WEBVTT 1 00:00:04.620 --> 00:00:10.440 David Lewis: Greetings this is Professor David Lewis addressing you from Concordia seminary in St Louis Missouri. 2 00:00:11.490 --> 00:00:20.850 David Lewis: The text we're looking at today is Luke 13 one through nine, which is the Gospel reading for lent three in series C. 3 00:00:22.170 --> 00:00:32.670 David Lewis: And so, this this text includes Jesus interaction with some men, where the theme is repent or perish he talks about the Gal lambs who. 4 00:00:33.600 --> 00:00:41.310 David Lewis: It said pilot mix their blood with their sacrifices and then 18 people in Jerusalem upon him a tower fell. 5 00:00:41.790 --> 00:00:50.790 David Lewis: And then the question Jesus presents his here is is these people worse than others and Is that why they died, and he leaves that question not answered. 6 00:00:51.540 --> 00:01:09.840 David Lewis: With the idea that no they weren't but then he turns this and says the you repent or or or judgment will come to you as well, so repent or perish and then this is followed by the parable of the fig tree and then so you notice in the picture that i'm using here. 7 00:01:11.010 --> 00:01:17.700 David Lewis: This is based upon the pair that parable I Here we see an unhappy ending to the parable where the owner of. 8 00:01:18.210 --> 00:01:36.390 David Lewis: The vineyard who's standing off to the side is watching the vine dresser the gardener cut the fruitless fig tree down notice that doesn't necessarily happen in the parable the parable is open ended, but this picture here I guess is assuming and unhappy ending to the parallel. 9 00:01:37.770 --> 00:01:41.010 David Lewis: So your assignment, please review pages. 10 00:01:43.110 --> 00:01:54.450 David Lewis: of fundamental Greek grammar, and this is where Dr belts takes up the subject of indirect discourse there is some and right discourse in this text and so now would be a good time to review. 11 00:01:54.960 --> 00:02:07.440 David Lewis: And then read through the Greek text of Luke 13 six through nine the parable of the fig tree and then our plan is to talk some about indirect discourse, but then we'll look closely at the parable of the fig tree. 12 00:02:11.760 --> 00:02:12.750 David Lewis: hey welcome back. 13 00:02:13.770 --> 00:02:23.820 David Lewis: I trust you have completed the assignment let's begin by reviewing and direct this course, and so again, this is treated in fundamental Greek grammar chapter 26. 14 00:02:24.780 --> 00:02:35.370 David Lewis: K a direct discourse is when someone reports, the speech thoughts or senses of someone else direct this course is when the person is quoted directly. 15 00:02:35.820 --> 00:02:45.150 David Lewis: And then, an English that's usually marked with quotation marks before and after the directors courses quoted and therefore that's why. 16 00:02:45.810 --> 00:02:56.250 David Lewis: It is indirect as course when someone else reports, the speech so direct this course, we have the person speaking thinking or sensing it out sort of. 17 00:02:56.790 --> 00:03:03.030 David Lewis: say what they're thinking what they're speaking thinking or sensing but underwrite those courses, when someone else reports this. 18 00:03:03.630 --> 00:03:13.530 David Lewis: In English and direct this course follows a verb of speaking thinking or sensing and is introduced by the conjunction that so we haven't direct this course in English. 19 00:03:14.610 --> 00:03:31.470 David Lewis: And notice that in indirect discourse suddenly the word that does not function as the relative pronoun is that is that the car that you bought no it's now introducing an indirect discourse that's I see that. 20 00:03:33.060 --> 00:03:42.630 David Lewis: That is the car that you bought so so so notice this so notice that, in English, the word that has at least two uses it could be the relative. 21 00:03:43.200 --> 00:03:54.960 David Lewis: pronoun, but it could also introduce indirect discourse when do we consider that as introducing indirect discourse whenever follows a verb was speaking thinking or sensing. 22 00:03:56.520 --> 00:04:06.600 David Lewis: And so here's an example in English directors course he says quote i'm watching football and direct discourse now someone's reporting what he said. 23 00:04:06.990 --> 00:04:16.620 David Lewis: He says that he is watching football so notice here simply the difference between direct and indirect discourse and notice, because the word that. 24 00:04:17.190 --> 00:04:27.780 David Lewis: follows a verb of speaking so notice, because that follows the verb says, we know that it is that that now is introducing and direct us course. 25 00:04:28.380 --> 00:04:40.410 David Lewis: Now note that in proper English when the verb introducing the indirect discourses past time then we adjust the tense of the verb and the original direct discourse accordingly, so this is something that we do in English. 26 00:04:41.670 --> 00:04:56.340 David Lewis: Or at least in proper English is that when the verb introducing the indirect discourse the verb of speaking thinking or sensing is past time then we adjust the original tense of the verb for the directors course. 27 00:04:57.420 --> 00:04:59.880 David Lewis: to something else in the indirect discourse. 28 00:05:00.930 --> 00:05:11.220 David Lewis: And here are the rules when the main verb is past time translate a present tense verb and the directors course as a pastime verb in the indirect as course. 29 00:05:12.120 --> 00:05:32.550 David Lewis: translate a pastime verb of the directors course as a blue perfect or past past and indirect discourse and then translate a future tense verb and the directors force as a subjunctive where the will of the future tense becomes a wood in the indirect discourse. 30 00:05:35.310 --> 00:05:43.860 David Lewis: And so, here are some examples present tense verb and direct discourse clause so notice now it's not he says, but he said. 31 00:05:44.490 --> 00:05:53.820 David Lewis: This is now past time I am watching football, this is what he said yesterday and directors course you want to report that you would say he said that he not. 32 00:05:54.330 --> 00:06:09.450 David Lewis: is watching football, because this is past, but he said that he was watching football notice we adjust am watching present tense and the directors course to was watching past time and the indirect discourse. 33 00:06:10.110 --> 00:06:18.090 David Lewis: Now, what if you have a past tense verb and the dread discourse pause and so he said quote I watched football yesterday. 