1 00:00:02,335 --> 00:00:11,511 Knowing God's will. So how do you know God's will for your life? We're trying to live 2 00:00:11,511 --> 00:00:15,815 this life of sanctification. We're trying to live the way God wants me to live. We're 3 00:00:15,815 --> 00:00:21,621 trying to live a life of obedience. Oops, get my spelling right here. Sanctification. 4 00:00:21,788 --> 00:00:27,494 We're living a life of obedience. How do I know God's will? I mean I want to do God's 5 00:00:27,494 --> 00:00:39,873 will, right? How do I know it? Holy Spirit. How does He let me know? Okay. Okay, those 6 00:00:39,873 --> 00:00:52,752 are pretty good things. Jake, adding on? Okay. The Scriptures, prayer, circumstances, and 7 00:00:52,752 --> 00:00:56,956 the church. Okay. The Scriptures, prayer, circumstances, and the church. The second one, 8 00:00:57,057 --> 00:00:59,325 we've got problems with. That's what I thought about when you said, you know, you don't just 9 00:00:59,325 --> 00:01:05,899 hand somebody a Bible, but you know, if you're a believer in the Holy Spirit, you're in the 10 00:01:05,899 --> 00:01:11,004 Word. Right. I can see it in that context, but like I instantly thought I'd say it. Yeah. 11 00:01:11,304 --> 00:01:14,307 Well see, there's also another problem with his list, because he puts prayer on that list, 12 00:01:14,307 --> 00:01:18,978 as if if you pray hard, then God will show you what to do. And I have concerns with that. 13 00:01:19,712 --> 00:01:25,518 And here's why. If I say, I want to know God's will and I'm praying hard for it, and you 14 00:01:25,518 --> 00:01:29,189 people talk this way all the time, and you hear this all the time. I was praying for 15 00:01:29,189 --> 00:01:35,195 God to show me what to do, and praying hard, and He told me. And so here's what I'm going 16 00:01:35,195 --> 00:01:40,767 to do. I'm going to go to X college, and then I always kind of look at them rather quizzically. 17 00:01:41,568 --> 00:01:49,776 How did God tell you? He just, I just, I just knew. I felt it. Ah. So is that a good way 18 00:01:49,776 --> 00:02:00,954 to know God's will? What's that? Your feelings can lie to you. So can Satan. And how do you 19 00:02:00,954 --> 00:02:10,730 know that's the Holy Spirit whispering in your head? How do you know? You don't. There's 20 00:02:10,730 --> 00:02:16,836 the feelings, the voices, even just talk about the promptings of the Holy Spirit. That's 21 00:02:16,836 --> 00:02:20,673 nothing to base anything on. Now you might be prompted to do something that turns out 22 00:02:20,673 --> 00:02:25,044 great. Wonderful. Okay, credited to the Holy Spirit. But I'm not about to make a big decision 23 00:02:25,044 --> 00:02:28,248 and say, I was prompted to do this, and I'm sure it's what God's will is for me. How do 24 00:02:28,248 --> 00:02:34,187 you know? The fact is, you know God's will one way. He has to tell you. He reveals it. 25 00:02:34,387 --> 00:02:37,524 And the way He reveals it to you is in His word, in the written word, in the account 26 00:02:37,524 --> 00:02:42,395 of scripture. What God's will for you is very simple. Keep the Ten Commandments, do 27 00:02:42,395 --> 00:02:48,501 your vocation, buck up and be a good Christian. That's His will. That's what He wants you 28 00:02:48,501 --> 00:02:54,107 to do. And all the other little kinds of questions that we go running to God with, God what's 29 00:02:54,107 --> 00:02:58,511 your will in this situation? I think honestly a lot of times God's will is, do what you 30 00:02:58,511 --> 00:03:05,652 feel like. Just make sure you're not violating my law. So when you're making a, so this is 31 00:03:05,652 --> 00:03:09,255 the classic example for a pastor who's got two calls. So he's at a church and he gets 32 00:03:09,255 --> 00:03:13,126 another call. What's God's will for me in this situation? So he weighs it all out and 33 00:03:13,126 --> 00:03:18,665 things come out pretty much equal. And so does he able to serve you some gifts in both 34 00:03:18,665 --> 00:03:23,203 places? Yes. Is there a real need for him in both places? Yes. Will his family be able 35 00:03:23,203 --> 00:03:27,507 to thrive and prosper in both places? Yes. Which one's got the better climate? Well, 36 00:03:27,640 --> 00:03:33,813 first place A does. That's where I'm going. Yeah. Why not? Well, it depends on what part 37 00:03:33,813 --> 00:03:39,185 of Colorado. If you're out on the high plains don't bother. You might as well be in Nebraska. 