55,633 The Israelites, even though they were entrusted 65 00:02:55,633 --> 00:02:58,766 with the oracles of God, that spoke the promise 66 00:02:58,766 --> 00:03:02,000 of a coming Savior, of being God's chosen people, 67 00:03:02,266 --> 00:03:03,966 of being His beloved people, 68 00:03:04,800 --> 00:03:06,766 of being a light to the nations 69 00:03:06,766 --> 00:03:09,400 so that the nations would be drawn to them 70 00:03:10,033 --> 00:03:11,666 and ultimately to God. 71 00:03:12,833 --> 00:03:14,866 Nevertheless, time and time again, 72 00:03:14,866 --> 00:03:17,966 Israel showed their faithlessness, 73 00:03:19,566 --> 00:03:22,233 redeemed because God heard their cries 74 00:03:22,233 --> 00:03:24,166 as they were enslaved in Egypt. 75 00:03:25,433 --> 00:03:28,233 God heard their cries and saved them with a mighty hand 76 00:03:28,233 --> 00:03:29,666 and an outstretched arm. 77 00:03:30,266 --> 00:03:31,266 They rejoiced. 78 00:03:32,266 --> 00:03:34,366 They rejoiced that He had saved them, 79 00:03:34,366 --> 00:03:36,557 but very quickly that rejoicing 80 00:03:36,599 --> 00:03:38,133 turned to complaining. 81 00:03:39,500 --> 00:03:41,633 You brought us out to this wilderness to die, 82 00:03:41,866 --> 00:03:44,033 this worthless manna you have given us 83 00:03:44,033 --> 00:03:46,600 and there's no water to drink. 84 00:03:47,433 --> 00:03:49,500 Rather than a light to the nations, 85 00:03:50,466 --> 00:03:52,366 very soon they became like the nations 86 00:03:53,133 --> 00:03:55,700 and they joined the nations in their idolatry, 87 00:03:56,100 --> 00:03:58,733 chasing after the false gods that God said, 88 00:03:59,233 --> 00:04:02,833 don't chase after, turning their backs on Yahweh. 89 00:04:03,833 --> 00:04:06,433 Israel through their rebellion were not a light, 90 00:04:07,333 --> 00:04:10,933 but rather lived in darkness, blinded by their sin. 91 00:04:11,933 --> 00:04:14,733 But Gentiles were no better, natural revelation. 92 00:04:14,900 --> 00:04:16,966 The heavens declare the glory of God. 93 00:04:17,800 --> 00:04:21,066 His attributes, His divine nature are revealed. 94 00:04:22,466 --> 00:04:26,533 The law too written on our hearts was suppressed. 95 00:04:28,166 --> 00:04:32,266 Romans makes it very clear there is no excuse. 96 00:04:34,300 --> 00:04:37,766 Scripture is a voice that speaks that cuts to the heart. 97 00:04:37,766 --> 00:04:41,666 For instance, in Hebrews chapter four, verse 12, 98 00:04:41,833 --> 00:04:44,066 the word of God is living, active, 99 00:04:44,266 --> 00:04:45,733 sharper than any two-edged sword, 100 00:04:45,766 --> 00:04:47,966 piercing to the vision of soul and spirit, 101 00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:51,166 of joints and marrow, discerning the thoughts 102 00:04:51,166 --> 00:04:52,366 and intentions of the heart, 103 00:04:52,366 --> 00:04:55,000 and no creature is hidden from his sight, 104 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:57,966 but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him 105 00:04:58,533 --> 00:05:00,266 to whom we must give account. 106 00:05:01,833 --> 00:05:03,733 Hebrews flushes out what Paul says, 107 00:05:03,733 --> 00:05:07,600 that we are all sinners and fall short of God's glory. 108 00:05:09,933 --> 00:05:11,133 So what about you? 109 00:05:12,866 --> 00:05:16,533 The word does pierce, it does divide, it does discern, 110 00:05:16,633 --> 00:05:17,966 it does reveal your sin. 111 00:05:18,633 --> 00:05:21,633 Sin that's only a thought or a word or a click away. 112 00:05:23,100 --> 00:05:25,733 Your sins are exposed. 