WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.120 --> 00:00:18.420 Kevin Golden: Hello i'm Dr Kevin gold and associate professor of exegetical theology at Concordia seminary in St Louis blessed to be joining with you, as we are studying god's word together in Hebrew in order to ask the lord's blessing upon our study let's do it together in perfect. 2 00:00:19.830 --> 00:00:30.150 Kevin Golden: Order Lord God bless your word wherever it is proclaimed make it a word of power and piece to convert those not yet your own to confirm those who have who have come to see. 3 00:00:31.290 --> 00:00:44.640 Kevin Golden: me your word passed from the ear to the heart from the heart to the lip and from the lip to the life that, as you have promised your word may achieve the purpose for which you said through Jesus Christ my Lord amen. 4 00:00:50.130 --> 00:00:57.570 Kevin Golden: today's text is going to be deuteronomy chapter 34 we are going to be looking at the entirety of that chapter of deuteronomy. 5 00:00:57.840 --> 00:01:06.300 Kevin Golden: Although we won't look at the Hebrew specifically for every portion of it we're going to focus our Hebrew studying really on the latter versus beginning at verse nine. 6 00:01:06.600 --> 00:01:20.640 Kevin Golden: we're going to take some time actually working through the first eight verses but before we do that let's remind ourselves of really what our goal is, as we are going about this, our primary goal is for growth in our proficiency in biblical Hebrew. 7 00:01:21.300 --> 00:01:26.430 Kevin Golden: But also, as we are growing in our understanding and our use biblical Hebrew. 8 00:01:26.820 --> 00:01:37.950 Kevin Golden: along the way, of course, we will delight in the gift that has been given to us by yahweh in his word, how can we not, as we are hearing that word and plumbing its depth a little bit more through the Hebrew. 9 00:01:38.220 --> 00:01:46.980 Kevin Golden: Of course we're going to delight in the good gift that he has given us, and maybe just maybe it will help you in a little bit of sermon preparation, maybe in Bible study preparation. 10 00:01:47.340 --> 00:01:52.860 Kevin Golden: Now, specifically something to keep in mind regarding this text is that it does, if you want to put it in its. 11 00:01:53.130 --> 00:02:08.850 Kevin Golden: liturgical context, this will be the Old Testament reading for the Transfiguration of our lord and it makes a bit of sense of the kind of primary connection there between that and Transfiguration, of course, with the account of Jesus being. 12 00:02:09.630 --> 00:02:17.610 Kevin Golden: On the Mount of Transfiguration he's flanked by Moses and Elijah and through the three or lectionary at that will be tagged to you with a different. 13 00:02:17.850 --> 00:02:32.880 Kevin Golden: Old Testament reading each time and this time it's here deuteronomy 34, which is the death of Moses so here again as Moses is up on neato so now he appears again, not a mountain EVO but a Mount of Transfiguration alongside of Christ. 14 00:02:33.300 --> 00:02:48.840 Kevin Golden: was also give some consideration to the context that this takes place within the Book of deuteronomy and also in the Torah, this is the close of the book of deuteronomy the very end of it and therefore also, it is the last. 15 00:02:49.500 --> 00:02:58.080 Kevin Golden: Item within the Torah itself, the five books of Moses, therefore, it really kind of brings to a culmination everything that's been happening there, but. 16 00:02:58.350 --> 00:03:04.620 Kevin Golden: To put it in its proper literary context that's not the end of things because right after this comes the Book of joshua. 17 00:03:04.830 --> 00:03:18.240 Kevin Golden: And, of course, not only just in the theme and the historical movement do things keep going forward but also even joshua begins with a wow and kind of tag teaming pulling us back here to the Book of deuteronomy. 18 00:03:18.750 --> 00:03:27.930 Kevin Golden: But it is a significant transition, because here we have the death of Moses, so no longer is it Moses, who are leading god's people but it's going to be joshua. 19 00:03:28.800 --> 00:03:36.600 Kevin Golden: And you'll see that kind of transitional nature of this chapter even reflected in the text when we start looking at. 20 00:03:37.200 --> 00:03:46.740 Kevin Golden: One other thing to keep in mind there's always this question of did Moses write this himself better all it records is deaf and being buried up on mountain EVO. 21 00:03:47.520 --> 00:03:53.880 Kevin Golden: The text itself doesn't demand, one way or the other but I think there's a couple of faithful ways that you can understand this, that. 22 00:03:54.300 --> 00:04:03.990 Kevin Golden: Also, is in keeping with the text itself, one would be this is that since y'all we had made known to Moses in advance that he wasn't going to enter into the promised land. 23 00:04:04.620 --> 00:04:12.480 Kevin Golden: Earlier in deuteronomy I told him hey go up a mountain he bow and there you're going to die, and such Moses could have written this all down. 24 00:04:13.170 --> 00:04:24.390 Kevin Golden: In sure confidence that you're always going to bring this about the other way that could be is that this was an appendage if you will put on to the end of what Moses it set down. 25 00:04:24.930 --> 00:04:28.830 Kevin Golden: By joshua or some other scribe because we could even understand. 26 00:04:29.250 --> 00:04:39.150 Kevin Golden: The book of deuteronomy itself well it's the word of Moses that he is delivering that there was a scribe who was writing this down on his behalf and that scribe could have added on this account about. 27 00:04:39.660 --> 00:04:46.350 Kevin Golden: The end of the earthly life of Moses either one I think it'd be a faithful way to to handle this text. 28 00:04:47.490 --> 00:04:55.560 Kevin Golden: One more thing to take note of here is before we look at the text itself is a reminder, about how do we read a biblical narrative. 29 00:04:56.160 --> 00:05:06.120 Kevin Golden: Now, one thing is to keep in mind that we are not to algorithms that narrative right so don't allegory is, but instead ask yourself questions such as. 30 00:05:06.510 --> 00:05:16.410 Kevin Golden: What is revealed in this text about who God is now, this is especially significant for you, if you're going to be preaching on the text or if you're going to be teaching the text. 31 00:05:16.770 --> 00:05:30.780 Kevin Golden: Ask yourself what is this text to tell me about who your way is and then on the basis of who we always what he has promised what he does, you can then ask well how do I fit into that reality so. 32 00:05:31.170 --> 00:05:39.330 Kevin Golden: don't put yourself if you will into moses's case and into Moses shoes and say well as Moses was buried by the way, so i'm going to be buried. 