38 00:03:40,186 --> 00:03:45,491 You better rock in Nebraska. They grow corn there at least. Yes. Every pastoral person 39 00:03:45,491 --> 00:03:51,331 I talked to when I said I was thinking about coming here told me the same thing. Prayerfully 40 00:03:51,331 --> 00:03:57,470 consider this. Yeah. Well, in other words, you should be praying about this. But how 41 00:03:57,470 --> 00:04:01,307 does God then answer your prayers? He's going to answer the prayer through the confirmation 42 00:04:01,307 --> 00:04:07,213 of scripture. Is there anything in God's word that says don't go to the seminary? You 43 00:04:07,213 --> 00:04:11,451 didn't find anything apparently. And so then you say, all right, so I'm going to make this 44 00:04:11,451 --> 00:04:15,488 step. Now the next thing you look for is the confirmation of other Christians because God 45 00:04:15,488 --> 00:04:18,992 can deliver his wisdom to you through the wisdom of other people. So you talk to people 46 00:04:18,992 --> 00:04:23,630 and they say, I think that's a great idea. Go for it. Or that someone says, eh. Well, 47 00:04:23,763 --> 00:04:31,304 you pay attention to that. But see, sanctified human reason has its place when it comes to 48 00:04:31,304 --> 00:04:36,075 use your head. Think it through. And so if you've got a call between place A and place 49 00:04:36,075 --> 00:04:42,849 B, place A has got a better salary. Your family will be better off. Go for it. It isn't bad 50 00:04:42,849 --> 00:04:47,053 because it's okay. You can make that kind of a decision. Sometimes God gives you that 51 00:04:47,053 --> 00:04:53,359 choice. It's not like one's godly and one's ungodly. It's a choice. It's okay. The biggest 52 00:04:53,359 --> 00:04:58,197 issue is make sure that you're staying within what God has revealed. So you're going off 53 00:04:58,197 --> 00:05:04,971 to a college that's known for its hedonistic lifestyle? Probably not. You know, you don't 54 00:05:04,971 --> 00:05:11,844 put yourself in things that are going to be violating God's word. Chris. Okay. Now go 55 00:05:11,844 --> 00:05:15,648 ahead. That was one of the things when I was thinking about the Psalms is that I did look 56 00:05:15,648 --> 00:05:21,387 at what the Bible said. What should a pastor be? And I looked at myself and said, you know, 57 00:05:21,387 --> 00:05:30,863 I don't know. But the more I looked at it, the more I prayed about it. Yeah. Okay. I 58 00:05:30,863 --> 00:05:36,936 can see some of these things. A man, a husband, only one wife. Not an infant in their faith, 59 00:05:36,969 --> 00:05:44,310 even though I'm still, I'm not with that one yet, but we'll give you that. You know what 60 00:05:44,310 --> 00:05:49,415 I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, I do. Right. You see, that's the kind of thing you do. You check 61 00:05:49,415 --> 00:05:53,653 Scripture. Is there anything here that would go against this? That's how you make decisions. 62 00:05:53,886 --> 00:05:58,358 That's how you decide. You determine God's will that way. Because God's will really boils 63 00:05:58,358 --> 00:06:03,796 down to the law He's revealed for us. That's how you know it. We make things way too complicated 64 00:06:03,796 --> 00:06:08,534 for ourselves most of the time. You know, we sit around trying to ham and haul. Is it 65 00:06:08,534 --> 00:06:13,373 God's will? Is it God's will? And the answer is just do something. Just make a decision. 