113 00:05:28,933 --> 00:05:33,600 No, we hear in Romans, none is righteous, not one. 114 00:05:34,233 --> 00:05:37,400 No one understands, no one seeks for God. 115 00:05:38,333 --> 00:05:39,696 All have turned aside together, 116 00:05:39,738 --> 00:05:40,833 they've become worthless. 117 00:05:41,033 --> 00:05:42,466 No one does good, not even one, 118 00:05:42,566 --> 00:05:44,066 their throat is an open grave. 119 00:05:45,533 --> 00:05:47,400 They use their tongues to deceive. 120 00:05:48,733 --> 00:05:50,600 We're in the midst of election season 121 00:05:50,600 --> 00:05:53,533 and I cannot wait until the election ads are done. 122 00:05:54,700 --> 00:05:57,166 Who can throw the most dirt at one another? 123 00:05:57,633 --> 00:06:00,566 Who can slander the other better? 124 00:06:02,800 --> 00:06:07,333 And how easy it is for us to get caught up in it too, 125 00:06:08,433 --> 00:06:15,933 to accuse, to point at, to vilify others. 126 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:19,966 Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness. 127 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:21,666 Their feet are swift to shed blood. 128 00:06:22,166 --> 00:06:24,966 In their paths are ruin and misery 129 00:06:24,966 --> 00:06:27,333 and the way of peace they have not known. 130 00:06:27,933 --> 00:06:30,066 There is no fear before their eyes. 131 00:06:31,466 --> 00:06:34,933 That's you, that's me. 132 00:06:36,333 --> 00:06:38,766 The law shuts our mouths. 133 00:06:39,833 --> 00:06:43,633 Everyone is accountable to God, you, Gentile, all of us. 134 00:06:45,233 --> 00:06:48,433 We have no rebuttal, that word speaks. 135 00:06:48,666 --> 00:06:51,466 It speaks still to us and we are silenced. 136 00:06:53,533 --> 00:06:55,943 But now, now God's righteousness 137 00:06:55,985 --> 00:06:57,766 is there, it's speaking. 138 00:06:58,466 --> 00:07:02,233 We look to the cross and see what God has done for us 139 00:07:02,833 --> 00:07:05,100 because God is not for the Jews only. 140 00:07:05,466 --> 00:07:07,566 Is he not the God of the Gentiles? 141 00:07:08,766 --> 00:07:10,233 Yes, indeed He is. 142 00:07:10,733 --> 00:07:12,806 He will justify the circumcised 143 00:07:12,848 --> 00:07:14,300 and the uncircumcised, 144 00:07:14,533 --> 00:07:17,266 those circumcised, those circumcised without hands, 145 00:07:17,366 --> 00:07:20,066 those brought into the fold through holy baptism. 146 00:07:20,600 --> 00:07:23,633 God has indeed done a great thing. 147 00:07:25,066 --> 00:07:27,633 This is the privilege you get to tell people, 148 00:07:28,700 --> 00:07:30,233 in word and in action, 149 00:07:31,066 --> 00:07:33,633 that God shows his righteousness in Jesus. 150 00:07:34,466 --> 00:07:38,400 This free gift of salvation that you get to tell others, 151 00:07:38,866 --> 00:07:40,866 that we all get to tell others 152 00:07:40,866 --> 00:07:43,733 about a good and gracious God who is righteous 153 00:07:44,566 --> 00:07:48,066 by judging justly, yes, all our sinners, 154 00:07:48,433 --> 00:07:51,433 all those sins though are laid on Jesus. 155 00:07:54,366 --> 00:07:56,600 Because He's just, He is impartial. 156 00:07:57,633 --> 00:07:59,733 Christ died for all, Jew and Greek alike. 