33 00:05:39.510 --> 00:05:50.070 Kevin Golden: buried by yahweh or something along those lines, but rather how do I fit into the reality of who we are way is based upon what is revealed of him in this text. 34 00:05:50.640 --> 00:05:51.930 Kevin Golden: it's also keep in mind some. 35 00:05:52.410 --> 00:06:05.490 Kevin Golden: Things that we should expect, since this is a narrative that we have our standard Hebrew sentence structure out we don't want to overstate this because Hebrew will deviate from this quite a bit, but previous texts that I have been working through with you. 36 00:06:06.240 --> 00:06:13.380 Kevin Golden: have been prophetic texts were kind of the structure is far more wild and varied. 37 00:06:13.890 --> 00:06:25.920 Kevin Golden: But within narrative we expect regularly define this verb subject object ordering vs Oh, as we often will say so let's look for that. 38 00:06:26.310 --> 00:06:34.950 Kevin Golden: Although it's not wood and that it has to be that way it can also when the text deviates from that verb subject object order and it can give some. 39 00:06:35.370 --> 00:06:45.390 Kevin Golden: Heightened attention to us about what has been highlighted in the text and then also let's remember about Hebrew narrative sequence Now you can expect. 40 00:06:45.720 --> 00:06:56.850 Kevin Golden: To find a bit of that going on here, so that when the Hebrew narrative sequence is broken again, it should jump to our attention so standard Hebrew narrative sequence if i'm doing a pastime narrative. 41 00:06:57.240 --> 00:07:05.340 Kevin Golden: i'll begin typically with a perfect verb and then it continues going with imperfect wow consecutive. 42 00:07:06.630 --> 00:07:16.440 Kevin Golden: You can also do future narrative sequence and just kind of the flip side that it would begin with an imperfect and then continues with the wow wow consecutive. 43 00:07:17.550 --> 00:07:28.170 Kevin Golden: Now this you would expect, with deuteronomy 34 to be a pastime narrative sequence, so we should be expecting to see quite a bit in the way of wow consecutive imperfect. 44 00:07:30.030 --> 00:07:33.570 Kevin Golden: What else we give attention to this text. 45 00:07:34.290 --> 00:07:46.590 Kevin Golden: Well let's take a moment and just take a look at the first three verses again I highlighted we're going to be really focused the Hebrew of verses nine and following so let's work through those first eight verses and just see what has. 46 00:07:46.890 --> 00:07:51.630 Kevin Golden: has in store for us, and here you have my own translation of those first three bursts. 47 00:07:52.770 --> 00:08:03.510 Kevin Golden: And Moses went up from the plains of MOAB to mountain EVO to the top of pisco which is before Jericho and you always showed him all the way around gilly add on to Dan. 48 00:08:03.780 --> 00:08:15.900 Kevin Golden: All not to eat in the land of every i'm and men NASA and all the land of onto the Western see the negative the district of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees unto so far. 49 00:08:16.320 --> 00:08:23.880 Kevin Golden: Well, you have a helpful map here that kind of helped showing what it is that is actually being shown. 50 00:08:24.300 --> 00:08:32.100 Kevin Golden: To Moses by our way and again remember always up here a mountain EVO even, as the text tells us this is where he's going to die and be buried. 51 00:08:32.910 --> 00:08:44.970 Kevin Golden: And mount meebo we don't know exactly where it is but it's somewhere in this general realm that it's here on you'll even see here's a possibility, where it's marked with an axe about. 52 00:08:45.390 --> 00:08:48.840 Kevin Golden: A good possibility or mountain he bow is, if you will it's in. 53 00:08:49.260 --> 00:09:00.270 Kevin Golden: What is often referred to as the Trans Jordan it's on the eastern side of the Jordan River so before they cross over the Jordan there's the Jordan flowing south. 54 00:09:00.600 --> 00:09:10.680 Kevin Golden: down into the Dead Sea before they cross over here is Moses and notice the direction that you always shows him all the land from gilly add. 55 00:09:11.040 --> 00:09:19.170 Kevin Golden: up here to the north of where he's at now he's up on a mountain so he can look off into the horizon, he looks at he always shows them off to get the Ad. 56 00:09:19.440 --> 00:09:24.720 Kevin Golden: And then, all the way up to Dan Dan will become of significance throughout the rest of the Old Testament. 57 00:09:24.960 --> 00:09:35.160 Kevin Golden: That often if you want to talk about the whole land it's talking about from Dan to bear Sheba Dan, which is the northernmost point, all the way down to bare shoe but in the southernmost. 58 00:09:35.790 --> 00:09:43.860 Kevin Golden: So he shows them from gilly add to Dan all of knoxville he just south of Dan there you see it right there. 59 00:09:44.910 --> 00:09:51.600 Kevin Golden: And all the land of effort now every am will a while it's down here to the south, every item. 60 00:09:52.050 --> 00:10:00.120 Kevin Golden: will become shorthand in later times for kind of the whole of the northern kingdom of Israel but we're well before that time. 61 00:10:00.480 --> 00:10:09.570 Kevin Golden: And the NASA notice here and we have these kind of tribal locations now, not every tribe has been mentioned, but you'll notice a circuit is taking place. 62 00:10:09.780 --> 00:10:24.480 Kevin Golden: He shows them all the land of judah and under the Western see that's a way to refer to the Mediterranean Sea, or what is sometimes called the great sea so looking off on the horizon, and then we go all the way to the negative, which is the. 63 00:10:25.230 --> 00:10:30.180 Kevin Golden: End of the desert region to the very South all the way back up to. 64 00:10:30.840 --> 00:10:42.450 Kevin Golden: The valley of Jericho and there's Jericho itself the valley region around at the city of palm trees unto so are and again, some of these. 