WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.700 --> 00:00:01.400 In the name of Jesus. Amen 2 00:00:03.800 --> 00:00:06.300 Two text to choose from. 3 00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:13.900 On one hand, we have that wonderful hymn of praise of Psalm 46. 4 00:00:13.900 --> 00:00:16.000 The Lord of hosts is with us. 5 00:00:16.000 --> 00:00:20.800 The god of Jacob is our fortress and as we were singing perhaps those 6 00:00:20.800 --> 00:00:24.400 thoughts of A Mighty Fortress roaring through your head. 7 00:00:25.500 --> 00:00:28.900 Aha almost like setting the ball up on a tee. 8 00:00:31.300 --> 00:00:34.400 And then Matthew 23. 9 00:00:35.700 --> 00:00:41.300 Woe to you scribes and Pharisees not once twice three times 4 times 5 10 00:00:41.300 --> 00:00:46.300 times but six times and if you were to throw in the next verse a 11 00:00:46.300 --> 00:00:47.200 seventh time. 12 00:00:49.600 --> 00:00:52.000 Which one to focus on this morning? 13 00:00:55.100 --> 00:00:59.900 Well, I know if it where my normal approach when I have the option 14 00:00:59.900 --> 00:01:01.700 I like to look to the Old Testament. 15 00:01:03.500 --> 00:01:05.000 And today seems like a day 16 00:01:05.000 --> 00:01:06.500 that would be great for doing that 17 00:01:06.500 --> 00:01:08.000 but as we think about it. 18 00:01:09.600 --> 00:01:11.900 Maybe we should look at one 19 00:01:11.900 --> 00:01:14.600 Ttat's more like a trip to the dentist office for a root canal. 20 00:01:16.600 --> 00:01:19.300 Matthew 23. 21 00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:26.000 You know, it's real easy when we come across a text like Jesus 22 00:01:26.000 --> 00:01:30.700 speaking these words to the Pharisees and the scribes to start to 23 00:01:30.700 --> 00:01:31.600 point the finger. 24 00:01:31.600 --> 00:01:34.100 Look at these guys. 25 00:01:34.100 --> 00:01:38.200 Look at what the responsibility was that they have been given and 26 00:01:38.200 --> 00:01:42.900 look at how utterly they are failing to live up to that task that 27 00:01:42.900 --> 00:01:44.600 God has set aside for them. 28 00:01:46.500 --> 00:01:47.200 For a moment 29 00:01:47.200 --> 00:01:48.500 I want to ask you to pause. 30 00:01:51.300 --> 00:01:58.400 To put yourself into this text and ask yourself this question. 31 00:02:00.800 --> 00:02:06.500 Do you think the scribes and Pharisees were intending to do this on 32 00:02:06.500 --> 00:02:06.600 purpose? 33 00:02:08.699 --> 00:02:12.600 Do you think that they took their time of being a student of the 34 00:02:12.600 --> 00:02:17.300 scriptures to look in there and say let me learn what God is revealing 35 00:02:17.300 --> 00:02:20.900 to me here so that I can now leave someone else astray. 36 00:02:24.700 --> 00:02:28.400 More than likely that was not their intent. 37 00:02:29.400 --> 00:02:33.100 More than likely they were looking at the scriptures being students of 38 00:02:33.100 --> 00:02:36.700 the scripture trying to find out what is God speaking to us here. 39 00:02:36.700 --> 00:02:39.800 What does God intend for us as his people? 40 00:02:39.800 --> 00:02:41.200 How do I teach that? 41 00:02:41.200 --> 00:02:43.900 How do I make this way known to others? 42 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:50.700 And then the problems begin to creep in. 43 00:02:52.000 --> 00:02:55.300 Perhaps one of the problems that they would encounter would be that of 44 00:02:55.300 --> 00:02:56.200 prestige. 45 00:02:56.200 --> 00:03:01.600 It can be a little bit of a boost to the ego to have someone come to 46 00:03:01.600 --> 00:03:05.700 you and say, can you tell me how I should understand what God would 47 00:03:05.700 --> 00:03:10.000 say or what God would have me do in this situation. After a while you 48 00:03:10.000 --> 00:03:15.300 look at what God has said you speak that and overtime rather than the 49 00:03:15.300 --> 00:03:18.500 word of God the scriptures becoming the authority. 50 00:03:20.300 --> 00:03:27.000 You start to think I'm the one that has that authority. After all 51 00:03:27.000 --> 00:03:30.500 I'm the one that knows these scriptures. 52 00:03:31.700 --> 00:03:36.900 Which points us to the second problem perhaps, that have knowledge. 53 00:03:38.200 --> 00:03:46.000 Knowing what God says. Knowing it but perhaps not having it penetrate 54 00:03:46.000 --> 00:03:47.000 all the way to the heart. 55 00:03:49.300 --> 00:03:53.500 So we can ask ourselves if they were not doing this intentionally if 56 00:03:53.500 --> 00:03:56.400 their purpose was not to lead people astray. 57 00:03:58.400 --> 00:03:59.700 Then what were they missing? 