1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,500 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our 2 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:09,366 Father and our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. 3 00:00:09,366 --> 00:00:11,766 Amen. 4 00:00:11,766 --> 00:00:18,800 I remember on this day almost seven years ago when I was first stepping foot on Concordia 5 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:20,633 Seminary's campus. 6 00:00:20,633 --> 00:00:27,500 I was here as a junior for the spring contemplate session as I was preparing and praying for 7 00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:29,466 pastoral ministry. 8 00:00:29,466 --> 00:00:34,666 As I remember I sat in these pews for the first time as part of the program and I thought 9 00:00:34,666 --> 00:00:41,600 to myself that Concordia Seminary seemed like a place of spiritual haven. 10 00:00:41,600 --> 00:00:46,033 A place where students could come seeking to do pastoral and diaconal ministry and be 11 00:00:46,033 --> 00:00:51,333 protected from the outside world as they grow into the pastors and deaconesses that God 12 00:00:51,333 --> 00:00:54,633 had called them to be. 13 00:00:54,633 --> 00:00:58,433 And it's very true that I have grown in so many ways while I've been here on Concordia 14 00:00:58,433 --> 00:01:03,166 Seminary's campus through the classes and discussions with classmates and professors 15 00:01:03,166 --> 00:01:08,900 and through things like chapel services I've grown in my own spiritual life. 16 00:01:08,900 --> 00:01:14,733 But I'd say that after four years perhaps the image of a spiritual haven isn't exactly 17 00:01:14,733 --> 00:01:16,933 the right image. 18 00:01:16,933 --> 00:01:23,733 The image I'd use more now is more of a spiritual pressure cooker where they take students from 19 00:01:23,733 --> 00:01:29,066 all over the world seeking to do ministry and they kind of throw them into a pot and 20 00:01:29,066 --> 00:01:34,100 in the midst of the pressure and the stress our weaknesses are exposed we're humbled and 21 00:01:34,100 --> 00:01:39,133 we grow in the midst of all of it. 22 00:01:39,133 --> 00:01:42,533 Because in some ways the seminary is actually designed like this. 23 00:01:42,533 --> 00:01:45,833 I mean you think about the amount of classwork that we have. 24 00:01:45,833 --> 00:01:50,833 Classwork that's designed to help rival the amount of work in the pastoral ministry and 25 00:01:50,833 --> 00:01:54,566 in the midst of the stress we have to learn how to balance our lives make sure that we 26 00:01:54,566 --> 00:02:00,066 perform all our vocations while also getting our work done how to cope with the stress 27 00:02:00,066 --> 00:02:03,500 in good ways and it puts a lot of pressure on us. 28 00:02:03,500 --> 00:02:10,066 But it's not just the amount of work it's also the content of the classes. 29 00:02:10,066 --> 00:02:14,833 Oftentimes in class I'm being challenged with some of the most core and doctrinal truths 30 00:02:14,833 --> 00:02:17,700 that we have deep in our hearts. 31 00:02:17,700 --> 00:02:22,933 Some of the things that actually convinced me to go into pastoral ministry and it's helping 32 00:02:22,933 --> 00:02:28,666 me to see some ways in which the world in our culture has actually sort of integrated 33 00:02:28,666 --> 00:02:31,033 into that and trying pulling away from it. 34 00:02:31,033 --> 00:02:38,433 And it's hard to actually figure out and process these deep truths and the way that the seminary 35 00:02:38,433 --> 00:02:42,233 is shaping us at that time. 36 00:02:42,233 --> 00:02:46,300 On top of that I mentioned that we still have vocations the world still goes on and we're 37 00:02:46,300 --> 00:02:50,933 trying to balance all this workload all of this processing with at the same time trying 38 00:02:50,933 --> 00:02:56,833 to be a good son or daughter trying to be a good brother or sister trying to be a good 39 00:02:56,833 --> 00:03:01,433 friend and perhaps even a good husband or wife father or mother. 40 00:03:01,433 --> 00:03:06,466 And if you're like me I feel like I don't ever do either of them well. 41 00:03:06,466 --> 00:03:11,966 I feel like I sort of am not able to fully live up to the expectations that I have for 42 00:03:11,966 --> 00:03:13,466 myself in either one. 43 00:03:13,466 --> 00:03:14,466 That I'm too weak. 44 00:03:14,466 --> 00:03:15,900 I'm not strong enough. 