66 00:06:13,573 --> 00:06:17,143 Quit making such a big deal about it. You know, just live. You don't have that much 67 00:06:17,143 --> 00:06:24,183 time anyway. Don't waste it. Try to figure out what God's will is. Get on with it. And 68 00:06:24,183 --> 00:06:28,187 you see, you don't always get these beautiful lightning bolts out of the blue to tell you 69 00:06:28,187 --> 00:06:33,826 to go to the seminary. Most guys I've talked to don't have those experiences. I never had 70 00:06:33,826 --> 00:06:38,931 one. I never had the lightning bolts saying, go join the monastery. No, Luther was lucky. 71 00:06:39,599 --> 00:06:44,370 He got the bolt. Well, unlucky because he went to join the monastery. Who wants to do 72 00:06:44,370 --> 00:06:49,809 that? Which by the way ties in with vocation as well. The reason Luther emphasized vocation 73 00:06:49,809 --> 00:06:54,814 so much was anti monastery stuff. You didn't want people running off to do vocations that 74 00:06:54,814 --> 00:07:00,386 were forsaking their place in life. But you don't have to have this kind of a big experience. 75 00:07:00,586 --> 00:07:06,192 You don't even have to have this feeling inside. What it mounts to is you are making choices 76 00:07:06,192 --> 00:07:11,330 that are going to be honoring God and serving people around you. And you go forward. So 77 00:07:11,330 --> 00:07:14,333 for me it was just a matter of kept on going through the doors that opened. So I went to 78 00:07:14,333 --> 00:07:17,904 the college. I'll study Greek. That went fine. Okay, I guess I'll go to the sem. Okay, 79 00:07:17,970 --> 00:07:22,241 that went fine. Got a call. Okay, I guess I'll be a pastor. Okay. I'm ordained. I'm a 80 00:07:22,241 --> 00:07:26,913 pastor. That's really kind of how it happened. It was never this, I've got to be a pastor. 81 00:07:27,547 --> 00:07:36,989 I'm just feeling inside. I didn't have that. It was kind of default. My dad is a pastor. 82 00:07:36,989 --> 00:07:47,467 I just always do. I'll be a pastor someday. It happened. Alright. Spiritual gifts. We 83 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:54,841 need to talk about that before we leave this little section. What is a spiritual gift? 84 00:07:59,745 --> 00:08:05,952 Love. Yeah, love. A few years ago this became a real hot fad in the church. Everybody trying 85 00:08:05,952 --> 00:08:09,689 to figure out your spiritual gifts and using your spiritual gifts. And it's become a big 86 00:08:09,689 --> 00:08:16,128 part of the charismatic revival. And this is overplayed a little bit. Spiritual gifts 87 00:08:16,128 --> 00:08:20,533 would mean that God equips his church with the things it needs and he gives the people 88 00:08:20,533 --> 00:08:23,870 it needs to be able to thrive and prosper and to carry out their tasks. That's what 89 00:08:23,870 --> 00:08:27,773 we're talking about here. But we have to be careful that we don't emphasize spiritual 90 00:08:27,773 --> 00:08:33,012 gift so much that it's going to be spiritual. It came to you after you became a Christian. 91 00:08:33,012 --> 00:08:36,916 And I've even heard people teach that. If you had that gift before you became a Christian 92 00:08:36,916 --> 00:08:43,689 then it ain't a spiritual gift. Well that's just nonsense. Spiritual gift means using 93 00:08:43,689 --> 00:08:47,994 what the Holy Spirit has given you, what God has given you to serve others. And so we don't 94 00:08:47,994 --> 00:08:56,836 want to ever forget what I would call just plain old first article gifts. So suppose 95 00:08:56,836 --> 00:09:03,042 you have a proclivity to foreign languages. It's just kind of inborn. Is that a gift that 96 00:09:03,042 --> 00:09:09,315 you can use to serve God and his people? Absolutely. Do you have to call it a spiritual gift? No. 97 00:09:10,883 --> 00:09:17,456 Does the Holy Spirit now use that ability to accomplish his purpose? Sure. So a spiritual 98 00:09:17,456 --> 00:09:22,228 gift is fine. You know Paul has his list. The other thing to remember is when Paul makes 99 00:09:22,228 --> 00:09:26,632 his list of spiritual gifts no one list is like another list. They're all different. 