1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,433 In the name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 2 00:00:06,833 --> 00:00:13,866 Judge between me and my vineyard, what more could I have done for my vineyard 3 00:00:13,866 --> 00:00:21,400 that I have not already done? When I looked for it to produce grapes, why did 4 00:00:21,400 --> 00:00:32,333 it produce wild grapes? Or as Dr. Bartelt translates it, stench. Why did it produce 5 00:00:32,333 --> 00:00:41,966 stench? Why? What and why? These are the questions that the Lord God has for his 6 00:00:41,966 --> 00:00:48,666 people. As Isaiah stands there in Jerusalem prophesying to this people of 7 00:00:48,666 --> 00:00:54,833 woe, they were supposed to be the people of promise. But as you've read and if 8 00:00:54,833 --> 00:01:00,400 you've read Isaiah you've seen it, there are some woes. Later in chapter 5 there 9 00:01:00,400 --> 00:01:04,700 are six woes that Isaiah gives to this people and I want to share with you 10 00:01:04,700 --> 00:01:12,766 two of my favorites. These are my two favorite woes. Woe number one, woe to 11 00:01:12,766 --> 00:01:18,900 those who are heroes at drinking wine, and valiant men in mixing strong drink, 12 00:01:19,133 --> 00:01:26,766 who quit the guilty for a bribe and deprive the innocent of his right. And my 13 00:01:26,766 --> 00:01:35,166 favorite woe, woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for 14 00:01:35,166 --> 00:01:42,066 light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. 15 00:01:44,933 --> 00:01:53,600 This is a people of woe. What's going on Judah? Why is it that this vineyard only 16 00:01:53,600 --> 00:02:00,633 produces stench? Is this what Judah truly has become? And that's why God is asking 17 00:02:00,633 --> 00:02:08,466 them, what more could I have done for you that I haven't already done? Think about 18 00:02:08,466 --> 00:02:16,466 everything God has done for this woeful people. How he delivered them from the 19 00:02:16,466 --> 00:02:22,133 shackles of Pharaoh, how their feet passed through the sea on dry ground. 20 00:02:23,533 --> 00:02:29,766 They filled their bellies with manna, with bread that fell from heaven. The Lord 21 00:02:29,766 --> 00:02:36,133 quenched their thirst from a thrice-struck rock. They're following a 22 00:02:36,133 --> 00:02:43,966 pillar of cloud and fire, and God disciplines them with sword and serpent, 23 00:02:44,533 --> 00:02:51,766 but he always forgives and restores them with blood and with that bronze death 24 00:02:51,766 --> 00:03:02,900 lifted high. But still, this people always seems to chase after woe. They pass into 25 00:03:02,900 --> 00:03:08,166 the land that Abraham was promised and watch as the Lord delivers all their 26 00:03:08,166 --> 00:03:14,766 enemies unto death before them, gives them the land. And this people of promise 27 00:03:14,766 --> 00:03:20,366 keeps chasing after woe. So God has to send judges, judges that lead his people 28 00:03:20,366 --> 00:03:27,566 back to the promises for a while. Eventually they need another judge and 29 00:03:28,100 --> 00:03:33,633 another. At some point this woeful people ask God, why don't you just give us a 30 00:03:33,633 --> 00:03:39,466 king? That would be better. So God gives them King Saul and Saul turns aside 31 00:03:39,466 --> 00:03:50,433 and he, to his own woe, so the Lord anoints another, a king of promise, a 32 00:03:50,433 --> 00:03:56,766 young man through whom every promise of God will be fulfilled. And this promised 33 00:03:56,766 --> 00:04:03,733 king, this anointed man David, David who loves God with all his heart, David who 34 00:04:03,733 --> 00:04:12,766 God calls his righteous son, even David turns aside to his own woe. And wearing 35 00:04:12,766 --> 00:04:19,733 sackcloth covered in ashes, his knees on the ground, David begs God for the life 36 00:04:19,733 --> 00:04:30,100 of his son. Doesn't he know? Doesn't he know it's the other way around? That's 37 00:04:30,100 --> 00:04:38,366 the promise. But so through David, through Solomon, the Lord God built 38 00:04:38,366 --> 00:04:44,933 Israel into a great nation, a nation of riches and power beyond compare. This is 39 00:04:45,533 --> 00:04:50,433 the vineyard planted on a very fertile hill, planted with every hedge and 40 00:04:50,433 --> 00:04:56,033 protection God could muster. The Lord God himself attends this vineyard, pruning 41 00:04:56,033 --> 00:05:01,866 where he must prune, watering where he must water, making sure that this vineyard 42 00:05:01,866 --> 00:05:12,033 has everything it needs. For generations and generations the Lord God cultivated 43 00:05:12,033 --> 00:05:17,800 this people of promise. He cultivated this vineyard for his greatest purpose, 44 00:05:17,800 --> 00:05:31,866 to save the world, to bring salvation to all of creation. So why does this vineyard 45 00:05:31,866 --> 00:05:41,066 just yield stench? As Isaiah asked the people in Jerusalem, this