1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,933 You may be seated. This is one of the great weeks of the church year. We 2 00:00:06,933 --> 00:00:14,666 started out with Reformation Day and now we end it with all Saints. We sang the 3 00:00:14,666 --> 00:00:20,800 Lutheran National Anthem on Sunday and today we sing the lovely hymn, Oh How 4 00:00:20,800 --> 00:00:25,866 Blessed Are They. A hymn about our brothers and sisters in the faith who 5 00:00:25,866 --> 00:00:32,933 have been set free from all their weeping. So does it get any better than 6 00:00:32,933 --> 00:00:40,433 this? Well calls and internships, marvelous to celebrate. A week like this 7 00:00:40,433 --> 00:00:47,466 brings our work as seminaries and of course I include Concordia Seminary St. 8 00:00:47,466 --> 00:00:53,233 Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne in that statement. It just 9 00:00:53,233 --> 00:01:01,833 doesn't get any better. Or does it? Well it does. Today we look forward to that 10 00:01:01,833 --> 00:01:09,233 day when in the immediate presence of Christ we will experience no cross or 11 00:01:09,233 --> 00:01:20,433 sadness that can hinder untroubled gladness. Again from the hymn. Could you 12 00:01:20,433 --> 00:01:26,033 use a little untroubled gladness? Probably at this point in the semester, 13 00:01:26,033 --> 00:01:32,666 yes. Our experience is one in which all sorts of cares keep us still in 14 00:01:32,666 --> 00:01:38,200 prison as we'll shortly sing. We are still in a dungeon living. I don't think 15 00:01:38,200 --> 00:01:45,533 that means the seminary. Maybe it does. A dungeon of our own making, others making, 16 00:01:45,533 --> 00:01:51,800 professors making, but truly mostly our own. Where we are still oppressed with 17 00:01:51,800 --> 00:01:57,833 sorrow and misgiving. Our undertakings are but toils and trouble and 18 00:01:57,833 --> 00:02:07,366 heartbreaking. What a pointed summary of human life. It is so very very true and 19 00:02:07,366 --> 00:02:13,400 that's the tension in which we live as the people of God. Rejoicing in 20 00:02:13,400 --> 00:02:20,133 Reformation, All Saints, and living in the midst of the dungeons we create for 21 00:02:20,133 --> 00:02:28,166 ourselves. Before coming to Fort Wayne as a professor in 1996 I served as pastor 22 00:02:28,166 --> 00:02:34,366 of Ascension Lutheran Church in Madison Tennessee north side of Nashville. As a 23 00:02:34,366 --> 00:02:39,333 new pastor one of the things I had to decide was what will I teach in Bible 24 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:45,700 class and I thought well I'll explain the liturgy or maybe we'll do a study of 25 00:02:45,700 --> 00:02:50,566 the Augsburg Confession but the lay people of my church being far wiser than 26 00:02:50,566 --> 00:02:58,066 their new pastor said why don't we study a book of the Bible. Now of course 27 00:02:58,066 --> 00:03:04,166 Nashville being one of the buckles on the Bible Belt, the lovely people of 28 00:03:04,166 --> 00:03:10,466 Ascension Lutheran Church wanted to study the book of Revelation. They were 29 00:03:10,466 --> 00:03:15,833 deeply deeply interested in the topic and when we scheduled it they showed up 30 00:03:15,833 --> 00:03:22,333 in mass wanting to know about the end of the world, the return of Christ, the 31 00:03:22,333 --> 00:03:27,133 rapture, the millennial kingdom, the Battle of Armageddon, and of course the 32 00:03:27,133 --> 00:03:35,033 Antichrist. Who is it pastor? All the electrifying interesting stuff of the 33 00:03:35,033 --> 00:03:41,933 book of Revelation. Well newly graduated pastor Rast, wet behind the ears, as green 34 00:03:41,933 --> 00:03:47,333 as they come, pretty much managed to disappoint every single person who 35 00:03:47,333 --> 00:03:55,800 showed up, at least initially. But as we wove our way through the book and we did 36 00:03:55,800 --> 00:04:00,633 it quickly, we didn't take six years on one chapter or that kind of thing, so we 37 00:04:00,633 --> 00:04:06,333 made our way quickly through the Revelation to St. John. A picture of the 38 00:04:06,333 --> 00:04:13,433 church and its life in Christ emerged and the people began to see themselves 39 00:04:13,433 --> 00:04:20,733 at every point in the narrative. This was a story about them and their life as the 40 00:04:20,733 --> 00:04:26,066 church. Indeed the letters to the seven churches they said every one of them is 41 00:04:26,066 --> 00:04:34,033 us, except the faithful one. Good, bad, being spewed out of the mouth, that was 42 00:04:34,033 --> 00:04:41,366 them. And they saw the cost of being a follower of Jesus in the midst of a 43 00:04:41,366 --> 00:04:47,733 world that was at best indifferent and at worst antagonistic. They saw 44 00:04:47,733 --> 00:04:55,266 themselves, but they also saw something far more important, more