65 00:10:42.750 --> 00:10:56.610 Kevin Golden: you'll notice here Czar there's a question mark there we can't say exactly where it is but notice the whole point is he's giving him kind of a circular view of all the land, because although he's not going to be allowed to enter the promised land. 66 00:10:57.030 --> 00:11:00.540 Kevin Golden: yahweh gives them opportunity to see that very land. 67 00:11:02.040 --> 00:11:12.000 Kevin Golden: let's take a look at verses four through eight as well, I always said to him, this is the land, which I swore to Abraham Isaac and to Jacob saying to your seed, I will. 68 00:11:12.780 --> 00:11:21.480 Kevin Golden: i've shown you to your eyes, but to there, you will not crossover notice a little bit of a wouldn't translation that i'm giving you. 69 00:11:21.810 --> 00:11:33.840 Kevin Golden: And Moses, the servant of the away dying there in the land of MOAB according to the mouth of the outweigh any buried him in the valley in the land of MOAB before beth or and no one is known his grave on to this day. 70 00:11:34.560 --> 00:11:41.640 Kevin Golden: And Moses was 120 years old, when he died is I had not grown him in his freshness had not fled. 71 00:11:42.030 --> 00:11:50.580 Kevin Golden: The sons of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of MOAB for 30 days and the days of ritual we've been for Moses came to an end. 72 00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:56.160 Kevin Golden: And there's quite a bit of a cultural stuff there that would be interesting to Plumb, a little bit more, such as. 73 00:11:57.120 --> 00:12:09.090 Kevin Golden: The process of having 30 days of ritual weeping and such that would be interesting to take a closer look at, but instead of that what I thought would be more beneficial is first to keep in mind some of the. 74 00:12:09.420 --> 00:12:20.130 Kevin Golden: Standard items regarding ancient near Eastern covenants and that's especially important in here, because you see a lot of those themes and these very vs but also in the greater. 75 00:12:20.970 --> 00:12:37.440 Kevin Golden: context of what is going on that's of significance if you go back a handful of chapters to deuteronomy chapter 29 you had the Covenant being renewed by our your way renewing that covenant with his people before they head into the promised land. 76 00:12:38.040 --> 00:12:42.630 Kevin Golden: Similarly earlier here in this very text we find out that. 77 00:12:43.020 --> 00:12:55.440 Kevin Golden: We are told that this is the land that I swore here's the always speaking, that I swore to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob saying to your seed, I will give it notice I swore it, this is a covenant language. 78 00:12:55.620 --> 00:13:05.940 Kevin Golden: harking back to his covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob so i'm keeping my covenant with them and so also hey i'm going to follow covenant with you also. 79 00:13:06.420 --> 00:13:12.240 Kevin Golden: Furthermore, in the very next verse verse five here we have the record of the death of Moses. 80 00:13:12.600 --> 00:13:20.670 Kevin Golden: And with covenants you might hear think about things such as Hebrews chapter nine and kind of sees on that matter of it's only the death. 81 00:13:20.970 --> 00:13:30.450 Kevin Golden: That allows a covenant to go into effect, especially a will now that's not precisely what's going on here, but again, a lot of the telltale signs of ancient near of. 82 00:13:30.960 --> 00:13:34.830 Kevin Golden: Ancient near Eastern covenants are found in this text and so. 83 00:13:35.490 --> 00:13:46.800 Kevin Golden: You can really read the text this way that this is about Yahoo, a key been his covenant, he has kept it to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and so now he's reestablishing that covenant with Israel. 84 00:13:47.100 --> 00:13:53.280 Kevin Golden: Now this is helpful when you think about again taking this text and, as you teach it and, as you preach it. 85 00:13:53.640 --> 00:13:58.320 Kevin Golden: That what does this tell you about who yahweh is he's the god who keeps covenant. 86 00:13:58.650 --> 00:14:08.220 Kevin Golden: And how do I fit into that reality Well he keeps covenant with his people still today as well, he keeps coming up with the church that he continues to provide his church. 87 00:14:08.490 --> 00:14:23.190 Kevin Golden: With what he has promised now here would be the key if you're going to preach or teach on this is well what has he promised what is that and making sure that you are made biblically grounded that here are the promises that he actually sets forth to his church. 88 00:14:29.250 --> 00:14:40.470 Kevin Golden: Now that we made our way through those first eight verses of deuteronomy chapter 34 let's pick up with the Hebrew and look at that specifically in verses nine and follow me now often when I. 89 00:14:42.090 --> 00:14:49.770 Kevin Golden: take these times to set up these videos I will put together the Hebrew text in a PowerPoint slide so that we can. 90 00:14:50.160 --> 00:14:56.760 Kevin Golden: Take notes specifically a lot of the dynamics of Hebrew poetry, but again we're not dealing with poetry here we're dealing with prose. 91 00:14:56.970 --> 00:15:09.840 Kevin Golden: So I thought, instead, this time we'll make use of log us so that those who are so blessed with that resource can see some of the benefits that it has for them so here we are with deuteronomy chapter 34. 92 00:15:10.920 --> 00:15:40.110 Kevin Golden: beginning at verse nine let's read verse nine and then we'll start pulling it apart the whole shoe have been noon ballet ruak ma ke some Och Moshe at you now allow you to a loud, been a use for l by jasu share sit by your way at Moshe. 93 00:15:41.220 --> 00:15:46.830 Kevin Golden: Now we're going to divide this kind of in half, according to the author knock you'll recall and i'm. 94 00:15:47.460 --> 00:16:00.330 Kevin Golden: circling around it right here, this is this mazur etic accent, that is the standard way to take a Hebrew verse and divided into two parts, so let's take the first part and then we'll handle the second part. 95 00:16:00.660 --> 00:16:12.180 Kevin Golden: And the first part starts with the whole chew up there's your wow which and then you get the name yehoshua or joshua. 