157 00:08:01,933 --> 00:08:03,700 This is the privilege we have 158 00:08:04,233 --> 00:08:05,903 to share that wonderful good 159 00:08:05,945 --> 00:08:07,900 news that He has judged justly, 160 00:08:08,133 --> 00:08:09,166 that we are sinners, 161 00:08:09,366 --> 00:08:11,766 but sinners whose sin has been laid on Jesus. 162 00:08:12,333 --> 00:08:15,633 And that by this free gift of eternal life, 163 00:08:15,766 --> 00:08:18,133 we laid hold of that free gift by faith, 164 00:08:18,766 --> 00:08:21,266 that is through Jesus and nowhere else. 165 00:08:22,966 --> 00:08:24,633 God shows no distinction. 166 00:08:24,733 --> 00:08:25,866 He's not like you or me. 167 00:08:25,966 --> 00:08:28,400 He already knows who you are. 168 00:08:29,566 --> 00:08:31,340 He knows that your word has 169 00:08:31,382 --> 00:08:33,533 pierced, discerned and revealed 170 00:08:33,533 --> 00:08:38,433 you, that you're a rebel who needs a Savior. 171 00:08:39,366 --> 00:08:40,666 And for Christ's sake, 172 00:08:42,366 --> 00:08:44,833 He has sent His Son to forgive you. 173 00:08:45,100 --> 00:08:46,900 And by faith, we cling to that. 174 00:08:48,333 --> 00:08:52,166 In Christ, you are, and you want others to know 175 00:08:52,166 --> 00:08:54,333 this wonderful, impartial good news. 176 00:08:54,866 --> 00:08:57,233 We become impartial when we come to know 177 00:08:57,233 --> 00:09:00,166 how loving our impartial God is. 178 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:01,366 Let me tell you a story. 179 00:09:02,733 --> 00:09:05,900 Some of you may have heard me tell this story before, 180 00:09:05,900 --> 00:09:08,466 but it's one I think that explains 181 00:09:08,466 --> 00:09:12,366 not only the calling we all have, 182 00:09:13,366 --> 00:09:15,666 calling as a pastor or as a deaconess 183 00:09:15,666 --> 00:09:17,633 that we all, that is there. 184 00:09:18,533 --> 00:09:19,833 We served in Ethiopia. 185 00:09:20,033 --> 00:09:22,233 My family and I were in Ethiopia at Addis Ababa 186 00:09:22,233 --> 00:09:23,500 for about six years. 187 00:09:25,500 --> 00:09:27,633 I served at Mekane Yesus Seminary. 188 00:09:28,766 --> 00:09:32,866 And that seminary was probably one of the only green areas 189 00:09:32,866 --> 00:09:33,800 in the whole city. 190 00:09:34,566 --> 00:09:35,833 If you've ever been there, you'll know 191 00:09:35,833 --> 00:09:37,600 there's a beautiful green space there. 192 00:09:37,700 --> 00:09:40,433 But as is most places in Africa, 193 00:09:40,466 --> 00:09:42,433 there is a large wall around it. 194 00:09:42,433 --> 00:09:45,066 And alongside that wall, rather, 195 00:09:45,766 --> 00:09:49,166 are a number of shops that go alongside that wall 196 00:09:49,166 --> 00:09:52,533 because there's space between the sidewalk and the wall. 197 00:09:52,766 --> 00:09:56,500 And so people, there are shops there, souks. 198 00:09:57,033 --> 00:09:59,200 And in those shops that are probably no more 199 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:04,233 than five feet wide and maybe five to 10 feet deep 200 00:10:04,233 --> 00:10:07,666 are places where you can buy eggs, 201 00:10:07,966 --> 00:10:10,000 you can buy some groceries, you might even, 202 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:11,966 well, there was a great one for the students. 203 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:14,066 There was a photocopy shop 204 00:10:14,766 --> 00:10:18,200 because they didn't have the copy shop in the library. 205 00:10:18,233 --> 00:10:20,300 You had to go outside and pay for your own. 206 00:10:22,733 --> 00:10:24,600 And so all along the wall of the seminary 207 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:26,433 were these little shops. 