100 00:09:27,567 --> 00:09:32,672 There is no one set list of spiritual gifts. In Galatians 5 it's one list and the 1 Corinthians 101 00:09:32,672 --> 00:09:36,542 is another list and in another place it's a different kind of list. He's always varying 102 00:09:36,542 --> 00:09:41,747 them. Which would tell us something I think that it's not a neat and clean thing. God 103 00:09:41,747 --> 00:09:45,718 gives gifts to accomplish his purpose. All kinds of things could be included in here. 104 00:09:45,985 --> 00:09:50,990 Even first article gifts which we might just call talents or skills or it could even be 105 00:09:50,990 --> 00:09:56,095 a learned skill like computer wizard. That's usually not inborn. You've learned it. Now 106 00:09:56,095 --> 00:10:01,467 can you use this gift to serve God? Sure. All those things can qualify. And the real 107 00:10:01,467 --> 00:10:07,974 issue here is that you're using what you have to serve God's people. You're being faithful 108 00:10:07,974 --> 00:10:14,914 with what you've been given. So they grow out of those. Spiritual gifts are not magic 109 00:10:14,914 --> 00:10:21,754 then. It's not like somehow God just zaps this new kind of thing into me and it wasn't 110 00:10:21,754 --> 00:10:27,126 there before but now it is. Well maybe but not necessarily. Not always. You don't go 111 00:10:27,126 --> 00:10:32,465 looking for that kind of a thing. It's possible that you have some thing that's developed 112 00:10:32,965 --> 00:10:37,837 into a full spiritual gift. So for example the spiritual gift of being able to prophesy 113 00:10:37,837 --> 00:10:42,308 proclaiming God's word really well. Well you might have the gift of gab and now you fine 114 00:10:42,308 --> 00:10:47,346 tune it and yeah spiritual gift. You're using it well. So we don't need to get so hung up 115 00:10:47,346 --> 00:10:53,386 on this. Crosses in our lives we should mention that just briefly here. What does it mean 116 00:10:53,386 --> 00:10:59,825 to talk about a cross that I have to bear? Well that's part of that theology of the cross. 117 00:11:00,292 --> 00:11:08,567 That idea that we suffer like Christ. So we follow him. Technically a cross is not just 118 00:11:08,567 --> 00:11:14,106 any old burden you carry. A cross really is something that you're enduring because of 119 00:11:14,106 --> 00:11:19,712 who you are in Christ. A cross is something that you suffer because of your relationship 120 00:11:19,712 --> 00:11:25,151 to Christ. So if I'm driving down the street and some guy rear ends me, ah what a cross 121 00:11:25,151 --> 00:11:29,955 to have to bear. No. But if he rear ends me because I have a Jesus fish on my car and 122 00:11:29,955 --> 00:11:34,960 he's got a Darwin fish on his and he slams me because he doesn't like me, okay. Now that's 123 00:11:34,960 --> 00:11:40,666 a cross. That qualifies. See it's suffering for the sake of Christ because of who you 124 00:11:40,666 --> 00:11:44,103 are in Christ. That's really what a cross is. You don't have to go out looking for a 125 00:11:44,103 --> 00:11:50,609 cross. Usually they have a way of finding you. Most pastors just walk into a whole pile 126 00:11:50,609 --> 00:11:57,983 of little crosses they have to bear. It's called a congregation. People. You know that's 127 00:11:57,983 --> 00:12:02,888 the way it is. That's one of the realities of ministry. The greatest part of ministry 128 00:12:02,888 --> 00:12:10,963 is the people. Man it's a riot. And the worst part of ministry is the people. They're a 129 00:12:10,963 --> 00:12:15,568 pain. They do stupid things. And the worst thing about the people, it's not when they 130 00:12:15,568 --> 00:12:19,538 attack you, the worst thing about the people is when they just do stupid things and hurt 131 00:12:19,538 --> 00:12:24,710 themselves and their