96 00:16:12.720 --> 00:16:31.200 Kevin Golden: So notice we're beginning that kind of transition Moses had died and now what happens, you could talk about joshua who's going to take over so and joshua and now we get some descriptions about who he is been nude the son of nun. 97 00:16:32.700 --> 00:16:44.790 Kevin Golden: There you have a construct been from our word vain and here because it's in construct it becomes been instead of being you have some reduction of the battle and there's his father's name moon. 98 00:16:45.330 --> 00:16:55.020 Kevin Golden: model, a ruak hoc la la have very similar to that verb molly the state of verb this actually is. 99 00:16:56.370 --> 00:17:09.150 Kevin Golden: This is actually our adjective so it's an adjective masculine singular because it's describing joshua and it because it's a an adjective we always need to ask that question well what position is the adjective in. 100 00:17:09.540 --> 00:17:22.410 Kevin Golden: it's Obviously it is not a substantive, because if it's going to be a substantive we typically are going to have not only is that the least common option that is utilized but also you would expect to have the definite article. 101 00:17:23.610 --> 00:17:30.900 Kevin Golden: So that leaves us either attributed or predicate position now if it's predicate position typically it's going to. 102 00:17:31.920 --> 00:17:32.910 Kevin Golden: Our excuse me if it's. 103 00:17:34.320 --> 00:17:37.260 Kevin Golden: If it's attributed so that it's being used as a. 104 00:17:38.490 --> 00:17:52.050 Kevin Golden: As a standard adjective you would expect, it has to agree with the noun it's modifying in determination so joshua, by definition, because it's a name is. 105 00:17:52.440 --> 00:18:01.830 Kevin Golden: definite so therefore my lay would need the definite article on it, so it doesn't Therefore, it means it is predicate position so. 106 00:18:02.430 --> 00:18:17.760 Kevin Golden: We will, as a predicate position adjective translated as a herbalist sentence and because we're in a pastime narrative sequence we're going to go with a past time verb was so and joshua the son of nun was full model, a. 107 00:18:18.120 --> 00:18:35.010 Kevin Golden: full of ruak hoc mom ruak meaning spirit or wind your spirit makes a whole lot more sense, and this is a by context, we can say it's in the construct state, it is a spirit of cock mom of wisdom. 108 00:18:35.370 --> 00:18:43.530 Kevin Golden: notice, this is not the adjective wise, but the noun wisdom spirit of wisdom. 109 00:18:44.430 --> 00:18:52.710 Kevin Golden: Now you can understand that kind of lesson adjunct title genitive so a wise spirit, but it really works quite well in English and kind of. 110 00:18:53.370 --> 00:19:17.370 Kevin Golden: honors the Hebrew structure here to the Hebrew grammar to just go with a spirit of wisdom so and joshua the son of noon was full of a spirit of wisdom and why is that we are told, he so key you'll remember key clauses will introduce either a. 111 00:19:19.710 --> 00:19:28.770 Kevin Golden: Either can give us indirect discourse another way that can be used is causal and here definitely is the causal use, so why is it that he is full of a. 112 00:19:29.220 --> 00:19:41.250 Kevin Golden: spirit of wisdom well key because some odd Moshe notice, here we are getting our standard word order within this key clause that we are going to go with verb. 113 00:19:41.580 --> 00:19:50.040 Kevin Golden: Subject Moshe and then we're going to get our object, even with the direct object marker F so some odd means to lay. 114 00:19:50.970 --> 00:20:06.930 Kevin Golden: It is not as common as some other verbs that have very similar meanings such as seen, but some mock simply means it's a call third singular masculine perfect meaning to lay because Moses laid. 115 00:20:07.350 --> 00:20:15.990 Kevin Golden: F yet out this is from our word yard meeting hand and you'll notice it has the pro nominal suffix out upon it. 116 00:20:17.310 --> 00:20:28.080 Kevin Golden: And that is the pro nominal suffix the third singular masculine is and it's a specifically a pendant when it's in the owl form it's a pen into a. 117 00:20:28.440 --> 00:20:43.350 Kevin Golden: plural noun so this isn't just his hand but his hands and here likely we would say that this was the dual yada eme his hands, because after all Moses only has two hands so. 118 00:20:44.430 --> 00:21:00.900 Kevin Golden: We have joshua the son of moon is full of the spirit of wisdom because Moses laid his hands allow now, I have the preposition with that same pro nominal suffix out now. 119 00:21:01.440 --> 00:21:15.360 Kevin Golden: it's a reminder that sometimes our prepositions simply take the suffixes phenomenal suffixes that go on to plural nouns and that's the case here so upon him. 120 00:21:15.960 --> 00:21:30.810 Kevin Golden: Moses laid his hands on him named Leon joshua now there's the end of that off knock now let's get the rest of the verse but you move and they show them on. 121 00:21:31.950 --> 00:21:33.930 Kevin Golden: They heard. 122 00:21:35.040 --> 00:21:43.620 Kevin Golden: A loud to him now notice what happens here we have we are kind of returning to our past time narrative sequence. 123 00:21:43.860 --> 00:21:58.890 Kevin Golden: We started this whole verse kind of with a break from the past time narrative sequence because we didn't start with a wow consecutive imperfect we started with a wow on the name joshua and then a predicate position. 124 00:22:00.270 --> 00:22:06.060 Kevin Golden: adjective well now we're back to the past time narrative suit sequence and. 125 00:22:06.570 --> 00:22:17.490 Kevin Golden: They listened now, who is it that is doing the listening you'll notice that it is a wow consecutive imperfect there's my code performative sure suffix. 126 00:22:17.730 --> 00:22:21.300 Kevin Golden: And furthermore it's in the call and they listened. 127 00:22:21.600 --> 00:22:35.310 Kevin Golden: A LAU to him there's another preposition with the pro nominal suffix and again it's the kind of promotional stuff it's you'd expect on a plural noun but just some prepositions just happened to take those phenomenal suffixes. 128 00:22:35.610 --> 00:22:44.880 Kevin Golden: Now we get our actual subject b'nai Israel there's your little construct chain exceedingly familiar regularly used in the Old Testament. 