34 00:06:18.720 --> 00:06:26.610 David Lewis: Now we want to report this like today and write this course, he said that he had watched football yesterday. 35 00:06:27.150 --> 00:06:34.890 David Lewis: And notice now, we take the past time verb and the direct discourse watched and adjusted to a blue perfect had watched. 36 00:06:35.520 --> 00:06:40.410 David Lewis: Now, this is a point where probably more and more in English now they're not making this adjustment. 37 00:06:40.830 --> 00:06:48.360 David Lewis: They would just keep watched as a past time and the indirect this course, but proper English you want to adjust it one step back. 38 00:06:48.960 --> 00:06:55.620 David Lewis: And then, a future tense verb and direct this course clause and so he said, I will watch football tomorrow. 39 00:06:56.610 --> 00:07:05.130 David Lewis: android does course if we want to quote, that if we want to report that, then we would say he said that he would watch football tomorrow. 40 00:07:05.640 --> 00:07:15.540 David Lewis: And notice we changed the will to a would we go from future tense indicative mood to a subjunctive idea in English would watch. 41 00:07:16.020 --> 00:07:24.240 David Lewis: And, and this is how it's done in proper English now whenever I teach indirect discourse that was good, a lot of pushback from students about how this isn't. 42 00:07:24.750 --> 00:07:42.510 David Lewis: What we do in English, or at least this isn't what we do in English anymore and and they'll always try to come up with various examples of how this doesn't make sense in certain contexts, but generally, this is, this is the rule for what should be done in proper English. 43 00:07:43.650 --> 00:07:54.300 David Lewis: So in proper English when the verb of speaking Thank you are sensing this past time you adjust the the tense of the verb and the directors course clause. 44 00:07:55.470 --> 00:08:05.070 David Lewis: When you move to the indirect discourse clause accordingly as as i've illustrated here, you know in Greek and direct this course clauses are introduced by the conjunction hot. 45 00:08:05.730 --> 00:08:18.030 David Lewis: And this is why they're often called a high tech clause yet hot to has other functions as well, so, just like the word that in English has at least two functions hot to have several, for instance. 46 00:08:19.110 --> 00:08:24.420 David Lewis: Probably you're most familiar with hot too meaning because introducing a console clause. 47 00:08:25.500 --> 00:08:37.230 David Lewis: So whenever hot to follows a verb of speaking thinking or sensing you must consider whether or not it is introducing an indirect this course clause and usually the vast majority of the time it is. 48 00:08:37.740 --> 00:08:51.090 David Lewis: If it is translated hot as that and not because so example drag discourse leg a notice the raised dot the colon signifies what follows is direct discourse and Greek. 49 00:08:51.510 --> 00:09:02.610 David Lewis: leg a curious Erica type Ross and math so he says quote the Lord is coming to me, and now, if I want to report what he said in Greek. 50 00:09:03.000 --> 00:09:16.140 David Lewis: I would use a hotter claws and so leg a hotter how Korea Erica type cross a time he says that the Lord is coming to him now notice when the verb. 51 00:09:16.860 --> 00:09:27.990 David Lewis: of speaking sensing or thinking that comes before hotter is is it present tense or future tense or perfect tense if it's a primary tense. 52 00:09:28.440 --> 00:09:35.910 David Lewis: Then you translate the hottie clause, as is and you don't worry about adjusting the tense of the verb so he says. 53 00:09:36.300 --> 00:09:48.210 David Lewis: That the Lord is coming to him and I translate Erica tie, as is coming or comes because leg a is a primary tense verb right so there's an example of. 54 00:09:48.810 --> 00:09:57.600 David Lewis: In Greek moving from direct discourse to indirect as course, however, in Greek, when the verbal speaking thinking or sensing this past time. 55 00:09:58.260 --> 00:10:08.520 David Lewis: That same adjustment is not made, as is done in English when moving from direct indirect discourse so notice in English, we make an adjustment. 56 00:10:08.880 --> 00:10:17.520 David Lewis: in Greek, they do not so here's an example direct this course apron he said quote korea's Erica type process now. 57 00:10:18.150 --> 00:10:26.220 David Lewis: And literally, this is the Lord is coming to me and notice, and so this is the same statement, as in the previous example, while we've changed is. 58 00:10:26.580 --> 00:10:37.290 David Lewis: The verb of speaking has gone from leg a present your apron past ERIs and drag this course, this is a Greek does it a been hot too hot korea's Erica tie. 59 00:10:37.770 --> 00:10:49.650 David Lewis: That is it Erica type the temps does not change moving for direct indirect discourse so Erica type cross out Tom he said that the Lord literally is coming or comes to him. 60 00:10:50.790 --> 00:11:08.700 David Lewis: Therefore, you the interpreter translator need to make an agenda, make the adjustment when moving from Greek to English so here's an example of how to translate the above and right discourse clause, because in English, we would adjust the present tense Erica tie. 61 00:11:10.230 --> 00:11:17.880 David Lewis: To a past tense and the indirect discourse clause, we would translate archetype night as comms or is coming but. 62 00:11:18.540 --> 00:11:30.960 David Lewis: He said that the Lord was coming to him or he said that the Lord came to him and so notice we adjust the present time verb in Greek to a past time for in English. 63 00:11:31.560 --> 00:11:42.480 David Lewis: And, really, the issue here it's not so much the how Greek does it it's really how English does so this is rendering the Greek into proper English that's the issue that's at stake here. 64 00:11:43.920 --> 00:11:57.750 David Lewis: There are some other examples and direct discourse with past time verb in a high tech plus apron hot too hot korea's elephant process time to translate he said that the Lord had to him. 65 00:11:58.380 --> 00:12:08.550 David Lewis: adjust pastime verb and Greek to blue perfect in English and then right discourse with a future verb and the haunting flaws apron hot too hot korea's. 66 00:12:09.750 --> 00:12:21.150 David Lewis: elusive high price out time so notice again literally this, as he said that the Lord will come to him, but in English, we would adjust that future indicative to a subjunctive. 