families. And that's what just kills you as a pastor. And what? 132 00:12:26,312 --> 00:12:31,016 Oh yeah and the church suffers. But you know it just kills you as a pastor where you counsel 133 00:12:31,016 --> 00:12:33,552 some family and you're helping them figure things out and you give them some direction 134 00:12:33,552 --> 00:12:37,890 and they just blow you off and do stupid things and then they come back to you a few months 135 00:12:37,890 --> 00:12:47,133 later oh my life's a mess. Yeah. I'm not surprised. Ugh. Man. So that's what kills you. You have 136 00:12:47,133 --> 00:13:01,013 so much to look forward to. So much to look forward to. No actually. You know I don't 137 00:13:01,013 --> 00:13:07,153 think that being at the Sem is drag you into some of that stuff. It's not fun. But being 138 00:13:07,753 --> 00:13:13,292 a pastor, don't hear me wrong, it's the coolest thing you can do. It really is. I mean you 139 00:13:13,292 --> 00:13:18,831 get to be right smack in the middle of everything the biggest moments in people's lives. You're 140 00:13:18,831 --> 00:13:22,701 right smack in the middle of the new child being born. You're right there during the 141 00:13:22,701 --> 00:13:25,971 wedding. You get to be doing the counseling and helping a couple get things figured out. 142 00:13:26,205 --> 00:13:30,209 When there's a crisis they call you. You get to be the one running down to the hospital 143 00:13:30,209 --> 00:13:34,079 at four in the morning and going to the bedside. You're in the middle of it all. You're talking 144 00:13:34,079 --> 00:13:39,485 to people when stuff really matters. And you're there bringing the Gospel to them and delivering 145 00:13:39,485 --> 00:13:46,325 the goods. That's cool. That's very cool. That's fun. Don't hear me wrong. But it has 146 00:13:46,325 --> 00:13:56,535 its crosses. No doubt about that. Alright. Yes go ahead. Is this place really all that 147 00:13:56,535 --> 00:14:01,473 different than any community of the church? How's that? I mean when you start dealing 148 00:14:01,473 --> 00:14:05,110 with people and their problems. Yeah. No, see I have a dean of students I can send everybody 149 00:14:05,110 --> 00:14:14,253 to. Oh so you don't have to pass the book. That's exactly right. Hey, Dr. Lessing. We 150 00:14:14,253 --> 00:14:21,193 got an issue here. Alright, I'm done. Thanks. So that's a little different. Because we are 151 00:14:21,193 --> 00:14:25,097 an academic institution too. So we have rules and a lot of kind of stuff. It's a little 152 00:14:25,097 --> 00:14:28,367 different. But you're right. You still have to deal with plenty of human interaction. 153 00:14:28,801 --> 00:14:36,442 That's true. I can just be more selective here. Alright. Almost time for our break. 154 00:14:39,078 --> 00:14:43,415 I've thrown this word around but I need to put a little more definition to it. Adiaphora. 155 00:14:47,219 --> 00:14:56,729 Adiaphora. Adiaphora. This one comes from Greek but it has come right into the English 156 00:14:56,729 --> 00:15:01,467 language even though we don't use it very much but it's a word. Adiaphora means things 157 00:15:02,468 --> 00:15:14,747 indifferent. It can go either way. It doesn't matter. So in the Christian life when we're 158 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:18,851 trying to do things God's way, we're using our gifts, we're serving the people around 159 00:15:18,851 --> 00:15:23,055 us, we're praying actively, we're following Christ, we're doing things the way we should, 160 00:15:23,455 --> 00:15:28,994 there's no right and wrong way to do stuff. Yeah, often. And one of the tasks of the Christian 161 00:15:28,994 --> 00:15:33,766 tradition is to sort out what's right and what's wrong. And we call that task ethics. 