129 00:22:45.090 --> 00:22:53.910 Kevin Golden: The sons of Israel, you can call them the Israelites but really the sons of Israel is very beneficial for a host of reasons, not only because it in this. 130 00:22:54.360 --> 00:23:02.640 Kevin Golden: Setting really harkens back to who are the sons of Israel will those who have come from Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the very people to whom. 131 00:23:03.000 --> 00:23:10.320 Kevin Golden: We had promised your sons are going to inherit the promises, so this is kind of keeping with that good covenant to life. 132 00:23:10.890 --> 00:23:21.330 Kevin Golden: So the sons of Israel, listen to him and are now listening to joshua as they are supposed to buy ya. 133 00:23:21.960 --> 00:23:34.080 Kevin Golden: Su another wow consecutive imperfect, as also as a call once again yoda performative shirks of X, and this is our verbal route saw. 134 00:23:34.950 --> 00:23:48.750 Kevin Golden: me need to make or to do, and it is a third hey and so that he has dropped out that's why you don't see it here at something commonly happens with 38 rooms and you could translate it and they did. 135 00:23:49.800 --> 00:24:03.120 Kevin Golden: Call share here's my relative pronoun share with a preposition on it, calm and here i'm going to translate that preposition as according to so and they did according to what. 136 00:24:04.050 --> 00:24:14.280 Kevin Golden: you're always said ma here's another verb and this verb is simply a straightforward call perfect third singular masculine. 137 00:24:15.060 --> 00:24:38.940 Kevin Golden: According to what your way commanded at Moshe and there's my direct object, once again, even within this phrase, we are following our standard word order verb sivivatu you're halfway subject F Moshe object, they did according to what your way commanded Moses. 138 00:24:40.170 --> 00:24:46.050 Kevin Golden: One comment about civil before we talk a little bit more about what's going on here, and that is civil law. 139 00:24:46.620 --> 00:24:53.700 Kevin Golden: is a key Al verb now, I see that because I have that dog ish in the new route letter I also have. 140 00:24:54.330 --> 00:25:02.580 Kevin Golden: The hearing here under my first route letter standard for a PL and I don't get the Sarah because this is a 30 day. 141 00:25:02.910 --> 00:25:11.610 Kevin Golden: Now that dog is in the middle route letter here can maybe trip us up, at times, because often when we see a wow within a dog that we are thinking oh that's got to be the. 142 00:25:12.060 --> 00:25:25.800 Kevin Golden: Sure, it is my monetary letter, but here I know that it can't be because, after all, my preceding route letter is pointed with a short Val, namely the here, and that means I need this continent here. 143 00:25:26.640 --> 00:25:36.660 Kevin Golden: I need this consonant to close that initial syllable So this is the dog that is duplicating the letter it's not a shirt right, so my wow here is actually. 144 00:25:37.560 --> 00:25:50.100 Kevin Golden: The consonant wow Sim va your way commanded Moses now one question we'd be asking is well, what is it that they're doing that they commanded Moses. 145 00:25:50.430 --> 00:25:56.580 Kevin Golden: Well, the way they answer that of course is look at the actual narrative and what it has to say. 146 00:25:57.570 --> 00:26:13.620 Kevin Golden: find your answer in the narrative now again right after this we are just vs away from the Book of joshua and joshua Chapter one it's going to be all about the beginning of the entrance into the promised so one possibility be well they did. 147 00:26:14.040 --> 00:26:22.650 Kevin Golden: Everything that y'all way commanded Moses, namely they're going to enter into the promised land, as he said, they are to do that would make sense from the narrative flow. 148 00:26:22.920 --> 00:26:28.290 Kevin Golden: But what about what happened prior to this, well, here we are in deuteronomy chapter 34. 149 00:26:28.590 --> 00:26:42.930 Kevin Golden: Chapter 33 is Moses, giving a party blessing unto Israel so that doesn't really specifically give us what what is yahweh command them to do so, go one chapter right before that that'd be deuteronomy chapter 32. 150 00:26:43.260 --> 00:26:58.920 Kevin Golden: And in verses 45 to 51 is the conclusion of moses's teaching and also the Lord commanding Moses, to go up to mount NICO and there is going to die so it's really the setting of Moses i'm sorry again y'all way making command. 151 00:26:59.220 --> 00:27:07.110 Kevin Golden: So is this where we find the command given to them well here's what you find in Chapter 32 verse 46 and 47. 152 00:27:07.590 --> 00:27:19.710 Kevin Golden: yahweh sent to them where Moses said to them, on behalf of the outweigh set your heart and all the words, which I am repeating to you today notice repeating and repeating new what has already been given. 153 00:27:21.090 --> 00:27:26.040 Kevin Golden: and which you must command to your children that they may be careful to do all the words of this law. 154 00:27:26.520 --> 00:27:36.960 Kevin Golden: For it is not merely a vain word for you, but it is our life by this word usual prolong your days upon the land, which you are about to cross the Jordan in order to possess. 155 00:27:37.290 --> 00:27:49.200 Kevin Golden: So, on the basis of that context as well, I would say there's kind of a two fold thing going on here as far as what is this that they did, according to all that y'all we commanded Moses will one ready to. 156 00:27:49.500 --> 00:28:01.800 Kevin Golden: enter into the promised land, but to they're going to pass on this very word to the to the children and on through the generations, they are doing what yahweh has called for them. 157 00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:05.310 Kevin Golden: All right, let's continue on into verse. 158 00:28:07.320 --> 00:28:21.510 Kevin Golden: That low calm Navi old bet yes Raphael can Moshe all share, yet dot all your way my name l honey. 159 00:28:22.560 --> 00:28:36.750 Kevin Golden: Again let's follow through by kind of dividing the verse up into two halves using our off not notice that's right there, so our first half of this verse is that low calm Navi all that, yes, L can Moshe. 160 00:28:37.560 --> 00:28:44.280 Kevin Golden: And notice, here is my wow but notice it's not a wow consecutive improvement. 