67 00:12:21.690 --> 00:12:30.630 David Lewis: And so, translate he said that the Lord would come to him and say adjust the future tense verb and Greek to subjunctive in English. 68 00:12:32.460 --> 00:12:42.930 David Lewis: So note that when the verb introducing the object clauses present tense already primary tense, then you do not need to make any adjustment translate the hot PIC flaws, as is. 69 00:12:43.500 --> 00:12:56.970 David Lewis: That when the verb of speaking thinking sensing is a present a future or a perfect you translate the high tech clauses is you don't have to consider making any adjustments and again. 70 00:12:58.110 --> 00:13:07.020 David Lewis: I get a lot of pushback from students these days about what veldt says we should do with the verb of speaking thinking or sensing is past time but. 71 00:13:08.550 --> 00:13:15.330 David Lewis: So again, throw up throw out examples where it doesn't that working that way doesn't seem to make sense, but overall. 72 00:13:15.840 --> 00:13:21.870 David Lewis: This is how you should move when you translate the Greek to English, if you want to translate into proper English. 73 00:13:22.260 --> 00:13:27.240 David Lewis: And I would argue, there are many occasions when making this adjustment is really the only thing that makes sense. 74 00:13:27.870 --> 00:13:38.220 David Lewis: And no note in English angry the indirect discourse clauses as a whole function is the direct object of the verb of speaking thinking or sensing that proceed them. 75 00:13:38.670 --> 00:13:48.360 David Lewis: So if you want to ask you know syntactically what does a indirect discourse Claus Santa Claus do in the sentence, the whole thing is actually the direct object. 76 00:13:48.870 --> 00:13:58.770 David Lewis: Of the verb for speaking that comes before it, in other words, he said, what is it what's receiving the action well, he said that the Lord. 77 00:14:00.690 --> 00:14:06.690 David Lewis: was coming to him, and so that the Lord was coming to him, that is the direct object of the verb sad. 78 00:14:07.800 --> 00:14:10.560 David Lewis: And this is our review of android discourse. 79 00:14:11.580 --> 00:14:24.720 David Lewis: And so we're not going to look as closely at verses one through five, but I want to look at one verse in particular because it's got a hadith class, so we can put this into practice. 80 00:14:25.860 --> 00:14:43.110 David Lewis: So what I do is I give you the vocabulary that you may not be familiar with before we plunge into each into each verse and so here's the vocabulary vocabulary and Luke 13 verse one that may not be familiar to you and then here is Luke 13 verse one. 81 00:14:44.400 --> 00:14:56.910 David Lewis: I put the main clause or any independent clauses I leave them in black type and then I color coded the other clauses and so what is blue here as an attribute of participle closet reduced by. 82 00:14:57.630 --> 00:15:14.550 David Lewis: engelen tests and then what's in green as a relative closet or it is by home and then I underline the preposition or phrases and explain whether they're at verbal or adjectival and I believe all the propositional phrases in this text or add verbal. 83 00:15:16.050 --> 00:15:32.430 David Lewis: And so I can translate this Notice then dad notice, I put the major conjunctions linking this to what came before in bold and so and some men were present in that in the very time and the very time we're in the time itself. 84 00:15:33.660 --> 00:15:40.530 David Lewis: footnote the footnote to an Alto indicates that this is the intensive use of outhouse. 85 00:15:41.670 --> 00:15:55.770 David Lewis: Who announced to him, concerning the Galloway hands and then hone his possessive relative pronoun whose blood pilot mixed with their sacrifices and so apparently pilot. 86 00:15:57.390 --> 00:16:13.140 David Lewis: executed or murdered a number of Galilee and likely in Jerusalem, where the sacrifice would take place, this is a current event that everybody or, this is an event everybody is aware of, and so they're bringing this to Jesus attention and. 87 00:16:14.190 --> 00:16:26.070 David Lewis: Then notice I follow that with the footnotes I resolve the participle using the mnemonic device prep parse reference establish relative time and position. 88 00:16:27.000 --> 00:16:35.310 David Lewis: And then we want diverse to where I have the same order of slides first ever present the vocabulary that you may not know. 89 00:16:35.850 --> 00:16:54.060 David Lewis: And then I treat the verses themselves, and then I footnote various grammatical and syntactical comments and so 13 to a we have a sentence introducing directors course a GS that we're going to Luke who's going to quote Jesus directly as he responds these people and. 90 00:16:55.260 --> 00:17:03.210 David Lewis: Answering he said, or he answered and said uh Chris as if you follow the footnote as a contemporary AENEAS participle. 91 00:17:04.260 --> 00:17:14.670 David Lewis: And that's an heiress participle that where the action takes place is at the same time as the main verb so you wouldn't do the whole and after he had answered and said you to say he answered and said. 92 00:17:16.500 --> 00:17:24.180 David Lewis: And then, what I want to get to is Luke 13 verses verse to be and so let's look at this and. 93 00:17:27.060 --> 00:17:39.150 David Lewis: push the comments down one space good so doke attack this is from Joe gatto which means I think I consider and notice that this is a verb of thinking. 94 00:17:39.660 --> 00:17:52.290 David Lewis: So whenever and then what follows this is hot and so whenever hot to follows a verb of speaking thinking or sensing you must consider whether what follows is in direct discourse, as is the case here. 95 00:17:53.460 --> 00:18:00.690 David Lewis: And so, then in blue, I have the indirect discourse clause, and then in green a causal clause notice also introduced by hot. 96 00:18:01.230 --> 00:18:09.270 David Lewis: So this is a good sentence to talk about this because hot appears twice First, it means that introduce an indirect discourse. 97 00:18:09.780 --> 00:18:18.000 David Lewis: that the second use it means because introducing a causal clause and notice how with the second use of hot that I wouldn't consider. 