transformative, 45 00:04:55,266 --> 00:05:01,533 more dare I say it, electrifying even than a mysterious Antichrist or a secret 46 00:05:01,533 --> 00:05:11,400 rapture. They saw Jesus, they saw Christ caring for his church, they saw Christ 47 00:05:11,400 --> 00:05:20,000 defending his church, they saw Christ loving his church, and that transformed 48 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:27,266 their reading of that challenging text. Many Christians are perplexed and some 49 00:05:27,266 --> 00:05:33,500 even fear the book of Revelation, they find its imagery confusing, even 50 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:39,433 troubling, but it is one of the great books of comfort for we Christians as we 51 00:05:39,433 --> 00:05:45,666 struggle through a distressing life in the midst of the church militant. Yes the 52 00:05:45,666 --> 00:05:50,766 message can be direct and discomforting. The picture of the church under duress 53 00:05:50,766 --> 00:05:56,500 is not a pretty one and at times it is the weakness of the church's members 54 00:05:56,500 --> 00:06:04,866 itself that leads to harsh assessments that are applicable as well to us. To the 55 00:06:04,866 --> 00:06:10,333 church at Ephesus we hear, I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my 56 00:06:10,333 --> 00:06:18,233 name's sake and you have not grown weary but I have this against you that you 57 00:06:18,233 --> 00:06:23,733 have abandoned the love that you had at first. Remember therefore from where you 58 00:06:23,733 --> 00:06:30,766 have fallen repent and do the works you did at first if not I will come to you 59 00:06:30,766 --> 00:06:38,666 and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent. And then there are the 60 00:06:38,666 --> 00:06:43,233 external threats the devil and the world. We hear of the woman and the dragon of 61 00:06:43,233 --> 00:06:47,833 Satan thrown down to earth indeed when the beast from the sea and the beast 62 00:06:47,833 --> 00:06:52,400 from the earth make their appearance it seems certain that the church will be 63 00:06:52,400 --> 00:07:00,566 overcome. This calls for wisdom writes John let the one who has an understanding 64 00:07:00,566 --> 00:07:08,566 calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 65 00:07:08,566 --> 00:07:24,566 666. All hope lost unless you continue to read. It is at that point in the book of 66 00:07:24,566 --> 00:07:32,333 Revelation that the break occurs. The transforming reality imposes itself upon 67 00:07:32,333 --> 00:07:39,966 us and we catch a glimpse of the eternal realities that are already ours in 68 00:07:39,966 --> 00:07:51,133 Christ. Then I looked and behold on Mount Zion stood the Lamb and with him 144,000 69 00:07:51,133 --> 00:07:57,000 who had his name and their father's name written on their foreheads and I heard a 70 00:07:57,000 --> 00:08:00,800 voice from heaven like the roar of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder 71 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:07,133 the voice I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps and they 72 00:08:07,133 --> 00:08:11,366 were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living 73 00:08:11,366 --> 00:08:19,333 creatures and before the elders. Do you see it? This is your reality this is our 74 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:28,633 reality in Christ because it is Christ here now among us even in our humble 75 00:08:28,633 --> 00:08:34,766 circumstances. The conquering Lamb who paid sin's price by giving his life on 76 00:08:34,766 --> 00:08:43,733 the tree of the cross stands victorious on Mount Zion. All things are under his 77 00:08:43,733 --> 00:08:50,266 feet and in repentance confession and rejoicing we marvel at the way he 78 00:08:50,266 --> 00:08:56,533 continues to achieve his purposes for we are those who follow the Lamb wherever 79 00:08:56,533 --> 00:09:03,966 he goes even as his cruciform life transforms ours. For we are those who 80 00:09:03,966 --> 00:09:11,033 have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb and in their 81 00:09:11,033 --> 00:09:18,200 mouth no lie was found for they are blameless blameless not in ourselves but 82 00:09:18,200 --> 00:09:29,666 in Christ the sinless Lamb of God. This is reality transposed over a broken 83 00:09:29,666 --> 00:09:39,733 world we see today one thing only Jesus the Lamb of God this is the reality we 84 00:09:39,733 --> 00:09:47,066 sing joyfully and confidently come Oh Christ and loose the chains that bind us 85 00:09:47,066 --> 00:09:53,533 lead us forth and cast this world behind us with you the anointed finds the soul 86 00:09:53,533 --> 00:10:02,933 its joy and rest appointed. Oh how blessed are they indeed oh how blessed 87 00:10:02,933 --> 00:10:11,566 are we. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen.