WEBVTT STYLE ::cue { color: #ffffff; } 00:00:01.300 --> 00:00:02.826 Dear brothers and sisters 00:00:02.858 --> 00:00:03.680 in Christ, 00:00:05.010 --> 00:00:08.510 meet St. Peter the preacher. 00:00:10.210 --> 00:00:12.682 Peter is a confessor, 00:00:12.826 --> 00:00:15.486 he is an author and he 00:00:15.508 --> 00:00:17.070 is also a preacher. 00:00:18.370 --> 00:00:21.802 He has seven different speeches 00:00:21.866 --> 00:00:24.990 or sermons in the Book of Acts 00:00:25.450 --> 00:00:27.842 and he has been preaching 00:00:27.906 --> 00:00:30.482 a lot in churches lately, 00:00:30.626 --> 00:00:33.080 for the last two weeks at least. 00:00:33.850 --> 00:00:36.230 He preached in millions of 00:00:36.300 --> 00:00:40.394 churches on Pentecost Sunday and 00:00:40.432 --> 00:00:42.870 in lots and lots of churches 00:00:43.030 --> 00:00:45.370 on Holy Trinity Sunday. 00:00:46.910 --> 00:00:49.238 Today he preached 00:00:49.334 --> 00:00:50.910 in this chapel. 00:00:52.050 --> 00:00:54.830 We actually came late. 00:00:55.490 --> 00:00:57.534 He was beginning the second 00:00:57.652 --> 00:00:59.358 movement or the second 00:00:59.444 --> 00:01:01.150 part of his sermon, 00:01:02.050 --> 00:01:05.220 and we didn't let him finish. 00:01:05.750 --> 00:01:08.414 We cut him off before he moved 00:01:08.462 --> 00:01:11.330 into his third movement. 00:01:12.390 --> 00:01:13.570 But then again, 00:01:13.720 --> 00:01:17.842 verse 33 is a fitting climax, 00:01:17.986 --> 00:01:19.400 as we will see. 00:01:21.770 --> 00:01:22.134 Now, 00:01:22.172 --> 00:01:24.114 if you preach in this chapel, 00:01:24.242 --> 00:01:26.326 you should be advised that you 00:01:26.348 --> 00:01:28.330 are running some risks. 00:01:29.310 --> 00:01:31.690 One of them is that there is 00:01:31.760 --> 00:01:34.022 a member of the homoletics 00:01:34.086 --> 00:01:36.470 department sitting and chapel 00:01:36.630 --> 00:01:39.274 and he will take your sermon to 00:01:39.312 --> 00:01:42.110 the lab and there he will 00:01:42.180 --> 00:01:44.890 perform an anatomy 00:01:44.970 --> 00:01:46.590 of the sermon. 00:01:48.130 --> 00:01:50.426 So this is exactly what's 00:01:50.458 --> 00:01:51.840 going to happen today. 00:01:52.290 --> 00:01:54.578 Not in a lab out there, 00:01:54.664 --> 00:01:56.830 but right here in this pulpit. 00:01:56.990 --> 00:01:58.514 Not with what is going 00:01:58.552 --> 00:02:00.242 to be said from here, 00:02:00.376 --> 00:02:02.370 but what we listened from over 00:02:02.440 --> 00:02:05.478 there from the Lectern. St. 00:02:05.564 --> 00:02:07.586 Peter's sermon. 00:02:07.778 --> 00:02:10.838 Anatomy of a sermon by St. 00:02:10.924 --> 00:02:11.670 Peter. 00:02:12.330 --> 00:02:15.478 Now you may protest and say, no, 00:02:15.644 --> 00:02:17.190 not St. Peter. 00:02:18.030 --> 00:02:20.410 He is or concur. 00:02:20.990 --> 00:02:22.810 He is one of a kind. 00:02:22.960 --> 00:02:24.102 This is scripture. 00:02:24.166 --> 00:02:26.140 We should not be doing this. 00:02:26.830 --> 00:02:29.830 And Peter may himself be saying, 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:32.960 oh no, spare me of this. 00:02:33.810 --> 00:02:36.880 But I would say, hang in there, 00:02:37.330 --> 00:02:40.606 it won't hurt. And believe me, 00:02:40.788 --> 00:02:43.440 you did a fine job. 00:02:45.970 --> 00:02:48.506 So on then to the Anatomy 00:02:48.538 --> 00:02:49.790 of a sermon. 00:02:50.450 --> 00:02:52.078 In order to do this, 00:02:52.164 --> 00:02:56.214 I need a tool, an analytical tool, 00:02:56.412 --> 00:02:59.730 a scalpel, a magnifying glass 00:03:00.410 --> 00:03:01.550 of sorts. 00:03:01.970 --> 00:03:04.878 And I decided to take Dr. 00:03:04.964 --> 00:03:08.734 Schmitt's wonderful essay in 00:03:08.772 --> 00:03:12.426 Concordia Journal, spring 2011. 00:03:12.618 --> 00:03:15.470 It's called the Tapestry 00:03:15.810 --> 00:03:17.230 of Preaching. 00:03:18.130 --> 00:03:19.514 You may not be familiar 00:03:19.562 --> 00:03:19.966 with this, 00:03:19.988 --> 00:03:22.862 but he summarizes this as 00:03:22.916 --> 00:03:26.374 follows faith full preaching is 00:03:26.412 --> 00:03:29.142 an art. Oh, yeah, it's an art. 00:03:29.276 --> 00:03:30.738 It's not a science. 00:03:30.914 --> 00:03:32.120 It's not exact. 00:03:32.570 --> 00:03:35.350 The pastor weaves together four 00:03:35.420 --> 00:03:37.946 threads of discourse to form a 00:03:37.968 --> 00:03:41.305 sermon that is based on a text 00:03:41.408 --> 00:03:44.314 of Scripture centered in the 00:03:44.352 --> 00:03:46.218 death and resurrection of Christ 00:03:46.304 --> 00:03:48.170 for the forgiveness of sins, 00:03:48.510 --> 00:03:51.470 for the benefit of the hearers 00:03:51.810 --> 00:03:53.520 in faith and life. 00:03:53.970 --> 00:03:56.814 These four threads work together 00:03:57.012 --> 00:04:00.910 to form the event of the sermon. 00:04:02.050 --> 00:04:06.370 Four threads text, theology, 00:04:07.110 --> 00:04:10.370 gospel, hearer interpretation. 00:04:11.190 --> 00:04:13.102 For homiletical reasons, 00:04:13.166 --> 00:04:14.386 I'll pick them up in 00:04:14.408 --> 00:04:15.720 a different order. 00:04:17.610 --> 00:04:20.994 I will start with hearer 00:04:21.122 --> 00:04:22.310 interpretation. 00:04:23.690 --> 00:04:25.522 This is one of the toughest 00:04:25.586 --> 00:04:26.837 things to do, 00:04:27.004 --> 00:04:28.774 but it should be as bright 00:04:28.822 --> 00:04:30.460 as this yellow color. 00:04:31.710 --> 00:04:33.450 Hearer interpretation. 00:04:34.190 --> 00:04:36.460 Now, what is that? 00:04:37.790 --> 00:04:38.298 Dr. 00:04:38.384 --> 00:04:39.930 Schmitt explains, 00:04:41.010 --> 00:04:41.882 frequently 00:04:41.946 --> 00:04:44.174 preachers can create a 00:04:44.212 --> 00:04:46.826 caricature of their hearers 00:04:47.018 --> 00:04:49.760 rather than recognition of them. 00:04:50.690 --> 00:04:52.898 Their sermons take on 00:04:52.984 --> 00:04:54.659 a timeless quality, 00:04:55.510 --> 00:04:57.474 able to be preached at 00:04:57.512 --> 00:04:59.380 any time to anyone, 00:05:00.070 --> 00:05:02.242 rather than to those particular 00:05:02.376 --> 00:05:05.960 people on this particular day. 00:05:07.850 --> 00:05:08.214 Now, 00:05:08.252 --> 00:05:10.054 I submit that Peter is 00:05:10.092 --> 00:05:12.200 doing a wonderful job 00:05:13.210 --> 00:05:14.520 in this regard. 00:05:16.570 --> 00:05:20.730 He is not speaking to 00:05:20.880 --> 00:05:22.650 whom it may concern. 00:05:23.710 --> 00:05:25.782 He is speaking to Bible 00:05:25.846 --> 00:05:27.180 believing people. 