98 00:18:18.390 --> 00:18:31.830 David Lewis: Whether or not this is indirect discourse, because it does not follow a verb of speaking thinking or sensing and so, but the first hothead does and and notice also that this whole. 99 00:18:32.610 --> 00:18:46.950 David Lewis: This whole this whole sentence is a question and so it's not he's not Jesus is not asserting you all think this but it's really do you think hot and dry discourse that. 100 00:18:48.330 --> 00:19:03.210 David Lewis: boy gotta lie iowa who toy that these Gal lands are Martyn Lloyd sinful or centers are upon us who's got Elias beyond all the Gala lands and then the main verb is again a top. 101 00:19:04.380 --> 00:19:14.940 David Lewis: we're right now give them my is a linking verb so in this sentence hoy got a low it boy got a lie, who toy is the subject of again a time. 102 00:19:15.480 --> 00:19:25.590 David Lewis: And then, Mr to Lloyd is the predicate nominative So do you think that these Gal lands became or we're sinners beyond all the guidelines. 103 00:19:26.010 --> 00:19:34.200 David Lewis: And then the cosmic laws, why might you think this well because they suffered these things because they suffered these things. 104 00:19:34.650 --> 00:19:48.000 David Lewis: So you think that these Gala lands were or became centers beyond all the Gala lance because they suffered these things, and then Jesus answer to this question is No. 105 00:19:49.410 --> 00:20:08.610 David Lewis: So verse 13 three key largo man no but I say to you, but no, I say to you, but if not, if you do not repent if you all, do not repent you will like wise up a lace, that you will likewise perish and so Jesus does not. 106 00:20:10.140 --> 00:20:19.710 David Lewis: include he does not tell us whether or not the galleons killed by pilot were better or worse than all the other Gala lands in fact he kind of assumes that they weren't. 107 00:20:20.940 --> 00:20:22.140 David Lewis: That the point is. 108 00:20:24.210 --> 00:20:31.020 David Lewis: The point is, and this is this goes back to the beginning of luke's narrative or the beginning of the ministry luke's narrative john the Baptist is called. 109 00:20:32.160 --> 00:20:40.980 David Lewis: The people of Israel to repentance so has Jesus, this is the time to repent, and so this is the warning given to these people who are still alive. 110 00:20:41.610 --> 00:20:49.590 David Lewis: If you if you all, do not repent you will likewise perish, and so there is this theme of repent or perish. 111 00:20:50.160 --> 00:21:00.330 David Lewis: which then is the theme of the parable and so let's we're going to move ahead, and so I give you i've given you slides for all of the verses but because we don't have time. 112 00:21:01.290 --> 00:21:13.710 David Lewis: we're not going to look more thoroughly at verses one through five, I want to take up the parable Luke 13 six through nine and so notice, there is a break Jesus is speaking. 113 00:21:15.360 --> 00:21:19.320 David Lewis: In the earlier verses but then we have elegant dad. 114 00:21:20.850 --> 00:21:30.810 David Lewis: TAO maintain parable lame so there's a break and then Jesus begins to speak again and notice elegant is an imperfect indicative active third singular. 115 00:21:32.280 --> 00:21:42.870 David Lewis: So from Lego so you wouldn't translate this and he said or but he said, you want to break, but it would be imperfect denotes. 116 00:21:45.690 --> 00:21:54.480 David Lewis: You know denotes connected activity of the past, the subject and the verb are connected and so it'd be he was saying, and he was saying this parable. 117 00:21:55.050 --> 00:22:05.220 David Lewis: and probably better I liked the idea, and he began to say this parable attain to tan tan prob elaine is the direct object development. 118 00:22:05.790 --> 00:22:13.440 David Lewis: And he began to say this parable in this context where the theme of repent or perish has been laid out to these people. 119 00:22:14.070 --> 00:22:27.270 David Lewis: You can guess that this parable is going to be about that thing and and now, while we've got in six be through nine is direct discourse and so this is Luke quoting Jesus, as he relates this parallel. 120 00:22:27.960 --> 00:22:37.680 David Lewis: And so, and now here what i've done is the main the independent clauses are in black type and then I put an attribute of part of civil claws and blue. 121 00:22:38.160 --> 00:22:53.640 David Lewis: And a predicate participle clause at that functions as attendance circumstance i'm actually going to move that clause up following the verb of elson that is a that is a predicate participle clause and then i've underlined the propositional phrases. 122 00:22:55.290 --> 00:22:56.190 David Lewis: Okay, so. 123 00:22:57.330 --> 00:23:07.530 David Lewis: Sue Cain akon tests, and so this is the subject that's a normative form of the indefinite pronoun and so. 124 00:23:08.280 --> 00:23:21.720 David Lewis: This would be someone or it might be translated a certain man now this this isn't this is indefinite this is unspecific who this guy is a certain man or someone the verb Akin. 125 00:23:22.680 --> 00:23:30.420 David Lewis: And notice, this is the imperfect of ECHO, which is kind of hard to render you know was having are used to have might be used to have. 126 00:23:31.500 --> 00:23:43.830 David Lewis: Most translations, I think, just say had but a certain man used to have a Su kane a fig tree and he still has it in the parable so certain man had a fig tree. 127 00:23:44.400 --> 00:24:02.970 David Lewis: I noticed the word order here the direct object comes first, which means Sue Cain is either being emphasized, or it comes first, because this is the focus of the parable it's this fig tree more than tissue a certain man, and we have an attribute a part of civil laws. 128 00:24:04.140 --> 00:24:08.190 David Lewis: passed through to my name and toe. 129 00:24:09.330 --> 00:24:15.000 David Lewis: play oni out to, and so we have the first day the the attribute of participle. 130 00:24:16.320 --> 00:24:26.790 David Lewis: And notice i'm saying this is attributed, even though it doesn't have the definite article because it's reference his suitcase and it's referencing Sue kane and Sue Cain is indefinite. 131 00:24:27.360 --> 00:24:40.080 David Lewis: So an attribute of participle will not have a definite article if it's referent does not have a definite article and so let's uh let's deal with this participle so prep is our demonic device. 