58 00:04:01.900 --> 00:04:07.600 What were they missing as students of the scriptures and as teachers 59 00:04:07.600 --> 00:04:08.600 of the scriptures? 60 00:04:10.300 --> 00:04:14.700 Well will come back to that in a moment. But one of the things that is 61 00:04:14.700 --> 00:04:14.800 really easy to do when you come 62 00:04:16.300 --> 00:04:19.399 across a text like this is not only to see that Jesus is pointing a finger here 63 00:04:20.399 --> 00:04:23.300 but we can also want to point the finger. 64 00:04:23.300 --> 00:04:24.300 Yes. 65 00:04:24.300 --> 00:04:27.400 We can look here and see how bad the scribes and the 66 00:04:27.500 --> 00:04:31.100 Pharisees were doing. We can point out how they were missing the mark. 67 00:04:31.100 --> 00:04:35.100 We can point out how they were making it about things that they should 68 00:04:35.100 --> 00:04:36.800 not have been making it about. 69 00:04:37.700 --> 00:04:41.500 And then we can take that to its next logical context. 70 00:04:41.500 --> 00:04:45.700 Let's look around us at the world in which we live the church that we 71 00:04:45.700 --> 00:04:52.400 are a part of let's point out how others are missing that mark. Look at 72 00:04:52.400 --> 00:04:54.900 how they are not doing what they should. 73 00:04:57.300 --> 00:05:02.700 And so we find it easy to start to point the finger at those who 74 00:05:02.700 --> 00:05:04.900 perhaps misunderstand traditions. 75 00:05:05.700 --> 00:05:08.000 Who misunderstand history. 76 00:05:11.100 --> 00:05:15.900 Or we look around us in a day and age like today, November 3rd, 77 00:05:15.900 --> 00:05:20.400 election day here in the United States and find it really easy to 78 00:05:20.400 --> 00:05:25.300 point out how others are truly missing the mark. Maybe they should 79 00:05:25.300 --> 00:05:28.600 understand the proper relationship of God's Authority in the church 80 00:05:28.600 --> 00:05:30.300 and God's Authority in the state. 81 00:05:34.000 --> 00:05:39.200 And there may be a time and a place to appropriately point that 82 00:05:39.200 --> 00:05:39.400 finger. 83 00:05:41.600 --> 00:05:46.700 But to do so with humility. Always remembering that as the one who is 84 00:05:46.700 --> 00:05:48.500 pointing out the speck in another's eye. 85 00:05:48.500 --> 00:05:51.600 There is a log in our own. 86 00:05:56.000 --> 00:05:59.400 When we come across a text like this, one of the things that it can 87 00:05:59.400 --> 00:06:03.600 call for us to do is to have a time of self-reflection. 88 00:06:06.800 --> 00:06:11.300 Looking through each of these things that Jesus proclaims a woe to the 89 00:06:11.300 --> 00:06:14.200 Pharisees and scribes and then to ask ourselves. 90 00:06:16.200 --> 00:06:18.900 Where might I be doing this? 91 00:06:20.800 --> 00:06:25.200 Where might I be falling into the trap? 92 00:06:27.300 --> 00:06:28.200 This is humbling. 93 00:06:30.400 --> 00:06:37.100 This is painful to do this. In fact as I was looking over just the very first 94 00:06:37.100 --> 00:06:39.500 one about shutting the door on people. 95 00:06:39.500 --> 00:06:43.500 There were two instances in Ministry that came to mind for me. 96 00:06:43.500 --> 00:06:45.200 The first one will call her Rhoda. 97 00:06:46.100 --> 00:06:51.800 Rhoda was a lady who disagreed with practically everything I did. 98 00:06:53.700 --> 00:06:57.000 When I found myself sitting at voters meetings with her and I knew 99 00:06:57.000 --> 00:06:59.200 that she had a particular thing on her agenda. 100 00:06:59.200 --> 00:07:03.000 There were way too many times where I found myself hoping that the 101 00:07:03.000 --> 00:07:06.300 voters would choose the other option just to see her humbled. 102 00:07:07.000 --> 00:07:11.700 When she started to say I'm thinking of staying home on Sundays, I 103 00:07:11.700 --> 00:07:15.500 will admit there was the thought in my mind that went then I won't 104 00:07:15.500 --> 00:07:16.300 have to deal with you. 105 00:07:20.700 --> 00:07:24.400 What are you scribes and Pharisees for you shut the door. 106 00:07:26.000 --> 00:07:27.100 Am I doing that? 107 00:07:28.300 --> 00:07:34.000 Or Jane is a woman who had been through much in life who was 108 00:07:34.000 --> 00:07:38.300 struggling who was a broken person and who was living out that 109 00:07:38.300 --> 00:07:42.500 brokenness in many ways with her and with her children. Where there 110 00:07:42.500 --> 00:07:46.200 were times where it was easier just to see her walking through the 111 00:07:46.200 --> 00:07:49.900 building and go back to the office and close the door because I had 112 00:07:49.900 --> 00:07:51.700 something more important to do. 113 00:07:55.000 --> 00:07:59.800 Humbling opportunity for self-reflection when we look at words such as 114 00:07:59.800 --> 00:08:03.300 this. Now I will say there is a good appropriate time and place for 115 00:08:03.300 --> 00:08:03.500 this. 116 00:08:03.500 --> 00:08:07.700 I also would recommend don't do it very much because it can easily 117 00:08:07.700 --> 00:08:12.500 lead to beating yourself up, which is also not the best practice. 118 00:08:15.200 --> 00:08:17.700 Because in the end it comes back to the question. 119 00:08:19.200 --> 00:08:22.900 What were the scribes and Pharisees missing? 120 00:08:24.400 --> 00:08:29.200 What do we miss when we're pointing the fingers at others? 121 00:08:29.200 --> 00:08:33.200 What do we miss when we look through this and start to point in 122 00:08:33.200 --> 00:08:35.600 ourselves at what we may be missing? 123 00:08:37.000 --> 00:08:38.600 What is missing? 124 00:08:39.799 --> 00:08:44.800 What is the warning that we need to heed in a situation like this? 125 00:08:48.600 --> 00:08:51.900 And that might be where the appropriate question to ask ourselves is. 126 00:08:54.300 --> 00:08:59.400 What is it that the scriptures are given to point us toward? 127 00:09:03.300 --> 00:09:05.800 They point us toward God. 128 00:09:07.100 --> 00:09:10.100 And for the scribes and Pharisees that seems like as they were 129 00:09:10.100 --> 00:09:14.800 pointing not only to God but to the Messiah to the one that God had 130 00:09:14.800 --> 00:09:20.100 promised would come. And so when Jesus is speaking these words he is 131 00:09:20.100 --> 00:09:24.400 saying it because they are missing the one who has come the one to 132 00:09:24.400 --> 00:09:24.600 whom 133 00:09:24.600 --> 00:09:28.900 all the scriptures have pointed and they are completely missing him. 134 00:09:31.000 --> 00:09:36.400 He's standing in front of them. these students of the scriptures who 135 00:09:36.400 --> 00:09:37.100 are also the 136 00:09:37.200 --> 00:09:40.700 teachers of the scriptures should have been the ones who looked at 137 00:09:40.700 --> 00:09:45.900 Jesus and said there is the one who God has been preparing for us. 138 00:09:49.200 --> 00:09:51.500 Jesus is the one that they were missing. 139 00:09:54.700 --> 00:09:55.500 And for us 140 00:09:56.600 --> 00:10:01.000 whatever our role may be here at this place and as part of this 141 00:10:01.000 --> 00:10:01.300 community. 142 00:10:03.700 --> 00:10:07.100 We also as students of the scriptures 143 00:10:08.900 --> 00:10:10.900 need to be pointed back to that one 144 00:10:10.900 --> 00:10:14.100 who is the point of the scriptures. 145 00:10:15.400 --> 00:10:19.700 You search the scriptures because you believe that in them you have 146 00:10:19.700 --> 00:10:20.300 eternal life. 147 00:10:20.300 --> 00:10:23.700 They are that which point to me. 148 00:10:29.400 --> 00:10:30.700 So are these pointing 149 00:10:31.800 --> 00:10:34.700 back to Jesus for you this day. 150 00:10:37.200 --> 00:10:42.200 As you hear those words not only the great words from Psalm 46 because 151 00:10:42.200 --> 00:10:46.600 those are easy to see where they point to Jesus but even words like 152 00:10:46.600 --> 00:10:49.000 Jesus words here to the scribes and the Pharisees. 153 00:10:49.000 --> 00:10:52.200 Are they pointing you back to the one 154 00:10:53.000 --> 00:10:54.400 who has suffered for you? 155 00:10:55.800 --> 00:10:58.900 Are they pointing you back to the one who is the point of the 156 00:10:58.900 --> 00:10:59.400 scripture? 157 00:10:59.400 --> 00:11:01.600 The one who was crucified for you. 158 00:11:01.600 --> 00:11:05.700 The one who rose from the dead for you. The one who has ascended into 159 00:11:05.700 --> 00:11:09.500 heaven for you and who sits at the right hand with all of God's 160 00:11:09.500 --> 00:11:10.700 authority and power. 161 00:11:13.200 --> 00:11:15.700 On a day like today that's something we need to remember. 162 00:11:16.600 --> 00:11:21.000 Not only as we hear words like this, but also as we see people 163 00:11:21.000 --> 00:11:23.700 contesting for authority and power. 164 00:11:26.000 --> 00:11:26.700 To be reminded 165 00:11:28.600 --> 00:11:31.600 that God points us right back to Jesus. 166 00:11:33.700 --> 00:11:36.900 The Jesus who draws you to himself. 167 00:11:38.900 --> 00:11:43.900 May that be where these words point you this day. In His holy name. 168 00:11:43.900 --> 00:11:44.100 Amen. 169 00:11:45.200 --> 00:11:48.700 I invite you now to stand as you are able as we join in our office 170 00:11:48.700 --> 00:11:50.100 Canticle the Benedictus