161 00:28:45.120 --> 00:28:54.900 Kevin Golden: So we've got a slight break here in the past time narrative sequence, because what I have is wow on my low which negates over. 162 00:28:55.560 --> 00:29:03.540 Kevin Golden: And then I get calm, which is sad, which is a perfect so calm, is my is from that. 163 00:29:04.230 --> 00:29:22.230 Kevin Golden: hollow word cool which were called hollow verbs in the perfect are actually hollow so that middle route letter that middle, which is a monetary letter a shirt has dropped out and we get calm so and has not a result. 164 00:29:23.280 --> 00:29:41.190 Kevin Golden: Well, what is not a reason now we get Navi there is profit, so we are told in verse 10 and a prophet has not a risen, oh no there's a temporal word sometimes they can be used to me means still or yet. 165 00:29:42.270 --> 00:30:06.150 Kevin Golden: Maybe in the flow here, it might be best to even put it as a little temporal phrase, so that a profit, has not risen yet or to this day, something along those lines, so there has not yet arisen, a profit bed yes rock Al in Israel there's our word Israel, the preposition them meaning. 166 00:30:07.200 --> 00:30:18.420 Kevin Golden: Can Moshe another preposition can meeting like or as Moshe so Moses, there has not risen a prophet. 167 00:30:19.590 --> 00:30:37.050 Kevin Golden: Yes, yet in Israel, like Moses Now this is interesting because the thrust of old in leaves open the possibility that there will be one who is yet to do that, and of course there's a significant crystal logical implications for this. 168 00:30:38.130 --> 00:30:46.890 Kevin Golden: And after all here in the book of deuteronomy we are even promised through Moses by our way that there's going to be another prophet who arises. 169 00:30:47.310 --> 00:31:02.670 Kevin Golden: one who is like Moses that's a huge theme and focus within the Book of deuteronomy it's all prophetic of Christ our savior and so here, even have a hint of that as well kind of hard me back to that promise and to say it one is going to come, like him. 170 00:31:03.270 --> 00:31:10.290 Kevin Golden: But this would also then as lead to the question, well, what does it mean to be a prophet cat Moshe. 171 00:31:10.740 --> 00:31:23.460 Kevin Golden: Like Moses, will we get a little bit about that, after in the second half of this verse all share, yet dot all your way pani pani. 172 00:31:24.030 --> 00:31:36.690 Kevin Golden: So, like Moses share who there's our relative pronoun and you were called with relative pronouns in Hebrews it doesn't decline at all, so we don't know exactly how its operating, you have to let the. 173 00:31:37.050 --> 00:31:45.780 Kevin Golden: overall context of the relative phrase kind of tell that to you, and sometimes we get what is called the presumptive pronoun. 174 00:31:46.710 --> 00:31:58.590 Kevin Golden: That tells us how that relative pronoun is where we're going to have that here in a moment, so like Moses, who yet.oh here's a perfect verb yada. 175 00:31:59.130 --> 00:32:24.840 Kevin Golden: you'll remember yeah don means no so who he knows it's a call perfect third singular masculine and notice, there is a pro nominal suffix on it, the third singular masculine he knows him, and then we get our subject your way so put it together this way, who your way knows him. 176 00:32:25.890 --> 00:32:36.480 Kevin Golden: That pro nominal suffix Oh, there is serving as my resulted pronoun to tell me how is all share working, it is the direct object of yet. 177 00:32:37.350 --> 00:32:51.840 Kevin Golden: In English there is relative pronoun is one of the few words that we still have that actually declined one of our few nouns, if you will, that will decline so in English proper English would be we've used the word whom w H o 178 00:32:52.920 --> 00:33:10.410 Kevin Golden: So there has not arisen, a profit, yet in Israel, like Moses, whom you're away new now you know dod has this often has a sense of intimate knowledge of somebody else, just like. 179 00:33:11.220 --> 00:33:25.800 Kevin Golden: A will be told that Adam knew Eve, and she conceived and bore a son, so that intimate knowledge of husband and wife, but it also when it comes to yahweh is that intimate knowledge that he has of somebody else but also, perhaps, in this instance. 180 00:33:26.190 --> 00:33:30.870 Kevin Golden: moses's intimate knowledge of yahweh that they truly know each other and then that's. 181 00:33:32.310 --> 00:33:46.560 Kevin Golden: is shown by the following phrase panini l honey face to face now, that is what really sets Moses apart y'all we knows him face to face. 182 00:33:46.950 --> 00:33:58.260 Kevin Golden: Now to kind of help understand the significance of that for is, if you are blessed to have log us, let me show you something that you can do right here i'm going to highlight this phrase panini l party. 183 00:33:59.130 --> 00:34:13.650 Kevin Golden: And I right click it and notice here i'm going to furthermore click on that selection honey l pawnee team, and I can go down here and let's take a look. 184 00:34:13.920 --> 00:34:28.920 Kevin Golden: At where that comes up and here, if you look at the search that i'm highlighting down here, this is doesn't just have to be the plural pani It can also be the singular on on any form of it and notice what pops up. 185 00:34:30.510 --> 00:34:39.360 Kevin Golden: Your way knowing somebody face to face this kind of phrase is only used in a few settings it's used here in genesis 32 verse 31. 186 00:34:39.720 --> 00:34:51.210 Kevin Golden: you'll remember 30 genesis 32 is where you have a Jacob wrestling with the Lord and, at the end of all that he says i'm going to name this place penny. 187 00:34:52.110 --> 00:35:02.490 Kevin Golden: that's Hebrew for face of God, why because I have seen God face to face alright, so it makes sense there so Jacob seen God face to face. 188 00:35:02.790 --> 00:35:17.700 Kevin Golden: You get exodus chapter 33 which is again speaking specifically about Moses so twice he's going to be said to somebody that God knows face to face and hear an exodus 33 it really sets him off as being unique. 189 00:35:18.780 --> 00:35:26.910 Kevin Golden: Because he always spoke to him face to face as a man speaks with his neighbor that's how intimate relationship was between them. 190 00:35:27.540 --> 00:35:43.320 Kevin Golden: Get deuteronomy 34 is we were just looking at you also go down to judges six verse 22 and there it's Gideon and it's not specifically Galloway whom he sees face to face, but rather it's them ma lock yahweh the angel of yahweh. 