132 00:24:41.430 --> 00:24:42.480 David Lewis: And let's just. 133 00:24:43.500 --> 00:24:53.940 David Lewis: cut to the next slide where that is okay, and so resolve the participle, this is a perfect participle passive feminine singular accusative of food to oh. 134 00:24:54.480 --> 00:25:09.330 David Lewis: Which means I plant, the reference Sue Cain is the fig tree notice the agree and gender number in case that feminine singular accusative establish relative time this is no notice the participle is focus on result. 135 00:25:10.500 --> 00:25:28.260 David Lewis: I don't think in fundamental Greek grammar we ever talk specifically about how to resolve a perfect participle in relationship to the main verb but this would be focused on result in relationship to pass time verb and so he had. 136 00:25:29.340 --> 00:25:51.120 David Lewis: He had so you'd almost want to go from the perfect has been planted to a perfect idea had been planted or was planted and then the position it's attributed so translate as a WHO Claus and so let's go back up here a certain man had are used to have or was having a fig tree which. 137 00:25:52.470 --> 00:26:03.240 David Lewis: Was planted had been planted so past act we're focusing upon a present result but in past time which had been planted in his vineyard. 138 00:26:04.260 --> 00:26:16.260 David Lewis: And in his vineyard is functions that verbally to the verb planted where was it planted in his vineyard Chi elephant, and he came and how we have a predicate participle clause. 139 00:26:17.370 --> 00:26:29.040 David Lewis: So we have is a day tones and so let's resolve the tone let's go to this slide Luke 13 six be a town resolve participle again or mnemonic devices prep. 140 00:26:29.790 --> 00:26:35.340 David Lewis: So this is a present participle active masculine singular normative of zeta oh. 141 00:26:35.910 --> 00:26:45.300 David Lewis: And what the context is masculine singular Nava if it is the indefinite pronoun tests, so the reference to this participle is test, what is the subject. 142 00:26:45.690 --> 00:26:53.970 David Lewis: there's a certain man who came and is seeking I guess you could say the references the subject development he came. 143 00:26:54.720 --> 00:27:02.430 David Lewis: Which is then going back to test establish relative time, so this is going to be same time as a past tense verb elfin. 144 00:27:02.970 --> 00:27:12.810 David Lewis: And the position is predicate position, but here this participle functions as intended circumstance, following a verb of motion and so see. 145 00:27:13.740 --> 00:27:27.480 David Lewis: Am I just right and that verb emotion is elephant and so C F G G chapter 20 where where Dr belts treats present part of symbols and he discusses this use of the predicate participle. 146 00:27:28.290 --> 00:27:49.410 David Lewis: Basically, whenever a predicate position participle which is present tense follows a verb of motion it's likely attended circumstance, as defined by Jim belts and you translate it then simpler than I n G so and he came seeking fruit on it. 147 00:27:51.240 --> 00:27:57.720 David Lewis: Chi ooh run any found, and he did not find right so notice how this. 148 00:27:58.980 --> 00:28:09.780 David Lewis: The indefinite pronouns subject of each of the verbs Akin eltham who run in the three independent clauses and so a certain man used to have a vineyard. 149 00:28:10.320 --> 00:28:27.150 David Lewis: And then, which was planted in his van I mean a fig tree, which was planted in his vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and did not find so this is now sets up the story there's this fruitless fig tree and this guy's vineyard. 150 00:28:28.620 --> 00:28:39.180 David Lewis: Okay let's move on to Luke 13 four seven notice here, I give you the vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to you, and this verse. 151 00:28:40.230 --> 00:28:46.500 David Lewis: notice a main character, one of the main characters others parables is going to be this arm play route. 152 00:28:47.580 --> 00:28:52.260 David Lewis: Sorry i'm play route GOS, which is the vine dresser or the gardener. 153 00:28:53.340 --> 00:29:00.360 David Lewis: notice also the interactive adverb hannity which is translated wire for what reason okay. 154 00:29:01.500 --> 00:29:06.540 David Lewis: So let's look at the verse, and so I begin with verse 13 seven a. 155 00:29:09.420 --> 00:29:22.590 David Lewis: This is now test, this is now the guy who has the fig tree, the owner of the vineyard apron that process time play room play rude gun and he said. 156 00:29:25.230 --> 00:29:29.160 David Lewis: That bold and he said to the vine dresser to the gardener. 157 00:29:29.730 --> 00:29:36.720 David Lewis: And now, this introduces direct discourse within the parable so notice the parable is direct discourse, but within the parable there's direct discourse. 158 00:29:37.080 --> 00:29:51.930 David Lewis: As the owner addresses the vine dresser and this takes out the rest of her seven for seven be that follows and so he said to the vine dresser to the gardener and what does he say well that's an 13 seven be. 159 00:29:53.580 --> 00:30:10.740 David Lewis: So notice in this what we see here is there's four independent clauses that I leave in black type the blue is a relative flaws, the relative pronoun is who and it's the direct object of part of who right, upon whom. 160 00:30:12.600 --> 00:30:21.750 David Lewis: For upon which and then the Green is another attendant circumstance participle notice that this is reflecting what we saw back in verse six. 161 00:30:22.110 --> 00:30:42.510 David Lewis: He came seeking fruit on it right and we see that sort of restated here in the direct discourse, so do tria at a Behold tria at a three years right three years and and notice that I should probably put a footnote here think I will add this later. 162 00:30:44.160 --> 00:30:56.520 David Lewis: The slides that I that I sent to you guys, but here we have the accusative of time behold, for the extent of three years, so this is accusative of time behold, for the extent of three years. 