162 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:41,240 Which incidentally is a worthy area for discussion. Especially seeing that I wrote my dissertation 163 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:47,780 on ethics. Kind of my thing. And so you're, I'm showing enormous restraint by limiting 164 00:15:47,780 --> 00:15:50,716 my discussion of ethics to one little word at the top of the board and that's the end 165 00:15:50,716 --> 00:15:55,754 of it. But ethics means simply what am I supposed to do in any given situation? I've got a choice 166 00:15:55,754 --> 00:15:59,191 to make. And how do I sort out what's right and wrong? There are often situations where 167 00:15:59,191 --> 00:16:04,396 you have a right and wrong. So do I do this course or that course? That one would lead 168 00:16:04,396 --> 00:16:08,300 me further away from Christ. This one would hurt people. This one would not be serving 169 00:16:08,300 --> 00:16:11,971 people the best I could be. That's the wrong course. So I'll do this one. You've got to 170 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:15,674 answer those kinds of questions. And if you're making wrong choices, that's where your brothers 171 00:16:15,674 --> 00:16:20,346 and sisters step in and say, hey, you're out of line. Straighten up. And we expect that. 172 00:16:20,679 --> 00:16:25,451 But there are some situations in life that are just adiaphora, indifferent. It can go 173 00:16:25,451 --> 00:16:32,358 either way. So should we sing out of Lutheran worship or out of TLH? Well, that would be 174 00:16:32,358 --> 00:16:39,498 adiaphora. Doesn't really matter unless you're in a situation where everybody hates these 175 00:16:39,498 --> 00:16:42,234 and those and they would not come to church with these and those. No, and then it's not 176 00:16:42,234 --> 00:16:49,141 adiaphora anymore. But adiaphora means some things can cut either way. Traditionally we 177 00:16:49,141 --> 00:16:54,613 think about adiaphora especially when it comes to things like worship and about albs or no 178 00:16:54,613 --> 00:16:59,318 alms. And these were even the examples that were used in the book of Concord when they 179 00:16:59,318 --> 00:17:04,423 talked about these things. But this can stretch out to other things too. Do you have to wear 180 00:17:04,423 --> 00:17:09,128 a clerical or not wear a clerical? A white one or a black one? That's just adiaphora. 181 00:17:09,328 --> 00:17:11,897 It really doesn't matter. It can go either way. 182 00:17:13,332 --> 00:17:18,303 I thought you meant that my church dealt with was having a cross in front of the church. 183 00:17:18,404 --> 00:17:23,041 Oh, yeah. Okay. Technically it's adiaphora. Do you have to have a cross in front of the 184 00:17:23,041 --> 00:17:27,546 church for it to be a church? No. But then if you ask the question is why would it wait? 185 00:17:27,913 --> 00:17:32,051 Why are you avoiding it? Then maybe it doesn't. Maybe it's not adiaphora anymore. Because 186 00:17:32,051 --> 00:17:36,655 if you're trying to avoid, evade your witness or something, then it maybe is a sensitive. 187 00:17:36,922 --> 00:17:41,160 Maybe not. Maybe it becomes not adiaphora anymore. But adiaphora technically just means 188 00:17:41,160 --> 00:17:45,431 things that are indifferent. Things can go either way. But adiaphora is a little bit 189 00:17:45,431 --> 00:17:48,967 slippery because even as I've been saying in just the last few minutes in the examples 190 00:17:48,967 --> 00:17:55,074 I'm giving, it can shift around on you. And so in one context maybe it's adiaphora, how 191 00:17:55,074 --> 00:18:00,646 you apply water for baptism. That's adiaphora. Do we pour or sprinkle or immerse? Adiaphora. 