people that 46 00:05:41,066 --> 00:05:47,600 deserve nothing but woe, what more could God have done for you? And these are good 47 00:05:47,600 --> 00:05:53,033 questions. When the Lord has given his faithful people all they need to be 48 00:05:53,033 --> 00:05:58,333 faithful, they should be faithful. They should produce the fruit of that 49 00:05:58,333 --> 00:06:05,366 faithfulness. So why doesn't it seem to work that way? You see it too. We see it 50 00:06:05,366 --> 00:06:11,700 all the time. In fact, you and I see it in church of all places. In the church we 51 00:06:11,700 --> 00:06:17,433 see people hold the promises of our God in their very hands. They eat and drink 52 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:30,600 the promise. And then the next day, well you can start to smell the stench. And as 53 00:06:30,600 --> 00:06:38,966 their pastor, deaconess, professor, or even just their friend in Christ, you do 54 00:06:38,966 --> 00:06:45,366 everything you can to help them. You want to help them. And so you dig up the 55 00:06:45,366 --> 00:06:50,966 stones and till the soil. You build the watchtower of accountability. You hew 56 00:06:50,966 --> 00:06:57,833 out the wine vat to receive all the good fruits of their faith. And what are you 57 00:06:57,833 --> 00:07:02,633 left with after all that hard work and heavy labor? What are you left with after 58 00:07:02,633 --> 00:07:14,033 you've given them everything you could? Stench. That's all you get. Stinky fruit 59 00:07:14,033 --> 00:07:19,500 and stinkier messes. So you fold your arms, you roll your eyes, and you say 60 00:07:19,500 --> 00:07:27,733 right along with Isaiah, I mean what more could I have done here? It's a good 61 00:07:27,733 --> 00:07:33,500 question. It's the kind of question that keeps you up at night when late at night 62 00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:40,466 you wonder, are these rotten apples ever gonna get their act together? When are 63 00:07:40,566 --> 00:07:53,166 the people of promise gonna start acting like it? And if you're brave 64 00:07:53,166 --> 00:08:10,533 enough, maybe honest enough to ask, you find yourself asking, am I rotten? Do I 65 00:08:10,533 --> 00:08:15,066 stink? You know that's the funny thing about smell, about our sense of 66 00:08:15,066 --> 00:08:28,066 smell. You really get used to your own stentions. In our text what starts as a 67 00:08:28,066 --> 00:08:34,766 love song ends in destruction. The vineyard will be destroyed and even the 68 00:08:34,766 --> 00:08:39,733 clouds will be commanded to stop raining on the vineyard, on this house of Judah, 69 00:08:39,733 --> 00:08:44,266 on the people of Israel, the people of promise. Now this land promised to 70 00:08:44,266 --> 00:08:51,033 Abraham is going to be a wasteland. The woe is for more than its people. The 71 00:08:51,033 --> 00:08:56,600 creation itself suffers because of the evil of these creatures. For when the 72 00:08:56,600 --> 00:09:05,066 Lord looked for justice, behold, he found bloodshed. The stench of the vineyard 73 00:09:05,066 --> 00:09:11,866 comes from its corpses and this is a woeful people. This is a vineyard that 74 00:09:11,866 --> 00:09:24,100 really stinks. What more could God have done? Now I'm gonna say something rather 75 00:09:24,100 --> 00:09:29,600 uncomfortable here. Imagine with me if you and I were in Jerusalem that day 76 00:09:29,600 --> 00:09:34,066 when Isaiah gets up to sing this love song. You and I are there in Jerusalem 77 00:09:34,066 --> 00:09:43,500 hearing this question and you and I have an answer to this rhetorical question. We 78 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:50,233 have something to say. What more could you have done God? You could die for me. 79 00:09:53,633 --> 00:09:58,966 You could take on yourself every woe that I deserve for the evil that I've 80 00:09:59,166 --> 00:10:05,666 done. You can take the curse that was meant for me upon your own body and die. 81 00:10:09,033 --> 00:10:15,766 Like Abel's innocent blood spattered the soil, you could shed your blood for me. 82 00:10:17,400 --> 00:10:23,900 What more could you have done God? You could offer up your only Son as a ransom 83 00:10:23,900 --> 00:10:36,000 for many. Give your boy as a sacrifice for my sins. God why don't you suffer and die so that I can live? 84 00:10:42,400 --> 00:10:47,800 Can you imagine actually saying that in Jerusalem that day to Isaiah? Saying that to your God? 85 00:10:47,800 --> 00:10:53,666 It sounds sacrilegious. It's way too bold. I'm uncomfortable saying it now 86 00:10:56,300 --> 00:10:59,600 and it's the right answer to God's question 87 00:11:01,300 --> 00:11:10,366 because Jesus could do more. Jesus Christ would do more. Jesus Christ needed to do more for you. 88 00:11:12,366 --> 00:11:22,666 The Lord Jesus Christ needed to die for your sins and mine. He had to die on that cross for stinky 89 00:11:22,666 --> 00:11:30,100 