45 00:03:15,900 --> 00:03:20,333 I'm not disciplined enough to be able to live up to the vocations that God has given to 46 00:03:20,333 --> 00:03:22,633 me. 47 00:03:22,633 --> 00:03:28,300 And finally on a more personal level there's a transition that happens during the seminary 48 00:03:28,300 --> 00:03:32,500 from the person that's able to sit in the pews and receive from the pastor on Sundays 49 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:36,766 to you being the one who's actually doing the work. 50 00:03:36,766 --> 00:03:41,066 You're putting in the work on Sunday and you're trying to figure out how to take all these 51 00:03:41,066 --> 00:03:46,033 doctrines the Greek and the Hebrew and integrate it into your own personal devotion life to 52 00:03:46,033 --> 00:03:50,566 the point where God feels distant sometimes because of how much I'm faltering how weak 53 00:03:50,566 --> 00:03:54,400 I am and able and being able to maintain that. 54 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:59,333 I've talked and I've said myself that there are times here on seminary campus where I 55 00:03:59,333 --> 00:04:04,966 felt closer my devotional life has seemed better before seminary than while I was in 56 00:04:04,966 --> 00:04:08,666 the midst of it. 57 00:04:08,666 --> 00:04:13,033 It all ties into the fact that while Christ is present here on this campus and he is certainly 58 00:04:13,033 --> 00:04:18,933 is and praise God for that but Satan is also present roaming around like a lion trying 59 00:04:18,933 --> 00:04:24,200 to to roaring and trying to seize upon the fear and the guilt the weaknesses and the 60 00:04:24,200 --> 00:04:28,400 struggles and the stress and trying to get us to fail and to quit because if you can 61 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:32,866 get one person to quit that's one more flock that doesn't have a pastor that doesn't have 62 00:04:32,866 --> 00:04:36,066 a shepherd. 63 00:04:36,066 --> 00:04:43,400 And so many times after that first day seven years ago I stepped foot into this chapel 64 00:04:43,400 --> 00:04:48,466 that was far less joyful of a person than I had hoped to be. 65 00:04:48,466 --> 00:04:53,166 There are many times that I brought in these fears and doubts that rather than like our 66 00:04:53,166 --> 00:04:57,366 text says approaching the throne of God with confidence there's many times that I instead 67 00:04:57,366 --> 00:05:03,166 approached with a lot of questions a lot of fears a lot of anxieties questions like God 68 00:05:03,166 --> 00:05:05,633 what do you see in me? 69 00:05:05,666 --> 00:05:10,500 You want me someone who's undisciplined like I am someone who's too weak you want me to 70 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:14,866 be able to go and pastor a flock why are you calling me certainly there must be someone 71 00:05:14,866 --> 00:05:19,866 else out there that's better suited to the task. 72 00:05:19,866 --> 00:05:23,333 There's many times that rather than with confidence I approached the throne a lot like Isaiah 73 00:05:23,333 --> 00:05:26,933 when he reached his call in Isaiah 6. 74 00:05:26,933 --> 00:05:31,433 Rather than approaching with confidence he proclaimed woe it to me I am a sinful man 75 00:05:31,433 --> 00:05:37,266 and a man of unclean lips amongst a people of unclean lips. 76 00:05:37,266 --> 00:05:43,866 I approached the throne and I'm saddened and ashamed because I can't serve the God that 77 00:05:43,866 --> 00:05:49,233 I love with all the expectations that I want to I can't serve him perfectly like I want 78 00:05:49,233 --> 00:05:51,566 to. 79 00:05:51,566 --> 00:05:57,366 And perhaps you're like me in the midst of the spiritual pressure cooker with your weaknesses 80 00:05:57,366 --> 00:06:02,866 being exposed being humbled before God to serve in pastoral ministry and maybe you're 81 00:06:02,866 --> 00:06:08,166 able to hide it with a smile or distract yourself from it or ignore it for a little bit but 82 00:06:08,166 --> 00:06:12,333 I think all of us in the midst of the stress and the pressure of the fear and the doubts 83 00:06:12,333 --> 00:06:19,100 that we have to deal with our own weaknesses. 84 00:06:19,100 --> 00:06:23,333 And so today maybe it's not a groundbreaking truth that's going to shock the professors 85 00:06:23,333 --> 00:06:30,200 here but maybe it's more of just rather than hiding our weaknesses or ignoring that fact 86 00:06:30,200 --> 00:06:35,433 looking at what Hebrews actually has and says about our weakness today. 