00:05:28.190 --> 00:05:29.514 They have a high regard 00:05:29.632 --> 00:05:31.950 for David. 00:05:32.690 --> 00:05:35.600 He has a lot to say about God, 00:05:36.770 --> 00:05:39.374 and he does not belabor what 00:05:39.412 --> 00:05:40.909 people know already. 00:05:41.060 --> 00:05:42.717 At one point he says, 00:05:42.884 --> 00:05:46.080 as you yourselves know, 00:05:46.450 --> 00:05:49.433 that's Jesus's Galilean 00:05:49.562 --> 00:05:50.426 ministry. 00:05:50.538 --> 00:05:52.142 I don't have to tell you about 00:05:52.196 --> 00:05:53.422 this because you are 00:05:53.476 --> 00:05:54.800 aware of this. 00:05:57.370 --> 00:05:59.620 I move on to the 00:06:00.090 --> 00:06:01.630 Second thread. 00:06:03.090 --> 00:06:06.522 The red thread of Gospel 00:06:06.586 --> 00:06:07.630 proclamation. 00:06:08.290 --> 00:06:10.922 We used to say that the Gospel 00:06:10.986 --> 00:06:13.278 is a red thread that goes 00:06:13.364 --> 00:06:15.310 through all of Scriptures. 00:06:18.050 --> 00:06:19.770 Gospel proclamation 00:06:19.930 --> 00:06:22.286 it's a message centered in the 00:06:22.308 --> 00:06:23.818 death and resurrection 00:06:23.914 --> 00:06:24.806 of Christ. 00:06:24.948 --> 00:06:28.226 Now for a Pentecost sermon 00:06:28.338 --> 00:06:30.454 there is a lot of Jesus in 00:06:30.492 --> 00:06:32.310 this sermon by Peter. 00:06:33.530 --> 00:06:36.230 Peter has law and gospel, 00:06:37.130 --> 00:06:37.978 he says, 00:06:38.064 --> 00:06:39.706 and this is the end of his 00:06:39.808 --> 00:06:42.970 second movement here. He says, 00:06:43.120 --> 00:06:46.409 this Jesus whom you crucified, 00:06:47.070 --> 00:06:49.034 and at the beginning he says, 00:06:49.232 --> 00:06:51.646 you killed him through the 00:06:51.668 --> 00:06:53.840 hands of lawless people. 00:06:54.530 --> 00:06:55.920 Now that's law. 00:06:57.650 --> 00:07:01.690 But Peter has also gospel 00:07:01.850 --> 00:07:03.474 because the people had their 00:07:03.512 --> 00:07:05.106 hearts pierced at 00:07:05.128 --> 00:07:06.260 the end of this. 00:07:06.790 --> 00:07:08.430 And they asked, brothers, 00:07:08.510 --> 00:07:09.780 what should we do? 00:07:11.030 --> 00:07:12.834 And then Peter says, well, 00:07:12.952 --> 00:07:14.980 God raised him up. 00:07:15.850 --> 00:07:19.361 God made this Jesus both Lord 00:07:19.426 --> 00:07:22.066 and Christ the Jesus 00:07:22.098 --> 00:07:23.270 you crucified. 00:07:24.570 --> 00:07:25.126 Now, 00:07:25.228 --> 00:07:27.962 this may not sound like good 00:07:28.016 --> 00:07:30.154 news. We killed him, 00:07:30.272 --> 00:07:31.670 now he is alive. 00:07:31.830 --> 00:07:33.498 He may come and get us. 00:07:33.664 --> 00:07:35.626 But then Peter goes on in the 00:07:35.648 --> 00:07:37.340 third movement, he says, 00:07:38.350 --> 00:07:41.722 you can be baptized, 00:07:41.866 --> 00:07:43.360 each one of you, 00:07:43.810 --> 00:07:46.110 for forgiveness of sins, 00:07:46.450 --> 00:07:48.313 and you will receive the gift, 00:07:48.361 --> 00:07:50.058 the gift of the Holy Spirit. 00:07:50.154 --> 00:07:51.582 And the promise is for you, 00:07:51.635 --> 00:07:53.602 for your children and for 00:07:53.656 --> 00:07:55.700 everybody that's far off. 00:07:57.590 --> 00:08:00.158 So this is law and gospel 00:08:00.254 --> 00:08:02.542 proclamation in Peter's sermon. 00:08:02.606 --> 00:08:03.361 He's doing fine, 00:08:03.416 --> 00:08:04.180 I think. 00:08:05.610 --> 00:08:08.520 The third thread is 00:08:09.690 --> 00:08:11.750 textual exposition. 00:08:12.330 --> 00:08:14.498 This purple or blue, 00:08:14.594 --> 00:08:16.310 it's very solid. 00:08:17.130 --> 00:08:18.026 It has to be 00:08:18.048 --> 00:08:21.162 so. A sermon is supposed to be 00:08:21.216 --> 00:08:23.530 based on a text of scripture. 00:08:24.110 --> 00:08:24.474 Well, 00:08:24.512 --> 00:08:25.669 this is more easily 00:08:25.750 --> 00:08:27.419 said than done. 00:08:28.110 --> 00:08:30.880 Dr. Schmidt explains it, saying, 00:08:31.409 --> 00:08:33.918 sometimes preachers can begin 00:08:34.004 --> 00:08:35.966 to stray from the text 00:08:36.068 --> 00:08:37.230 in preaching. 00:08:38.130 --> 00:08:40.094 They mention the text, 00:08:40.292 --> 00:08:43.854 but then leave it behind as they 00:08:43.892 --> 00:08:45.742 launch into their personal 00:08:45.876 --> 00:08:49.870 beliefs or contemporary topics 00:08:50.210 --> 00:08:51.454 that have nothing to 00:08:51.492 --> 00:08:53.360 do with the text. 00:08:54.610 --> 00:08:55.720 But okay, 00:08:56.730 --> 00:08:59.410 not so with Peter. 00:09:00.650 --> 00:09:04.442 He has a lot of scripture. 00:09:04.586 --> 00:09:07.962 He has a big chunk of Psalm 16. 00:09:08.106 --> 00:09:09.774 And if that were not enough, 00:09:09.892 --> 00:09:12.846 he also quotes Psalm 110 100, 00:09:12.948 --> 00:09:14.640 110. 00:09:15.570 --> 00:09:19.950 So better two texts than one, 00:09:20.020 --> 00:09:22.110 and better one text than none. 00:09:23.330 --> 00:09:25.720 Two witnesses are important. 00:09:26.890 --> 00:09:28.870 So again, Peter is doing well. 00:09:28.940 --> 00:09:30.902 He has a lot of scripture in his 00:09:30.956 --> 00:09:34.310 preaching and he does exactly 00:09:34.460 --> 00:09:36.274 what homileticans 00:09:36.322 --> 00:09:37.762 advise you to do. 00:09:37.915 --> 00:09:41.098 He has only that information 00:09:41.264 --> 00:09:43.814 from the text which is pertinent 00:09:43.862 --> 00:09:45.130 to the sermon. 00:09:45.550 --> 00:09:48.730 Clarifying for this day this 00:09:48.800 --> 00:09:50.960 aspect of this text. 00:09:52.210 --> 00:09:54.606 So Peter is not all over the 00:09:54.628 --> 00:09:56.670 place talking about 00:09:56.740 --> 00:09:58.298 biblical poetry, 00:09:58.474 --> 00:09:59.934 about the nature of 00:09:59.972 --> 00:10:01.706 Hades or Sheol. 00:10:01.898 --> 00:10:04.740 He is focusing on one thing. 00:10:05.110 --> 00:10:06.894 He is simply focusing 00:10:06.942 --> 00:10:08.082 on this one thing. 00:10:08.216 --> 00:10:10.850 The Holy One of God was not 00:10:10.920 --> 00:10:13.569 abandoned to Hades, 00:10:14.069 --> 00:10:15.930 nor did his flesh see 00:10:15.950 --> 00:10:18.882 corruption. He was not allowed. 00:10:19.026 --> 00:10:21.286 God did not allow his body 00:10:21.388 --> 00:10:23.430 to rot in the grave. 00:10:24.650 --> 00:10:26.520 But Peter does more. 00:10:27.390 --> 00:10:30.170 As Dr. Schmitt explains, 00:10:30.750 --> 00:10:33.082 there is a second function in 00:10:33.136 --> 00:10:34.986 dealing with Scriptures in 00:10:35.008 --> 00:10:37.350 a preaching, in a sermon. 00:10:37.510 --> 00:10:41.310 It offers the hearers a model of 00:10:41.380 --> 00:10:43.950 how to interpret scriptures. 00:10:45.970 --> 00:10:47.440 And boy, 00:10:48.290 --> 00:10:49.614 Peter could not be 00:10:49.652 --> 00:10:51.040 more on the mark. 00:10:51.650 --> 00:10:54.980 He hits the nail on the head. 00:10:55.670 --> 00:10:58.190 He teaches us psalm 00:10:58.270 --> 00:10:59.410 interpretation. 00:11:00.310 --> 00:11:01.300 You see, 00:11:01.750 --> 00:11:05.578 Psalm 16 is a Davidic psalm. 00:11:05.774 --> 00:11:07.750 It is by David. 00:11:08.410 --> 00:11:09.702 And how do you read 00:11:09.756 --> 00:11:11.830 a psalm by David? 00:11:12.810 --> 00:11:16.162 I've seen lots of psychologizing 00:11:16.306 --> 00:11:19.210 or psychologized interpretation. 00:11:19.710 --> 00:11:22.042 I once heard the guy say, well, 00:11:22.096 --> 00:11:22.860 you know, 00:11:23.310 --> 00:11:26.250 David was kind of bipolar during 00:11:26.319 --> 00:11:28.021 the day on the battlefield, 00:11:28.086 --> 00:11:30.006 he was fierce and brave. 00:11:30.117 --> 00:11:32.014 And then back home in his 00:11:32.052 --> 00:11:33.950 bedroom, he would kneel and say, 00:11:34.020 --> 00:11:36.350 oh Lord, I'm so desperate, 00:11:37.890 --> 00:11:40.000 I don't know exactly what to do. 00:11:40.370 --> 00:11:40.782 Well, 00:11:40.836 --> 00:11:42.414 this may have been the 00:11:42.452 --> 00:11:43.978 case with David, 00:11:44.154 --> 00:11:46.394 but this is not how Peter 00:11:46.521 --> 00:11:49.069 reads Psalm 16. 00:11:50.530 --> 00:11:52.382 It is David speaking, 00:11:52.516 --> 00:11:54.190 but he's not speaking about 00:11:54.260 --> 00:11:58.630 himself. David was a prophet. 00:11:59.290 --> 00:11:59.860 So what 00:12:00.170 --> 00:12:02.574 he says in Psalm 16 is 00:12:02.612 --> 00:12:03.674 not about himself, 00:12:03.802 --> 00:12:05.806 but about somebody else, 00:12:05.988 --> 00:12:08.762 about the Jesus you crucified 00:12:08.906 --> 00:12:10.826 and whom God raised 00:12:11.018 --> 00:12:12.480 back to life. 00:12:12.850 --> 00:12:15.280 This lesson is hard to learn, 00:12:15.650 --> 00:12:17.182 but this is the way the New 00:12:17.236 --> 00:12:19.354 Testament reads the Psalms. 00:12:19.482 --> 00:12:20.794 This is the way the church 00:12:20.842 --> 00:12:22.458 fathers read the psalms. 00:12:22.554 --> 00:12:24.606 This is the way Luther reads the 00:12:24.628 --> 00:12:26.950 psalms. We should do likewise. 00:12:27.610 --> 00:12:30.870 The Psalmist is the Messiah. 00:12:32.490 --> 00:12:35.430 I move on to the fourth thread, 00:12:35.930 --> 00:12:38.490 theological confession. 00:12:39.790 --> 00:12:40.860 It's green. 00:12:41.390 --> 00:12:43.030 See, it's not dry. 00:12:43.190 --> 00:12:45.270 This is lively. This is lush. 00:12:45.350 --> 00:12:46.694 This is lively. 00:12:46.742 --> 00:12:49.062 This is important theological 00:12:49.206 --> 00:12:50.170 confession. 00:12:51.970 --> 00:12:52.430 Dr. 00:12:52.500 --> 00:12:55.674 Peter writes through the sermon, 00:12:55.802 --> 00:12:57.690 the preacher makes confession 00:12:57.770 --> 00:12:59.870 of the teachings of faith, 00:13:00.690 --> 00:13:04.530 and this confession models how 00:13:04.600 --> 00:13:07.170 we think theologically. 