1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,000 In the name of Jesus 2 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:03,100 Amen. 3 00:00:06,400 --> 00:00:10,600 It his excellent book the Reformation of suffering. 4 00:00:11,900 --> 00:00:17,200 Ron Rittgers traces the various ways Christians have dealt with the 5 00:00:17,200 --> 00:00:20,500 experience of suffering through the Middle Ages and into the early 6 00:00:20,500 --> 00:00:21,600 modern period. 7 00:00:22,500 --> 00:00:26,900 And with an eye to Luther and the reformers Rittger's documents the 8 00:00:26,900 --> 00:00:31,200 transformation that Luther's discovery of the Gospel had 9 00:00:32,000 --> 00:00:35,100 on how people interpreted and approached suffering. 10 00:00:36,500 --> 00:00:40,600 Much of this can be seen as a shift in pastoral care. 11 00:00:41,600 --> 00:00:46,500 We're suffering was no longer regarded as possibly something 12 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:48,600 meritorious for salvation. 13 00:00:49,900 --> 00:00:56,800 Nor was it redeemed as retributive as a kind of punishment from God or 14 00:00:56,800 --> 00:00:59,600 as an indicator of God's Wrath and rejection. 15 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:03,600 No said Luther and his colleagues. 16 00:01:04,800 --> 00:01:11,000 God is faithful to his promises to us. Promises that we have received 17 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:17,700 in baptism and repeatedly in his word and they are sure they are as 18 00:01:17,700 --> 00:01:20,100 certain as Jesus is raised from the dead. 19 00:01:22,400 --> 00:01:24,100 The reasons for suffering 20 00:01:25,600 --> 00:01:27,300 we're not to be speculated on. 21 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:32,700 But it was not to be regarded as an indicator of God's rejection. 22 00:01:32,700 --> 00:01:38,600 In fact suffering could even be considered mysteriously as an 23 00:01:38,600 --> 00:01:39,900 expression of God's love. 24 00:01:41,300 --> 00:01:43,200 A fatherly discipline. 25 00:01:44,900 --> 00:01:49,800 In any of that suffering was a place where hope and trust in God could 26 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:56,600 be nurtured as the Christian cross urged one to rely more steadily on 27 00:01:56,600 --> 00:01:57,200 God's word 28 00:01:58,400 --> 00:01:59,700 and the Cross of Christ. 29 00:02:02,600 --> 00:02:07,800 At the end of the book Rittger's makes a remarkable observation. 30 00:02:09,900 --> 00:02:13,500 He notes that even though Luther and the reformers were able to reshape 31 00:02:13,500 --> 00:02:17,900 people's approach to suffering and beautiful and profound ways. 32 00:02:19,600 --> 00:02:23,300 They never seem to entertain Lament 33 00:02:24,400 --> 00:02:26,000 as a fitting response. 34 00:02:28,300 --> 00:02:32,100 And in that position the reformers did not veer far from the medieval 35 00:02:32,100 --> 00:02:36,300 and even the classical stoic tradition. Those who suffered 36 00:02:37,300 --> 00:02:39,200 where to accept it patiently 37 00:02:40,400 --> 00:02:44,200 and make no protest against the workings of Divine Providence. 38 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:49,200 But Rittger's wonders 39 00:02:50,500 --> 00:02:54,900 whether the neglect of lament as a response to suffering 40 00:02:56,800 --> 00:03:00,200 has had profound negative consequences for the church. 41 00:03:01,600 --> 00:03:07,200 Leaving it vulnerable to the hard questions and criticisms 42 00:03:08,200 --> 00:03:11,700 of an age that boasts in its self-sufficiency. 43 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:18,500 He writes that the loss of lament may have contributed to quote the 44 00:03:18,500 --> 00:03:20,900 gradual disenchantment of the world. 