rotten apples like you and me and now in dying as blood poured forth from His side 90 00:11:31,500 --> 00:11:40,066 something happened. Something changed and the vineyard was never the same. 91 00:11:40,566 --> 00:11:47,400 The Lord's vineyard could never be the same and the change it needed was greater than anything 92 00:11:47,400 --> 00:11:53,033 the people of Israel could have ever imagined because our God has done more than plant us in 93 00:11:53,033 --> 00:12:03,366 his vineyard. He has planted his Son alongside us and now this vineyard grows forth from Christ's 94 00:12:03,366 --> 00:12:10,400 cruciform trellis. Now from Jesus Christ life flows into this vineyard into the branches 95 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:17,700 branches like you and me and from the death of this one comes life for us all 96 00:12:19,100 --> 00:12:26,866 and now through you dear branches Jesus Christ produces the fruit he's always been looking for 97 00:12:29,266 --> 00:12:32,100 without Him apart from the vine 98 00:12:33,366 --> 00:12:43,100 you and I can do nothing but because Jesus Christ abides in you you produce that fruit. 99 00:12:43,666 --> 00:12:50,900 Because Jesus abides in you and me the vineyard of our Lord is becoming what it was always supposed 100 00:12:50,900 --> 00:13:01,433 to be the people of promise you have finally received that promise and you abide in your Lord 101 00:13:01,433 --> 00:13:08,800 already now and forever just as the Lord Jesus abides in you. 102 00:13:10,233 --> 00:13:18,466 Dear brothers and sisters you abide in Christ you belong to Christ the one who died for you. 103 00:13:23,366 --> 00:13:30,200 Now let me end this morning with a bit of history about the chapel of Saints Timothy and Titus. 104 00:13:30,200 --> 00:13:37,766 And i should apologize in advance this could be an apocryphal story but but at least it's how I heard 105 00:13:37,766 --> 00:13:48,766 it. When this chapel was built it looked different and it wasn't just the windows the pews were very 106 00:13:48,766 --> 00:13:56,500 different too. If you look up at the ceiling at those wood slats up there that's what our pews 107 00:13:56,500 --> 00:14:03,700 looked like that that was generally the color of these pews but but something happened. You see 108 00:14:03,700 --> 00:14:13,266 when they finished construction on the building there was a problem the roof leaked. And so water 109 00:14:13,266 --> 00:14:21,766 would drip and drop onto the ground and onto some of the pews and as tends to happen the the pews 110 00:14:21,766 --> 00:14:30,566 began to change they grew stained discolored some even say it developed a bit of a stench. 111 00:14:31,966 --> 00:14:37,766 And so while they fixed the roof but you know at this time Concordia Seminary did not have a budget 112 00:14:37,766 --> 00:14:44,033 for uh extra pews there wasn't a lot of extra pew money lying around. So what do you do? Well they 113 00:14:44,033 --> 00:14:52,266 sanded it down and they painted these pews this this veridian green at least i think that's what 114 00:14:52,266 --> 00:15:00,566 the shade of green is. It's not the same green as our banner or other greens I'm really glad by the 115 00:15:00,566 --> 00:15:05,700 way they didn't go with gold or yellow can you imagine walking into chapel with gold or yellow 116 00:15:05,700 --> 00:15:20,133 pews? But so i don't know why they chose this shade of green but today i know why the pews 117 00:15:20,133 --> 00:15:32,200 that you sit in are green. Look around do you see how the green matches the flowing greens of the 118 00:15:32,200 --> 00:15:40,566 windows. It's almost like they were always supposed to be this color. You see how these discolored and 119 00:15:40,566 --> 00:15:48,500 stained pews have been painted the vineyards green. How not only the stains but the stenches have been 120 00:15:48,500 --> 00:15:57,500 covered up and now these pews live at the center of this story they fit right in to the story our 121 00:15:57,500 --> 00:15:58,466 windows tell us. 122 00:16:01,500 --> 00:16:02,866 So it is with you. 123 00:16:04,900 --> 00:16:15,866 You those spoiled rotten stained maybe a little stench you have been covered you have been brought 124 00:16:15,866 --> 00:16:26,600 to the vineyard and grafted to the vine and from that vine you receive life. Now you have been 125 00:16:26,600 --> 00:16:30,666 placed in the middle of a story greater than you could have imagined 126 00:16:32,966 --> 00:16:40,666 and through you the vine will bear fruit in the vineyard. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 127 00:16:41,400 --> 00:16:48,766 I'm so excited i can't wait to see what kind of fruit Jesus is going to produce through you. 128 00:16:49,900 --> 00:16:56,200 In the name of that risen lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Christ is risen. 129 00:16:56,200 --> 00:16:58,450 He is risen indeed! Alleluia! 130 00:16:59,033 --> 00:16:59,700 Amen.