1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,333 If our text for today from Isaiah chapter 29 were to be reviewed by a wine 2 00:00:07,333 --> 00:00:15,300 magazine, the review might describe it as an unassuming little text with a fruity 3 00:00:15,300 --> 00:00:24,433 nose and a surprisingly rich body. And that sounds about right. This little 4 00:00:24,433 --> 00:00:29,066 portion of Scripture, these nine short verses, are certainly what we might think 5 00:00:29,066 --> 00:00:35,233 of as a meek text. They lack the poetic magnificence of the song of the vineyard 6 00:00:35,233 --> 00:00:40,233 in Isaiah 5. They lack the dramatic confrontation between the prophet and 7 00:00:40,233 --> 00:00:44,800 the king that sets the stage for the revelation of the coming of Immanuel in 8 00:00:44,800 --> 00:00:51,133 Isaiah 7. They lack the spell-bindingly passionate imagery of the suffering 9 00:00:51,133 --> 00:01:02,033 servant songs that point so vividly to Jesus. And yet there is something about 10 00:01:02,033 --> 00:01:09,700 this little portion of the Bible that makes it stand out. Indeed, there are two 11 00:01:09,700 --> 00:01:14,833 aspects of this unassuming little text that make it worthy of our attention 12 00:01:14,833 --> 00:01:22,866 today. The first notable aspect of this text is the fact that this little text 13 00:01:22,866 --> 00:01:31,433 of four verses, I'm sorry nine verses, is cited or alluded to four times in five 14 00:01:31,433 --> 00:01:38,566 places in the New Testament, three times by Jesus and once by Paul. And all four 15 00:01:38,566 --> 00:01:47,033 of these references highlight a different part of this brief text. In 16 00:01:47,033 --> 00:01:53,400 Matthew 15 and Mark 7, Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13 as he condemns those who 17 00:01:53,400 --> 00:01:58,800 observe the commandments of God outwardly but do not love God in their 18 00:01:58,800 --> 00:02:04,766 hearts. In Matthew 11, Jesus responds to those who are sent by John the Baptist 19 00:02:04,766 --> 00:02:11,566 by quoting verse 18's reference to the day that the deaf shall hear and the 20 00:02:11,566 --> 00:02:16,833 eyes of the blind shall be opened as evidence that the kingdom of God was 21 00:02:16,833 --> 00:02:26,366 upon them. Paul too invoked this passage. In 1st Corinthians 1 he cites verse 14 22 00:02:26,366 --> 00:02:35,400 as he contrasts the wisdom of God with the wisdom of man. And finally, in the 23 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:45,033 Beatitudes of Matthew 5, Jesus alludes to verse 19 of this text when he speaks of 24 00:02:45,033 --> 00:02:54,500 the meek inheriting the earth. By the way, that word meek is one of those perfectly 25 00:02:54,500 --> 00:03:02,333 legitimate but not very helpful translations. The Hebrew word unna'im is 26 00:03:02,333 --> 00:03:07,866 most often used to refer somebody who is economically poor or in financial 27 00:03:07,866 --> 00:03:13,666 distress. By extension then it is sometimes used to refer to those who are 28 00:03:13,666 --> 00:03:21,266 oppressed by others because of their powerlessness. And then it's also used to 29 00:03:21,266 --> 00:03:28,966 speak about those who recognize their weak and powerless state. In those cases 30 00:03:28,966 --> 00:03:39,200 it's sometimes translated humble. But this call to meekness challenges us. 31 00:03:40,033 --> 00:03:46,500 There is an attitude in American society today that connects this kind of meekness 32 00:03:46,500 --> 00:03:56,466 with failure. That regards humility as a trait that belongs to life's losers. We 33 00:03:56,466 --> 00:04:01,733 tend to admire those that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once 34 00:04:01,733 --> 00:04:09,066 characterized as the Übermensch, the overcomer, the talented, the wealthy, the 35 00:04:09,066 --> 00:04:14,266 successful who assert their dominance over the meek and the humble and the 36 00:04:14,266 --> 00:04:25,333 poor. For us to be one of life's unawim is not a particularly desirable 37 00:04:25,333 --> 00:04:31,133 characteristic. After all there's no television game show eager to crown 38 00:04:31,133 --> 00:04:41,933 someone as America's unawim. Career counselors don't advise you to claim to 39 00:04:41,933 --> 00:04:51,533 be an unawim on your resume. You see no business wants to hire the unawim. 40 00:04:53,100 --> 00:05:01,566 Well we might expect that of the world. But that mindset also infects the church 41 00:05:01,566 --> 00:05:09,633 as well. I suspect that very few pastors highlight their poverty, their meekness, 42 00:05:09,633 --> 00:05:16,033 and their humility on the Pastor's Information Form. That you will one day 43 00:05:16,033 --> 00:05:21,433 soon be asked to supply to your district president to share with the congregation 44 00:05:21,433 --> 00:05:28,200 that may be interested in calling you. After all no congregation really wants 45 00:05:28,200 --> 00:05:37,233 one of the unawim as its pastor or deaconess. Nobody wants the unawim. 