00:13:09.750 --> 00:13:10.500 Now, 00:13:11.030 --> 00:13:11.890 Peter, 00:13:12.790 --> 00:13:15.562 in this Pentecost sermon, 00:13:15.726 --> 00:13:18.470 preached in chapel today during 00:13:18.540 --> 00:13:21.298 the week of Holy Trinity Sunday, 00:13:21.474 --> 00:13:24.466 he has a lot of theology 00:13:24.658 --> 00:13:25.640 to teach. 00:13:26.330 --> 00:13:27.560 To begin with, 00:13:27.950 --> 00:13:29.962 he tells us God is never 00:13:30.016 --> 00:13:31.638 caught by surprise. 00:13:31.814 --> 00:13:33.274 He's never taken or 00:13:33.312 --> 00:13:34.810 caught unawares. 00:13:36.270 --> 00:13:37.340 What happened 00:13:38.990 --> 00:13:41.406 according to a definite plan and 00:13:41.428 --> 00:13:43.520 the foreknowledge of God. 00:13:44.530 --> 00:13:46.314 He has a lot of Christology 00:13:46.442 --> 00:13:47.850 in this sermon. 00:13:48.010 --> 00:13:50.474 He has the embryonic version 00:13:50.522 --> 00:13:51.790 of the first and great 00:13:51.860 --> 00:13:53.586 Christological confession in the 00:13:53.608 --> 00:13:56.370 New Testament. Jesus is Lord. 00:13:57.670 --> 00:13:59.586 But in this week of 00:13:59.608 --> 00:14:00.590 Holy Trinity, 00:14:00.670 --> 00:14:02.718 there must be a trinitarian 00:14:02.814 --> 00:14:05.066 emphasis in this sermon, 00:14:05.198 --> 00:14:07.366 otherwise the formulators of the 00:14:07.388 --> 00:14:09.238 lectionary would not have 00:14:09.324 --> 00:14:11.702 invited him to preach on this 00:14:11.756 --> 00:14:14.194 particular Sunday. And bingo 00:14:14.242 --> 00:14:17.160 there you have it in verse 33. 00:14:17.950 --> 00:14:20.186 Being therefore exalted at 00:14:20.208 --> 00:14:22.140 the right hand of God, 00:14:22.590 --> 00:14:24.586 and having received from the 00:14:24.608 --> 00:14:26.106 Father the promise of 00:14:26.127 --> 00:14:27.510 the Holy Spirit, 00:14:27.670 --> 00:14:30.382 he has poured out this that you 00:14:30.436 --> 00:14:32.160 yourselves are seeing 00:14:32.530 --> 00:14:34.670 and hearing. 00:14:36.530 --> 00:14:37.280 Okay, 00:14:38.210 --> 00:14:40.126 we might spend the rest of the 00:14:40.148 --> 00:14:43.482 day meditating and wondering 00:14:43.626 --> 00:14:46.350 on this theological aspect, 00:14:46.930 --> 00:14:49.050 the perfect harmony 00:14:49.210 --> 00:14:50.590 in the Trinity. 00:14:52.450 --> 00:14:54.282 In a sense. In Peter's sermon, 00:14:54.346 --> 00:14:56.950 we hear a conversation 00:14:57.930 --> 00:14:59.940 in the Trinity. The 00:15:00.170 --> 00:15:01.600 Father is saying, 00:15:02.050 --> 00:15:03.360 my dear Son, 00:15:04.690 --> 00:15:06.250 take the Holy Spirit. 00:15:06.330 --> 00:15:08.080 He's all yours now. 00:15:09.010 --> 00:15:10.350 I know you don't need 00:15:10.420 --> 00:15:11.710 him anymore, 00:15:12.210 --> 00:15:14.702 so I know you promised your 00:15:14.756 --> 00:15:16.442 friends another advocate, 00:15:16.506 --> 00:15:19.840 so send the Spirit their way. 00:15:21.170 --> 00:15:23.166 And the Son would answer 00:15:23.348 --> 00:15:25.922 or reply, yes, Father, 00:15:26.066 --> 00:15:28.534 but I also told them that I 00:15:28.572 --> 00:15:30.854 would ask you to send them 00:15:30.892 --> 00:15:32.354 another advocate. 00:15:32.482 --> 00:15:35.154 And I asked them to stay in town 00:15:35.282 --> 00:15:37.014 until the promise would 00:15:37.052 --> 00:15:38.470 be fulfilled. 