191 00:35:43.680 --> 00:35:58.830 Kevin Golden: Which is a term used throughout the Old Testament to specifically talk about will the messenger of yahweh, this is a technical term to talk about the second person of the Trinity when he appears as the very face of God, he is the. 192 00:35:59.670 --> 00:36:13.740 Kevin Golden: Is the image of the invisible God and so he appears as the mock yahweh the angel of yahweh a messenger of yahweh and, in fact, when Gideon he appears to him here in judges Chapter six DNS responses. 193 00:36:14.160 --> 00:36:24.300 Kevin Golden: Alas i'm done for i'm going to die, but then i'm all like he always says to him don't be afraid you shall not. 194 00:36:25.590 --> 00:36:38.910 Kevin Golden: it's a good instance where it's very clear that your way and the molecule we are one in the same in my lucky always specifically the second person the Trinity one more instances Z a Z to Chapter 20 verse 35. 195 00:36:40.050 --> 00:36:51.180 Kevin Golden: There, it has a very different connotation, and that is eagles speaking on behalf of yahweh yahweh says hey i'm gonna come see you face to face for the purpose of judgment all these others there's a. 196 00:36:51.630 --> 00:36:58.560 Kevin Golden: there's a context of Gospel that is going on alright let's get back to our texts we're going to be at verse 11. 197 00:37:00.030 --> 00:37:22.590 Kevin Golden: Let call pop awful ha mo pad been a share lock whoa you're halfway law so barrett's mitts Ryan lab pyro who let call about TAO who, like all art so. 198 00:37:23.400 --> 00:37:31.710 Kevin Golden: Again, we can divide the verse into two parts, using our off knock and really which verse 11 is is known as we don't pick up with. 199 00:37:32.220 --> 00:37:39.720 Kevin Golden: kind of a resumption, if you will, of past time narrative sequence by doing a while consecutive imperfect, but rather we have a wow. 200 00:37:40.230 --> 00:37:55.890 Kevin Golden: Just on our word call that means all, so this is a continuation really of the thought of verse 10 how is Moses, a unique profit, so that there hasn't yet then another like him. 201 00:37:56.910 --> 00:38:02.850 Kevin Golden: Well, not only did God know him yeah we know face to face but also Moses was unique in this regard. 202 00:38:03.120 --> 00:38:12.630 Kevin Golden: Now, keep this in mind, again, since you have this promise in deuteronomy that another prophet will come who's even greater than Moses fulfilled in Christ our savior. 203 00:38:12.870 --> 00:38:22.680 Kevin Golden: Well, not only does verse 10 tell you how was Christ unique Well he knows the father again face to face but he's going to be like Moses, in this regard as well. 204 00:38:23.070 --> 00:38:32.250 Kevin Golden: Moses was known for it let call according to now that's how i'm going to translate the llama here, or maybe in regard to. 205 00:38:32.700 --> 00:38:40.080 Kevin Golden: we're going to see a host of different ways to use our llama preposition in this very verse and also in the following verse that wraps up the text. 206 00:38:41.070 --> 00:38:51.510 Kevin Golden: But I would say in regards to all the also notice the oath on the end here there's my plural ending. 207 00:38:52.350 --> 00:39:04.260 Kevin Golden: So it's the oaths oath is a standard Hebrew word that means sign often covenants are sealed with an oath a sign of the Covenant now. 208 00:39:04.920 --> 00:39:09.870 Kevin Golden: That is very tempting to go with here because of we're in a covenant or context. 209 00:39:10.140 --> 00:39:19.680 Kevin Golden: But really when you put it in the specific context of this verse that doesn't make much sense, I would just simply go here with all the signs and the more. 210 00:39:20.040 --> 00:39:36.990 Kevin Golden: fee really is a synonym with oath in this instance, also means the signs or even that opens so in regard to all the signs and the tokens which there's a relative pronoun again share la whole. 211 00:39:38.280 --> 00:39:54.780 Kevin Golden: Your way which yahweh Sherlock there's my perfect third singular management which yahweh sent we owe him a lot also to do now let's talk about law so. 212 00:39:55.470 --> 00:40:07.320 Kevin Golden: la soul is from our verb a saw again and the hay has dropped out as a third day that happens and allotted preposition has been placed upon. 213 00:40:07.800 --> 00:40:17.880 Kevin Golden: Now, in general, if I see a llama preposition on a verb I can almost count on it is an infinitive construct. 214 00:40:18.480 --> 00:40:24.660 Kevin Golden: So he sent him to do and that's the nice thing about a llama on an infinitive construct. 215 00:40:25.110 --> 00:40:49.260 Kevin Golden: It actually functions like we expect an infinitive to do in English, that you get the two if you will form of the verb so all the signs and the tokens which you always sent him a Moses to do but emirates miss Ryan in the land of Egypt. 216 00:40:50.340 --> 00:40:59.310 Kevin Golden: very familiar phrase obvious, so this is harkening back Moses was unique because of the 10 plagues and all the other signs and tokens that he did. 217 00:41:00.180 --> 00:41:09.990 Kevin Golden: In Egypt, now, but also, then, is a point forward to price is going to be with the signs and the tokens that he gives as well here, you might think about. 218 00:41:10.380 --> 00:41:20.670 Kevin Golden: The great signs he does that's a big joy hand i'm being as well, but also throughout all four accounts of the Gospel that Christ is unique and what he is able to. 219 00:41:22.140 --> 00:41:43.830 Kevin Golden: So he did this in the land of Egypt lab par all to pharaoh who let call of a doubt, and to all his evidence in service now let's pull That apart, a little bit you'll recall our town every it's a segway down. 220 00:41:45.090 --> 00:41:48.600 Kevin Golden: But when second let's go into the world they become rather regular. 