192 00:18:01,113 --> 00:18:05,551 But now suppose I've got a guy in my congregation who says you've got to immerse pastor or it's 193 00:18:05,551 --> 00:18:10,956 not a legitimate baptism. It's not adiaphora anymore. Because now he has made it into a 194 00:18:10,956 --> 00:18:16,428 rule and so for me to yield and do it his way, I'm yielding to his legalistic view and 195 00:18:16,428 --> 00:18:21,867 I'm actually helping him become a worse legalist. And so I need to say no and refuse it. So 196 00:18:21,867 --> 00:18:26,839 it's not adiaphora any longer. And in a case like a cross in front of the church, if it's 197 00:18:26,839 --> 00:18:32,511 just an issue of I think it'd be cool if we had a big crucifix up there and someone else 198 00:18:32,511 --> 00:18:36,415 says I think it'd be cool if we had a great big Cairo up there. Someone else says I think 199 00:18:36,415 --> 00:18:39,618 it'd be cool if we had a great big dove descending. And it's just a matter of kind of taste and 200 00:18:39,618 --> 00:18:43,689 fashion and that's what you're discussing. That's probably adiaphora. But if you've got 201 00:18:43,689 --> 00:18:46,658 somebody saying I think we should have a cross up there to proclaim who we are. Someone 202 00:18:46,658 --> 00:18:50,162 else says I think we should put one up there that might offend people. Well it's probably 203 00:18:50,162 --> 00:18:53,966 not adiaphora anymore. Because now you've got people who are trying to weasel out of 204 00:18:53,966 --> 00:18:59,972 who they are. And then it's not adiaphora. So things can vary up here a little bit. Yeah. 205 00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:06,812 Yeah. But I don't have to go a step further. Put a dead Jesus on it and do it right. 206 00:19:06,812 --> 00:19:12,151 I like the idea of an empty cross over until Christmas and then you take it down and put 207 00:19:12,151 --> 00:19:16,855 the crucifix up there. Now put the crucifix up there all the time. What did St. Paul say? 208 00:19:17,222 --> 00:19:24,897 We preach Christ and Him crucified. The crucifixion is the perpetual sacrifice before our Father. 209 00:19:25,063 --> 00:19:29,568 That's where our hope is. We need to have more crucifixes in our churches. No more empty 210 00:19:29,568 --> 00:19:36,208 crosses. Put a corpus on them. Get them up there with Christ. What's that? The Gumby 211 00:19:36,208 --> 00:19:40,812 Jesus. I heard that one for the one in the chat. Oh the one in the chat. I haven't heard 212 00:19:40,812 --> 00:19:48,754 that part. Yeah I guess. Freeform one. Okay. Yes. It seems like the biggest adiaphora thing 213 00:19:48,754 --> 00:19:55,194 at home is music. Yeah. And some things about liturgy maybe. Sure. Liturgy, music, worship 214 00:19:55,194 --> 00:20:01,099 styles. A lot of people say that's just adiaphora. Other people say not so fast. And it's not 215 00:20:01,099 --> 00:20:06,838 an easy clear cut thing. Sometimes it's an adiaphora thing. And there is room for some 216 00:20:06,838 --> 00:20:11,009 variety but you also have to be careful and I was alluding to this earlier about the whole 217 00:20:11,009 --> 00:20:16,048 idea of formation and community and identity that a lot of the Lex Orondi, Lex Credendi, 218 00:20:16,215 --> 00:20:22,187 how you worship and how you believe, man let's be careful with that because you're losing 219 00:20:22,187 --> 00:20:25,924 more than you realize when you start just kind of chucking the whole thing and moving 220 00:20:25,924 --> 00:20:31,563 into a freeform evangelical style. There's a lot more at stake than you think. So I'm 221 00:20:31,563 --> 00:20:37,869 one, I don't mind different styles of music. I don't live with it. I'm not real fond of 222 00:20:37,869 --> 00:20:41,039 people standing up in front telling me how I should clap my hands. I don't like that 223 00:20:41,039 --> 00:20:45,911 very much quite frankly. But as far as different styles of music, I don't care. Music's music. 224 00:20:46,111 --> 00:20:49,748 I like all kinds of styles of music and I don't mind the stuff being in church. I like 225 00:20:49,748 --> 00:20:55,854 the Bob Dylan song in church once in a while. So I'm all for it. But I do think there's 226 00:20:56,455 --> 00:21:01,893 problems of fleeing our liturgical heritage but I'll save more for that rant in a minute. 227 00:21:03,328 --> 00:21:06,064 I got, I can't just dump that one. I got it.