46 00:05:38,633 --> 00:05:50,400 Nobody except God. God loves the unawim. In the kingdom of God being one of the 47 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:57,666 unawim has nothing to do with worldly success or external circumstances. I'll 48 00:05:57,666 --> 00:06:06,266 give you an example. I had the opportunity this summer along with 49 00:06:06,266 --> 00:06:09,260 my wife to spend a few days with a man I know who is 50 00:06:09,270 --> 00:06:15,066 today a Franciscan monk living in obscure circumstances in a small 51 00:06:15,700 --> 00:06:22,466 unassuming little hermitage and monastery in the rural backwoods of 52 00:06:22,466 --> 00:06:30,633 middle America. To judge by all outward circumstances this fellow has little to 53 00:06:30,633 --> 00:06:37,100 commend him. You wouldn't be particularly impressed with him except if 54 00:06:37,100 --> 00:06:44,333 you met him except for the length of his beard. But this fellow has not always 55 00:06:44,333 --> 00:06:51,833 been an obscure nobody. He was once a fairly well-known figure in the American 56 00:06:51,833 --> 00:06:58,533 popular music scene. He's appeared on 51 albums. His own records have sold over 57 00:06:58,533 --> 00:07:09,733 5 million copies. Yet today he lives softly and quietly on a little portion 58 00:07:09,733 --> 00:07:17,400 of not particularly desirable land devoting his days to study and prayer 59 00:07:17,400 --> 00:07:28,366 and worship and promoting works of charity. He is one of God's unawim. Not 60 00:07:28,366 --> 00:07:33,933 because he walked away from success and honor and wealth to live in diminished 61 00:07:33,933 --> 00:07:41,566 circumstances but because in Jesus he has come to understand that to be one of 62 00:07:41,566 --> 00:07:51,833 God's unawim is to be totally dependent upon the grace of God. The unawim live the 63 00:07:51,833 --> 00:07:59,600 reality of God's Word to Saint Paul in 2nd Corinthians 12. My grace is 64 00:07:59,600 --> 00:08:10,766 sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness. Nobody wants the 65 00:08:10,766 --> 00:08:20,933 unawim. Nobody except God. Recognizing that God loves his unawim leads to the 66 00:08:20,933 --> 00:08:27,000 second notable aspect of our text today. The theological theme of great reversal. 67 00:08:27,833 --> 00:08:32,366 The theme begins in verse 17 where we read that in the day of God's great 68 00:08:32,366 --> 00:08:40,333 redemption the forests of Lebanon will be made into a fruitful field and the 69 00:08:40,340 --> 00:08:44,240 the fruitful field will be made into a forest. 70 00:08:44,330 --> 00:08:46,333 The deaf will hear, the eyes of the blind will see, the joy of the unawim will be 71 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:55,333 revealed, renewed in Yahweh and the poor will be elated by the Holy One of Israel. 72 00:08:56,566 --> 00:09:04,666 And this is not a bribe. God isn't saying to you that if you're a good boy or girl 73 00:09:04,666 --> 00:09:12,333 who give you some candy at the end of the day, God is saying to you that those 74 00:09:12,333 --> 00:09:20,766 who have found their contentment and joy in Him today will be blessed until their 75 00:09:20,766 --> 00:09:28,466 little portion becomes a cup overflowing with joy in the fullness of His presence. 76 00:09:31,033 --> 00:09:41,200 So what of you? All of you gathered here today are uniquely talented and gifted 77 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:47,933 individuals and God is not asking you to abandon the world and go live in a 78 00:09:47,933 --> 00:09:55,666 monastery in the woods or to put on some external show of humility to impress 79 00:09:55,666 --> 00:10:06,466 those around you. This unassuming little portion of God's Word instead invites 80 00:10:06,466 --> 00:10:16,233 you to rest in the complete dependence of faith in him. It encourages you to 81 00:10:16,233 --> 00:10:23,566 abandon the quest for human fame and today's glory, to set aside ego to forego 82 00:10:23,566 --> 00:10:35,466 honor, to be Christ and Christ alone, to live from Him and in Him and for Him. It 83 00:10:35,466 --> 00:10:43,333 invites you to be joined with Him in His ignominy, to share in His suffering and 84 00:10:43,333 --> 00:10:51,066 death, and to live in the certainty of the promise that God gives you today 85 00:10:51,066 --> 00:10:58,766 through the prophet Isaiah in this little portion of God's Word. In that day 86 00:10:58,766 --> 00:11:07,266 the meek will obtain fresh joy from the Lord and the poor among mankind will 87 00:11:07,266 --> 00:11:15,833 exalt in the Holy One of Israel. In the name of Jesus who has made you his 88 00:11:15,833 --> 00:11:22,566 unawim and promises to raise you up with him on the last day to fullness of 89 00:11:22,566 --> 00:11:24,266 joy. Amen.