163 00:30:58.470 --> 00:30:58.980 David Lewis: And then. 164 00:31:02.970 --> 00:31:13.020 David Lewis: upon which and upon which I am coming, and now we have an attendant circumstance part of civil seeking fruit on this fig tree. 165 00:31:13.590 --> 00:31:21.150 David Lewis: You all three years, upon which I am coming and seeking fruit all this fig tree Chi ooh briscoe and. 166 00:31:21.870 --> 00:31:29.100 David Lewis: i'm not fighting and I do not find notice how this is restating what Jesus gave us on the narrative you know that he. 167 00:31:29.640 --> 00:31:39.810 David Lewis: He has come seeking fruit on the fig tree and did not find, and now this guy is saying that you know now for the extension three years I have come. 168 00:31:40.350 --> 00:31:56.160 David Lewis: You know I come seeking fruit of this fig tree, and I do not find and then we get the next statement and kobes on boone attain notice others no conjunction joining this clause to the earlier clause and and. 169 00:32:01.170 --> 00:32:05.880 David Lewis: And so, and so, and so that that this is the command, this is a. 170 00:32:07.410 --> 00:32:16.710 David Lewis: This is an arrest imperative active second singular and so therefore cut it down therefore cut it down. 171 00:32:17.250 --> 00:32:27.300 David Lewis: And then, the reason is given in this in this question notice this last line is a question hitomi Chi and hit it means wire for what reason. 172 00:32:27.660 --> 00:32:37.740 David Lewis: So Chi doesn't mean, and it has a sense of even are also for what reason caught air gay for what reason, is it the fig tree. 173 00:32:38.490 --> 00:32:45.420 David Lewis: Even using up the euro exhausting the earth wasting the earth wasting the ground so for what reason. 174 00:32:45.930 --> 00:32:57.300 David Lewis: Is it even wasting the ground right for what reason is, is it even wasting the ground, so this is now the owners opinion of this fig tree this fig tree is a waste of. 175 00:32:57.960 --> 00:33:07.860 David Lewis: dirt it's a waste of space it's using up to its exhaustive the ground using it up wasting it and so let's get rid of it and then make room for something that will be more productive. 176 00:33:08.850 --> 00:33:23.220 David Lewis: So, again behold, for the extent of three years, this is again, this is the owner talking to the vine dresser quote behold, for the extent of three years, upon which I come, seeking fruit on this fig tree and I did not find. 177 00:33:24.450 --> 00:33:36.870 David Lewis: The we get the command therefore cut it down for one reason is it even exhausting the ground right and notice there's kind of almost a sense of frustration and hostility there's owners. 178 00:33:37.590 --> 00:33:59.550 David Lewis: tone here okay let's move on to the Luke 13 eight through nine we're going to get the vine dressers response to the owner, here are some vocabulary that you may not know notice for down con, this is actually a contraction of Chi and on then, what should follow as a subject verb. 179 00:34:00.930 --> 00:34:08.250 David Lewis: So, looking to the you know kind of it definitely looking to the future for possibility notice also Tom Milan. 180 00:34:08.910 --> 00:34:26.970 David Lewis: This is an idiom based on the part it's a participle of mellow so something so mellow i'm about to do something, but Tom Ellen functions idiomatically as kind of the future right Tom Ellen is what is about to happen, the future so notice those two vocabulary words in particular. 181 00:34:28.860 --> 00:34:37.710 David Lewis: So Luke 13 a the directors course where the owner is speaking to the vine dresser ends and we're seven now we have a transition hot day. 182 00:34:38.100 --> 00:34:47.100 David Lewis: Remember, how does it change of subject hot death and so now it's not the owner of the vineyard but now the vine dresser the other character changes subject, but he. 183 00:34:47.610 --> 00:35:03.150 David Lewis: Answering says to him and notice the historic present leg day and so now the subject of leg a would be ha, and this is, we know from context, this is the gardener the vine dresser but so and but. 184 00:35:04.200 --> 00:35:11.220 David Lewis: But he answering says to him, and now we get so This introduces direct discourse in the parable which is found. 185 00:35:11.640 --> 00:35:22.020 David Lewis: In eight be through nine so the rest of the parable is now going to be the vine dresser responding to the owner so hi dad change of subject and then leg a as an historic present. 186 00:35:22.800 --> 00:35:36.600 David Lewis: And so, but here's the rest of the parable Korea, a notice that is the evocative case so not so you take curiosity you add an epsilon on the end of a singular that's evocative so Lord. 187 00:35:37.200 --> 00:35:54.120 David Lewis: Lord that I face obtain permit it guy does not mean and here it's not the beginning of the clause so permitted even this year right, and so this is his request face out attain Chi to to. 188 00:35:55.140 --> 00:36:04.560 David Lewis: A task permitted and permit it out attain is referring to the fig tree permitted also this year and then we have a house clause. 189 00:36:05.460 --> 00:36:15.900 David Lewis: House would is has the idea of until this isn't until applause until I to until which, and this is likely referring. 190 00:36:16.710 --> 00:36:25.860 David Lewis: So hot hot too hot to is a relative or some people call it a Co relative pronoun it's referring back to a toss. 191 00:36:26.400 --> 00:36:47.160 David Lewis: Until which is referring to the year, and this is now what he's he's he's going to do some things notice the future tense of these verbs Scott, so I will dig carry out hanging around it around the fig tree Chi bolo and I will throw. 192 00:36:48.570 --> 00:36:57.180 David Lewis: And the idea here and I will throw them a newer the ideas maneuver probably on Yet although that's not stated so. 193 00:36:58.440 --> 00:37:13.020 David Lewis: So, Lord permitted even this year until until which you know, the end of that next year, I will dig around it and I will throw manure likely on it notice. 194 00:37:14.310 --> 00:37:31.410 David Lewis: This verb I know this is a future because there's a segment of stem see conceals a Sigma and then bolo, this is a liquid stem verb you know the the dictionary form is bolo with too long does and what happens when a liquid goes future. 195 00:37:32.700 --> 00:37:37.440 David Lewis: is actually there was a Sigma there originally, but it is contracted. 