00:15:39.150 --> 00:15:41.930 And then the Father again, okay, 00:15:42.080 --> 00:15:42.874 son, 00:15:43.072 --> 00:15:45.610 but if you are sending Him or 00:15:45.680 --> 00:15:47.226 you are pouring Him out, 00:15:47.328 --> 00:15:49.834 it's as much as it's the same 00:15:49.872 --> 00:15:52.000 as if I were doing it. 00:15:52.370 --> 00:15:54.346 And the paraclete the Holy 00:15:54.378 --> 00:15:55.454 Spirit, isn't it? 00:15:55.492 --> 00:15:57.520 So you could go on your own. 00:15:58.530 --> 00:16:02.662 So it's my sending your pouring 00:16:02.746 --> 00:16:07.250 his going Him glorifying you and 00:16:07.319 --> 00:16:09.454 the disciples being led 00:16:09.582 --> 00:16:11.650 into all truth. 00:16:12.790 --> 00:16:15.569 So there is a trinitarian kernel 00:16:15.650 --> 00:16:17.569 here in Peter's theological 00:16:17.650 --> 00:16:18.470 confession. 00:16:19.130 --> 00:16:21.282 Somebody calls it a deep 00:16:21.346 --> 00:16:23.590 structure of Trinity, 00:16:23.930 --> 00:16:26.130 of the Trinitarian doctrine. 00:16:26.290 --> 00:16:28.250 A deep structure that later 00:16:28.319 --> 00:16:30.234 theologians would bring to the 00:16:30.272 --> 00:16:32.730 surface and define in more 00:16:32.800 --> 00:16:34.650 precise language. 00:16:35.069 --> 00:16:36.714 For as someone said, 00:16:36.832 --> 00:16:39.082 it's possible for someone to 00:16:39.136 --> 00:16:41.630 speak perfectly grammatically 00:16:42.050 --> 00:16:44.346 without ever consciously 00:16:44.458 --> 00:16:46.430 knowing any grammar. 00:16:47.410 --> 00:16:49.902 So Peter is speaking perfect 00:16:50.036 --> 00:16:51.978 grammatical trinitarian 00:16:52.074 --> 00:16:52.990 language, 00:16:53.830 --> 00:16:56.494 language that later theologians 00:16:56.622 --> 00:16:59.262 would analyze and express 00:16:59.326 --> 00:17:00.260 in different 00:17:01.430 --> 00:17:03.886 words, saying, for instance, 00:17:04.078 --> 00:17:07.462 the Catholic faith is this that 00:17:07.516 --> 00:17:11.510 we worship one God in Trinity, 00:17:11.849 --> 00:17:14.150 in Trinity, in unity, 00:17:14.970 --> 00:17:17.670 neither confusing the persons 00:17:18.430 --> 00:17:22.250 nor dividing the substance. 00:17:24.670 --> 00:17:25.846 Brothers and sisters, 00:17:25.877 --> 00:17:27.369 I've come full circle. 00:17:27.950 --> 00:17:31.550 I had hearer interpretation, 00:17:32.050 --> 00:17:35.630 I had gospel proclamation, 00:17:37.170 --> 00:17:38.910 textual analysis, 00:17:39.330 --> 00:17:42.190 theological proclamation, 00:17:42.530 --> 00:17:44.494 four threads. Now, 00:17:44.532 --> 00:17:45.822 if you combine them, 00:17:45.876 --> 00:17:47.646 if you weave them together, 00:17:47.828 --> 00:17:50.282 you have a beautiful sermon. 00:17:50.426 --> 00:17:51.840 It couldn't be better. 00:17:52.210 --> 00:17:54.946 And it is so marvelous. 00:17:55.098 --> 00:17:58.081 This is a biblical sermon, 00:17:58.226 --> 00:17:59.490 a wonderful sermon. 00:18:00.170 --> 00:18:02.574 That we could listen again and 00:18:02.612 --> 00:18:07.338 again and again and then worship 00:18:07.434 --> 00:18:11.134 and praise the Lamb on His 00:18:11.172 --> 00:18:14.974 throne and to say in the name of 00:18:15.012 --> 00:18:17.534 the Father and of the Son 00:18:17.732 --> 00:18:19.630 and of the Holy Spirit, 00:18:20.210 --> 00:18:21.226 Amen.