208 00:10:27,566 --> 00:10:30,333 Couple times a week, my wife and her friend 209 00:10:30,933 --> 00:10:33,400 would go for a walk that would come outside 210 00:10:33,400 --> 00:10:35,004 the seminary gates, walk around 211 00:10:35,046 --> 00:10:36,433 past the German roundabout, 212 00:10:36,600 --> 00:10:38,966 named in honor of the German missionary who came there. 213 00:10:39,833 --> 00:10:42,100 On up the hill and down through the neighborhood 214 00:10:42,100 --> 00:10:44,566 and then back down along the sidewalk, 215 00:10:44,566 --> 00:10:47,733 passing all these shops and into the seminary campus. 216 00:10:49,066 --> 00:10:50,238 But one day in particular, 217 00:10:50,280 --> 00:10:51,866 something different had happened. 218 00:10:53,566 --> 00:10:56,566 As they went around past the German roundabout, 219 00:10:56,600 --> 00:10:58,833 up through the neighborhood, it's about a two mile walk. 220 00:10:58,933 --> 00:11:02,366 And as they come back down towards the seminary proper, 221 00:11:02,466 --> 00:11:04,033 there's about 12 shops there. 222 00:11:05,633 --> 00:11:08,066 One lady who was always selling cell phone minutes 223 00:11:08,066 --> 00:11:10,866 and always yelled at me, Mr. Mr. come by your minutes, 224 00:11:11,333 --> 00:11:12,466 come by yourself for minutes. 225 00:11:13,166 --> 00:11:14,866 And as they got to her shop, 226 00:11:16,433 --> 00:11:18,900 there strewn across the sidewalk 227 00:11:19,800 --> 00:11:23,500 was not people walking back and forth, but sheet metal, 228 00:11:24,233 --> 00:11:25,443 where they had ripped apart 229 00:11:25,485 --> 00:11:26,966 every single one of those shops 230 00:11:26,966 --> 00:11:29,766 and buildings because an electrical fire 231 00:11:29,766 --> 00:11:32,033 had ripped through every one of them. 232 00:11:33,533 --> 00:11:35,487 And all you could smell was 233 00:11:35,529 --> 00:11:37,966 that smell of burnt electricity, 234 00:11:39,133 --> 00:11:47,233 damp, burnt items and sheet metal all over the sidewalk. 235 00:11:49,466 --> 00:11:53,033 The scattered lives, not only of their homes, 236 00:11:53,533 --> 00:11:56,766 but their livelihood sat there in that sidewalk. 237 00:11:59,266 --> 00:12:02,415 It was a sight to behold because 238 00:12:02,457 --> 00:12:05,066 this is where people lived. 239 00:12:05,400 --> 00:12:06,300 This is where they worked. 240 00:12:06,966 --> 00:12:10,833 Everything was gone, piled rubble. 241 00:12:12,833 --> 00:12:15,033 So Frida, my wife's friend and Stephanie, 242 00:12:15,033 --> 00:12:16,900 they went back into the seminary, 243 00:12:17,033 --> 00:12:19,266 talked to the other missionaries who were there. 244 00:12:19,400 --> 00:12:22,866 We talked to the, they talked to the chaplain on campus. 245 00:12:23,766 --> 00:12:27,266 And as Christians do, when we've heard the gospel, 246 00:12:27,266 --> 00:12:28,466 we respond in mercy. 247 00:12:29,400 --> 00:12:31,066 And so they took up a offering, 248 00:12:31,300 --> 00:12:33,533 they gathered some clothing and some food 249 00:12:34,333 --> 00:12:38,100 and the chaplain said, let's gather a time 250 00:12:38,100 --> 00:12:41,900 but we together can do this in a very intentional way. 251 00:12:43,766 --> 00:12:46,266 So after things were cleaned up a little bit, 252 00:12:46,533 --> 00:12:48,133 people had been prayed for and attended to, 253 00:12:48,266 --> 00:12:51,100 they set aside a day where the chaplain came, 254 00:12:51,100 --> 00:12:55,233 set up a little pulpit and told people about Jesus 255 00:12:56,266 --> 00:12:58,366 and the hope that there is in Him. 256 00:12:59,566 --> 00:13:02,666 They distributed those food items, they showed mercy. 