196 00:37:38.550 --> 00:37:38.970 David Lewis: and 197 00:37:40.380 --> 00:37:41.730 David Lewis: And so we in. 198 00:37:42.870 --> 00:37:50.820 David Lewis: For liquid stem verbs that there are a double Lambda in the present tense that Lambda falls out and all the other tenses and so that. 199 00:37:51.360 --> 00:38:04.500 David Lewis: I know this is not present, because there's not too long beds, and so this is the future and I will throw them a newer on it, I know verse nine this first line that I have in black type. 200 00:38:06.330 --> 00:38:14.850 David Lewis: This is kind of a difficult line to translate and so, if you did the assignment and tried to read through you might have found this to be a bit. 201 00:38:15.900 --> 00:38:29.970 David Lewis: odd that so first we have caught on which is Chi plus on and we expect a subjunctive mood verb to follow, which does happen, wait a SEC is our subjunctive mood verb as an era subjunctive active. 202 00:38:31.050 --> 00:38:31.680 David Lewis: Third. 203 00:38:34.740 --> 00:38:44.190 David Lewis: Third singular its subject would be the fig tree notice also there's a men deck construction, here we have man and this line and then yeah. 204 00:38:44.730 --> 00:38:53.790 David Lewis: In the following line, and so you might nobody ever translates this on the one hand, and on the other hand, for this is what's happening in this so. 205 00:38:54.450 --> 00:39:05.550 David Lewis: And so the the sense of Chi on eisa on plus the subjunctive here is sort of its is looking to the future. 206 00:39:06.060 --> 00:39:19.890 David Lewis: And we don't have it's not a on it's not we don't see a if, as if this is if there's a condition here, but it seems to be setting up a condition for the future and literally this is translated. 207 00:39:20.940 --> 00:39:31.740 David Lewis: kind of, on the one hand sort of if it makes fruit a stop Babylon into the future, and then it sort of left hanging right. 208 00:39:32.190 --> 00:39:42.240 David Lewis: In other words, something is going to happen, but it's just kind of left open it, and so, if ever it makes fruit in the future that died. 209 00:39:42.690 --> 00:39:56.760 David Lewis: At the but then you follow that with a dead may yeah but if not, if it, but if not, indeed, that is, indeed, not and then a cove say so attain the future of the cocoa. 210 00:39:57.390 --> 00:40:05.910 David Lewis: You will cut it down okay it, but if not, you will cut it down so kind of literally kind of looking to the future, on the one hand. 211 00:40:06.840 --> 00:40:16.320 David Lewis: If it makes fruit in the future dot dot dot something that's sort of left unsaid, but on the other hand, if indeed not cut it down. 212 00:40:17.310 --> 00:40:34.980 David Lewis: And that's that then brings us to the end of this parable notice that Jesus does not explain this parable as he does the parable of the sower noah's nor is there any punch line at the end any note of explanation so it's left for us as interpreters to decide what this means. 213 00:40:36.300 --> 00:40:45.150 David Lewis: But first let's just I decided let's look at what some English translations do with nine eight So what do they do with that whole if it makes fruit and. 214 00:40:45.690 --> 00:40:55.170 David Lewis: In what's about to happen in the coming days in the future, I will hear some translations of 39 a ESB then if it should bear fruit, next year, well and good. 215 00:40:55.590 --> 00:41:02.100 David Lewis: notice, there is no well and good in the Greek, but the ESB translators are assuming that's the idea. 216 00:41:02.790 --> 00:41:10.680 David Lewis: The King James and if it bear fruit, well and again notice well is not there in the text King James puts us in italics to indicate. 217 00:41:11.280 --> 00:41:22.110 David Lewis: You know the word well isn't there and any team, then, if it bears fruit next year very well the new the new rsv if it bears fruit next year. 218 00:41:23.070 --> 00:41:30.960 David Lewis: All right, if it bears fruit next year well and good, and Ivy if it bears fruit next year fine and so notice that. 219 00:41:31.650 --> 00:41:49.890 David Lewis: Various English translations when dealing with verse nine have decided to complete the idea for the English readers but now looking at the Greek is really verse nine actually sort of ends with what we might say, is an ellipses right if it makes fruit into the future that dad. 220 00:41:51.060 --> 00:41:58.380 David Lewis: yeah you know it doesn't really say you know the vine dresser doesn't really say what's going to happen, obviously you're not going to cut it down right. 221 00:41:59.280 --> 00:42:08.280 David Lewis: But and notice that demand, so if, on the one hand, it makes fruit in the future that but, on the other hand, if, if indeed not cut it down. 222 00:42:09.060 --> 00:42:18.420 David Lewis: And so the so the reason for this, though, why is the vine dresser doing this, he doesn't want to cut the fig tree down now he wants to work on it, some more dig around it. 223 00:42:19.410 --> 00:42:33.630 David Lewis: fertilize it and give it another year and then, if it bears fruit that died, but, if indeed not then judgment will common this fig tree will be cut down and so. 224 00:42:34.620 --> 00:42:42.600 David Lewis: let's a brief overview of the parable note that Jesus neither decodes this parable nor does he conclude with some word of explanation, a Punch line. 225 00:42:43.110 --> 00:42:52.710 David Lewis: It is love that's left for the interpreter to figure out what the parable means, and then the contacts repent or perish it seems clear this parable is about. 226 00:42:53.730 --> 00:43:06.450 David Lewis: Israel is called repent with the coming of john the Baptist and now Jesus, and if they don't repent they're going to perish However, the right for judgment now but judgment as being delayed. 227 00:43:06.900 --> 00:43:17.160 David Lewis: So what is the real story well just what I said a nation of Israel is worthy of god's wrath and judgment yet is being shown mercy has been given more time to repent and bear fruit. 228 00:43:17.700 --> 00:43:32.370 David Lewis: However, judgment will calm and they do not repent and so they're worthy of judgment, the judgment has been delayed, to give them more time to repent and bear fruit, and so in this parable if you want to decode it, I would say the one clear. 229 00:43:33.810 --> 00:43:45.300 David Lewis: image feature in the parable that decodes is the fig tree represents Israel and you might say, what does it represent all people know, in the context of the narrative Jesus is going to Israel. 230 00:43:46.830 --> 00:43:49.620 David Lewis: Now, this is about Israel, the fig tree represents Israel. 