45 00:03:21,900 --> 00:03:27,400 Perhaps in the very long run the insistence of the western churches 46 00:03:27,400 --> 00:03:31,300 that human beings must face suffering without the possibility of 47 00:03:31,300 --> 00:03:37,400 lament has worked to undermine the plausibility of the Christian 48 00:03:37,400 --> 00:03:37,500 faith. 49 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:44,100 Well, what Rittger's says maybe true. 50 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:48,000 In my own life and experience 51 00:03:48,000 --> 00:03:53,100 I've certainly felt the absence of lament as something that the church 52 00:03:53,100 --> 00:03:53,500 does. 53 00:03:54,900 --> 00:03:58,100 And this past year has really exposed some 54 00:03:59,200 --> 00:04:05,500 very strange real Oddities in our culture and in our church when it 55 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:07,000 comes to loss and suffering. 56 00:04:09,500 --> 00:04:13,100 The dominant voices have been polarizing. 57 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:16,100 Freedom vs. 58 00:04:16,100 --> 00:04:19,000 Safety. Fear vs. 59 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:22,100 Foolhardiness. Fury vs. 60 00:04:22,100 --> 00:04:27,500 Fragility. Our response to national and global calamity has been 61 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:33,300 stunted by hearing only these extremes live as a stoic or a snowflake 62 00:04:33,300 --> 00:04:35,600 this seems to be our only choices. 63 00:04:38,100 --> 00:04:39,400 Without Lament 64 00:04:40,600 --> 00:04:44,500 the church has also been tempted to absorb these polarities. 65 00:04:45,700 --> 00:04:48,000 Tempted to accept easy answers. 66 00:04:49,900 --> 00:04:52,100 Propose simplistic solutions. 67 00:04:53,300 --> 00:04:57,900 We're tempted to throw our energies behind various strategies of 68 00:04:57,900 --> 00:04:58,800 self-sufficiency. 69 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:01,800 Trust the science calls out one. 70 00:05:02,800 --> 00:05:06,000 Protect our rights cries out another. 71 00:05:07,100 --> 00:05:09,600 All the while forgetting that behind it all 72 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:16,500 lies and embattled and lacerated World in which creation is rent from 73 00:05:16,500 --> 00:05:20,200 top to bottom. As Oswald Bayer writes. 74 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:22,100 There is no agreement 75 00:05:22,100 --> 00:05:24,000 no Harmony in the world. 76 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:27,100 It rings out like cracked bells. 77 00:05:28,900 --> 00:05:33,500 And if we no longer feel the ultimate contradictions of this broken 78 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:37,400 world and the goodness and love of God, how can those outside the 79 00:05:37,400 --> 00:05:40,300 church even begin to care? 80 00:05:41,100 --> 00:05:45,200 Whether we are a nice welcoming bunch of folks or not. 81 00:05:47,200 --> 00:05:52,100 Biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann put it pointedly as he's want to 82 00:05:52,100 --> 00:05:52,300 do. 83 00:05:54,000 --> 00:05:57,000 The church is not supposed to be the happiest place in town. 84 00:05:58,300 --> 00:06:01,200 It's supposed to be the most honest place in town. 85 00:06:05,100 --> 00:06:07,800 Perhaps were afraid that lament is too honest. 86 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:15,200 Complaint seems to frank with God protest to impious. 87 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:21,900 How is it possible that fear and frustration and fury can mix with 88 00:06:21,900 --> 00:06:22,400 faith? 89 00:06:25,000 --> 00:06:27,300 Nevertheless the biblical Lament 90 00:06:28,200 --> 00:06:33,300 is not contrary to Faith but it grows out of it. 91 00:06:35,000 --> 00:06:42,100 Lament begins by sacrificing our self-sufficiency and turning wholly to 92 00:06:42,100 --> 00:06:46,000 God the one who laments believes. 