87 00:06:35,433 --> 00:06:45,333 See weakness is not necessarily a sign of being disqualified of being incompetent rather 88 00:06:45,333 --> 00:06:52,933 perhaps weakness is an opportunity for us to rely upon our God and our great high priest 89 00:06:52,933 --> 00:06:59,800 that we have in Jesus Christ. And I know this intellectually but when I'm in the midst of 90 00:06:59,800 --> 00:07:04,466 the struggle against my own weakness when I'm struggling with my own inadequacies this 91 00:07:04,466 --> 00:07:09,400 is the truth the gospel truth that I need to hear the most and we need to hear as well. 92 00:07:09,400 --> 00:07:14,666 Because our great high priest in Jesus has everything that we need when we struggle with 93 00:07:14,666 --> 00:07:21,833 our weaknesses when we falter to temptation and sin in the midst of the stress and the 94 00:07:21,833 --> 00:07:26,200 pain and the struggle of our weakness our spotless lamb who has sacrificed himself for 95 00:07:26,200 --> 00:07:31,133 us and stands there and declares to you that your sins are forgiven you are a baptized 96 00:07:31,133 --> 00:07:38,466 believer of God that you are still his child that he loves. When we come to him wearied 97 00:07:38,466 --> 00:07:44,800 and exhausted by the struggle with our weakness by the stress and the classes he stands there 98 00:07:44,800 --> 00:07:50,600 as the one who wandered 40 days in the desert tempted and tried by Satan he stands as the 99 00:07:50,600 --> 00:07:55,266 one who suffered throughout his life and with loud cries and tears to the Father he clung 100 00:07:55,266 --> 00:07:59,566 to Him relied upon His Father the one that through His suffering He accomplished our 101 00:07:59,566 --> 00:08:07,533 salvation and He sympathizes with us He suffers with us and then He intercedes with the Father 102 00:08:07,533 --> 00:08:15,533 for the grace and mercy to keep on going one more day. And when we sit there and we wonder 103 00:08:15,533 --> 00:08:19,866 if God is even working in the midst of this weakness if He's even working in the midst 104 00:08:19,866 --> 00:08:25,233 of the stress and the pain if he's even doing anything. Jesus stands there as the one who 105 00:08:25,233 --> 00:08:30,133 through his suffering overcame death and the devil and proclaims to you that He is making 106 00:08:30,133 --> 00:08:36,433 you into that new creation even if it doesn't look like it God is working for you to make 107 00:08:36,433 --> 00:08:45,533 you into the pastors and the deaconesses that he wants you to be. Because when we go out 108 00:08:45,533 --> 00:08:50,800 from here our formation is not going to end we will still struggle with our own weaknesses 109 00:08:50,800 --> 00:08:56,166 we're still going to fight in our pastoral ministry and we need to remember of a great 110 00:08:56,166 --> 00:09:04,800 high priest but also our congregations need to see the great high priest perhaps through us as 111 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:11,833 kind of mini priests in service to the great high priests. Because our parishioners when they have 112 00:09:11,833 --> 00:09:16,466 fallen to temptation in their struggle against their own weakness they need to hear proclaim to 113 00:09:16,466 --> 00:09:23,266 them that same truth that we did that their sins are forgiven. Because when they are weary and tired 114 00:09:23,266 --> 00:09:27,600 from the stress and the suffering of the world they need a pastor who will come alongside them 115 00:09:27,600 --> 00:09:32,966 a deaconess who will come alongside them and suffer with them walk with them sympathize with 116 00:09:32,966 --> 00:09:38,333 their weaknesses and to intercede and encourage them to give them keep them going one more day. 117 00:09:39,266 --> 00:09:44,566 Because when they come and they ask if God's even working in this brokenness in this mess 118 00:09:44,566 --> 00:09:48,800 they need a pastor that can tell them that story of that spiritual pressure cooker of 119 00:09:48,800 --> 00:09:54,400 Concordia Seminary and say guess what he is working even though I didn't see it he was 120 00:09:54,400 --> 00:10:02,400 working to form me into the pastor that he was calling me to be. So perhaps then our weaknesses 121 00:10:02,400 --> 00:10:08,233 here were not in vain but rather they're how God forms us into these pastors and these deaconesses 122 00:10:09,033 --> 00:10:13,766 and the great high priest that he is calling us to be and he's going to use it to help encourage 123 00:10:13,766 --> 00:10:21,366 our future parishioners as well. So may Jesus Christ our great high priest may he keep us in 124 00:10:21,366 --> 00:10:28,466 the one true faith and may his power be made perfect in our weakness. Amen