231 00:43:51.060 --> 00:43:59.790 David Lewis: So the vine dressers request for more time and as promised to dig and put the newer represents god's patience and extra effort on behalf of this real at this time. 232 00:44:00.270 --> 00:44:12.420 David Lewis: The words, on the one hand, you might say, God is ready to cut Israel down in judgment, but he is the lane in his mercy he's laying that judgment and giving them more time. 233 00:44:13.110 --> 00:44:20.280 David Lewis: And then, this is a kingdom parable about a pie, the parable that is it's a parable about how the rate of God came in Jesus Christ. 234 00:44:20.640 --> 00:44:34.260 David Lewis: So this parable you don't don't make your here's the main subject as if they're the vine dresser or the owner or the fig tree, the main character here, ultimately, should be Jesus, and God, the father not. 235 00:44:35.310 --> 00:44:40.380 David Lewis: Not you're not your people piety parables they're the main character, but kingdom parable. 236 00:44:41.130 --> 00:44:45.930 David Lewis: This is about what God is doing, and this is specifically what God is doing for Israel, so questions. 237 00:44:46.320 --> 00:45:03.630 David Lewis: Do the owner of the vineyard and the vine dresser represent figures outside of the parable some people some interpreters say know that they're just characters there to illustrate the mercy been given to this fig tree and then is there some significance to the three years of our seven. 238 00:45:04.950 --> 00:45:14.580 David Lewis: It has been argued by other interpreters, that the owner represents God, the father, the vine dresser represents Jesus and the three years, represent the time of Jesus Ministry. 239 00:45:15.510 --> 00:45:27.240 David Lewis: So this is assuming Jesus ministry lasted about three years but notice there's a fourth year also there's more time given you have three years he's been coming looking for fruit and hasn't found any. 240 00:45:27.660 --> 00:45:35.160 David Lewis: And then another year it's extended another year, I am not opposed to seeing the owner is God, the father and the vine dresser is Jesus. 241 00:45:36.390 --> 00:45:39.210 David Lewis: If this is the kingdom parable you'd expect the main character. 242 00:45:40.560 --> 00:45:55.290 David Lewis: to represent Jesus, and then we see Jesus sort of acting as a mediator God, the father is ready to judge this real but then his son Jesus is calling for more time more work he's calling for mercy. 243 00:45:56.640 --> 00:45:56.910 David Lewis: But. 244 00:45:57.930 --> 00:46:07.770 David Lewis: When it comes to the three years I i'm sort of I don't really have my mind made up i'm not convinced that that speaking necessarily about the time of Jesus Ministry. 245 00:46:08.160 --> 00:46:14.940 David Lewis: Because there's nothing to luke's Gospel they indicate that Jesus ministry lasted three years, this would be sort of extra biblical knowledge. 246 00:46:15.360 --> 00:46:24.180 David Lewis: which could nevertheless be true, maybe luke's audience knew that it was ministry lasted about three years, but really how long does God give Israel to repent. 247 00:46:24.630 --> 00:46:42.840 David Lewis: Well, I would say the Ministry of Jesus then his apostles continued in Israel until 70 ad you might some people might cut it off at 68 deep early 60s when James of Jerusalem was martyred where there's a Christian presence in Jerusalem and Judea. 248 00:46:44.340 --> 00:46:52.080 David Lewis: Until 70 ad and then judgment came upon them, so, in fact, they didn't have just another year to repent. 249 00:46:52.560 --> 00:47:03.060 David Lewis: They actually had another 40 years or so, and which God gave them a chance to repent when the Ministry of Jesus and then his apostles continued among them. 250 00:47:04.050 --> 00:47:07.890 David Lewis: So, how would you apply this parable of the whole project up to your ears today. 251 00:47:08.490 --> 00:47:14.520 David Lewis: One could argue that, because this parable is about Israel during the time of Jesus, and then the apostles Ministry. 252 00:47:14.970 --> 00:47:22.830 David Lewis: It does not apply to here is today, especially Christian so, in other words you shouldn't say to your people, your the fig tree you're not bearing fruit and god's gonna cut you down. 253 00:47:24.240 --> 00:47:28.260 David Lewis: This is about Israel Israel Israel in the time of Jesus was the fig tree. 254 00:47:29.460 --> 00:47:36.000 David Lewis: We should know that God was merciful and gave his people Israel time to repent but then eventually judgment came right so notice. 255 00:47:36.840 --> 00:47:50.790 David Lewis: We see this parable play out in history God did give Israel more time, but eventually judgment came and 7080 yet at the same time, God works in similar ways today, and there is application here. 256 00:47:51.840 --> 00:47:59.730 David Lewis: He is merciful the judgment will eventually come when there is no repentance so the same God, who is at work among the people of Israel. 257 00:48:00.150 --> 00:48:15.120 David Lewis: In the first century and 30 and the you know let's say in the late 20s and early 30s all the way to 70 ad through john the Baptist Jesus and the apostles he gave them his word he gave them time to repent. 258 00:48:15.660 --> 00:48:20.460 David Lewis: But for those who did not repent judgment came the same God works, the same way today. 259 00:48:22.470 --> 00:48:30.690 David Lewis: He is patient and merciful he desires our repentance and the repentance of others, those outside the Church, but eventually judgment will come. 260 00:48:31.410 --> 00:48:47.730 David Lewis: The difference here is we can't really say when and how those judgment is going to play out because we don't have any word from Jesus on it, the way we do about Israel in the first century, and so you can't take this parable and say the United States is the fig tree. 261 00:48:49.230 --> 00:48:52.170 David Lewis: I would, I would not make that move, but you can say. 262 00:48:53.880 --> 00:48:54.990 David Lewis: The same God. 263 00:48:56.160 --> 00:49:04.560 David Lewis: Who who's the God of this parable is merciful to centers but eventually their time runs out and judgment will come. 264 00:49:05.070 --> 00:49:13.260 David Lewis: And then you might say, then this fits back with the whole break up, therefore, if therefore now is the time to repent repent right now. 265 00:49:13.950 --> 00:49:25.470 David Lewis: Or you will perish, and this is the message the church ought to reclaim to the world today repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, or you will perish Thank you and blessings on your Ministry.