93 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:49,200 Believes that they will be heard by God. 94 00:06:49,200 --> 00:06:53,000 That someone's actually on the other end of this lying that I'm tugging. 95 00:06:55,400 --> 00:06:57,800 The one who laments believes in 96 00:06:58,700 --> 00:07:00,800 the goodness of creation 97 00:07:01,900 --> 00:07:03,600 and the God who made it. 98 00:07:04,600 --> 00:07:08,300 And thus we're in distress at the experience of its brokenness. 99 00:07:10,500 --> 00:07:13,800 The one who laments believes that 100 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:19,700 God speaks and he reveals his heart to us. 101 00:07:20,500 --> 00:07:23,500 That's our dismay when he is silent. 102 00:07:26,100 --> 00:07:32,300 The one who laments believes that God's deepest word comes to us as a 103 00:07:32,300 --> 00:07:34,800 promise to which he is faithful. 104 00:07:36,900 --> 00:07:41,300 Thus our outrage when it appears that he is not. 105 00:07:43,900 --> 00:07:45,100 Without faith 106 00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:47,200 there is no lament. 107 00:07:50,100 --> 00:07:54,200 Show may think that lament is born out of ingratitude. 108 00:07:56,400 --> 00:08:01,100 Yet in the scriptures lament anticipates Thanksgiving. 109 00:08:02,300 --> 00:08:09,400 Lament is a prelude to praise a doorway to doxology. At least 1/3 of 110 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:14,400 the Psalms are Psalms of lament and they seem to follow this similar 111 00:08:14,400 --> 00:08:18,400 pattern from complaint to petition. 112 00:08:19,500 --> 00:08:25,000 And finally to praise and confidence that God will in fact answer. 113 00:08:26,100 --> 00:08:30,400 In fact, the entire Psalter seems to be arranged in this fashion with 114 00:08:30,400 --> 00:08:34,500 the lament Psalms predominating in the first half of the book and the 115 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:38,600 psalms of praise outnumbering the laments in the second half 116 00:08:38,600 --> 00:08:44,600 culminating with the five great halals of Psalm 146 through Psalm 150. 117 00:08:46,200 --> 00:08:48,800 And we see this in the New Testament as well. 118 00:08:50,200 --> 00:08:53,300 In Romans, Paul's account of the law 119 00:08:54,700 --> 00:09:00,700 spirals down into lament as he describes the inescapable struggle 120 00:09:00,700 --> 00:09:05,800 between sin and his desire to follow the law. Wretched man that I am 121 00:09:05,800 --> 00:09:09,200 who will deliver me from this body of death. 122 00:09:11,900 --> 00:09:12,700 And then 123 00:09:14,100 --> 00:09:15,300 thanks be to God 124 00:09:16,500 --> 00:09:18,100 through Jesus Christ Our Lord. 125 00:09:19,600 --> 00:09:25,400 Likewise in Romans 8 Paul declares that the present sufferings are not 126 00:09:25,400 --> 00:09:29,000 worth comparing to the glory yet to be revealed. Never the less 127 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:36,500 the entire creation is in the throes of lamentation burdened by its 128 00:09:36,500 --> 00:09:39,800 subjected futility the creation groans. 129 00:09:41,000 --> 00:09:42,200 And so do we. 130 00:09:43,800 --> 00:09:49,700 And so does the spirit taking up these inexpressible groans and 131 00:09:49,700 --> 00:09:51,400 Lamentations on our behalf. 132 00:09:53,900 --> 00:09:59,600 And yet even in the midst of such universal lamentation Paul leads us 133 00:09:59,600 --> 00:10:05,100 into marveling at the grace and love of God What then shall we say to 134 00:10:05,100 --> 00:10:05,600 these things 135 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:12,000 if God is for us who can be against us. And even though we're being 136 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:16,600 killed like sheep for the slaughter quoting are Psalm, 137 00:10:16,600 --> 00:10:18,400 Psalm 44. 