257 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:05,033 They gave them the little bit of money 258 00:13:05,033 --> 00:13:07,933 that was brought together so that we could help. 259 00:13:07,966 --> 00:13:11,300 Not enough, obviously, to pay for all the repairs, 260 00:13:11,300 --> 00:13:12,966 but it was enough to get them started. 261 00:13:13,366 --> 00:13:14,833 And they heard the gospel. 262 00:13:15,933 --> 00:13:19,533 This was very intentional because just around the corner 263 00:13:19,533 --> 00:13:23,800 is a very large mosque and we don't care if they're Muslim 264 00:13:24,966 --> 00:13:29,233 or Orthodox Christian or Mekane Yesus 265 00:13:29,233 --> 00:13:31,300 or never heard the gospel before. 266 00:13:32,133 --> 00:13:34,466 We wanted them to know that Christ mercy 267 00:13:34,466 --> 00:13:37,166 and his love and the gospel are a free gift. 268 00:13:38,966 --> 00:13:41,433 And it just so happened there was a chapel right there 269 00:13:41,433 --> 00:13:44,933 where he could invite them to come to church on Sunday. 270 00:13:44,933 --> 00:13:47,533 And he would come to the church on Sunday. 271 00:13:48,666 --> 00:13:52,433 Mercy and the gospel and direct them to the church. 272 00:13:52,833 --> 00:13:54,933 That's the work you are called to do. 273 00:13:55,166 --> 00:13:56,600 Show mercy, spread the gospel. 274 00:13:59,966 --> 00:14:02,333 There is tragedy because of sin, 275 00:14:03,433 --> 00:14:06,700 but Christ brings the gospel to us 276 00:14:06,700 --> 00:14:09,466 and we have the privilege to share that good news. 277 00:14:13,400 --> 00:14:16,366 So let us draw near with a true heart 278 00:14:16,366 --> 00:14:17,561 and full assurance of faith 279 00:14:17,603 --> 00:14:19,066 with our hearts sprinkled clean 280 00:14:19,066 --> 00:14:20,634 from an evil conscience and our 281 00:14:20,676 --> 00:14:22,133 bodies washed pure with water 282 00:14:22,933 --> 00:14:25,033 let us hold fast this confession of hope, 283 00:14:25,166 --> 00:14:26,251 the hope that we have the 284 00:14:26,293 --> 00:14:27,733 privilege to share with others, 285 00:14:28,633 --> 00:14:32,433 this hope that is ours because it's bought and purchased 286 00:14:32,433 --> 00:14:33,566 with the blood of Jesus. 287 00:14:34,733 --> 00:14:38,866 Let us share that hope because He is faithful. 288 00:14:40,833 --> 00:14:43,333 He is faithful, He is righteous. 289 00:14:44,266 --> 00:14:46,033 He has lavished His grace upon you 290 00:14:46,566 --> 00:14:49,833 and His Son Jesus Christ who gives you hope. 291 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:52,800 Today you'll receive your calls 292 00:14:53,566 --> 00:14:55,633 and you have that privilege to share that hope 293 00:14:55,633 --> 00:14:57,300 in word and in action. 294 00:14:58,433 --> 00:15:00,533 We have that privilege as well 295 00:15:01,100 --> 00:15:03,266 as we go forth in that good news 296 00:15:04,100 --> 00:15:06,266 of Christ Jesus our Lord, amen. 297 00:15:07,066 --> 00:15:09,333 May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding 298 00:15:09,333 --> 00:15:13,466 keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord, amen. 299 00:15:14,300 --> 00:15:15,166 We continue with the hymn.