221 00:41:49.050 --> 00:42:06.870 Kevin Golden: So that that, then I end up with standard the plural would be on the team, but here i've got my crow nominal suffix our wanted that means is so his referring back to pharaoh and to all his servants so. 222 00:42:07.170 --> 00:42:23.160 Kevin Golden: To whom did Moses do all these signs and wonders, and such Well he did it to pharaoh and to his servants and let call art so and to his land. 223 00:42:23.580 --> 00:42:36.930 Kevin Golden: You might especially even understand that is not only did pharaoh bear the brunt of all these signs, not only did his servants bear that burden, but even the land, because so many of the wonders that y'all we brought about through Moses his hand. 224 00:42:37.320 --> 00:42:51.540 Kevin Golden: Had specific impact upon the land, there was blight there's the heel that beats things down there's the the turning of the Nile into blood that's part of the land, if you will, so that all of this is being meted out upon. 225 00:42:52.890 --> 00:43:00.090 Kevin Golden: Finally, we get to the concluding verse of deuteronomy chapter 34 and that's verse well. 226 00:43:01.140 --> 00:43:18.540 Kevin Golden: Who let cool JAI JAI eod hot cars Aha who let Cole haan motor haga door or share us Moshe let a name called Israel. 227 00:43:19.440 --> 00:43:26.910 Kevin Golden: And again verse 12 is really following through on the thought process of verse 10 and 11. 228 00:43:27.270 --> 00:43:40.050 Kevin Golden: We continue this focus upon who is Moses, and what makes them so unique and again this kind of sets the stage for what's going to make Christ so unique, as well as one even greater than those well. 229 00:43:40.350 --> 00:43:48.360 Kevin Golden: We continue with a series of llamas and notice there's are familiar call and to all haha. 230 00:43:49.350 --> 00:44:03.630 Kevin Golden: Alright, and according to and, what is this is a little bit different here here the the coal isn't about all the sermons and all the land that we had just heard, but I would link that back to verse 11. 231 00:44:03.960 --> 00:44:22.170 Kevin Golden: And it's all the oaths those signs and the tokens so it's continuing on with that so not only did he do the signs and the tokens that Moses is also unique and in regard to all the hand. 232 00:44:22.680 --> 00:44:41.310 Kevin Golden: Well, what does that mean and it's not only the hand it's the hot cars, I call them mighty hand so he's unique and, according to all or yeah all his mighty hand that y'all we brought this all out now that's a little bit of a a Hebrew. 233 00:44:42.630 --> 00:44:47.190 Kevin Golden: idiom that to do it by your hand is to do it according to your power. 234 00:44:47.760 --> 00:44:53.700 Kevin Golden: Of course Moses many times yeah way tells them specifically stretch out your hand and here's what's going to happen. 235 00:44:53.940 --> 00:45:01.380 Kevin Golden: But that's all to show that it is by the authority that I have given to you ultimately it's yahweh who gives Moses that authority. 236 00:45:01.680 --> 00:45:15.780 Kevin Golden: So he's unique in that he does all this according to his cars car yacht is mighty hand now notice to get back to the grammar let's take a look at the forms here hi eod the hand. 237 00:45:17.100 --> 00:45:28.680 Kevin Golden: Perhaps that's definite because it's being very specific, not necessarily even to Moses and but the hand that yahweh has given him, but it is the definite article haha yeah. 238 00:45:29.430 --> 00:45:46.890 Kevin Golden: And then you get hot Casa calm now cause icon means strong or mighty and notice that adjective agrees with a noun it's modifying in determination, so this is an example of an attributed position adjective. 239 00:45:47.490 --> 00:46:14.490 Kevin Golden: The mighty or strong hand, so he Moses is unique by the strong hand that he has furthermore This therefore also will remind us of Christ, who, nobody is able to duplicate what he does, because he's unique because he is God and who, like whole mo raw God door. 240 00:46:15.510 --> 00:46:27.180 Kevin Golden: And in regard to all the mall raw now, this is a noun based upon our verb era, which means to fear so. 241 00:46:27.510 --> 00:46:37.770 Kevin Golden: According to all the end it's not just any kind of, if you will, fear, but it's hot mo raw hargadon here's another example of noun. 242 00:46:38.160 --> 00:46:51.270 Kevin Golden: adjective a green and determination, both of them have the definite article so it's according to the grades fears, what do you do with that, so you might put it as the great. 243 00:46:51.780 --> 00:47:08.640 Kevin Golden: Acts of fear the great mighty fearful actions that he did the things that strike fear and therefore even better understand, this is the fear that we're called to have and yahweh the reverent fear, so all the Reverend fearful. 244 00:47:10.620 --> 00:47:22.260 Kevin Golden: or share or saw so which saw Moshe which Moses did there's our verb saw which is. 245 00:47:22.890 --> 00:47:32.010 Kevin Golden: jumping up a couple times in here it's in its most straightforward form this is simply the call perfect third singular masculine so all these great. 246 00:47:32.880 --> 00:47:56.580 Kevin Golden: fearful actions which Moses did let a nay call us right l to the eyes here's our word for Ai and notice it's in the plural construct that scenarios is the plural construct ending so to all the eyes plural of construct. 247 00:47:57.750 --> 00:48:05.550 Kevin Golden: To the eyes of Paul yisrael all of Israel so notice the shift that now happens that we've had. 248 00:48:06.510 --> 00:48:17.040 Kevin Golden: Everything that he did to pharaoh to his servants and to his land, but now it's what yahweh has done through Moses. 249 00:48:17.310 --> 00:48:27.390 Kevin Golden: To the eyes of all Israel there's a little bit of a shift there one it's to their eyes that they might see who your way is is he has revealed himself to them. 250 00:48:27.810 --> 00:48:42.780 Kevin Golden: But also, he did it to pharaoh because he's specifically in judgment against pharaoh and that he would such as people free, but now he's done it to the eyes of all of Israel, because they're going to enter into the promised. 251 00:48:43.440 --> 00:48:50.220 Kevin Golden: It gives us a good connection again once again to specifically how Jesus is the greater. 252 00:48:51.570 --> 00:48:59.190 Kevin Golden: Is the greater Moses, who again does things to our eyes that we might see and know who he. 253 00:49:02.490 --> 00:49:12.030 Kevin Golden: So there you have deuteronomy chapter 34 there's plenty of packed into there, and so, if you have an opportunity to preach on this I pray that this has been beneficial for you. 254 00:49:12.360 --> 00:49:22.710 Kevin Golden: also look forward to hearing back from you, with any insights and questions you have regarding this text as we continue to grow in our knowledge and appreciation the good gift that God has given us. 255 00:49:23.730 --> 00:49:26.190 Kevin Golden: until next time Shalom.