138 00:10:19,900 --> 00:10:25,000 Nothing can separate us from the love of God and Christ Jesus our 139 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:25,100 Lord. 140 00:10:27,400 --> 00:10:30,900 Lament lives in hope. 141 00:10:33,700 --> 00:10:37,200 Psalm 44 is interesting in this regard 142 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:39,600 because the praise 143 00:10:40,900 --> 00:10:41,800 is delayed. 144 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:50,100 The hope is only a brief glimmer at the end. The lament stands open 145 00:10:50,100 --> 00:10:50,700 ended 146 00:10:51,800 --> 00:10:53,600 it's looking for a place to land. 147 00:10:56,200 --> 00:11:01,200 The original calamity of Israel's experience is hidden from us. Yet 148 00:11:01,200 --> 00:11:06,800 we find the psalmist account to resonate across the ages into our own. 149 00:11:07,900 --> 00:11:10,900 There is no self-sufficiency here. 150 00:11:10,900 --> 00:11:17,000 God has done everything. Every past victory belongs to him. 151 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:23,200 Every blessing that we have ever received came from his grace not from 152 00:11:23,200 --> 00:11:28,700 our strength or righteousness and every present success is only 153 00:11:28,700 --> 00:11:30,800 possible because God has been with us. 154 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:33,600 Yet. 155 00:11:35,600 --> 00:11:43,200 Yet now it seems as if we have become sheep marked for slaughter. 156 00:11:44,200 --> 00:11:48,100 The inexorable march toward grief and sadness. 157 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:53,000 With only you oh God to be able to stop it. 158 00:11:55,000 --> 00:11:56,100 So stop it. 159 00:11:57,400 --> 00:11:59,500 Put an end to our suffering. 160 00:12:00,400 --> 00:12:01,400 Awake. 161 00:12:02,300 --> 00:12:07,400 Rouse yourself, arise there's no quid pro quo. 162 00:12:07,400 --> 00:12:11,600 We wait in the dust from which we have come. 163 00:12:12,900 --> 00:12:13,900 We wait 164 00:12:15,100 --> 00:12:16,800 for God to arise. 165 00:12:20,600 --> 00:12:21,400 And he does. 166 00:12:24,700 --> 00:12:26,700 In Luther's preface to the Psalms 167 00:12:26,700 --> 00:12:31,600 he writes that not only do we have here the deeds and the prayers of 168 00:12:31,600 --> 00:12:31,700 the Saints. 169 00:12:33,800 --> 00:12:36,300 But we have those of him 170 00:12:37,300 --> 00:12:39,200 who is the very head of the Saints. 171 00:12:41,400 --> 00:12:44,200 All laments are communal. 172 00:12:45,600 --> 00:12:49,100 For Jesus has prayed these Psalms. 173 00:12:50,300 --> 00:12:53,600 Including the laments and his passion 174 00:12:54,600 --> 00:12:58,000 is the place where all our laments are gathered. 175 00:12:59,100 --> 00:13:06,000 In his person and in our stead Jesus others the chief lament in his 176 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:07,900 frightened and furious cry. 177 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:10,900 Why my God, why 178 00:13:12,400 --> 00:13:13,700 have you forsaken me? 179 00:13:16,800 --> 00:13:18,100 Never forget 180 00:13:19,500 --> 00:13:24,600 that our lament is always addressed to the crucified one. 181 00:13:27,500 --> 00:13:29,000 And because this is so 182 00:13:30,900 --> 00:13:33,400 our lament finds a place to land. 183 00:13:35,000 --> 00:13:38,500 And it is as sure and as certain 184 00:13:39,400 --> 00:13:41,600 as Jesus resurrection from the dead. 185 00:13:43,900 --> 00:13:44,600 Awake. 186 00:13:46,100 --> 00:13:47,100 Rise. 187 00:13:48,300 --> 00:13:49,400 Come to our help. 188 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:55,000 Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love. 189 00:13:57,300 --> 00:13:57,900 Amen.